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Total topics: 42

I'm going to be honest with you, no offense intention. I always thought that the US was a model of a country with strong institutions and thus with little corruption, only compared to Europe, but in light of recent findings in the DOGE program I think it was a huge mistake to believe that. Now I think the US is not that different to the latin american countries.

I'm not being sarcatisc, by the way. You can't imagine how disgrace the corruption is in this side of the continent, specially in Brazil and Argentina. When I heard that Elon Musk found dead people in the staff of some federal agencies the first thing that came to my mind was these hispanic countries and their blatant corruption.

So, what happened, America? What failed in your system? Are your institutions still strong or do they need some adjustments?

16 7
It seems that RFK Jr is struggling to become the US Health Secretary. I know he's very controversial because of his claims that are considered anti scientific but his proposals seem to be very well thought out.

It's not a secret for us that the Western health industry is plagued by greedy business men that don't give a sht about people's health, they only care about their pockets. And to my surprise, I've heard that the American food industry is also going down the same road.

RFK Jr is right when he says that Americans are eating garbage and that this feeds the health industry because if you eat garbage you'll get sick very easily. It's a vicious circle that only benefits the fkn billionaries that exist in those industries. So, his radical proposal of regulating the food industry will change automatically the need of Americans to use the health system. As this old adage says, "let food be your medicine and medicine be your food". It's a simple solution but very effective.

I don't understand why people would be against it. RFK Jr. should be the Health Secretary, Americans will be very thankful for that.
78 8

An asteroid heading the earth raised alarms among scientists, even though there is a low chance of happening (99%).

I don’t know about you but there has been a lot of speculation about it long time ago because it's part of several prophesies.

As a matter of fact, it is said that the last human civilization, long before the sumerian and egyptian, was wiped out by an asteroid that caused a flood all over the earth (the story of Noah). This asteroid was sent by the aliens in order to reset the planet since the human being got involved in henious wars that included the usage of weapons of mass destruction.

Do you think the history will repeat itself? 
Science and Nature
85 9
This is similar to the UFO phenomenon. The Roman Empire translated and changed the meaning of the original bible in order to keep people from knowing the real facts, like the reincarnation. Most first christian sects believed in reincarnation, though nowadays Christians believe that human beings have only one life after which their "souls" are sent either to hell or heaven, according to their deeds and the judgement of a "god". Nevertheless, the bible and the science contradict such Christian belief.

The current bible has no reference to reincarnation because it was removed but there are some hints that lead us to think that reincarnation was a Christian doctrine at the beginning. "Now the Pharisees who had been sent questioned him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?” John 1, 24-25. In that verse, Elijah had already long died but the Pharisees asked if John the Baptist was him. It's not a direct reference to reincarnation but I think we all understand what the pharisees tried to say.

Also, the science has been researching this phenomenon. There are thousands of cases about reincarnation, one of them even adapted into a movie, "Yesterday's children". I wish I knew more how reincarnation works but at least I can make out several things about it from the many readings I had and also from my observations. From what I understand, what religions call "soul" is actually a sort of technology that resembles an AI. The "soul", as well as the AI, needs experience in order to learn and thus to evolve, that's why the soul incarnates in this life or reality, in order to find the experience it needs to evolve. As it is evident, the soul needs a lot of incarnations because a 60 year life in average is not enough (courtesy of the aliens). The evolution process is still ongoing so we are not going to hell or heaven after death as Christianity claims, we'll keep incarnating and evolving until our bodies get enough long-lived to stop the incarnation process.

Reincarnation can explain several things about us. For example, children that are gifted with something like music, maths, arts, etc. Science can't explain it.  You'll be asking why we don't remember our past lives, well we actually can but we need to get hypnotized because those memories are in the unconsciousness. There are several things about it that make a lot of sense so I think reincarnation is real and is part of the human being nature. We need to be open minded and keep researching in order to find the truth (although the fucking aliens will bring the truth anyway).
67 9
I'm under the impression that Trump hates Mexico, or at the very least doesn't like it.

