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I wanna be your endgame
I wanna be your first string
I wanna be your A-Team (whoa-whoa, whoa)
I wanna be your endgame, endgame

Total topics: 5

Someone locked DP4 to keep the suspense lol

Anyway, Town wins!


Greyparrot - You are a sniper! You are a common weapon in video games that can scope out the enemy for information, and dispose of enemies from afar, no matter how defensive their cover fire is. Sometimes, just the threat of the snipe keeps opponents pinned behind cover and unable to move.

You are a JOAT (1x Strongman, 2x Rolecop, 2x Car Thief). The strongman grants you the ability to break through any protections a townie might have. The rolecop allows you to investigate townies and learn their roles. The Car Thief ability allows you to take a commuter’s car for yourself, while leaving them vulnerable- meaning they cannot be protected.

You win with the mafia.

Casey - You are a shotgun! You are a common weapon incentivizing players to sneak to a corner and wait for an unsuspecting opponent to walk into their one-tap. Sometimes, just the known presence of a shotgun in a room scares enemies away, allowing you to keep an area on lockdown.

You are a JOAT (1x Ninja, 2x Hider, 2x Rolestopper). The ninja grants you the ability to carry out night kills undetected. The hider allows you to hide behind another player- if that player is scum you will die, but if that player is town, any night actions targeting you will target them- however, if that player dies, you do too. The Rolestopper grants you the ability to select another player to be protected from all night actions.

You win with the mafia.

Faction Perk: Multitasker- Each player can use two different abilities in their kit at once. Key word: Different.

Hint: All of town’s characters are mechanics in shooter games- not guns!

Fakeclaim help: Your team has the ability to check two shooter game mechanics for possible characters, plus two PRs. You will be told whether or not they are in the game.


Savant - You are Minimap Dots! You are a mechanic that displays a dot on the minimap, telling the player the location of gunfire.

You are a 2x Watcher! You have the ability to select a player. You will view who visited that player that night.

You win with the town.

Pie - You are Deployable Cover! You are a mechanic allowing players to defend themselves in the event they get caught out in the open.

You are a 2x Doctor! You may select a player each night, and protect them from lethal night actions.

You win with the town.

Vader - You are the Killcam! You are a mechanic allowing players to see from the eyes of the opponent who killed them. Everytime a player dies, a killcam is to follow.

You are a Gravedigger! Each night, you will passively appear to visit any player that died in the night.

You win with the town.

Whiteflame - You are Vehicles! You are a mechanic allowing players to take control of you and move around the map at a faster pace (usually).

You are a 2x Commuter. Each night, you have the option to leave town, making yourself immune to all actions (including lethal ones) for the night.

You win with the town.

Austin - You are Map Objectives! You are a mechanic controlling preventing players from roaming a little too far around the map, thus directing the game flow.

You are a Compulsive Roleblocker! Each night, you must select a player. That player will be prevented using their night action. Upon failing to submit a night action, a random player will be chosen. If that random player if mafia, the roleblock will fail. If a random player is selected, you will not be told who. If you select a player, your roleblock will function as normal.

You win with the town.

Lunatic - You are Splash Damage! You are a mechanic allowing damage to be dealt to players without a direct hit. Sometimes from a player launched or thrown projectile, and sometimes from objects around the map; you are often used by players who are guessing where an opponent is, because they are looking to avoid waiting for an enemy peak.

You are a 1x Bookie. You may guess a player. If that player is lynched the next day, you will be granted a vigilante ability you may use the following night only.

You win with the town.

Wylted - You are cosmetics! You are somewhat of a game mechanic, but you usually have no bearing on the gameplay. Whether it’s a skin, a gun wrap, or an emote, you do add to the style of the game though.

You are a Vanilla! You have no abilities.

You win with the town.

Class Perk: Disciplined- Avoiding the wagon on the day of a mislynch, or being the hammer on a correct wagon makes your next night’s ability guaranteed to succeed.



