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#DART president

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Total topics: 24

Shila has made several insulting and aggravating posts to users,  that it the trolling style of this user (who sometimes identifies as female but on profile has 'unknown' as gender).

The moderation team have assumed she/they is/are a bot based solely on a rumour. The user interacts in ways that imply 100% sentience and human capacity to interpret things. Shila has even referred to profile pics on profiles in a way that only an extremely advanced AI could infuse into the banter she/they is/are employing.

Shila is wrongly muted and if I were the site president right now, I would be opposing this ban (which may be coming) or mute (at present) as wrong reasoning.

The correct reason to handle Shila is that the user's posts are consistently designed to aggravate other users to severe levels whereby the only way out is to ignore the user.

To prove Shila is not a bot, another aspect to the trolling which is a problematic habit only a human could have is that even if you've blocked her, she/they will quote you and reply to you, proving that it's a human as a bot would be unable to post to the forums since blocking 'backfires' the send button if @ing the user.
115 27
Perhaps a referendum on what a president even is and can vs cannot do?

Perhaps shorter terms than 1 year?

Open to any ideas.
38 10
I didn't want to return but this isn't exactly a 'relapse' of any kind. I am also busier irl these days and unlike Badger and Wylted (oh dear this will be a multiple 'callout' thread maybe? It really isn't) I don't need to 'flex' it. I have always had things going on irl, I set time aside for this website as it was my passion. I did this to be called a leech by some in my absence, with theories on which new account(s) I am, all of which were wrong as I didn't use the website other than as a lurker every 2-3 days.

I do not love DART, I love debating. That said, it doesn't detract from the dismay I feel at the best 1v1 text-based platform that was DDO diminishing to this over time. Badger's new 'tyranny tirade' is just an exaggerated form of everything I apparently stood for that Wylted stood vehemently against in the first election and which (s)he strawmanned me to support. What I actually stood for was stopping direct abuse such as from certain individuals Wylted (PREZ-HILTON) herself (profile says female) has hinted at.

The reason I came back was not the baiting Wylted did, which seems weird to even bait. I didn't try to login to PREZ-HILTON at all and there is outright lying happening about the site security since password resets are fully functional, perhaps it sends to the junk/spam folder of Wylted's Outlook email account (the one she shared with us).

I am unsure what people think I'd say or where I'd stand. It seems everybody presumed I'd be like Wylted and Badger. I told you all from the start, I am pro-freedom, Wylted is not. If you think that was just pretty words, you're wrong. This website has been a shithole just like DDO was. The Weekly Stupid was cyberbullying, it's just most of those he mocked were people who never watched the show so there was no conflict. I don't want to dig shit up or go into how much of a bully that individual was as it is not about him. It is about DDO and the culture. There was a locker-room high school bullying culture that's returning here and has always been here as an undercurrent.

This begins to propel itself and even I give in to the toxicity because it's impossible to be immune to unless you totally disengage from the website. Every change Wylted did to the CoC with the recent MEEP makes it harder to both protect our freedoms as users and for mods to justify actions they make. It leaves everything far murkier. That is linked to the fact the mods themselves are very murky-minded at the moment about everything, just look at the wishy washy waffling Barney and Whiteflame are dishing out about where they stand on this, it's pathetic.

I literally can promise you this; if I were president, this entire series of events would have been handled differently behind the scenes. Oromagi through to Whiteflame and me as President would have a united front as all things would have been negotiated and consensus reached. Oromagi indeed picked one of the most cringe things to propel this, BK clearly shouldn't be banned for that. I warned Whiteflame in private where this was heading. I knew it was a mistake for Oromagi to be posting that thread and that they had to come out ahead of it.

I feel pain and dismay at this website's state. Right now, the problem isn't just the politics or society subforums, it's also Badger and Wylted themselves. Do you think the way they carry themselves is how members should? No. Badger is talking about big muscles and big dick and jokes about Kaitlyn being adopted while Kaitlyn retaliates digging up in allegations and I am not saying she is in the wrong for that, what I am saying is both have been that way for a long time.

Coal and Danielle were pillars of the DDO community, the one Wylted and Badger glorify as does Barney.

This is how they carry themselves in DART:

This is exactly how DDO was. Wish it was still online but I'd have to dig deep to the days such behaviour was commonplace. After all on day 1 of DART the likes of... Actually there's too many to name to that saves me calling anybody out. It was toxic from day 1.

I know exactly what the right moves to make are. If Wylted is seriously leaving and wants me to return, (s)he should give me the presidency, Idc that I only get half a term. I am still eligible for reelection regardless as Wylted doesn't get it's a 2-term limit not 1-term, the restriction is if you served more than 1 before, not more than 1 including the one you run in.

