Beat/Instrumental to Loop:
I wonder when they'll end the ridicule, it's pitiful,
Understand my presence here's a miracle,
Imagine the site without me in its early days... Got banned and yet my presence remains far from minimal,
Banned first week, was it? Hell, that's how I roll, I'm that antivillain you'll love to hate and hate to need like a fraction that's not simplifiable and vigilantly indivisible,
I'm the one to rise to second place on leaderboards and not even contemplate being chill at all,
I want to climb or teach, a primal beast that's here to stay and try to slay me, David, you'll leave miserable,
This aint biblical, it's Luciferan, I'm a monster that's invincible,
I'm the demon Airmax tried to slay that bided time and prayed DDO would find the fate it did, how spiritual?
I'm the one to block then cry and bitch yet witches know I'm true to all my principles,
Also one they mock and knock off a pedestal, but I stay here at the pinnacle,
Amphibian that regrows my limbs, axolotls fear this salamander when he's near at all,
I'm the one to take the hits and systematically recover, oh so clinical,
Some call me a sad man, others whiny little bitch but I prefer RM the unkillable.