This was my first attempt at a role madness game. I think I did good overall on setup- although o probably should’ve let most of town’s role be unlimited usage. It probably would’ve encouraged Casey to use more of her resources throughout the Night Phases.

Maybe bump up the bookie to two guesses, although I’m not sure.  Bookie in particular isn’t that great for 9-player games, but I figured I could get away with it here cause basically everything else in the setup does nerf it pretty hard, including the limited usage. It isnt as fun though bc of the limited usage.

Other than that I think I cooked. I’m pretty happy with the results as a whole.


Fun fact: Casey wasn’t even trying to hard bus Greyparrot. It was a distancing play gone wrong and town just gave out free town cred for it.

Anyway, outside of the setup, I think there’s two key takeaways: 1. Behavior is king. 2. High risk play from scum can easily backfire, even if it initially succeeds.

Forum games
54 10
DP4 changes have been reverted. The game is over.

Winners: Jester and Surivor
Losers: Town, Mimes, and Condemner


Winning third parties:

Casey - You are Jeff Skilling, the former CEO and COO of Enron! You were an aggressive executive with one eye on the business, and the other eye on its stock price! You hired Andrew Fastow, who later rose to a role as prominent as yours. You both want wealth and power and you want it yesterday! He can do a few things for you.

You are the Steadfast JOAT (“steadfast,” a flavor meaning your abilities cannot be changed). Your abilities are:

1x Rewriter- One per night, per game, you may target another player and hit them with one of  Fastow’s misleading spreadsheets. They will now have a new role (of your choosing, you cannot change their affiliation or make them vanilla, however!), and will have to interpret their character differently.

1x Commuter- Have Fastow take you to one of his offshore properties. You will be immune from all night actions.

1x Morpher- Have Fastow turn another player into a special-purpose vehicle to hide your company’s fraud. You will appear as that player on all investigations that night.

Finally, you are only in it for yourself. You are an Informed Survivor. You win when the town or mimes have achieved their win condition, assuming you are alive at that point. You are informed that the feds (really just another player in this game- Greyparrot) is out to get you.

Wylted - You are Logan and Jake Paul, the brother duo of terrible influencers! You like to get yourself involved in whatever you come across, usually making some dumb spectacle out of it in the process, from music to boxing.

You are the purple goo. You have no night action, but all players who come in contact with you on the night will have their role swapped with yours. This will make them the purple goo, while you gain their abilities. 

If multiple players target you in the night, one of them will be chosen- first, by order of operations; second, by random chance.

You are a jester. You win when lynched. You can joint win.

Other third party:

Greyparrot - You are Brian Vickers, the dirty, hotheaded, aggressive NASCAR driver! Despite everything in your career, you kept it going for a long time… and you never really changed your ways.

You are the Steadfast JOAT (“steadfast,” meaning your abilities cannot be changed).

Your abilities are:

1x Roleblocker: Everyone loves aggressive blocking! Except for the guys behind you. Use this once per night, per game to prevent another player’s night action.

1x Car Thief: You could also wreck someone innocent, looking for vengeance. Just ask Matt Kenseth. You may target a player: If they are commuting, they will be left Vulnerable (meaning they cannot be saved by/from any night actions by other players), and you will commute in their place, making you immune from all night actions.

1x Vote Thief: Sometimes, you steal a win with your antics. Here, you can steal a vote. Select a player, and they will lose their vote the next Day Phase, while you will gain a second vote.

You are a Condemner! You win if you are a part of the Casey’s lynch, or their death in the night. Voting for someone who killed Casey will not satisfy this win condition.


Joebob - You are Vladimir Kramnik, the paranoid former world chess champion! You have accused a multitude of top chess players, including Hikaru Nakamura, Jose Martinez, and Denis Lazavik, of cheating in online play. You are a lunatic who is only given credibility by some people because you were once a world chess champion. People also feel the need to go out of their way to debunk your claims, also because of your status.

Personally, I think you are going out of your way to accuse others, because you don’t want Toiletgate to be such a massive part of your legacy.

You are a godfather! When investigated, you will appear innocent. You win with the mimes, a faction that wins when all mimes are lynched.