I'm going to be honest, I don't like it either. I met a lot of mexicans and these people are rude, nationalists and fkn ignorant. Not all but most of them are. Besides, Mexico has a lot problems that says a lot about its society, like the rampant corruption, discrimination, violence, drug cartels, and so on, mexican society is fkn sick and has no remedy imho. Although there are people that think Mexicans are happy regardless, even happier than Americans.

I'd like to know what you think about them. Are they a problem for the US? Are they your friends that just need a hand? Do you think Trump is treating them fairly?
86 7
It seems that the whistleblowers can't wait for Trump to take office so they decided to go out and say all what they know. Here you have a report from NewsNation.

This is fkn interesting. It's not just the release of a UAP retrieval video that you can find at 13:36 min in but it's also the testimony of  whistleblowers. You'll see that one of them went through a sort of "religious experience" when retrieving an alien craft which tell us that the stories of the bible (and other religions) are very related to UAPs.

There is a lot of stuff that is worth consideration in this video. It's usual to hear that in alien contact the communication is by telepathy so we have to consider that human beings can develop psychic abilities as the aliens have. The whistleblowers even say that the nonhuman crafts are controlled mentally by these intelligent beings (aliens) and that the Project Stargate related to the research of psychic abilities in humans had positive results.

Another thing that needs consideration is how the American military works. As far as I understood, the whistleblower says there is a lot of secrecy in private corporations that manage the UAP retrieval and that I think it's related to the military industry corporation. I can tell a lot about this that is usually considered as conspiracy theory but I let you draw your own conclusions.
Current events
8 4
I think he is.

What do you think? 
48 9

I want to pose this question, why the US has the highest number of UFO sightings?

I was thinking that it's because the US has the most advanced military technology but Russia (ex Soviet Union) does it too, so I ruled it out.

Then I was thinking about the level of development but Europe and Asia does have the same level or even higher.

If you watch the video, Mexico and Peru are also in the top but it's because they are ancient civilizations, there is something there that attracts these UFOs. At any rate, the US is by far much higher in UFO sightings.

What do you think, dear American, is attracting the UFO to the US so much?
Science and Nature
16 6
Well, as you know, this week a UFO hearing has been held in the US Congress and I kept thinking about what a former military official said at the end of that event.

This official showed a screenshot of a very old video about an alien interview saying that it was real. For the ones who don't know what video I'm talking about, I put the link to it.

I remember having watched this video in the news at the end of the 90s, it was amazing when it went out but not enough to say it was legit. You know, people demand categorical evidence to believe in something. Now that a whistleblower confirms the veracity of the video I think we can talk about it without the fear of mockery. This alien is one of those called the greys, it's not as evolved as other alien civilizations but they're defenitely more advanced than human beings in technology.

According to some contactees the earth is a sort of laboratory where human beings are the experiment, so it's forbidden for other alien civilizations to get into the earth without permission. To gurantee that the experiment is doing well the earth is being look over by the aliens that seeded the human being in the earth, those aliens are very similar to us. So, apparently these grays got into the earth without permission, causing that the vigilantes would take them down. The vigilantes were supossed to clean up the scene but they left it like this on purpose because the alien plan to unveil the existence of extraterrestrial life was already on track. You must know that as this is an experiment, the aliens can't "wake us up" all of a sudden, it should be little by little.

Anyway, I hope we can discuss about it since we're pretty close to the declassification of the alien files. Trump already mentioned something about it in Joe Rogan's podcast. He said that there was a fierce refusal to give up that kind of information, pointing to the security department which to my knwoledge controls the arms industry. If it's so, Trump is under serious threat as Putin said.
Current events
14 5
Gentlemen, ladies, let me introduce to you the deep state.

That song is fucking sticky. Lol.
2 2
I think everyone knows that Israel is technically commiting genocide on Palestinians. It doesnt matter how evil muslims are, there is no justification for that so I'm not going to discuss it here. 

