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A popular but controversial user.

Total topics: 174

Shila has made several insulting and aggravating posts to users,  that it the trolling style of this user (who sometimes identifies as female but on profile has 'unknown' as gender).

The moderation team have assumed she/they is/are a bot based solely on a rumour. The user interacts in ways that imply 100% sentience and human capacity to interpret things. Shila has even referred to profile pics on profiles in a way that only an extremely advanced AI could infuse into the banter she/they is/are employing.

Shila is wrongly muted and if I were the site president right now, I would be opposing this ban (which may be coming) or mute (at present) as wrong reasoning.

The correct reason to handle Shila is that the user's posts are consistently designed to aggravate other users to severe levels whereby the only way out is to ignore the user.

To prove Shila is not a bot, another aspect to the trolling which is a problematic habit only a human could have is that even if you've blocked her, she/they will quote you and reply to you, proving that it's a human as a bot would be unable to post to the forums since blocking 'backfires' the send button if @ing the user.
115 27
Look at the reality we are in. Think hard who is rewarded more. God can't be a worship hungry narcissist, it must be another psyche-type of deity.
57 10
Banned at user request. Sad day everyone.
13 10
October Octagon Octopus
November Nonagon
December Decagon Decathlon

10 5
I saw a video of those that did the massacre swollen in agony beaten to a pulp, I hope they're rinsed dry of any capacity to not experience hell before going.

I don't understand why this isn't standard practise to do to massacre doers any and everywhere and frankly to many criminals.

It's not as extreme as cut the fingers off a thief but I can completely get behind what happened to them.

If I ran a country (legal disclaimer: I don't own an country this is all a fantasy) and you massacred my people, I'd make you wish you weren't born. Not others for me but me personally with them. I don't understand what's wrong about this approach if you know for sure it's them and they did something this bad. They shouldn't be allowed to not hate every second of their existence left other than to be the lull between their hell.

I have waited some time to express this opinion in a way that doesn't make me get on a blacklist but if so, so be it. The opportunity arrived. Intelligence agencies will either agree with me on this or hypocritically do this to me, so it's a win-win.
20 4

GP wasn't dumb. Austin was in a position where he naturally would end up voting a scum member regardless and thought GP was dumb for voting the scummier one.

Pie was actually throwing at first on purpose for me to win the vote-off but as soon as we realised Austin wasn't bodyguard and that Austin sussed me more, we decided to make it an equal fight to the end.

The slips from Pie were authentic, he was barely paying attention until part way through DP2. I picked up on his slip @ing me, I read Earth's interactions as PR hiding in the background, I led a lot of this game in ways you don't realise but Pie was a very skilled partner and played the bus relationship off in a decently skilled manner but do not insult, degrade or assume GP fucked up hard other than outing what he did.

Mafia were not sent PMs without roles, we were sent PMs with 0 role descriptions, I asked Wylted to give an idea what he sent to town as in did he sent more, he didn't answer me and told me 'you win with town, link to game' type reply. I never ever would have guessed he didn't mean he sent the role on top of that to the vanillas. Scum couldn't have guessed that, it was insane.

I played well, Pie played well, GP didn't play well but read in a far more rational way than Austin did. Austin assumed I'd ever in a million years buddy my partner that hard that obviously, I'd only do that as a double bluff to experienced users who'd assume I never would.

Joebob's reasoning for voting me was ridiculous, Pie and I both were so utterly confused.

GG guys, you got wrecked. Admit it. Do not blame GP. Do not just get furious. You got demolished and Austin is also to blame as he didn't properly stick to his guns saying Pie and I were bussing each other. He blamed GP as a cop-out for his own mess up randomly assuming GP buddying me and vice versa meant we were scum together (who would be that obvious? lmao).

7000Series LVP
Other than me, Pie MVP.
Forum games
16 5
Anyone can criticise and judge, not anyone can outdo.

I wish to showcase how I would have done Pro's Round 1. This isn't about an ego trip, it's about showing that I am not just degrading and criticising without knowing what could be done instead, lacking the flaws.

Learn. Improve.


I just want you to know, you're already dead,
No, I know you died already but I've written what you've said,
You're a zombie on a clock, and if you're not yet filled with dread, let me clarify, this entire rap battle is a path my writing led,
You can talk about your grandiose suicide plans, text me while in bed,
I'll listen and seduce you, write a text back in my death note as you wait desperate, left on read.

You think you're a mastermind or something,
You're a narcissistic sociopath, I'm your psychopath cousin,
Trust me, fuck off with the fronting,
You're just bitter, angry, longing for the day your revenge cures you of your perpetual state of wanting,
I kill to rid the world of evil, free demons from haunting,
You kill children just to prove a point, left on read there's no responding.

You're jealous of the royalty so you take it on yourself to be a hitman,
"My peasant family's poor so spoil me!" you shriek, little hitboy, just a kid, damn,
I guess you had a point killing youngsters, round your neck I've gripped with athletic hands,
I play tennis, run and more, you're just a chess nerd, skinny stickman.
Artistic expressions
3 3
This is for computer, not for phone.

Because it's so severe that it makes it last even when tabbing out of the website, it tricked me to think my screen had a defective pixel and get used to it.

For the entire time I quit the site the problem never recurred even once. I would consistently use jscreenfix to fix the pixel. It does at least make it less harshly red after some time.

I believed this pixel was totally broken on my end, yet for the first time since I quit the site, I open a few days now and suddenly that red pixel is back. I don't understand how it does it, it's even if it's tabbed out or on the left side of my screen away from the pixel.
15 4
You are allowed to post on this no matter what, as long as you obey the following rules:

1) You do not debate topics inside this actual thread, instead you create a thread or debate instead that you're welcome to link to here.
2) If you dislike a topic perhaps finding it irritating, comedic or offensive, you either keep it to yourself or discuss it privately with others. No drama here about things.
3) You keep topics suggested within site rules and not veiled attacks against particular members.
4) You state whether your intent is to debate it, which side you prefer to debate and/or whether you want to vote on it. If you would only debate/vote if it's within a certain range of characters or time-away-from now, feel free to specify that.