Whiteflame - You are Machine Gun Kelly, the former rock rapper who switched to pop punk! You felt the need to diss your inspiration, Eminem, for clout. You got destroyed so badly you switched genres, and your career has been slightly worse than it was before the beef… you weren’t all that relevant to begin with.

You are a JOAT! Your abilities are:

1x Stalker- One of the reasons for your beef with is a tweet you made about his daughter, in which you said she was “so fucking hot” …while she was 17. Yuck. Once per night, per game, you may investigate another player to see what power roles they have. 

1x Commuter- You switched genres after getting destroyed by Eminem. You figuratively “left town.” When using this ability, you will leave town, becoming immune from all night actions.

1x Doctor- Despite everything repulsive about you, you are in a relationship with Megan Kelly and expecting a kid. I don’t know how (probably because she’s as crazy as you are), but you actually have other people in your life you need to care for. Use this ability to protect someone else from lethal night actions.

You win with the mimes, a faction that wins when all mimes are lynched.


Lunatic - You are Roger Goodell, commissioner of the NFL! Since becoming commissioner, a few of the things you’ve done are a bit… questionable, to say the least.

You are a JOAT! Your abilities are:

1x Killjoy- Once per night, per game, you may target another player with a fine for an excessive celebration/taunt, roughing the whatever, or some other minuscule infraction. If that player is a jester, they will be converted to town.

1x Jailkeeper- Some NFL players get involved in some criminal activities, warranting a suspension. This is good, but I’m gonna give you flak for being inconsistent when it comes to stuff like this. You may target a player. That player is protected from lethal night actions and shitty turf fields, but they are prevented from using their night actions.

1x DP Extender- Sometimes, the town just needs a break. But not when there’s a 17th game to be played! When using this ability, you will extend the DP, allowing for an additional lynch to take place that day. This can be used at twilight, or at the beginning of a day phase. If you use this, you will be unable to act the following night.

You win with the town, a faction that wins when they cannot lynch any mimes.

Earth - You are Ibram X. Kendi, the radically progressive author, professor, and “anti”-racist activist! You have made famous statements like “past oppression must be repaid with present oppression,” and “racial discrimination is not inherently racist.” A more humorous one is “it is racist not to have a capital gains tax.” You preach a philosophy of racial revenge under the guise of reparations/progress. Worst of all, you’ve poisoned the minds of many college-age youth with this philosophy.

You are the strengthener! You give philosophical backing to a horrid movement of woke racism, and once per night, you may target a player with this ability. They will be immune to anything that might interfere with their actions.

You win with the town, a faction that wins when they cannot lynch any mimes.

Pie - You are Tom Cruise, the famous actor and… Scientologist?! Yes, your action movies are mostly good, but I have no idea why you got involved with this “church.” You may have a financial stake in your promotion of it as well. You are a certified Hollywood nut.

You are the 2x Affiliation Cop! Once per night, you may investigate a player. Their affiliation will be revealed to you.

You win with the town, a faction that wins when they cannot lynch any mimes.

Owen - You are Bobby Kotick, the disgraced former CEO of Blizzard! You took Overwatch and turned into a disgusting cash crab that is still playable and sometimes fun, but a shell of its former self. You took a look at the game’s massive playerbase, and saw nothing but an opportunity for a shop update under the guise of a PvE sequel with some PvP.

You are the 2x Redirector! Once per night, twice per game, you may pull a bait and switch on someone, directing their actions to someone of your choosing. 

You win with the town, a faction that wins when they cannot lynch any mimes.
Skipper - You are Juggle!’s leadership, the people who own the company that bought the original site, DDO, from its founders, Phil and Crystal. Under your ownership, the site’s golden age continued… until you stopped caring about the site. The site eventually fell into disrepair with numerous bugs, and a dying community. A spambot attack drove the site’s remaining users to join DART, except for a few select users, two of which decided to spend the site’s final years engaging in a years-long, insanely racist flame war. You finally shut down the site a couple of years ago.

You are a vanilla! You have no abilities.

