

Used to categorize content related to games, challenges, and activities that require problem-solving, logic, and critical thinking skills. Discussions under this tag may encompass topics such as puzzles, riddles, brain teasers, and strategy games. The tag may also cover topics around the educational and cognitive benefits of puzzle-solving activities, as well as the social and cultural significance of puzzles and games across different societies and historical periods. The content under this tag may be relevant for individuals seeking to engage in challenging and entertaining activities that stimulate their intellectual capacities, as well as for educators and game designers interested in exploring the potential of puzzles and games for learning and skill-building.

Total topics: 3

I do not mind it if a guy is feminine but I think I get how gay guys feel about lesbians going at it in front of them and maybe even straight sex, it really is offputting to me to see gay stuff.

If I see two men really going at it, it makes me involuntarily feel like if I see something yucky or ate really sour, bitter food unless I work to hide the look on my face. I wondered if this means I am a homophobe or just too hetero to enjoy it.
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I used to, as a child/teen always think the saying referred to quitting while one was ahead at something. The idea being eventually we all get our bad game, rainy day etc and pushing our luck is asking for disaster.

However, having now had experience at gambling and seeing a different context for the saying even in other scenarios outside of gambling, I am seeing truth in those who would wrongly quote it as quitting when one is already behind, to avoid further problems and harsher downswings.

What I cannot seem to get to the bottom of is if it just that I was raised with the 'ahead' variant being normal or if it really is the original.
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1. Can you write a 6 digit number where...

2. Digits cannot all be in ascending order ex. (134579)

3. Digits cannot all be in descending order ex. (964321)

4. No digit can be zero.

5. No digit can be a multiple of a digit beside it. ex. (374852) 4 and 8 are side by side, and 4 is a multiple of 8.

6. No digit can be used more than once. ex. (375594) 5 is used twice.

7. No digit can be 1 more or 1 less than the digit before or after it. ex. (253894) 9 is one more than 8.

8. No digits beside each other can share a multiple. ex. (386947) 8 and 6 are beside each other, and 2 is a multiple of both. 6 and 9 are beside each other, and 3 is a multiple of both.

9. The six digit number cannot have more than 3 consecutive odd numbers.
ex. (495372) 953 and 7 are all consecutive and all odd numbers.

10. Finally, neither the first or last 3 digits of your 6 digit number should have a sum of more than 15
(352947) 9+4+7=20
Can you do it?

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