This is a very obvious solution I am sure many regular debaters and voters have thought 'should' exist but didn't really make happen yet. I am not some 'genius' for this, it is just going to become an official thread where willing and eager voters meet willing and eager debaters so that debaters can engage on topics at times when the voters interested in those topics are available to vote, without needing it to be 'judge debate' format that has to be unrated or any other such complication.

You should stick to topics that count as Rated debates. No 'rap battles between' or such things here. This is designed to help actual quality debating increase here since the main reason it doesn't is that debaters including me get faster 'burnout' as we realise most debates come down to either a lazy vote or someone 'saving' the other debater from the lazy vote etc.

Please do not say you are interested in a topic here, just for the sake of 'sparking ideas'. This is to be actual topics that if you saw them debated, you'd either engage with as a debater or as a voter (or both).
29 11
The following are a series of bullet points that really are linked thoughts.
  • At present it would appear...
  • he gets away with his name being saved from you putting in the moderation log the real reason he was banned
  • because he 'asked for it'
  • also I need to know if under the rules him asking for it means he can make an alt
  • or if he's permanently banned

There are 2 fundamental issues, ignoring my own aggrievances here.

The issues are:
  1. All users that are permanently banned cannot legally make alts here and almost no member here other than Death23 with doxxing threats has deserved a permaban as much as Lancelot has.
  2. All banishments of users require the real reason(s) to be displayed, whether or not the users asked for it if that includes other reasons. On their profiles and to the userbase via the moderation log.
I am unclear on if on a technicality he's evaded justice and is allowed to make alts like all other users who self-request bans are permitted. What I am clear on is that we the people of DART and I personally ought to know if this absolutely sadistic and vile bully is banned for good or not. I have endured quite enough abuse, he has essentially told me that I'm worthless and to hate myself and off myself and gone through votebombing and other things to achieve that goal, goading me to feel insane or idiotic for thinking he was doing those things to me. I ought to at the very least have the justice of seeing his name have the genuine violations he committed on his profile and told to all.

There is no reason not to do so at all, it's not cleaner, better or more justified, it just makes members confused, frustrated and/or ill-informed regarding a major moderation decision here.
16 7
Needless to say, Islamic social values AKA Sharia values are in direct violation and opposition of liberal ones much more often than they clash with conservative ones.

Both sides can feel free to answer, including people who believe Islam is a religion of peace. Educate us, tell us about how much more you know about Islam than those afraid of it.
182 11

Trump is the greatest, to hate him is defeatist,
Why you bitter 'bout the mean guy? He's gotta be cutthroat to elitists,
Born into wealth, profiting off inheritance, his aura screams good work ethic and 'realness',
He's only joking when he talks about molesting women,he's got that well-disciplined penis,
He's so loyal, wife is spoiled, as in all 3 of them and of course he hires strippers but his zipper's fastened and he aint seen tits,
He's so good at managing businesses that he intentionally had 13 fumbles to seem humble as he professes he's a genius.

Why wouldn't we all back a guy that provoked World War 3 twice or three times in a term?
North Korea and Iran are shitholes that he ought to burn,
What's the matter if blood splatters? He's a badass and they'll learn,
We're the US, after all and he has a Jew-blessed stash of objects that he earned.
5 2

I think there's issues with his delivery at times. I think he is too good at times such that his voice and headachey flow just don't hit you right in flow with the music. This is why he will never be GOAT rapper for me but at lyrics themselves,

FUCK he can murder the beat and mic and opponent in any matchup. Eminem should shit himself if vs Apathy.
Artistic expressions
9 2
If you are going to be very realistic here about the mentality of being a conservative that is homophobic, transphobic etc or isn't that but believes it should be shut up about and done behind closed doors, you would typically hear or imagine them saying (in their own heads at least):

"These fucking ABC blablabla alphabet soup types, just shut up, we got the gays and the lesbians leave it at that."

They resent the complexity and often assert that it should either have stopped at B or T.

The I stands for intersex people who were previously forced to either blend in with their gender (they almost always try to appear female because often the body of any intersex person is closer to female as that's the template of a fetus, if you didn't know, it's why cis men/boys have nipples and why the penis head and forskin is based upon the clitoris becoming the head and the lingering labia around it becoming the foreskin).

Intersex people have the absolutely psychologically irrefutable and biologically indisputable struggle of coming to terms with not fitting in with either gender. That's because they literally are not either sex fully. At times, there are girls/women with a lot of androgen that quality as I despite being XX but even then you would understand if we lacked hormone treatment, what they would feel and go through being extremely masculine, having brutally heavy periods and other problems as a result of not being hormonally feminine enough to match their sex, not just gender in that case.

If you are confused what I just said, Intersex can indeed mean the XXY chromosome type and others like that but they are only 0.02% of the human population or so it is estimated. Instead, often there is an extension of XX humans that were extremely high male-hormone (androgen, one androgen is testosterone but cis women produce a different androgen as they lack testes, yes even very feminine women produce some androgen, it's how their muscles aren't so floppy and bone aren't too extremely soft nor brittle etc).

Generally a man who was femme never qualified as intersex until either due to emergency surgery or significant anomaly, his testicles didn't function as they should and he really starts to look and seem physiologically emasculated to a significant degree that harms his strength and wellbeing.

Intersex struggle was the most objectively irrefutable of all of them, yet it only got put in recently. From start of humanity to now, intersex people have been bullied, felt weird and had significant struggles trying to feel that they belong with the pronouns and gender they're assigned.

They are also the primary reason that the hormones trans people take advantage of now with their treatments, exist at all. They developed the hormones to treat intersex people and regulate their hormone levels.
12 5
I will like to discuss Trans-Exclusionary Revolutionary Feminism (TERF refers to the feminist who believes in this).

It is a very taboo topic these days if you want to survive as a left-winger and I could get cancelled for just typing this no doubt. I ask you this, if being a woman means nothing more than slapping on make-up, having hormones and saying 'I am a woman' then what is the struggle that Feminism is fighting against? If a woman can take hormones, present butch and then say 'I am a man' then is all her struggle as a female beforehand negated in the eyes of affirmative action quotas and other such official measures taken to safeguard females against sexism?

At this point in time, most of the T under LGBT as well as the Q under LGBTQ have found harmony with most feminists because they share many common enemies politically but the volcanic eruption will come at some point, JK Rowling has already clashed with Hermione's actress Emma Watson (Watson on the cancelling side, Rowling on the TERF side). This is a real clash, a genuine complete battle of viewpoints.