Or at least, that’s what I told you, in your PM. Rumor has it that you only bought DDO to fill out a portfolio. If that’s true, then it’s even worse, since you never cared in the first place. To take a great site with a great community, and treat it as nothing more than a feather in your cap that will need to be thrown out in a few years is shameful.

You are a hidden miller! You don’t know this, but you take one less vote to lynch than usual, and will be found to be guilty/mime on all investigations.

You win with the town, a faction that wins when they cannot lynch any mimes.

Banana - You are Subway, the somewhat healthy sandwich chain! In your prime, you could offer a $5 foot long. You can’t do that anymore. Now, you have many competitors that top you. There was also the whole Jared Fogle thing. That being said, you haven’t done much to bother me other than getting outsmarted by competitors, and not being as healthy as advertised.

You are a vanilla! You have no abilities.

Or at least, that’s what I told you. There are many people that still like to get a foot long every once in a while. I am one of them. I really only picked you because you were the only chain restaurant I could think of that had a falloff.

You are a Hidden Phase Princess! If you ever die, the next phase will be skipped. I’ll still create a thread for your flip if a day phase is skipped, though.

You win with the town, a faction that wins when they cannot lynch any mimes.

Thanks for playing! (even if this went sideways)

I'm gonna do a regular game next time.

Forum games
10 6
Well, this was one heck of a game - and it had quite a bit. I'll go through the setup, theme, night actions, and then my personal analysis.


Mafia Faction 1: 

FAKECLAIMS: Jailkeeper, Miller

ijb1 - You are Hydra! You are considered the best flipper bot in Battlebots, and are capable of launching opposing bots up to 15 feet in the air. You carefully choose your opportunities before you strike. Because of this, you are the Odd-Night Stalker. You may target one player per odd night to learn their role, but not alignment, flavor, or modifiers. You may also perform a factional kill on even nights ONLY on the player that you personally stalked the previous night. You win with your mafia faction.  

Once the other mafia faction is eliminated: 
You may stalk on any night. You may perform the factional kill on any night on any player. However, you cannot do both on the same night. 
Wylted - You are Fusion! You have two powerful weapons and an unfortunate tendency to catch on fire after big hits. You’re also popular for your entertaining fights. As such, you are the 1-shot Godfather JOAT. You will investigate as innocent to cops. You may use one of the following abilities once per game:

-Ninja (don’t show up on investigative reports) 
-Strongman (can’t be protected against) 
-Roleblocker (target can’t perform night actions) 

On odd nights, you may visit a player. You may perform a factional kill on even nights ONLY on the player that you personally visited the previous night. 

Once the other mafia faction is eliminated:  
You may perform the factional kill on any night on any player.   

Mafia Faction 2: 

FAKECLAIMS: Motivator, Hider

whiteflame - You are Whiplash! You are known for being one of the greatest control bots, being able to ram, and generally bully opposing bots to the point where they can barely land a hit on you. Once you’ve taken disabled the opposing bot, you flip them over to knock them out. You are an Even-Night Roleblocker. You may target one player per non-killing night to block active actions (but not factional kills). You may also perform a factional kill ONLY on the player that you personally roleblocked the previous night. You win with your mafia faction.  

Once the other mafia faction is eliminated: You may roleblock on any night. You may perform the factional kill on any night on any player. However, you cannot do both on the same night.

JoeBob - You are Minotaur! You are small, durable, and hit like a truck. Because of your compact design, you will keep on fighting right up until a KO, regardless of how much damage you’ve taken. Because of this, you are the Ascetic. You are immune to all non-lethal night actions. On even nights, you may visit a player. You may perform a factional kill on odd nights ONLY on the player that you personally visited the previous night.

Once the other mafia faction is eliminated: 
You may perform the factional kill on any night on any player. 


Greyparrot – You are Black Dragon! You’re the definition of mid offense, godly defense. On several occasions, you have survived to the end of the match on fire and upside down. However, you usually lose the judge’s decision afterwards. Because of this, you are the Bleeder. If you are targeted during the night, you will die at the end of the next DP.  You will not be informed that you are bleeding. You win with the town. 

