The Tournament ended with blamonkey winning/losing against me which I am now happy/sad about as it means that I can/cannot bring this up without sounding narcissistic. (note to self: edit later) My problem does not stem from the lack of glory and announcement surrounding the tournament ending, it stems from a complete lack of Wylted following through on his singular campaign promise: getting DART popular AF.
He is just seasonally fortunate, the months that lead into the Northern Hemisphere's Summer and Spring type months are linked to more activity on debate forums. I don't even fully understand why what with exams and all but this has been consistent and I've 'been around' sites like this for a while.
The fact is that perhaps the only person who got people to join more to DART was me with my convincing half my school’s debate club to join, it may have garnered some attention (this is something I readily let myself know I was doing, I even told myself, so don't accuse me of stalking me).
I see badger trying, Wylted flaking, Pie 100% flaking and around 40% of Wylted voters (or more actually) are basically dead af to the website whereas those that voted RM are almost all active here.
The thing is I don't care about that ^, I was unwilling to vote Wylted until things happened later on making me respect his character again (from what I thought about him vs his promise to thinking it about him again).
There has not even been any feedback from Wylted during the Best.Korea warnings making him leave the site. We have seen nothing at all where Wylted defends or even makes a post acting as the balancing power to the moderators.
There has not even been any feedback from Wylted during the Best.Korea warnings making him leave the site. We have seen nothing at all where Wylted defends or even makes a post acting as the balancing power to the moderators.
It makes you wonder if he even understands his role. It doesn't matter if he agrees with the bans, he should be publicly defending and making speeches about both sides, primarily focused on being a defendant to the user.
Disclaimer: this is a parody of last year’s thread: What precisely has Airmax done during his Presidency here towards his campaign promises?
However, I decided to post this to generate some legitimate discussion over two things:
1. Wylted’s extended inactivity from this site (over 20 days now)
2. His lack of following through on campaign promises - he promised to promote DART on social media, create content on other sites, change election standards, create a DART university, etc. His entire platform was based on getting DART popular and shaking things up. None of this has happened.
Thoughts? Although this thread is a joke, I feel like we might be heading towards another year of an inactive president...