I am happy to be in the moderator chat as a bystander of no official rank whatsoever on a trial run. I am unsure why anybody here trusted Wylted over me but they did. Do what you want, I am tired of begging. I just had to get this off my chest as I agree with the issues of the website and how ugly it looks to others, it's what I've been saying for so many god damn years.
55 14
The Tournament ended with blamonkey winning/losing against me which I am now happy/sad about as it means that I can/cannot bring this up without sounding narcissistic. (note to self: edit later) My problem does not stem from the lack of glory and announcement surrounding the tournament ending, it stems from a complete lack of Wylted following through on his singular campaign promise: getting DART popular AF. 

He is just seasonally fortunate, the months that lead into the Northern Hemisphere's Summer and Spring type months are linked to more activity on debate forums. I don't even fully understand why what with exams and all but this has been consistent and I've 'been around' sites like this for a while. 
The fact is that perhaps the only person who got people to join more to DART was me with my convincing half my school’s debate club to join, it may have garnered some attention (this is something I readily let myself know I was doing, I even told myself, so don't accuse me of stalking me). 

I see badger trying, Wylted flaking, Pie 100% flaking and around 40% of Wylted voters (or more actually) are basically dead af to the website whereas those that voted RM are almost all active here. 
The thing is I don't care about that ^, I was unwilling to vote Wylted until things happened later on making me respect his character again (from what I thought about him vs his promise to thinking it about him again). 
There has not even been any feedback from Wylted during the Best.Korea warnings making him leave the site. We have seen nothing at all where Wylted defends or even makes a post acting as the balancing power to the moderators. 
It makes you wonder if he even understands his role. It doesn't matter if he agrees with the bans, he should be publicly defending and making speeches about both sides, primarily focused on being a defendant to the user. 

However, I decided to post this to generate some legitimate discussion over two things: 

1. Wylted’s extended inactivity from this site (over 20 days now) 

2. His lack of following through on campaign promises - he promised to promote DART on social media, create content on other sites, change election standards, create a DART university, etc. His entire platform was based on getting DART popular and shaking things up. None of this has happened.

Thoughts? Although this thread is a joke, I feel like we might be heading towards another year of an inactive president... 

40 13
Quite the candidate we had going. I wonder how the site president he dropped put to endorse is going to help.

This is not really calling out the user, I am curious what all his endorsers would say to defend their choice.

He said he is for freedom of speech and used threats of doxxing and direct defamation to pressure a user into silence.

Idgaf if this thread gets locked or not. I want to say this.

9 7
DebateArt is a website where people can argue and create
But lately people have started to evacuate

The election was a sham, a mockery of democracy
He bribed the voters with his money and hypocrisy

And now the president of the website is lazy and aloof
He does not listen to the feedback or any proof
That his website is failing and needs his care to revive
Or it will reach its bitter end and cease to be alive

11 6
We are long overdue on a guide for interpreting the code of conduct on the site. A link to the code of conduct can found here . This guide is intended to guide the site on a reasonable interpretation of the rules, so misunderstandings can be avoided in the future. It is also intended to help moderators remain consistent and show consistency in moderating policy.

I will be skipping the parts least up for interpretation.

User Accounts

"You may not use hateful, harassing, or obscene language or imagery in your username or avatar."

No nude pics unless they are artistic, no words in the avatar image such as "Wylted is a cuck" as a recent example. That would also fall under harassing language as the avatar or username was directed at a specific user, I would also advise against avatars that contain gruesome imagery such as dismembered bodies or fecal matter.

Hateful language would include clear racial slurs not borderline cases, derogatory and provably untrue statements such as "All white people are racist" or "Gypsy killer" or "Jews killedJesus" are forbidden, though defending those beliefs in a debate or by offering premises in threads that defend those positions are fine. We are not looking to thought police you, we are looking to disprove you here.


"Extravagant lies, not to be confused with mere context issues, may rise to the level of constituting impersonation"

extravagant lies, would constitute situations such as where you may claim to be an actual doctor and start giving dangerous medical advice. Perhaps it would be a situation where you are pretending to have inside information you don't possess, such as being a political aide and claiming that a nuke is about to hit the United States in 3 hours. These sorts of things are what is intended by the extravagant lie clause and it is not intended to be used as an excuse for other situations that don't fall neatly into the COC. For those situations I would encourage mods to either alter the COC or post "other" as the reasoning for the ban and give context.


"You may not threaten or promote violence against any person or persons, barring hyperbole against public figures (e.g., “all politicians should be shot”). Advocacy in favor of terrorism and/or violent extremism, especially as related to hate groups as generally defined by the SPLC, is likewise prohibited."

The SPLC statement should be ignored, it is a link to an FAQ about hate groups with no definition offered, and clearly advocating the views of hate groups is acceptable. The very nature of a debate site is we are looking for a wide range of views and people to debate.

This sentence is properly interpreted to mean you are not to advocate for terrorist actions. No advising people to bomb buildings, though a debate explaining why it is a acceptable to take such actions is fine and hopefully allowing that talks somebody off an edge one day. You are not to advocate for extremist violence though if you are a terrorist or a violent extremist you are welcome to debate your views. Though not explicitly stated, promoting extremism through recruitment or advertising is not acceptable.