I am not being transphobic, I am being what we can call trans-skeptical here. If I tell you tomorrow that I am a woman, did I grow up with all the setbacks in my life that a girl who becomes a woman had? If yes then feminism is defeated, if no then transgenderism has limitations that need to be concrete and admitted.

Remember, feminism fought sexism not genderism, it's very important to understand that lexicality as it's not just 'playing with semantics'. I have no issue with a male acting feminine or a female acting masculine, as long as the true sex is able to be something discussed and known. There will come a true clash eventually and I am quite curious which side of the battle that the Conservative right-wing will join.
47 14

Will you have the courage to pinpoint say your stance?

There is one member of site leadership I have in mind that ought to speak. Is it time to have the debate?
58 15
For me, it's annoying and really is pointless. I need to know the level to where I don't live under a rock but beyond that it seems that being too educated politically only hurts my social skills. People don't give a shit about it or those that do hate if you argue them and don't agree with them. What the fuck was the point of learning it all then?

Whether this shill or that shill is in charge, I will just adapt and find a way not to perish.
11 8
Perhaps a referendum on what a president even is and can vs cannot do?

Perhaps shorter terms than 1 year?

Open to any ideas.
38 10
I didn't want to return but this isn't exactly a 'relapse' of any kind. I am also busier irl these days and unlike Badger and Wylted (oh dear this will be a multiple 'callout' thread maybe? It really isn't) I don't need to 'flex' it. I have always had things going on irl, I set time aside for this website as it was my passion. I did this to be called a leech by some in my absence, with theories on which new account(s) I am, all of which were wrong as I didn't use the website other than as a lurker every 2-3 days.

I do not love DART, I love debating. That said, it doesn't detract from the dismay I feel at the best 1v1 text-based platform that was DDO diminishing to this over time. Badger's new 'tyranny tirade' is just an exaggerated form of everything I apparently stood for that Wylted stood vehemently against in the first election and which (s)he strawmanned me to support. What I actually stood for was stopping direct abuse such as from certain individuals Wylted (PREZ-HILTON) herself (profile says female) has hinted at.

The reason I came back was not the baiting Wylted did, which seems weird to even bait. I didn't try to login to PREZ-HILTON at all and there is outright lying happening about the site security since password resets are fully functional, perhaps it sends to the junk/spam folder of Wylted's Outlook email account (the one she shared with us).

I am unsure what people think I'd say or where I'd stand. It seems everybody presumed I'd be like Wylted and Badger. I told you all from the start, I am pro-freedom, Wylted is not. If you think that was just pretty words, you're wrong. This website has been a shithole just like DDO was. The Weekly Stupid was cyberbullying, it's just most of those he mocked were people who never watched the show so there was no conflict. I don't want to dig shit up or go into how much of a bully that individual was as it is not about him. It is about DDO and the culture. There was a locker-room high school bullying culture that's returning here and has always been here as an undercurrent.

This begins to propel itself and even I give in to the toxicity because it's impossible to be immune to unless you totally disengage from the website. Every change Wylted did to the CoC with the recent MEEP makes it harder to both protect our freedoms as users and for mods to justify actions they make. It leaves everything far murkier. That is linked to the fact the mods themselves are very murky-minded at the moment about everything, just look at the wishy washy waffling Barney and Whiteflame are dishing out about where they stand on this, it's pathetic.

I literally can promise you this; if I were president, this entire series of events would have been handled differently behind the scenes. Oromagi through to Whiteflame and me as President would have a united front as all things would have been negotiated and consensus reached. Oromagi indeed picked one of the most cringe things to propel this, BK clearly shouldn't be banned for that. I warned Whiteflame in private where this was heading. I knew it was a mistake for Oromagi to be posting that thread and that they had to come out ahead of it.

I feel pain and dismay at this website's state. Right now, the problem isn't just the politics or society subforums, it's also Badger and Wylted themselves. Do you think the way they carry themselves is how members should? No. Badger is talking about big muscles and big dick and jokes about Kaitlyn being adopted while Kaitlyn retaliates digging up in allegations and I am not saying she is in the wrong for that, what I am saying is both have been that way for a long time.

Coal and Danielle were pillars of the DDO community, the one Wylted and Badger glorify as does Barney.

This is how they carry themselves in DART:

This is exactly how DDO was. Wish it was still online but I'd have to dig deep to the days such behaviour was commonplace. After all on day 1 of DART the likes of... Actually there's too many to name to that saves me calling anybody out. It was toxic from day 1.

I know exactly what the right moves to make are. If Wylted is seriously leaving and wants me to return, (s)he should give me the presidency, Idc that I only get half a term. I am still eligible for reelection regardless as Wylted doesn't get it's a 2-term limit not 1-term, the restriction is if you served more than 1 before, not more than 1 including the one you run in.

I am happy to be in the moderator chat as a bystander of no official rank whatsoever on a trial run. I am unsure why anybody here trusted Wylted over me but they did. Do what you want, I am tired of begging. I just had to get this off my chest as I agree with the issues of the website and how ugly it looks to others, it's what I've been saying for so many god damn years.
55 14
The Tournament ended with blamonkey winning/losing against me which I am now happy/sad about as it means that I can/cannot bring this up without sounding narcissistic. (note to self: edit later) My problem does not stem from the lack of glory and announcement surrounding the tournament ending, it stems from a complete lack of Wylted following through on his singular campaign promise: getting DART popular AF. 

He is just seasonally fortunate, the months that lead into the Northern Hemisphere's Summer and Spring type months are linked to more activity on debate forums. I don't even fully understand why what with exams and all but this has been consistent and I've 'been around' sites like this for a while. 
The fact is that perhaps the only person who got people to join more to DART was me with my convincing half my school’s debate club to join, it may have garnered some attention (this is something I readily let myself know I was doing, I even told myself, so don't accuse me of stalking me). 