Lunatic – You are Witch Doctor! Your ability is the same as your name – you are a Doctor! You are the Nonconsecutive Doctor. Each night, you can target a player, including yourself. This player will be protected from kills during the night. You may not protect the same player twice in a row. You win with the town.  

Vader/Barney – You are Chomp! You are known for a stunning upset victory over the undisputed GOAT of Battlebots, Bite Force. This victory was achieved with an ingenious LIDAR system that allowed you to track the opposing bot’s movement and fire your hammer at them accordingly. Thus, you are the Tracker. Each night, you may choose to track a player, finding out who they visited for the night. You win with the town. 

RationalMadman - You are Shatter! You are (in)famous for an incident in which you accused another team of modifying their bot after the pre-match weight check, an accusation that was eventually found to be true. Because of this investigation, you are the Cop. Each night, you may investigate another player, and will receive a “guilty” or “innocent” result. You win with the town. 

7000series – You are speed – I mean, Hypershock! You are one of the fastest bots in Battlebots, and no one is a match for your maneuverability. Unfortunately, you’re too fast even for your driver, and tend to slam into the wall half the time. Because of this, you are the Even-night Commuter. On even nights, you may choose to be immune to any and all night actions. You win with the town.

Best.Korea - You are Duck! You’re my favorite bot, despite the fact you’re basically a 250-pound brick on wheels. Your strategy is to ram into the other bot until it breaks, letting nothing, not even the laws of physics, get in your way. And because of how durable you are, this works a surprising amount of the time. You are the 1-shot Bulletproof Vigilante. During any NP, you may message me to become a bulletproof vigilante the next NP ONLY. You will be immune to night kills, and can choose one player of your choice to kill. You win with the town. 


-Each faction gets a single bulletproof which will remain until it is used.
-Factional kills behave as mentioned in the role - not like usual mafia.


All three factions had a themesplit, but I intentionally made the town one less obvious.

-For Mafia Faction 1, the themesplit was "bots from teams with multiple bots." This one's pretty self-explanatory.
-For Mafia Faction 2, the themesplit was "bots with non-traditional spinning weapons." Whiplash has a blade combined with a lifter, Minotaur has a wide drum, and HUGE has a blade literally as big as its wheels.
-For Town, the themesplit was "bots with a large fanbase."

Night actions:


-ijb1 stalks Joebob
-Wylted visits whiteflame
-Joebob NKs Greyparrot (stopped by factional bulletproof)
-Lunatic forfeits action
-Vader tracks Lunatic (randomized)
-RationalMadman cops whiteflame
-Best.Korea activates vig


-ijb1 NKs Joebob (stopped by factional bulletproof)
-Joebob visits Lunatic
-RationalMadman cops ijb1
-Wylted roleblocks RationalMadman
-Lunatic protects RationalMadman
-Barney tracks Best.Korea
-Best.Korea vigs Wylted (stopped by factional bulletproof)


-ijb1 stalks RationalMadman
-RationalMadman cops Barney
-Barney tracks ijb1
-Lunatic protects Barney
-Joebob NKs Lunatic


-RationalMadman cops Joebob
-Barney tracks Best.Korea
-Joebob NKs Barney
Forum games
112 12

GP wasn't dumb. Austin was in a position where he naturally would end up voting a scum member regardless and thought GP was dumb for voting the scummier one.

Pie was actually throwing at first on purpose for me to win the vote-off but as soon as we realised Austin wasn't bodyguard and that Austin sussed me more, we decided to make it an equal fight to the end.

The slips from Pie were authentic, he was barely paying attention until part way through DP2. I picked up on his slip @ing me, I read Earth's interactions as PR hiding in the background, I led a lot of this game in ways you don't realise but Pie was a very skilled partner and played the bus relationship off in a decently skilled manner but do not insult, degrade or assume GP fucked up hard other than outing what he did.