"You may not promote or encourage suicide or self harm."

Again this is not to be taken to mean you can't advocate for euthanasia. It means you can't go around encouraging individuals or groups to kill themselves. A debate entitle "The user known as X should kill himself" would also be off the table as well. If you are suicidal, we will not consider it a promotion of suicide to reach out on the site for help.

"You may not share any content from private messages, without the consent of the respective authors; or with moderator approval (such as for dispute resolution)."

There has been some misunderstanding here as well. Essentially no copy and pasting of a PM or sharing screenshots. Statements such as bringing up the rough outline of what was talked about in a PM is fine, this occurs all the time on the site in the mafia games for example, but please use good judgement and allow people to trust that they can communicate privately with you.

Objectionable Content

"Unwarranted systemic vulgarity and invectives, which may include off topic personal attacks and/or hate speech, are subject to disciplinary actions."

We are all adults here or people mature enough to handle a bit of vulgarity. The hate speech here isn't about thought policing. It is specifically about group identified attacks. Here is 3 examples of acceptable topics that are close to being considered hate speech, followed by 3 that would be considered hate speech.


  1. The holocaust didn't happen or was over exaggerated
  2. 5 reasons White people should be sterilized
  3. Black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime

hate speech

  1. black's should be exterminated
  2. Chinks need to stop spreading the flu
  3. Native American's got what they deserved with small pox

I will say what is covered in this rule is personal attacks. I did plan on seeing if I can work with the mods to cut that down because I think the COC would make personal attacks a bannable offense, but that clearly would mean personal attacks that are considered ad hominem.

An example of an ad hominem attack would be something such as "homo's can't speak intelligently on abortion". A similar statement which is not an ad hominem would be "homos should not speak about abortion because their opinions are usually going to be informed by Ivory tower thinking". Both statements are fallacious but only one qualifies as a personal attack.

In general most insults that are backed by stated premises are usually okay. Debaters by their very nature are very logical and expose their ideals to debate because they seek self improvement. We have thick skin, and will often use the hard truth to improve ourselves or explain to you why your insult was stupid.

In general debates can get heated and the line between what will get you banned can occasionally bend to allow for heated exchanges, but the rules will not be allowed to bend too far or too often.


The rest of the COC touches on points irrelevant to the rules about enforcement. If you are curious about how enforcement works please click the link at top, and read through the entire COC.

The moderation team took no part in creating this document, but this is the interpretation of the COC, I find to be correct and that I am urging the moderation team to use the interpretation. They seem to be already doing this to a large extent, but the community should see this interpretation if they have a hard time comprehending the rules.

16 8
After substantial discussion regarding several votes on the election thread (we appreciate everyone's patience), we have determined that the outcome stands as written at the end of the election thread:

RationalMadman: 19 (RationalMadman, AustinL0926, K_Michael, zedvictor4, Lunatic, Sidewalker, Mikal, Intelligence_06, FLRW, SupaDudz, SkepticalOne, Reece101, Skipper_Sr, Barney, anderwee123, Tejretics, whiteflame, MeowRanger, WeaverofFate)
WyIted: 21 (YouFound_Lxam, Sir.Lancelot, Phenenas, Mps1213, Best.Korea, ILikePie5, WyIted, sadolite, Greyparrot, TWS1405_2, BearMan, bmdrocks21, Dr.Franklin, Mharman, SamStevens, Novice_II, rayhan16, badger, Bones, Vaarka, Ramshutu)

As such, after a hard-fought election, Wylted is officially declared the DART President. Congratulations!

There are a number of reasons that several of the votes were not counted. Several instances of multi-accounting were found among the voters, and those were compounded with those accounts having been created during the ongoing election. In one other instance, an account that had been made on the first day of the election cast a vote. While we had not specified rules for voting on this election beforehand, the efforts by several people to create new accounts during the election led us to making a cutoff. The main discussion over the last 24 hours has focused on a pair of votes that came from voters who had joined the site a few days before the election. We made the decision that, since these accounts only became active on the 18th (including both of the debates they posted on that date and the votes they cast), they would be treated the same as other accounts created during the election. While there are instances of accounts that have been inactive for long stretches of time coming back to vote, they all have long-established track records. Their absences did not invalidate their votes.

I recognize that this will be contentious. I suspect many of you will disagree with the decisions we have made. I'll say now that I apologize for the errors that have been made over the course of this election. That includes anything that came up before the voting, during it, and since it finished. It wasn't our aim to disenfranchise voters; we had to set a standard for voting and, frankly, the circumstances described above were not what we expected to see. We are still working things out that, though we should have been prepared to deal with many of these issues by this point. That includes a clear set of requirements to vote and ensuring that everything is run according to the established guidelines, which demands more time and attention to detail than I could provide this time around.

