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Shila has made several insulting and aggravating posts to users,  that it the trolling style of this user (who sometimes identifies as female but on profile has 'unknown' as gender).

The moderation team have assumed she/they is/are a bot based solely on a rumour. The user interacts in ways that imply 100% sentience and human capacity to interpret things. Shila has even referred to profile pics on profiles in a way that only an extremely advanced AI could infuse into the banter she/they is/are employing.

Shila is wrongly muted and if I were the site president right now, I would be opposing this ban (which may be coming) or mute (at present) as wrong reasoning.

The correct reason to handle Shila is that the user's posts are consistently designed to aggravate other users to severe levels whereby the only way out is to ignore the user.

To prove Shila is not a bot, another aspect to the trolling which is a problematic habit only a human could have is that even if you've blocked her, she/they will quote you and reply to you, proving that it's a human as a bot would be unable to post to the forums since blocking 'backfires' the send button if @ing the user.
115 27
This is the new moderation log that will be replacing the old one. This thread is a log on ongoing bans, bother permanent and temporarily, which were effectuated on or after October 29, 2019. Not included in this log are bans impacting accounts which were created exclusively for commercial advertising or spam-related purposes. The information given for each kind of log is clearly stated below:

  • Entries of permanent bans will state the date the ban was effectuated and provide a brief (not more than 500 characters) summary of why the user was permanently banned
  • Entries of temporary bans will state the length of the ban and the date the ban was effectuated
  • Entries of bans by request (i.e. bans a user requested be applied to their own account) will state the date the ban was effectuated.
  • Entries of closed multi-accounts (i.e. old accounts of otherwise active users) will state the date the ban was effectuated.
As the new chief moderator, my goal is to make the moderation team more transparent with our process. Additionally, we believe that debaters expect their opponent to be able to finish their debates and will naturally be curious when someone is banned. I am moving the ban log from the miscellaneous section to the section to make this thread more transparent and easier to see. 

The moderator who made the ban ruling will also be included in all entries. Moderation will not offer public comment on the reasons for temporary bans unless and until either (a) the banned user returns and raises the issue publicly or (b) public interest outweighs the banned user's privacy concerns.

If you have any questions as to why someone was banned, please refer them to this post. 

If you are banned and want to appeal your ban, please email us at [email protected]

59 6
As you can see the quality of the discussions on this site are pretty low right now. I need volunteers to help get threads back on track and to help moderate behavior. 

This team of people will be known as......

Squad neutralizing interactions through controlled handling. 

I realize the name is long winded so we will call it S.N.I.T.C.H. for short.

To join the snitch squad sign up below and I will give you guys stuff to copy and paste in threads to realign conversations more towards the sites goals

Sign ups below

Head snitch

1. Wylted

Regular snitches


12 4
The following are a series of bullet points that really are linked thoughts.
  • At present it would appear...
  • he gets away with his name being saved from you putting in the moderation log the real reason he was banned
  • because he 'asked for it'
  • also I need to know if under the rules him asking for it means he can make an alt
  • or if he's permanently banned

There are 2 fundamental issues, ignoring my own aggrievances here.

The issues are:
  1. All users that are permanently banned cannot legally make alts here and almost no member here other than Death23 with doxxing threats has deserved a permaban as much as Lancelot has.
  2. All banishments of users require the real reason(s) to be displayed, whether or not the users asked for it if that includes other reasons. On their profiles and to the userbase via the moderation log.
I am unclear on if on a technicality he's evaded justice and is allowed to make alts like all other users who self-request bans are permitted. What I am clear on is that we the people of DART and I personally ought to know if this absolutely sadistic and vile bully is banned for good or not. I have endured quite enough abuse, he has essentially told me that I'm worthless and to hate myself and off myself and gone through votebombing and other things to achieve that goal, goading me to feel insane or idiotic for thinking he was doing those things to me. I ought to at the very least have the justice of seeing his name have the genuine violations he committed on his profile and told to all.

There is no reason not to do so at all, it's not cleaner, better or more justified, it just makes members confused, frustrated and/or ill-informed regarding a major moderation decision here.
16 7
There aren't enough active mods to address the frequent violations of rule-breaking. As it currently stands, too many individuals are getting away with abusing the CoC, The New Enforcement hasn't shown to be effective.

Since security is understaffed, we should start bringing some more onto the Task Force. Everyone of these individuals have given permission to be named in this thread, the others have chosen to not be included and remain anonymous.

Here are all of the people that should be promoted to moderator.:

  • Savant
  • SkepticalOne
  • Athias
  • greyparrot
Let's bring back security and stability to DART.

31 8
Due to callout thread rules and PM doxxing rules, I am unsure what to do. That is why I made this thread, PM me to find out who it is and what was said.

If a user goes around telling you bad things I said about you, know it is a lie and that the user tried to do it with me and it failed miserably.
35 15

This thread was correctly unlocked. 

As someone who has been a stark complainer of mods in the past, I would now like to take a moment to shout them out positively, as is only fair. Today the mods proved me wrong, and showed that they are willing to listen to reason. It was my impression in the past that when decisions were made, they would fight tooth and nail to stick to that decision.

The addition of whiteflame as head mod, and supadudz having more authority may have played the biggest role here, but I will give credit to ragnar in some regard too even though I know he stands by locking the thread, he at least caved to the better reasoning and rationale of his highly respected peers. There is hope for moderation on the website. There is still a long way to go in acheiving the laissez faire style that I know will bring activity and purpose to this website, but the decision they made today shows that they have every intention of meeting that goal. 

The community should remain vigilant in bringing up issues with moderation decisions, but we should also be fair and applaud them when they make the right decisions. 

Thankyou mod team of DART.

47 8
Greetings, everyone! 

I have some sad news to share. Speedrace is stepping down from his position as forum moderator. We appreciate the hard work, dedication, and insight that he brought to the team. Needless to say, speedrace is welcome back to the moderation team anytime he feels ready. I wish him the best as he finishes up the semester and starts college. 

As of now, the moderation team is:

Chief Moderator: Virtuoso 
Deputy Moderator: Ragnar

Voting Moderator: Blamonkey
Voting Moderator: Christopher_best 

Thank you,
7 7
Greetings, everyone!

First I have some bad news to share. Drafterman has opted to step down in his role as a forum moderator due to some real-life issues. I cannot thank him enough for his service. Rest assured that he is welcomed to come back to the moderation team when he feels ready to do so. 

Second, I want to inform you of a new moderation policy. For now on, any threads created by a banned user's alternate account will be deleted entirely

Thank you,
-Virtuoso, Chief Moderator 

38 12
Greetings, everyone!

I wanted to update you guys on a few things that are going on behind the scenes. I have not been able to get a hold of PressF4Respect. As such, drafterman will be taking his place and is being promoted to forum moderator. Please welcome him to the team! That being said, SupaDudz will be announcing the new discord assistant mod soon.

Next, we are currently working to revise and expand the Code of Conduct to make it easier to understand and digest. One thing that we are considering is splicing it up into three sections under the umbrella "terms of service." If you look at that page, you will see exactly what we mean. The only text that has changed is adding a link to the moderator's profile and a statement that you must be at least 13 years of age to join our site in compliance with COPPA. We would like some feedback for this change

I would now like to open up a discussion on what you would like to see changed in the COC and what changes you would like to see the moderation team make. 


-Chief Moderator

22 10