I see badger trying, Wylted flaking, Pie 100% flaking and around 40% of Wylted voters (or more actually) are basically dead af to the website whereas those that voted RM are almost all active here. 
The thing is I don't care about that ^, I was unwilling to vote Wylted until things happened later on making me respect his character again (from what I thought about him vs his promise to thinking it about him again). 
There has not even been any feedback from Wylted during the Best.Korea warnings making him leave the site. We have seen nothing at all where Wylted defends or even makes a post acting as the balancing power to the moderators. 
It makes you wonder if he even understands his role. It doesn't matter if he agrees with the bans, he should be publicly defending and making speeches about both sides, primarily focused on being a defendant to the user. 

However, I decided to post this to generate some legitimate discussion over two things: 

1. Wylted’s extended inactivity from this site (over 20 days now) 

2. His lack of following through on campaign promises - he promised to promote DART on social media, create content on other sites, change election standards, create a DART university, etc. His entire platform was based on getting DART popular and shaking things up. None of this has happened.

Thoughts? Although this thread is a joke, I feel like we might be heading towards another year of an inactive president... 

40 13
It was fun while it las-
na, it was stressful and addictive.

But fuck me, it was an emotional journey few can fathom a simple tiny website could give you. This trained my brain in multiple ways. Thanks for that.

Wylted, you are a prick I have no respect for but I was truly outplayed by you in that election by your slimeball dogshit strategy and I thank you for humbling me. You are a force to be reckoned with not because you are smart but because you see things others don't, you see logic where others see chaos and mystery. You must have had an interesting brain to experience in life, fellow madman.

Barney, you are the true alpha male of this website, even Wylted knows it and is working well with you I see.

The rest of you were not worth mentioning, know that and earn your relevance. Good luck.
28 21
If you compare Java to its rivals within its own family of object-oriented programming, such as C# there is nothing that is more sensible, straightforward or compact in java than in C# (including making edits later on in the coding).

It is fucking STUPID!

If you now compare Java to non-object-oriented languages like Python... Wow, Java is blatantly shit.

Whoever thought Java is a sensible language has no idea how to strategise a coding language where you don't declare all variable fields at the start and don't need to change the code in 2-3 different places every damn time you want to make a single, minor alteration.

How can Java still be lasting when C-languages thwart it at its own game?
51 12
Quite the candidate we had going. I wonder how the site president he dropped put to endorse is going to help.

This is not really calling out the user, I am curious what all his endorsers would say to defend their choice.

He said he is for freedom of speech and used threats of doxxing and direct defamation to pressure a user into silence.

Idgaf if this thread gets locked or not. I want to say this.

9 7


I will be happy to quote and paste my Round 1 here when it's done to aid this thread's evolution. I've posted something similar a couple times before, people seem to never catch my position so it's time to lay it all out. Juicy rating to take from me if you think the topic is easy for Con.
7 4
I do not mind it if a guy is feminine but I think I get how gay guys feel about lesbians going at it in front of them and maybe even straight sex, it really is offputting to me to see gay stuff.

If I see two men really going at it, it makes me involuntarily feel like if I see something yucky or ate really sour, bitter food unless I work to hide the look on my face. I wondered if this means I am a homophobe or just too hetero to enjoy it.
10 9
You cannot possibly have a good god enabling all the bad things, it doesn't possibly work. You're either wilfully lying or too stupid to follow, any prophet who says this is corrupt.
32 14
I will give my own description in a later post, I can't be bothered for now because I've already proved enough for those who know me to know I'll make it entertaining.
44 18

That is also why you seem to need people like Trump and Biden, you have nothing better to do on either side of the fucking aisle than worry about everything you stand against instead of what you stand for.

People going hehe what about this omg Biden failed this, Trump has been arrested for barely any crimes he committed hehehehe. I know Trump was a collosal fuckup and a dirtbag but why focus on that? Focus on who you want in power and how well they are doing instead. Every thread on the Internet about politics is pretty much waaa waaa this is what we don't want and this is who we don't like.

I am no different, I don't like people and stand against things too but start to ask yourself why you're so pressed about it. People always debate 'against' but why not debate *for*. You have people on the 'liberal' side here being absolutely asinine bullies to many and even relishing in alienating them by calling them 'dummy' and worse. You have similar from the right wing, enjoying the agitation they cause people with their punk-ass threads.

This isn't how it should be, I just know that much. Politics should be argued from the side you believe in for the cause you believe in. Why are you so hung up on your enemies and their flaws? Worry about your own strengths and flex it, then perhaps work on the flaws in your political outlook if you notice a logical fallacy or imperfection.

29 10
Just curious to see how they defend the war criminal. I except whataboutism.
19 10
If you support blackmailing anti-vaxxers to let their children be vaccinated if not they themselves and support repercussions for their delusion running against scientific 'fact' then what about the 'fact' biologically of an individual being male or female?

People who say it's gender and not biological sex are inherently lying unless they are talking of queers instead of trans people. Transwomen take oestrogen and even may cut off their penis all to mimic the sex, not the behavioural gender, that is female and womanly and vice versa with transmen and testosterone and/or other androgens (testosterone isn't the only masculine hormone for mammals, just the most known one).

If you support blackmailing people to believe in vaccination regardless of their feelings and need for freedom to be what they are and raise their children with said delusions (according to you, it's delusions anyway) then how can you support transgender pronouns leading to hate crime fines and career-ruining repercussions just the same? These are opposite examples of tyranny, right? One is for science, the other completely ignores science.

If you wish to turn this around on anti-vaxxers, the difference is not all anti-vaxxers support banning the right of one to act like a sissy man or butch woman whatsoever, it is the blackmailing of them using certain pronouns and ignoring the fact of one's biological sex they have issue with. They also believe scientifically that there is reason to be against vaccination, even if their science is flawed they believe it's scientific.
56 11
The newest update ignores sacred MEEPs and undermines democracy on DART.

A noob should only need 2 rated debates to vote and 0 unrated debates to debate rated.

5???? They need to complete 5 unrated debages to even begin to debate rated. Even I would just do low valye trash debates to meet that quota
 Welcome to the new DART, unpleasant and undemocratic.

I am happy I lost that election, I am probably quitting soon, we have no real engagement between noobs and experienced debaters possible anymore.
58 13
Surpassed my expectations in every regard. Total. Fucking. Masterpiece. 

spoiler warning

Feminism in its raw, ferocious form but not hating the men that are good. Black pride in its purest, unadultered, undeniably visceral and justifiable form, the way it makes you feel their rage, to actually comprehend how they felt a release way beyond freedom and safety as they killed and beat the shit out of the white and black slavers alike is built up to in the best way possible.

