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This may sound like old news, but given the current context in which liberals can't get Trump out of the elections, do you think liberals are capable of doing what the title of this thread says?

Remember that in the US history there have been several political assasinations, even to a president (JFK), so many people think Trump's time has come. Personally, I think it doesn't make sense because democrats will lose anyway whether Trump is in the election or not. However, there is a renowned prophecy circulating on the internet that speaks of the assasination of an important american politician that the prophecy calls "the orchestra man", so people think Trump is "the orchestra man".

What do you think?
58 9
First is HR 698: this is Biden’s ‘assault weapons’ ban which would effectively disarm the American people by banning the sale of AR-15s and hundreds of similar rifles.
This bill already has 205 cosponsors. 218 are needed to pass the bill in the House. And we KNOW there are RINOs who will vote for this if it gets to the floor.
If this legislation passes, we’ll never get these guns back

Second is H.R. 715; this is Biden’s attempt to criminalize the private sale of firearms in America and institute a national firearms registry, so the feds know which Americans own guns.

This bill also has 205 cosponsors. But it’s extra dangerous in that the lead sponsor is a RINO traitor (Brian Fitzpatrick, R-PA) which makes it far easier to pass the GOP controlled House.

We all know the purpose of this bill: to facilitate future gun confiscation.

Third is H.R. 2392; this is Biden’s legislation to mandate significant waiting periods before the American people can buy firearms. Criminals would ignore this, of course.

Remember 2020’s ‘mostly peaceful protests’ where we saw mobs of protestors burn, shoot, and murder their way across American cities? Imagine being unable to buy a gun during that time?

Waiting periods get innocent people killed. Period.

If one of these bills passes, it would be a disaster. If all three of these bills pass, it would mean the end of America as we know it because ‘We the People’ would be disarmed!

The Left knows this, and they are going ‘all in’ on these bills.

30 8
Fuck, I thought this place was bad with intellectual cowards like badger, rational_madman, iwantrooseveltagain, americandebater24, orogami, whiteflame, et al was bad....shit, the moment you say one word someone doesn't like, and they report you, BOOM! Banned for 3 days. 

Is there anywhere on the internet where rationally intelligent people can debate sensitive topics without getting kicked because some pussy little scorned girl got offended? 
5 4
If you support blackmailing anti-vaxxers to let their children be vaccinated if not they themselves and support repercussions for their delusion running against scientific 'fact' then what about the 'fact' biologically of an individual being male or female?

People who say it's gender and not biological sex are inherently lying unless they are talking of queers instead of trans people. Transwomen take oestrogen and even may cut off their penis all to mimic the sex, not the behavioural gender, that is female and womanly and vice versa with transmen and testosterone and/or other androgens (testosterone isn't the only masculine hormone for mammals, just the most known one).

If you support blackmailing people to believe in vaccination regardless of their feelings and need for freedom to be what they are and raise their children with said delusions (according to you, it's delusions anyway) then how can you support transgender pronouns leading to hate crime fines and career-ruining repercussions just the same? These are opposite examples of tyranny, right? One is for science, the other completely ignores science.

If you wish to turn this around on anti-vaxxers, the difference is not all anti-vaxxers support banning the right of one to act like a sissy man or butch woman whatsoever, it is the blackmailing of them using certain pronouns and ignoring the fact of one's biological sex they have issue with. They also believe scientifically that there is reason to be against vaccination, even if their science is flawed they believe it's scientific.
56 11
"Racism used to mean hating someone because of his race.
No more.
Today, 99 times out of 100 in politics, the word “racist” is used purely for political reasons without any regard to whether something bigoted was actually said."

"There’s a certain breed of guilty white liberal who actually enjoys being called racist, confessing its racial sins and denouncing less advanced white people. The hot new term for this is “virtue signaling” — a way of communicating how enlightened you are.
But there are a lot more white people out there who aren’t racist and therefore don’t like being called racist or being berated about how their country is racist. They also sense that the “Everything is about race” crowd is using race as a cudgel to silence critics and have their way." ~ No, liberals, not everything is ‘racist’ (

"Liberals need racist foes to vanquish. Most of the time they have to resort to finding them where they obviously aren’t there." ~ Why Liberals Think Conservatives Are Racist (

Liberals and progressives are the real "problem" in this country. They are the tried-and-true racists. Not conservatives. 

There are several members of this forum who keep "labeling" me (and others) racists for telling the truth. Two words: psychological projection. 

45 15
Steven Bonnel is a rational and intelligent liberal. Despite me disagreeing with him on a few issues, I think he's a good source if you want to hear arguments against social conservatism. He has (in my opinion) beaten conservatives like Nick Fuentes, Lauren Southern, James Allsup, and Andy Waraski.

Personally he's shifted me to left on social policy and a bit to the right on economic policy.

What do you guys think of him? : )
58 8
A recent Netflix series has mocked Jesus and made him about be a sinner, (gay, drug dealer, etc). This is absolutely horrendous ideology and depiction of Jesus Christ, yet if I made fun of Allah or Mohhamad, I would be attacked and banned for. The hypocrisy behind Liberals is maddening. All religions should be treated with respect or appropriated to same amount of mockery and Jesus is
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