To improve things prior to the next election, and to improve the running of that election, I invite Wylted, Oromagi and RationalMadman to work with us on a new set of standards that we can use for a new MEEP to supplement/modify the existing one, as well as discussing options for oversight over the election process to ensure that it is running according to the MEEP. We leave it up to them to decide if and how much they wish to be involved, and we invite others to contribute to the discussion constructively.
36 13
I want to sincerely thank all who voted me.

I lost and take the L with dignity despite what things look like.

I want you all to sit and think for a moment, whiteflame, Barney, Supadudz, Austin, Zedvictor (day 1 supporter ❤), Reece101 and FLRW too (from the start 💯). 

You all need to think about what you can do to better this website. Whether you are forum-heavy, debate-heavy or just a lurker who tactically comments. Please ask yourself before you hit the equivalent of 'Send', could you have made it slightly more debate-oriented?

I do not love DART, I like it. I did not love DDO. I am busy/tired rn and cannot type too much and this was exhausting even emotionally just to wonder what the outcome would be and mot let go because we both know, you voters and I, that Wylted probably will treat it as a joke.

I love debating, period. Be as good as me, be better than me, be the best you that you can be for DART. Do not worry about this defeat, I will try and unofficially host tournaments if people will participate. All 19 of you, even you anderwee who I do not recognise. Please contribute, make yourself warriors and flow.

Where we are different to the others lies in us not needing RM. Without Wylted they are just Pie and some trolls that ruined RM winning on a clown platform. Do not be sad, angry or jealous. Be the next candidate, make me want to drop out for you. Make DART grateful as fuck to have you.

I mean this, no matter how cringe it sounds, you have it in you to be a better you than any other member can dream of. Do not hold it back out of cynicism and fear.

Thank you to all of you, even you mr last minute voter for the underdog, weaver, I do not see your vote as a pity-vote at all, I can tell after that I earned it.

We live in a world afraid to debate, bad manners they call our passion. Celebrate your disagreeable nature, be the best you.
23 7
Feel free to listen to this theme tune as you indulge:

I am so sorry for the dull travesty that was Airmax. Let us all take a small moment to bow our heads and mourn how stupid any of us were to consider this corrupt mod out of the shadows that said 'vote me or I ditch you guys'.

Thank you for that moment. Now, is my turn to say sorry for more.

I am sorry DART, I was not the sexy beast the first time around, I was a beta bitch that got toyed with and tossed by Lunatic, Wylted and many others but those 2 spearheaded it from different angles/agendas.

It is time to tell you what the past year taught me and what I have tried to exemplify:

  1. I was an idiot to not accept that freedom of speech is important on a website like this. Of course it is, this is the place where the biggest sins should be doxxing or genuine horrific severity to levels we must censor. I did think that part already but I also implied some things that I've changed on. If we cannot harden our metal against pro-scummy ideas (I mean really scummy), we are weak and I see that what people attracted to this place are is unwilling to stay mentally weak. That's where I went wrong, no more pandering to the pansies, if you're in a bad place mentally get the help you need that's alright.
  2. I was wrong that the mods need much balancing. They don't. Whiteflame is actually very evenhanded and under him, other than a random outburst about 'vote corruption' on a debate where I got threatened and a little drama only he and I and the mods know about when I thought he tried to trick me into getting banned, I like the guy's quiet style of moderation.
  3. I don't think Supadudz is that wise or fit to lead the website in the position he is in. I think honestly I am one of the best contenders here to hold my own against the mods, I think I am now at a much better stage in my relationship with whiteflame and barney at the very least to see eye to eye on matters and talk them down on others and reason with users.
  4. I have learned that I don't care if lose.
I don't care if 3Ru7AL runs against me or not. I was going to campaign harder against that user but I will let the posts, activity level and whatever else speak for themselves.

I want the president position for the following agenda and reasons:

  • Given my shaky history with previous mods, I am not exactly capable of ever setting foot into the mod realm here or being officially anything. I will always be seen as a flight risk and I am, I speak my mind, I am not super tame and that's fine. I want to prove in an actual official capacity (not even been allowed to be a vote mod or forum mod simple low level, despite asking) so I want to be President as a leg-up. You can cringe at this and say 'yeah put that on your resume' but this website and what it stands for is important to me. I literally want to guide online debating as a passion and whatever else if I can. People are so fucking weak, they stick to those that agree to them and like it, that's fine but it's not where people like us can last. We get pushed aside, alienated and having muzzles on our faces. I want to help you breathe free with me. I want to let the troll in you, the madman/madwoman in each of us to meet the rational scientist and yin-yang ourbrains in a way few activities and hobbies other than debating and reasoning itself can do.
  • Aside from a passionate urge to finally become something special here, I currently have a problem. All new members get to interact with me ASAP (for better or worse). I make sure of it. I doubt most of the noobs know who the hell ilikepie or 3ru7al are and there's a reason for that. I am unique, I have an edge and despite being an introvert, I have a way of making everyone in every avenue here notice me and exchange words and thoughts. Yet, when one is in conflict, when one wants to know the rules, they naturally at always led to the mods. If you didn't know, lazy ass Airmax was supposed to be the liaison, the ambassador of even the mods themselves to the people. The President is meant to be that smiley face who can turn grim just as easily to the mods as to a toxic user and discipline both. If anybody here denies I am the most fit person here to be that guy, they are delusional and deserve an Airmaxv2.
  • I am experienced in all areas of the website. Literally look at the stats on the leaderboard, not just Rating. There is no way other than nepotism and double-standard BS to say I am unworthy to be the gel of the website at least for a year (it actually is a 2-year limit, not 1-year Airmax was just disqualified for being so inept and such).
  • I love this website's concept. I don't care about DART, I sure as hell didn't care about DDO. I am not here to shake hands with Mike that's lost faith with it. I want to be in that special Discord with the mods and lead the forge onwards if things go wrong. I am so not here to dig into the past of DDO, Lunatic forced that last time and I took it hook line and sinker, in fact another member brought it up before that. I am saying, my agenda is very simple; online debating gang above all else, my heart belongs to this like a fucking partial meaning of life. There is something about the idea of this actually succeeding, growing and not having any doxxing, cancel culture and that part of sites like Reddit and Quora hitting us that delights me... What if... It could get medium instead of tiny and avoid that drama fest? We will never know. I want to be the asshole, egotistical and mad as I am, to be officially instated as something so when/if things go to shit, I am there with Barney, Whiteflame, Oro and whoever else thinks I'm a loose cannoned fool to ride it out with them. Imagine this grows one day? Imagine us keeping this tiny joke of a fire burning actually becomes a fucking fiesta?
I never cared about DDO but I miss it too... The activity level, the way you could debate so hardcore and know votes would turn up, at least 2 solid tries if you campaigned for it... That was the shit you guys can't fathom... We've lost the magic here, If not for Mike the guy barely interested to be loyal to his promises to revamp and update the site... This would be gone too.

Vote me or throw your vote away, it's that simple.

84 13
Greetings DebateArt.

The sites first ever election is officially underway. Before we get started, here are a few quick rules before you vote

  • You may only have 1 vote per person. This means that if you are voting under 2 accounts and are caught doing so, only 1 of the votes you cast will count
  • Please state who you are voting for by bolding who your vote is for, especially if you plan to write out your reasoning as to why you are voting said user
  • Election tampering (which is defined as recruiting people outside the site to vote for a certain candidate) is illegal and WILL result in the votes used by manipulation to be disqualified 
  • Please try to maintain civility in this thread. This is the voting stage, not the argumentative/campaigning stage. While I understand people have strong thoughts about the candidates, people would much rather look at people's reasons for voting a candidate than someone whining for 2 pages
  • YOU CAN NOT CHANGE YOUR VOTE ONCE YOU PLACE IT!!!!! Like in a real election, you can not take back your vote that you already submitted

Below are the following people that you are able to vote for in the election

The voting phase will last from January 16th, 11PM EST to January 18th, 11PM EST. All votes after that time DO NOT count!

As stated before, this election will be a majority vote due to the lack of candidates.
If there is a tie for the winner, the top candidates will go into a 24 hour run off period, where another majority vote will be held with the two candidates.

Finally, I wish the best of luck to both candidates. Both of you are capable and deserving to be president, regardless of how many votes you receive, and your contributions to the site will continue to be appreciated regardless of whether you win this role.
178 53
This is NOT a callout thread. I am EXPLAINING my stance, this is not a subliminal.


I want my previous supporters, most of whom are either abstaining or heavily considering to vote 3RU7AL due to familiarity, to stay with me here and understand why I've endorsed Airmax1227. I was not 'played' which may make you think there is some kind of game going on, I want you to all fully understand my stance. Ignore all toxicity towards me, ignore the tone or words (don't have to ignore it but just asking you to for this thread) and pay attention to the situation, the platforms and the agendas at play.

Agendas as RM perceives them

RM - Make the site grow by stopping big bans by more gradual intermediary moderation as well as a general 'clean up the site' approach to induce harmony and repel less users away.

Wylted -  Stop RM doing that. Increase freedom, keep the mods in check and push hardcore freedom of speech and expression. Main motive beyond stopping RM is to stop the site dying.

3RU7AL - Push for more quantifiable rules, apply them uniform.

Airmax - Don't give much of a damn clarifying stance on moderation, push for the site to grow incredibly much but only if he wins.

TheHammer - Oppose Airmax for the luls, hey RM I will vote for you in good faith.

Now, I want you to watch something that happens when we analyse these agendas.