Seriously proper spoiler warning

When she kills her former rapist in front of their illegitimate daughter who she is not sure is even safe at that point, just that she is alive and is a traded slave probably... the scene is something so fucking powerful words cannot do it justice.

Acting 10, cinematography 10, FUCK it was Amazing, I was ready to cringe at some things or find it too predictable but the flow of scenes was so peculiar in a great way. You had no idea what mood or pace the next scene would have. The accents were done so accurate.
Show business
48 7
All of us that are high-up climbed there primarily by noobsniping or even if we didn't we climbed in a far more liberal rating era and environment. If this update is to actually stop people climbing by noobsniping, the only way to do that is to completely reset the entire rating system to 1.5k for all (or whatever the new seed for default rating is).
51 14
I used to, as a child/teen always think the saying referred to quitting while one was ahead at something. The idea being eventually we all get our bad game, rainy day etc and pushing our luck is asking for disaster.

However, having now had experience at gambling and seeing a different context for the saying even in other scenarios outside of gambling, I am seeing truth in those who would wrongly quote it as quitting when one is already behind, to avoid further problems and harsher downswings.

What I cannot seem to get to the bottom of is if it just that I was raised with the 'ahead' variant being normal or if it really is the original.
4 4
There are many medium IQ women, you may go 'oh duh there's also many medium IQ men'... Actually, not quite as many at all.

IQ has a fairly large genetic component, and some of the genes involved are x-linked. What that means is that men (at least, men with XY chromosomes) have only one copy of them, whereas women (those with XX) have two. The genetic aspects of intelligence are an interplay of all those genes and they tend to “average out” in the sense that extreme highs and lows of intelligence depend on getting the “best” or “worst” versions of each gene across all the genes and copies.
Women, with two X chromosomes, get more copies of some genes, which means they are less likely to get an extreme in either direction. Men only have one copy of some genes, so the chance of an extreme combination is higher. As a result, while the mean IQ for men and women is generally similar, men have a higher standard deviation and so a wider spread of values with more men in the extreme high and extreme low scores, on average.

Men are more diverse than women are in most things other than fashion.

If you even include fashion and focus on fashion that's natural (as in natural hair on face, natural way of toning one's body, natural posture variation) men again have more variation than women. There is something both genetic and social that leads to males growing up more stratified than women and it makes a lot of sense if you think of the role they played while we evolved but why it's maintained in spite of feminism is that women don't have a reason to want to fight it, if anything men might.

So, over time, the need for women to bet the social gel and 'supporters' hasn't reduced, they don't tend to want hyper-specialised roles in anything (I said tend to, not any hard and fast rule here at all). They support 'jack of all trades' type work in a professional setting and the best at any specialty is typically a male, across the board outside of the arts and perhaps live interpretation/translation as these accentuate female lateral thinking intelligence which is able to dip in and out of various subjects at once and such.

I am going to now shift into what the title of this thread is.

The title of this thread is about high value women and high value men. I believe firmly there are more very high value men than very high value women out there and more very low value men that are completely undesirable to all straight women and even gay men than the inverse (low value women).

The reason I believe this is just as true there as with IQ is that men who are unappealing tend to embrace it in ways even the most ardent 'I'm an independent woman, fuck the patriarchy' women don't really branch away from. All women want to feel beautiful, all women want to feel desired (not sexually necessarily but I mean their presence desired). There exist men that have 0 intention at all of feeling desired, they don't lash out in response to it, they just totally lack the care for socialisation altogether.

If you think I'm being unfairly sexist, why is it you can find me plenty of male hermits totally satisfied with their completely solitary life but you probably can find me precisely zero female equivalents?

The reason is that women all actively want to be wanted, so this firstly explains why the extreme 'low value' end tends to 'correct themselves' to some degree with adapting their accent, makeup etc. I am not saying 0% are low value and happy being it, I am saying the percent is severely low and those that are find other ways to be wanted. Since I do believe only males exist that have no desire to be wanted and desired, I think that this means that women who are severely low value even if dedicated to die single and totally satisfied with their sex toys or totally asexual, tend to unintentionally 'correct' their behaviour and looks as their life progresses simply out of an involuntary urge to feel wanted and seen as beautiful.

This, however, does not explain the other end of this sexist idea. Why are there more extremely high value males than the equivalent in females? This is a much harsher truth and if you deny it that's totally fine. I am here to be proven wrong even.

When men are high value, they tend to develop an ego relating to it. Women do the same thing but the problem is this leads to them involuntarily acting less feminine and less high value in a womanly way. If you, for instance, imagine a woman that's super fit, super good looking, has high empathy and despite said empathy is not some humble pushover in the slightest and knows her worth in the dating market, is she going to operate in a feminine or masculine way? Of course, she will operate like a male player does and the problem is even she doesn't mean to do that. She wants to feel in over her head with a man that is too good to be true that grounds her and makes her feel fulfilled being his feminine, supportive nurturer. She wants to have fun with him, let him take the lead and entertain her, guide her and be the light in her life as she tries her best to fuel said flame and enjoy its burn. This is what she wants but to be that and realise she is one of the most desired flame-fuellers around is a major problem.

This problem in human beings stems from the fact that we are one of the only animals, not just mammals but all animal species in the entire animal kingdom other than insects and invertibrae to have more typically expected beauty and desirability from our females than our males. If you think I'm bullshitting, imagine for a moment the typical female of any ethnicity. Now, imagine the typical male of that same ethnicity. You don't need to be very bisexual to realise that the women is almost definitely appealing while the man you imagined was not only harder to imagine but also hard to pinpoint because a lot of things about a guy that is preferred makes him atypical. In contrast, I want you to imagine a female dog (not a pun) of whatever breed you like the most, now imagine a male dog of that same breed. Almost everything in the male will be more defined and easier to pinpoint as striking, majestic, alluring, whereas the female has probably got the more 'background character' look. In humans the typical male is very varied to begin with and the average almost barely exists. Typical females exist within every ethnicity and excluding the variation in skin tone specifically and hair colouring variance, you can generally imagine 'her' with ease because enough females actually try to fit that or end up fitting that.