What I want to put into discussion, though, is the way Christians approach to this topic. This is what you're going to see all over the Internet, Christians cheering the jews to keep up with this butchery instead of condemning such horrible attacks only because both religions share the same "God" and some beliefs, but when it comes to other religions all of a sudden they start to remember there are human rights. 

I dont know about you but this is called double standard wherever you are. That's why I always say that religion and politics resemble one another, they suck.
109 14
I want to make it clear that this is not any sort of political propaganda.

I've been watching the RNC and I've seen Trump completely changed, he's not the same.

If you compare it to other appearences before the shooting, you'll see Trump's facial expression is totally different. Trump himself said that the shooting touched him very deeply and so it seems because I don't see the same arrogant, vain, fucking selfish person he used to be. When you see him now you can tell he's a good man.

It wouldn't be the first time that this happens to a person because I heard many times that when someone experiences a deadly situation he ends up changing his personality, usually for good.

Do you agree or is this just an impression?
66 16
I heard Ronald Reagan went through the same circusntances, he suffered an assassination attempt, after that he went up in the polls and eventually won the elections by a considerable margin.

Trump was going to win anyway but after the shooting there is no doubt about it. 
94 10
It's great to see that at last scientists are open to new possibilities about extraterrestrial life.

This is good because the more open we are to this possibility the sooner this aliens will show up. It's evident, if aliens see that humanity accept the existence of them they will be more confident to show up.
Science and Nature
62 15
Since I started to have sexual desires at age 13 the lesbian sex turns me on so badly, much more than heterosexual sex. Even now, lesbian sex gets me very excited and really hard. In fact, one of my wet dreams is to have a menage a trois with a pair of lesbians and enjoy watching them make out but I couldn't so far because it's difficult to find two lesbian hookers.

Why is that? Do you have any explanation?
42 9
Do you agree with him? Do you think the probability is accurate?

I found out while ago that new yorkers are fleeing to red states, like Florida. New York seems to be sinking into poverty, criminality, ilegal migration and loads of liberalism. So, what Ray says should be taken into much consideration, imho.

What do you think, dear american? Are you planning on fleeing to another state too or maybe another country? Many of your folks already made up their mind about it knowing that the ship called the USA is irremediably sinking (thanks to democrats and also a bit to republicans, I've got to say). 
11 5
Answer with a hand on your heart. Are you proud of being American?

17 12
So, what do you think a christian should do before an agression? Defend himself or turn the other cheek?

Do you really think there is any benefit from turning the other cheek? For the christians, please, don't try to make fancy interpretations about it because we all know what Jesus tried to say. In fact, the last time Jesus turned the other cheek, he ended up being nailed to the cross.

I would ask all the forum posters to discuss this topic using carefully your words because the intention of this thread is not to mock or have fun of Jesus but to draw conclusions from such a controversial subject.
47 11
I've realized a time ago that the news channel that roasts Joe Biden the most is Sky News from Australia. Even Fox News falls short.

This really surprises me because it's an aussie channel. I mean, why the hell would aussies want to keep abreast of what it's going on in the US?

Maybe Joe Biden is really funny and sky news uses him to entertain the aussies.

Or maybe I'm missing something else.

7 4
It seems that people in Texas are fed up with the migration crisis that old Joe is incapable of fixing.

Do you thing Texit is possible? Is it viable legally? What do you think, dear American?
41 10
Physical contact between humanity and aliens is very close so I think it's good to know them beforehand. If you are less than 65 you have a lot of chances to witness this incredible event.

Here you are an AI-generated video explaining about the different species that the human beings have contacted thus far. You don't need to believe in it, just analize it and make a judgment according to your best logical reasoning.

Science and Nature
14 5
How true is this quote? I read you.
5 4
This may sound like old news, but given the current context in which liberals can't get Trump out of the elections, do you think liberals are capable of doing what the title of this thread says?

Remember that in the US history there have been several political assasinations, even to a president (JFK), so many people think Trump's time has come. Personally, I think it doesn't make sense because democrats will lose anyway whether Trump is in the election or not. However, there is a renowned prophecy circulating on the internet that speaks of the assasination of an important american politician that the prophecy calls "the orchestra man", so people think Trump is "the orchestra man".