There are 3 users trying to stop the site dying:
RM, Wylted and Airmax and based on prior track record from years ago I can tell you that Airmax is equipped to stop a dying debate website from truly dwindling, he was overcome by brutal adspam and lack of admin access to the website. At least that's my understanding.

There are 2 other users;
3RU7AL and TheHammer.

I don't know a politically correct or polite way to say that TheHammer is running as a joke candidate, your vote to TheHammer will be wasted in my opinion, sorry to say it. I based this both on public and private discourse and a bit of knowledge about the user from the past. If I am wrong and Hammer is sincere then I do apologise.

3RU7AL wants to do something that can't be achieved by a President (make qualitative rules become quantifiable) as this is a moderator-only capacity to change. Furthermore, with regards to pushing for the site's popularity or event, I doubt this user will use their powers at all.

This here is a summary of why I unironically and genuinely dropped out to endorse Airmax1227.

I encourage my previous supporters to see this as a necessary evil (that they are appeasing a user who for all intents and purposes will not help the website nearly as much if he loses the presidency and I would go as far as to say it's out of spite).

I do not like Airmax, I respect his ability to make a site stop dying, specifically a debate website. It's that simple.
30 8
I am running for DART president. After looking at the state of the website, I saw that there are many issues that need to be dealt with. Although I never previously considered running, I realized that it would be arrogant for me to not consider it. Once I saw the current crop of candidates, I concluded that I must commence my candidacy.

Of course, every candidate must have a platform. My platform has the following planks:
  • More fair and balanced vote moderation
  • Dispensing with certain well-known pests who should have been banned ages ago
  • Clearer rules of what constitutes targeted harassment
  • Adding more checks and balances to the power granted to individual moderators
  • Adding the office of Vice President (unless that was already added. I can't find the rules for the campaign)
  • Adding the office of Site Engagement Coordinator
  • Adding the office of Social Media Manager
  • Adding the office of Disinformation Corrector
  • Placing more limits on the propagation of misinformation, including:
    • Warning members who share disinformation
    • Placing notices below posts containing disinformation
    • Moderation penalties for repeat offenders
  • Investigations into the treatment of Vici and Bones
  • Investigations into Wylted's corrupt offers of gift cards in exchange for votes
  • Investigations into prior vote moderation practices
  • Giving new users green coins to encourage involvement
  • Introducing an optional verification system and blue check to users who pay $3.14 a month
  • Banning people who track my Illuminati travels
  • Building a firewall to keep out Canadian users
  • Giving everyone one million elo points
I nominate Mharman as Vice President, RM as Site Engagement Coordinator, Wylted as Social Media Manager, and BrotherDThomas as Disinformation Corrector. My ego assures me this is a good idea, and the voices in my head will manage my campaign.


(This is a joke. If nominated, I will not run; if elected, I will not serve.)

4 3
Feel free to answer elaborately.

For me, the ability to show backbone to the mods regularly, not aligned in their 'clique' and activity matter most.

I would also say the ability to write well so as to have persuasive power in discussions between president and people he/she/they defend/s and the other mods in the behind-the-scenes stuff matters.
8 6
Then there is direct precedent for the DART presidency vote of no confidence, forcing a reelection.

Airmax1227 has failed us, he can have any excuse he wants, that is not my business.

I ask there to be held a vote of no confidence, we have so many reasons to host it.
31 11
The Tournament ended with Benjamin defeating me, which I am now happy about as it means I can bring this up without sounding narcissistic. My problem does not stem from the lack of glory and announcement surrounding the tournament ending, it stems from a complete lack of Airmax following through on his singular campaign promise: getting DART popular AF.

He is just seasonally fortunate, the months that lead into the Northern Hemisphere's Summer and Spring type months are linked to more activity on debate forums. I don't even fully understand why what with exams and all but this has been consisten and I've 'been around' sites like this for a while.

The fact is that perhaps the only person who got people to join more to DART was Incel-Chud with his Twitter posting, it may have garnered some attention (this is something he readily let us know he was doing, he even posted the link elsewhere to his Twitter, so don't accuse me of stalking).

I see Lunatic trying, Airmax flaking, Mikal 100% flaking and around 40% of Airmax voters (or more actually) are basically dead af to the website whereas those that voted 3RU7AL are almost all active here.

The thing is I don't care about that ^, I was willing to vote Airmax until things happened later on making me question his character again (from what I thought about him vs his promise to thinking it about him again).

There has not even been any feedback from Airmax during the BrotherDThomas or Incel-Chud bans. We have seen nothing at all, not even with the polytheist-witch ban, where Airmax defends or even makes a post acting as the balancing power to the moderators.

It makes you wonder if he even understands his role. It doesn't matter if he agrees with the bans, he should be publicly defending and making speeches about both sides, primarily focused on being a defendant to the user.
24 11
It has been an interesting couple of weeks, and I've enjoyed the campaign and especially talking with old and new friends.

