What is it in the seed that lies dormant in the ground for years and years waiting for rain?
Chemical reaction. Aka chemistry. Atomic bonding has four kinds via electron{s}.
Universe/God is chemistry and sub-atomics, Gravity { Spirit-3 } and Dark Energy { Spirit-4 }.
God/Universe { synonyms in my definitions } does not get anything from anywhere, as God/Universe is eternally existent.
If your looking for a mom and pop --local universes-- set that created Universe, then where did mom and pop originate from and again, occupied space is naught created nor destroyed only eternally transformed. Simple
If you like the idea of a mom and pop set of two local universes, that interact ---if their interacting there connected so are defined as Universe---, then I have a scenario that involves the 5-fold symmetry of the icosahedrons, as it is derived from a 4-fold cubo-octahedron ---aka Vector Equilibrium---, ability to contract in two directions { left spin or right spin } ergo, we find 31 primary set of both left and right-skew, ergo, 62, 2D great circles, and, they are they are the abstract center great circles, inside-the-tubes, of all of my 62 invaginated great tori.
See these two links to understand how the 31 are exist. 15 + 6 + 10 = 31 great primary planes http://www.rwgrayprojects.com/synergetics/s04/figs/f5730a.html
Here is same except as great circle planes http://www.rwgrayprojects.com/synergetics/s04/figs/f5730b.html
This is of course the simple bisected/cross-section version expressed with text iconics like this i.e. two overlapping .....( ( )(I)( ) )....
( )( ) = one set 62 great tori of the two sets of 31, left and right-skew
( )( ) = the other 62
So 31 left-skew + 31right-skew = abstract, 62 total icosahedral great circles ---in 3D my left and right-skew great tori--.
Before I developed the invaginated tori I used two overlapping spherical scenarios, so slightly differrent expression. .....( (I) )....
And the one final note, is explaining this I at the center of overlap of the two, and this occurs for three reasons:
1} it represents our eternally cyclic resultant physical reality { Observed Time --quantised and quantified-- set of fermions and bosons } that may be associated with the eterally cyclic Big Bang aka WOW!
2} it is also representative of entropic heat death of death of Universe, wherein, we find all of physical reality --not Meta-physical Gravity and Dark Energy-- becomes one ultra-large, ultra-long wave photon, ergo, ultra-cold { heat death ] Universe.
......2a} however, I just realize my iconic expression, is not logically consistent, because, of the I being located between two tori's negative curvature being on each side of the line-of-reality .....( ( )(I)( ) )... i.e( this curve > )( < and that curve are the inner negative curve ). This will take some thought to fit in with my latest scenario of physical reality dissipateing into Gravity's outer positive curvature and then re-emering from Dark Energy's inner negative curvature.
3} my older scenarios involve the 25 great circle planes { now 3D tori } to have 8 icosahedra face bonded/attached/valenced, to the 8 triangle faces of the VE.
As the VE contracts/transforms, it eventually comes to a flattened phase of 4 triangles, shown here http://www.rwgrayprojects.com/synergetics/s04/figs/f6108.html
And with 8 icosahedron sets still attached, we fold the outer set of three triangles onto the center set, ---not diagram for this-- so as we have this seemingly flat set of 8 triangles and seemingly two sets of four icosahedra { left and right skew ] on each side. OIO is how it might look if the scenario is planar, but if all of great circles instead great triangles, the it would like more like what presented early above .....( (I) )....
Ok, so in one or both of these or just the latterof those two scenarios, the I inbetwen the overlapping icosahedras total 62 great circles, is the VE flatten triangle set aka entropic heat death of physical reality i.e. the 25 great planes where as statically conceptual polygons, or abstractly dynamic great circles, represent the entropic heat death of not Universe, only physical reality.
Getting long winded here so will stop.