What do you think?
58 9
--> @Stephen

I open this thread in order to put forth an interesting subject for yourconsideration and eventual discussion. This is not by any means a thread todeny the existence of God, Universal Consciousness, Universal Spirit orwhatever you want to call it because as the agnostic I am I don’t know for sureabout it and have no evidence. What I’m trying to convey here is the fact thatthe bible is not a set of books inspired by a divine being but a fascinatingtestimony of an encounter with an alien team that accompanied the ancient Hebrewsto build their civilization as it occurred in many other ancient societies likethose in Mesopotamia, Egypt, America, and many other places. The reasons tobelieve in that are as follows:

1. Literal translation of the bible
I’ve always said that the bible is one of these examples of the “broken telephone” in which the intended message is distorted and as a result the received message is most of the time completely different. The bible has been translated and modified at will by Christian theologians so many times that believers ended up believing in a fairy tale.

Mauro Biglino, a former translator of the Vatican, has been exposing the literal translation of the bible over the last years which left no doubt about what the ancient Hebrews really tried to tell us. Expressions like “the glory of God” or “the spirit of God” means nothing but “an outstanding mass that comes from the sky”, in short, a spacecraft. Moreover, the bible with the correct translation talks about "angels" that seem to be more like human beings: they eat and drink, they talk, they fuck, they kill, they even fight with the people. The story of the aliens gets more evident when we look through the non-official books (also known as the apocryphal books). I strongly suggest to check the work of this Italian.

2. The domesticated human being
I’ve got to tell that I’m not a big fan of the evolutionary theory because it has many flaws and gross holes, as I explained it in a thread that I opened long time ago. I’m sorry but as I don’t believe in fairy tales, I don’t believe in bogus theories either. I’m not saying that the evolution of species cannot occur as Darwin said, but this theory cannot explain how human beings appeared all of a sudden in this planet, I mean the timings and archeological rests just don’t square. I found more acceptable the panspermia theory, but in the light of the recent information, I think the ancient astronauts’ theory is more believable.

Many studies concluded that human beings share the same evolutionary characteristics of the domesticated animals. The scientific hypothesis is that human beings domesticated themselves; I think I don’t need further explanation to show how imbecile this hypothesis sounds. We all know that to domesticate an animal we need a controlled environment and sometimes genetic modifications. The hypothesis of the ancient astronauts says that the controlled environment is the Eden Garden and the genetic modifications were carried out by these aliens using their own genetical information, which explain why we look so similar to them: “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule…’”, Genesis 1:26. The story of the Eden Garden is obviously a copy from the Mesopotamian civilization which is in more detail, but this story is also present in many cultures which lead us to think that there were several “Gardens”.

Many people think all the aliens are grey, which is partially true because the universe is diverse, but according to the renowned ufologist Sixto Paz Wells, who had several close encounters of the fifth type, the aliens that colonized this planet look very similar to the human beings to the point that they can mingle with us hands down: “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”, Hebrews 13:2. In one of these encounters, he realized that the alien that was getting off the spacecraft was actually an acquaintance of him, to be more specific a European entrepreneur that he met years before.

3. The connection with Egypt
Ancient Egypt is without any doubt the main source of evidence for the ancient astronauts’ theory and many ufologists claim that the answer to the biblical quests is in Egypt, including the one related to the figure of Jesus since several biblical stories are almost a copy from the Egyptian myths.