To my supporters, thank you for your support, we now have a lot of work to do, and I will now need your support more than ever.

To every member of DART, thank you for your contributions to this community and website. If you aren't a supporter of mine, don't know who I am, or are simply indifferent, I hope that I can still make you proud by my efforts this year. If you have any interest at all in contributing to this goal in a specific role, let me know, I'm sure I can use your services. If not, then just keep being the great contributor to DART that you are, and know that it is appreciated.

Over the coming days I plan to get started with my goals, and I'll do my best to share the details of each step as we move forward. I'm going to need help from the community, so please don't be shy to reach out to me directly, or to express your interest publicly. I will soon be making threads asking for specific help in specific areas, with particular members volunteering to be dedicated to particular needs, so keep an eye out for that. I believe that some of this will be quite challenging, but is going to be very fun every step of the way, and it's going to be even more exciting, and even more fun, if we do this together as a community. So share your interests with me, share your feedback, and please know that I appreciate every offer of help that I receive. Your passion for debate and this community can surely be utilized to the betterment of everyone, and I'm super excited to get started and use the talents and enthusiasm of everyone that wants to be involved.

So Join Me, and Let's Do This DART!

I'd like to congratulate Thett3 on being elected VP. While Thett may be joking, and simply assumes that I'll ignore this development as I may have a few times on DDO, he shall have no such luck this time. As far as I am concerned, Thett is my duly appointed VP, and shall take all responsibilities of that role. While that may mostly be ceremonial, it should be known by all of DART, that as an official statement, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, that I name Thett as my VP, and should something prevent me from completing my duties as president before the next election (assassination, internet ban, baby mama drama etc), and should a special election be required, that I, President Airmax of DART, fully endorse Thett for this office.

Now, I realize that VP is only responsible for two things: A) Parroting whatever I say in public, and B) Secretly forming a coalition of discontented revolutionaries to undermine me politically, and I do imagine Thett will do either of these things to whatever degree he is comfortable, I do fully view him as my endorsed replacement should that be necessary, and more importantly, I expect him to work hard with me for the betterment of the community. Good Luck Thett, Congratulations, and may god have mercy on your soul.

Thanks again to everyone who voted. Even if you didn't vote for me I still appreciate your interest in the site, and I am still going to do my best to convince you that I deserved your vote. I hope you will share your interest with me, so that I can have goals that appeal to every single person here. To those that are skeptical, I understand, and I hope to change your mind in the coming days, weeks and months. I hope we can work together regardless of our differences, and form a team that can't fail in making DART even better.

With all that said, if you have any questions at all, about anything at all, please feel free to ASK ME ANYTHING.

Thank you so much DART, it means a lot to me to have your support,

Your humble President,

107 14

This user signed up January 16th and will be voting Airmax. I do not 100% know it but I can guess very effectively due to kfc image and you will fine that quite a few more accounts like this:

and others, which I won't reveal or specify yet so they are not sure what I have kept track or or am onto, are going to fradulently ruin the election by voting Airmax by signing up last minute.

On DMs, whiteflame told me this about Airmax's side doing it:

"As long as they're actual individuals and not instances of multi-accounting, they have the right to vote."

This is 100% in-context, on this topic, if need by I will screenshot.

On DMs, supadudz then warned me this:

"Just gonna let you know now if you are planning to recruit people from other sites to vote for Max, that's a violation of the rules and will get 3RU7AL disqualified"

This is sheer corruption and double-standard to the highest degree.

Do not worry though, I am not some dumb fool. I would never say shit as a candidate doing any of this and am aware both candidates are smart enough not to either. The question is about standards and fair play.
99 12
If you are voting Airmax and want an Axolotl profile pic, answer the following:

  1. Why Airmax?
  2. What kind of image do you want?
  3. What vibe?
  4. Cartoony or Realistic?

29 9
I drop out, officially.

I endorse Airmax1227, semi-regrettably and want to say the full reasoning why you (my solid support base) and even you (my extended support base who are bit 'maybe, maybe not') should vote Airmax1227 this election.

The President role really is useful for 2 things:

  1. Stopping mod abuse
  2. Officially holding site events
At first, I was really skeptical about his return, why did he come back now right? Just to win? 

And yeah, if you ask me he kind of did, he has a 'thing' for being in power on an Internet Fiefdom perhaps.

Then, I ask myself what happens if he gets into the President's seat? Honestly, it doesn't matter to me that he's there, the President has only 2 functions and I feel he'd do function 2 with events quite well given his latest promises in the thread he just made.

So, I am left wondering now, what good would happen if I won? The DDO guys will get upset, leave and say 'fuck you RM'. How does that benefit the website? The whole reason I ran was to make it alive. The reason I think it's dead is that so many threads and posts are so toxic and undermoderated that it becomes a horrible wasteland appearing unpleasant for others to join but if Airmax can counteract that by spreading awareness of this website far and wide, then I'm all for it.