If I am confusing you on what the fuck I am saying, I want you to stick to very easy species like lions, peacocks or gorillas. In lions and gorillas the males are very defined, the females are very undefined. You can easily imagine a very 'male' gorilla and what that entails, same with lion and in other species it's still true (other than humans) but the females of those species are more close to each other very extremely even. The reason this is important to understand is that while that's true in humans under my theory, what's different is that females try so much more to be beautiful and high value in the first place.

Female donkeys are not fighting hard to impress the males, it's always the other way around. Humans have the competition work both ways around and actually end up with males going after the females that impress them most often enough that the term 'simp' for all other species (except insects and invertibrae) would refer to the females but for humans was aimed at males. In summary, most, not all, women can only be so high value among our species before they push over into being the masculine lion/silverback-gorilla type in their aura rather than the feminine being seeking to fuel the flame that I referred to before. Peacocks, lions and gorillas make it much clearer what exactly I am saying here.

The problem then becomes if you have a very high value woman, only she can bear the child so in polyamory that has 1 apex female and many males, it doesn't work like insects or rats can work, the reason is that our women have 1 child and it's a very demanding process even after the pregnancy. That means only for the sake of 'love' can that operate and if so she's going to have to share the men anyway unless they want to truly swap gender roles or hire babysitters and not really do the parenting. I am not saying relationships revolve around family and children as such but on the basic level of how we make high value mean things for each gender, it does.

A high value male is able to push to be apex more often than the equivalent in female because the way he carries himself, the cockiness, steadfastness, self-assuredness etc. if combined with high enough responsibility and empathy such that he isn't a total jackass but just half a jackass who can tone it down for those he's close to enough of the time, is a masculine beast that the women with chemistry could indeed feel fulfilled by. On the other hand, women that push to be high value and succeed end up carrying themselves in a very masculine way as just described and that instantly values them back towards the mean/median (often enough for it to result in a medium-value majority more severe than in men, not all the time but often enough).
21 7
In the 'western cultures' and really most non-Islamic cultures, it's seen as wrong but why?

If they are happy, satisfied and all of that what's the matter? It doesn't matter what you answer, I will make it work out. I admit I haven't exactly yet but trust me things are under way, I will have a wife legitimately (getting one is straightforward with decent EQ towards women developed and honing in the right type for me, in fact it may already have happened, I am not disclosing that and yes she does/would know I am poly and while we 'fall in love' I do/would/did tone down any seeking elsewhere for a few weeks at least) and a girlfriend that to the other 2 of us is a wife but for legal reasons I cannot do that.

I will admit that I don't fancy them fucking and being with other men in that way but I'm not gonna set a 'no male friends' nonsense barrier. Within reason they can even flirt with other guys if that's their nature, what I ask to you is why is this immoral?

You can say 'omg you're taking too many for yourself'. So you'd rather them unfulfilled and in an unhappy marriage just to avoid being single? I just don't get it.

Why is polyamory of a consensual kind, no cheating, all in on it, all regularly communicating and fulfilled looked down upon? 
107 19
I want to sincerely thank all who voted me.

I lost and take the L with dignity despite what things look like.

I want you all to sit and think for a moment, whiteflame, Barney, Supadudz, Austin, Zedvictor (day 1 supporter ❤), Reece101 and FLRW too (from the start 💯). 

You all need to think about what you can do to better this website. Whether you are forum-heavy, debate-heavy or just a lurker who tactically comments. Please ask yourself before you hit the equivalent of 'Send', could you have made it slightly more debate-oriented?

I do not love DART, I like it. I did not love DDO. I am busy/tired rn and cannot type too much and this was exhausting even emotionally just to wonder what the outcome would be and mot let go because we both know, you voters and I, that Wylted probably will treat it as a joke.

I love debating, period. Be as good as me, be better than me, be the best you that you can be for DART. Do not worry about this defeat, I will try and unofficially host tournaments if people will participate. All 19 of you, even you anderwee who I do not recognise. Please contribute, make yourself warriors and flow.

Where we are different to the others lies in us not needing RM. Without Wylted they are just Pie and some trolls that ruined RM winning on a clown platform. Do not be sad, angry or jealous. Be the next candidate, make me want to drop out for you. Make DART grateful as fuck to have you.

I mean this, no matter how cringe it sounds, you have it in you to be a better you than any other member can dream of. Do not hold it back out of cynicism and fear.

Thank you to all of you, even you mr last minute voter for the underdog, weaver, I do not see your vote as a pity-vote at all, I can tell after that I earned it.

We live in a world afraid to debate, bad manners they call our passion. Celebrate your disagreeable nature, be the best you.
23 7
Feel free to listen to this theme tune as you indulge:

I am so sorry for the dull travesty that was Airmax. Let us all take a small moment to bow our heads and mourn how stupid any of us were to consider this corrupt mod out of the shadows that said 'vote me or I ditch you guys'.

Thank you for that moment. Now, is my turn to say sorry for more.

I am sorry DART, I was not the sexy beast the first time around, I was a beta bitch that got toyed with and tossed by Lunatic, Wylted and many others but those 2 spearheaded it from different angles/agendas.

It is time to tell you what the past year taught me and what I have tried to exemplify:

  1. I was an idiot to not accept that freedom of speech is important on a website like this. Of course it is, this is the place where the biggest sins should be doxxing or genuine horrific severity to levels we must censor. I did think that part already but I also implied some things that I've changed on. If we cannot harden our metal against pro-scummy ideas (I mean really scummy), we are weak and I see that what people attracted to this place are is unwilling to stay mentally weak. That's where I went wrong, no more pandering to the pansies, if you're in a bad place mentally get the help you need that's alright.
  2. I was wrong that the mods need much balancing. They don't. Whiteflame is actually very evenhanded and under him, other than a random outburst about 'vote corruption' on a debate where I got threatened and a little drama only he and I and the mods know about when I thought he tried to trick me into getting banned, I like the guy's quiet style of moderation.
  3. I don't think Supadudz is that wise or fit to lead the website in the position he is in. I think honestly I am one of the best contenders here to hold my own against the mods, I think I am now at a much better stage in my relationship with whiteflame and barney at the very least to see eye to eye on matters and talk them down on others and reason with users.
  4. I have learned that I don't care if lose.
I don't care if 3Ru7AL runs against me or not. I was going to campaign harder against that user but I will let the posts, activity level and whatever else speak for themselves.