Mafia were not sent PMs without roles, we were sent PMs with 0 role descriptions, I asked Wylted to give an idea what he sent to town as in did he sent more, he didn't answer me and told me 'you win with town, link to game' type reply. I never ever would have guessed he didn't mean he sent the role on top of that to the vanillas. Scum couldn't have guessed that, it was insane.

I played well, Pie played well, GP didn't play well but read in a far more rational way than Austin did. Austin assumed I'd ever in a million years buddy my partner that hard that obviously, I'd only do that as a double bluff to experienced users who'd assume I never would.

Joebob's reasoning for voting me was ridiculous, Pie and I both were so utterly confused.

GG guys, you got wrecked. Admit it. Do not blame GP. Do not just get furious. You got demolished and Austin is also to blame as he didn't properly stick to his guns saying Pie and I were bussing each other. He blamed GP as a cop-out for his own mess up randomly assuming GP buddying me and vice versa meant we were scum together (who would be that obvious? lmao).

7000Series LVP
Other than me, Pie MVP.
Forum games
16 5
The mafia has won.

The theme split was:

  1. All Scum come to accept that defeat is an inevitable and healthy part of life. Yumemi Yumemite accepting this and Midari Ikishima not accepting this was the most deceptive part of the theme split and why I felt comfortable revealing it, I will justify this later. Midari enjoys losing out of masochistic impulse, not out of genuine humility and definitely thinks people who win are corrupt cowards usually unless they put their life on the line without cheating.
  2. All Town not only respect Yumeko Jabami in a genuine sense but they conform (not necessarily respect) the system in the school, even the rebel Midari who was personally responsible for the forced marriage arrangements going on with some losers who couldn't pay their debts (Kirari masterminded it and was also Town). In short, the Town conforms the most to society, though Meari is rebellious as her character develops she still maintains an ultimately conservative playstyle and ethos throughout. Yumeko conforms on the outside (how she dresses and acts) but inside is a complete anarchist, Yumemi Yumemite and Runa Yomozuki don't conform much at all, they love to stand out in multiple ways, Runa is the only Council member who loathes both cheating as well as ever risking too much at any given time (she is never even seen to gamble in the series' two seasons) and dresses very peculiar. Yumeko Jabami doesn't respect herself and Yumemi only fears Yumeko, she doesn't genuinely respect her at all she thinks Yumeko is merely lucky and crazy but accepts her defeat to Yumeko regardless. This was an interesting fused theme-split, you could even break this apart into two layers but a theme 'around Yumeko and who respects her' sounds unfair to make its own thing.
  3. The third split is nearly unnoticeable. The Town all play with an agenda at all times. They never play a gamble without an agenda behind it at any point int he two seasons though Kirari comes close. Yumeko has an agenda at all times but also plays for the thrill itself. Yumemi and Runa may have agendas in part but both adore gambling itself. Yumemi intentionally lost sections of her serial-gamble contest vs Yumeko just because she thought it would be more spectacular.
The roles were balanced such that if 1-2 members of any team were both bad, that team would almost 100% come to be defeated while the other 2 stand a chance.

That is true for almost all 7-player setups but this was very well balanced in my opinion.

There was no role in the game that had no capacity to lose if they or their teammate screwed up significantly, there was also no role in the game that had no capacity to win if they played proficiently, especially as I noticed you guys didn't know the theme so I revealed a layer of the theme to help.

The images had this in common: All Town faced forward with their body and head (but Midari looked up). All held in their hands something to do with stakes/gambling as well as something significant in the storyline that nearly hurts them and shows a human side to them. Also, all the town were sombre or unhappy in expression.

The thirdparty had a couple of things in common and quite a few things to lead to the thirdparty describing their image in a way that despite being similar enough could lead Town to suspect them.

The Mafia were even directly baited and misled by me in part because the clue I gave them to counteract the theme-split suggested that their torsos facing left of the image and their happy expressions didn't really matter. On the other hand, my clue did help them realise that Runa carrying a lollypop and having cards swirling around her probably implied that I had mixed some things around, I'll reveal the hint and specifics in my next post.
Forum games
6 3