The only thing I don't get is why he never did that for the past 3.5 years, why did he ditch us until power came his way like blood to a shark's nose? 

If you ask me, there is a blatant power thing for him, even an ego thing and if you properly read the fine-print in the Presidency even though it says 'more than 1 successful term' it's actually 2-term limit, not a 1-term limit because that's a criteria stopping you running for site president, not a criteria overall (so 1+1 = 2 duh) and we're looking at 2-year President here.

I need to accept the reality that my supporters do like me, I chatted with a few of them privately about me dropping out and they were disheartened. It wasn't campaigning, I didn't break a rule, it was a genuine question. I will like to say that 3RU7AL doesn't deserve to win a Presidency election against either myself or Airmax1227, it's not a position for someone as socially uninvolved as them (profile doesn't specify gender, so using 'them' pronoun). 3RU7AL is a fine user of the website but wouldn't properly do either function, especially not function 2.

To my supporters, I want you to know that I have remembered all of you, by username. I know you would have stuck by me through to my defeat or victory and I owe you even though I dropped out. 

To name the ones that I mean:

Oromagi, Zedvictor4, Intelligence_06, Outplayz, Polytheist-Witch, Lunar108, FLRW and I kind of presume Reece101 was a supporter as well.

If I left your name out, I totally get if you're offended and am truly sorry!

I also appreciate EtrnlVw and Lemming for implied support though it was just asking me about what I'd do or certain things about me, allowing me to further advocate for myself.

I also want to thank IlikePie5 for being an honest opponent who ended up screwed over by several events during this, I'm not going to name names as honestly Airmax himself is to blame for Wylted dropping out, despite Pie having himself dropped out due to Wylted running.

Do not vote Hammer (I frankly think it's a joke campaign) and do not vote 3RU7AL.

Please listen to me, my supporters and vote for Airmax1227. It will be a genuine benefit to the website even if he is a little power-hungry.

Thank you all, this was a wonderful event that made me thrilled and perhaps a little anxious but certainly stimulated throughout.

Yours faithfully

~ex-candidate RM~

Vote Airmax1227
45 9
This thread is the official campaign thread of RM for president.

You are free to acknowledge a previous thread or such by me but this is my official thread during the campaign period.

Currently, I see a 'witch' (not an insult) posting about a rivalry that the mods are ignoring. Do you know what my main opponent, ilikepie5, would do? He'd say 'freedom of speech' and leave it at that. Though, in another reply to Oromagi, he's shown to understand the importance of stopping harassment so perhaps he'd do the same as me and push the mods to respect the boundary.

As somebody who both personally and, by observing others, has both felt and seen the impacts of harassment, I would use any sway I had as president to push the mods to respect and notice interactions that drive people off of the website or alternatively drive them to act more hostile.

There is this idea that 'special snowflakes' should just suck it up and toughen up but this is a website we use to pass the time with many intellectuals on it who have unique sensitivities and often were bullied IRL and teased for their odd ways. It's not an ordinary person who comes to a debate website, that just isn't the niche market this goes for.

What you want in a president is a guy who has been pushed by trolls in the past to act hostile, first hand, that will completely defend and understand you every step of the way.

If you block me, I can't do that and as I won't be an official mod I doubt anything physically on my account will stop the block function from working (I wouldn't want that anyway, there's some I'd rather keep blocked but when/if they need my defense or counsel as president I'd unblock).

Consider this thread itself as an official thread where if you need my counsel and are blocked, you can post to it and I will unblock you.

The president isn't just for moderating issues, they're also here for fun. I will work with the active debaters, who sporadically show up because they're scared of losing rating, and set up unranked judge debate tournaments like has been done once before. I'd be happy for any suggestions on this, it will be official and put you down in the site's history books if you win and also will be a great thing to mention if you run for President next term, even as a judge.

I am not certain of the term length of a president on this website, is it 6 months or a year? Either way, I'm a user who no matter how busy IRL shows up every week at least, or definitely every 2. I won't flake, I will stick it out because that's how I roll. I will defend this website, make it entertaining and a pleasure for a variety of eccentric users who love debating to coexist peacefully.

Defend, Entertain and Unite

This is my motto.

Yours sincerely,
~Vote RM~
245 20
Just so that people are aware, you are not actually electing the winner yet, you're nominating and the top 3 nominees then make it into the general election stage.

What's about to come up is a nomination, not the actual election.
1 1
There is a criterion to run for President that one must have a gold medal, so the user DuhHamburgler spammed as much as possible to get Airmax1227 the 'mentioned' gold medal while Lunatic helped along the way within the main campaign thread.

This is direct spam, evading (thereby devaluing the sanctity of) the gold-medal rule and nobody is being punished.

What part of that is freedom of speech? Why are the mods not enforcing it?

If someone did that for me or someone else they'd enforce it.

Click inside to see.

29 12
state that you are running, campaigns should already be out...
12 7