I want the president position for the following agenda and reasons:

  • Given my shaky history with previous mods, I am not exactly capable of ever setting foot into the mod realm here or being officially anything. I will always be seen as a flight risk and I am, I speak my mind, I am not super tame and that's fine. I want to prove in an actual official capacity (not even been allowed to be a vote mod or forum mod simple low level, despite asking) so I want to be President as a leg-up. You can cringe at this and say 'yeah put that on your resume' but this website and what it stands for is important to me. I literally want to guide online debating as a passion and whatever else if I can. People are so fucking weak, they stick to those that agree to them and like it, that's fine but it's not where people like us can last. We get pushed aside, alienated and having muzzles on our faces. I want to help you breathe free with me. I want to let the troll in you, the madman/madwoman in each of us to meet the rational scientist and yin-yang ourbrains in a way few activities and hobbies other than debating and reasoning itself can do.
  • Aside from a passionate urge to finally become something special here, I currently have a problem. All new members get to interact with me ASAP (for better or worse). I make sure of it. I doubt most of the noobs know who the hell ilikepie or 3ru7al are and there's a reason for that. I am unique, I have an edge and despite being an introvert, I have a way of making everyone in every avenue here notice me and exchange words and thoughts. Yet, when one is in conflict, when one wants to know the rules, they naturally at always led to the mods. If you didn't know, lazy ass Airmax was supposed to be the liaison, the ambassador of even the mods themselves to the people. The President is meant to be that smiley face who can turn grim just as easily to the mods as to a toxic user and discipline both. If anybody here denies I am the most fit person here to be that guy, they are delusional and deserve an Airmaxv2.
  • I am experienced in all areas of the website. Literally look at the stats on the leaderboard, not just Rating. There is no way other than nepotism and double-standard BS to say I am unworthy to be the gel of the website at least for a year (it actually is a 2-year limit, not 1-year Airmax was just disqualified for being so inept and such).
  • I love this website's concept. I don't care about DART, I sure as hell didn't care about DDO. I am not here to shake hands with Mike that's lost faith with it. I want to be in that special Discord with the mods and lead the forge onwards if things go wrong. I am so not here to dig into the past of DDO, Lunatic forced that last time and I took it hook line and sinker, in fact another member brought it up before that. I am saying, my agenda is very simple; online debating gang above all else, my heart belongs to this like a fucking partial meaning of life. There is something about the idea of this actually succeeding, growing and not having any doxxing, cancel culture and that part of sites like Reddit and Quora hitting us that delights me... What if... It could get medium instead of tiny and avoid that drama fest? We will never know. I want to be the asshole, egotistical and mad as I am, to be officially instated as something so when/if things go to shit, I am there with Barney, Whiteflame, Oro and whoever else thinks I'm a loose cannoned fool to ride it out with them. Imagine this grows one day? Imagine us keeping this tiny joke of a fire burning actually becomes a fucking fiesta?
I never cared about DDO but I miss it too... The activity level, the way you could debate so hardcore and know votes would turn up, at least 2 solid tries if you campaigned for it... That was the shit you guys can't fathom... We've lost the magic here, If not for Mike the guy barely interested to be loyal to his promises to revamp and update the site... This would be gone too.

Vote me or throw your vote away, it's that simple.

84 13
We can see the USM is afraid to make a move. Terrified, paralysed and trembling as a Novice and a Madman come for the throne he has rested idle upon for much longer than deserved.

Will the champ make a move or silently wither away? The era of cowards sitting still at the top is soon to be abolished; move or perish, rise or fall that is the way of the competitive debater.

I wonder what would happen if Mike, the admin/owner, introduced Rating decay for every 14 days of debate inactivity muahahaha what would the ex-champs turned timid sideline sitters do?

This is the new era! A new #1 soon, perhaps new #2 above USM.
12 7

One's gotta wonder what pace Supa's doing shit round here,
Campaign on the brain, down a vein seen before like dark striped wood called veneer,
We can only state where we stand so long before we fall,
This election period's growing 7 foot 6 inches far from short but not the cute kinda tall,
People wanna vote, is it happening at all?
Is the history section getting made? What's an untouched spade to a club with music banging wall-to-wall?
Maybe I should stop asking questions never getting answered, hung-up Mike's gone white noise every call,
I'm running to be president on a site that's small and dying; king rat in the gutter with mould blossoming as the wilted fall.

This aint a campaign thread, 'cause the campaign's dead and the plan's lost its heartbeat as the ground of every well-laid plan's stained red,
Where's the passion and the effort? What the hell is going on here, can't a starving site's userbase stay fed?
Too long I put in work for rejection, too long you hoped this would grow, investing time and effort for recessions,
Frankly if it wasn't for the nerds taking it way too serious, this site'd be dead like an oudated expression and that's me being nice instead of saying a metaphor linked to birth or stillborn c-sections,
I wish this could be a lively site that's thriving,
type of site you say 'hey friends in an argument hold it on here, let's dive in',
But it's a slow site that's ebbing away without erosion protection,
Whoever you vote in any given election,
We're on a road of perpetually waiting for a long-lost myth of dot-org perfection.
9 2
This is NOT a callout thread. I am EXPLAINING my stance, this is not a subliminal.


I want my previous supporters, most of whom are either abstaining or heavily considering to vote 3RU7AL due to familiarity, to stay with me here and understand why I've endorsed Airmax1227. I was not 'played' which may make you think there is some kind of game going on, I want you to all fully understand my stance. Ignore all toxicity towards me, ignore the tone or words (don't have to ignore it but just asking you to for this thread) and pay attention to the situation, the platforms and the agendas at play.

Agendas as RM perceives them

RM - Make the site grow by stopping big bans by more gradual intermediary moderation as well as a general 'clean up the site' approach to induce harmony and repel less users away.

Wylted -  Stop RM doing that. Increase freedom, keep the mods in check and push hardcore freedom of speech and expression. Main motive beyond stopping RM is to stop the site dying.

3RU7AL - Push for more quantifiable rules, apply them uniform.

Airmax - Don't give much of a damn clarifying stance on moderation, push for the site to grow incredibly much but only if he wins.

TheHammer - Oppose Airmax for the luls, hey RM I will vote for you in good faith.

Now, I want you to watch something that happens when we analyse these agendas.

There are 3 users trying to stop the site dying:
RM, Wylted and Airmax and based on prior track record from years ago I can tell you that Airmax is equipped to stop a dying debate website from truly dwindling, he was overcome by brutal adspam and lack of admin access to the website. At least that's my understanding.

There are 2 other users;
3RU7AL and TheHammer.

I don't know a politically correct or polite way to say that TheHammer is running as a joke candidate, your vote to TheHammer will be wasted in my opinion, sorry to say it. I based this both on public and private discourse and a bit of knowledge about the user from the past. If I am wrong and Hammer is sincere then I do apologise.

3RU7AL wants to do something that can't be achieved by a President (make qualitative rules become quantifiable) as this is a moderator-only capacity to change. Furthermore, with regards to pushing for the site's popularity or event, I doubt this user will use their powers at all.

This here is a summary of why I unironically and genuinely dropped out to endorse Airmax1227.

I encourage my previous supporters to see this as a necessary evil (that they are appeasing a user who for all intents and purposes will not help the website nearly as much if he loses the presidency and I would go as far as to say it's out of spite).

I do not like Airmax, I respect his ability to make a site stop dying, specifically a debate website. It's that simple.
30 8

I wonder when they'll end the ridicule, it's pitiful,
Understand my presence here's a miracle,
Imagine the site without me in its early days... Got banned and yet my presence remains far from minimal,
Banned first week, was it? Hell, that's how I roll, I'm that antivillain you'll love to hate and hate to need like a fraction that's not simplifiable and vigilantly indivisible,
I'm the one to rise to second place on leaderboards and not even contemplate being chill at all,
I want to climb or teach, a primal beast that's here to stay and try to slay me, David, you'll leave miserable,
This aint biblical, it's Luciferan, I'm a monster that's invincible,
I'm the demon Airmax tried to slay that bided time and prayed DDO would find the fate it did, how spiritual?
I'm the one to block then cry and bitch yet witches know I'm true to all my principles,
Also one they mock and knock off a pedestal, but I stay here at the pinnacle,
Amphibian that regrows my limbs, axolotls fear this salamander when he's near at all,
I'm the one to take the hits and systematically recover, oh so clinical,
Some call me a sad man, others whiny little bitch but I prefer RM the unkillable.
Artistic expressions
42 13
Hope you enjoy your festive fun. Depending on where you are in the world and how you celebrate it (many Europeans celebrate it at the evening of the eve) may it be enjoyable and the food be plentiful. If you're very poor and the food is barely available, that is a great shame.

If you don't celebrate it, that's cool but I don't get this BS 'offense'. Nobody would dare go to Middle East and say 'call your Eid celebrations 'X mubarak' nor would Ramadan ever be renamed 'unislamic fasting'.

Christmas was jacked from Scandinavian Paganism and turned into a Christian festival, enjoy it and if you don't celebrate it either enjoy your excuse for family time this late December or get hyped for New Year's or treat it as any other last week of a month and try to make the most of it.
4 3
I can no longer optimally gamble on noobsniping.

Despite what Oromagi and some say, once you're in the 1800s you gain way too little from wins vs noobs to make the risk vs reward healthy. I can no longer healthily hope to use my level of participation to carry me past a loss here and there. It's just not optimal.

I want regular clashes vs debaters nearer to 1600 than 1500. I will take you up on challenges, let me know. I'll require long Rounds, I want proper, decent clashes that let real life healthily interact with tough debates.

This is going to be beyond anything DDO ever had from any debater. I am going to be doing quality debate after quality debate, 1-week or 2-week Rounds, no mercy, no excuses proper clashing.
24 5
It is time for us to get the site booming. We need to make it appeal fast and risk.

Do you know what people enjoy? Especially women? Good looking websites and i don't just mean good looking guys, women like to go to places good looking women are too and cute reindeer and all of that.

Is this sexist? Guys will join it too but we have a deficit of grown intellectual women who fancy revisiting this over and over again. Let's play the game other website do, we have a nice-looking logo and nice looking design but they take one look at some of the profile pics here and go booooriing.

I WILL MAKE YOU SENSATIONAL, explain your request, I'll give you a profile pic you love.
28 6
Feel free to answer elaborately.

For me, the ability to show backbone to the mods regularly, not aligned in their 'clique' and activity matter most.

I would also say the ability to write well so as to have persuasive power in discussions between president and people he/she/they defend/s and the other mods in the behind-the-scenes stuff matters.
8 6


stop. just stop and think, very very hard.

Which is the default you as a creator would generate in chromosomes?

XX same, nothing new needs to be invented, this being can reproduce automatically via its womb or equivalent and needs no additional being to handle its dualistic chromosomal nature.

XY... competes hardcore to get to reproduce with XX, serves to be disposable meatshield during war and at other times puts in the work hunting and gathering. Can't feel orgasm nearly as deep and well as XX can. Organ is blatantly designed for entry to XX's organ but the reverse is not at all the case, it was built around bearing a child and exit strategy.


which was made for which?

try detectives, let's get it going!!!!!
24 8
Your studies, your life and all of it is materialistic but the way you experience it and endure the hardship isn't.

You are nothing without money, money does not buy happiness, it buys pleasure and freedom. You can be happy but unfree and enduring displeasure with mental discipline, while poor but every fucking choice you make from 16 and up at school and from then on should be geared to getting jobs that pay well, point blank period.

I messed up, don't do what I did. Don't follow your heart, don't go for subjects you aren't already naturally very adept at, stick with your strengths but not the ones that don't have a job down the line. Work your ass off and then be free later.

I did my life wrong, I was true to false principles and am never going to be that rich because of what I did wrong. I don't want to be too rich, I want to be very wealthy and use it to help others, I will never be rich enough to, I messed up. Now that I didn't, I have to sacrifice my freedom and pleasure to gain money to gain freedom and pleasure for many years to come.
27 8