The renowned ufologist JJ Benitez, in his book “The Yahve’s wars”, asserts that the biblical story of Exodus is not only based on a real event but an attempt of the aliens to build a new civilization different to the Egyptian. Why did the aliens get away from Egypt? The answer could be in the reign of Akhenaten, the pharaoh who decreed all of a sudden to worship only one God: the sun-disk Aten. Why did the pharaoh decree such a disruptive measure? Did he have contact with these aliens? Akhenaten is sometimes called the world’s first monotheist that influenced Moses to impose by force the monotheism. The pharaoh closed the temples and destroyed the images of other gods, everything related to these gods, even the unwanted allusions, were removed. He also banned any cult and any attempt to build art for any god, the change was radical. What amazes me is that there was no way to create a monotheist society in any ancient civilization because the measures of Akhenaten didn’t succeed at all and wouldn’t succeed anywhere, he in fact ended up being hated. Is it the reason why the alien team chose Moses and a bunch of people to create another civilization in another place? Did the alien team realize that they fucked Egypt up? It seems so because the Exodus story, if read correctly, is full of spacecrafts guiding Moses and his people to “the promised land”, no matter if they had to kill people to steal their land and no matter if they had to kill those who resist to worship only one God as it is told in the bible. It’s estimated that 1M people were killed by either Yahve or Moses’ people who only obeyed Yahve’s orders, a bloody God for sure. But why the aliens imposed such cruel measures of worshipping one only God and forbidding the images and idols? JJ Benitez thinks that the aliens didn’t want to leave any hint of their existence as it happened in Egypt, so they decided to kill anyone who creates images or sees God’s face: “But, he said, ‘you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.’”, Exodus 33:20.

4. Resemblance between the biblical stories and the testomonies of contactees
This point may be controversial for most of you since it's commonly associated with spiritism and religions, but it's not and it actually can explain some unbelievable stories of the bible. It’s known that even though we look like the aliens, they are far more superior in all aspects, esthetically, physically and MENTALLY. Several contactees have experienced lucid dreams where non-human beings communicate important messages. One of these cases is about a Spanish soldier who found small human footprints in the area he was surveilling. When tracing these footprints, he found weird dark stones on the way, so he decided to bring them home to analyze them. The next day, his daughter said that she dreamt with a group of small people that clearly told her to get rid of these stones his father took the previous day because if not his father will get cancer.

It's really interesting to realize that this kind of communication is present in many stories of the bible, where an "angel" says something important into someone's dreams. Jacob and Joseph received "angelical" messages in dreams. "The angel of God said to me in the dream, ‘Jacob.’ I answered, ‘Here I am.’", Genesis 31:11. "Now after Herod had died, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt'", Matthew 2:19. What we have to understand is that the aliens are millions of years ahead, so it’s not far-fetched to think they have full control of their minds. In fact, the ufologist Sixto Paz had contact with the aliens using telepathy several times. As well as him, there are other people that were contacted the same way. If nowadays we can communicate instantly with other people that are on the other side of the world using invisible electromagnetic waves, why couldn’t we think that our minds can do the same? It’s totally possible and could explain many stories of the bible related to extraterrestrial beings doing telepathy and even prophecies.

5. They send the same message
I’ve been hearing a lot of people talking about their communication with the extraterrestrial beings and they coincide with the fact that these aliens want us, above all else, to develop our minds as a vehicle to take to the next level in our evolutionary journey, by means of love, compassion, and care for the others so that we can join the interstellar community. I couldn’t help noticing that part of this message looks similar to that of Jesus, also known as the Christ. What does it mean? Was Jesus part of this alien team? Maybe, and I wouldn’t find the message wrong because it’s what reasonable people, either atheist or theist, want so badly in this fucking world. What it would be wrong is that a minority builds a whole fucking stupid belief system using this simple message just to have control over the gullible people. Whatever it is, we should get used to the fact that these aliens will show up sooner or later because most people are more conscious about it and nobody would dare to deem someone as insane when telling such stories.
154 13
I’ve been reading lately some books of JJ Benitez who is a recognizedufologist that questions the bible, comparing its content with the roundabout26k testimonies of the contactees he personally interviewed over 50 years,which to me leave no doubt that the bible is not a divinely inspired book, letalone sacred words, but an incredible testimony of the presence of human-like beingswith super high technology during the development of the ancient Hebrewcivilization. There is a lot of controversial information I would like todiscuss though, because this subject is open to many theories, not only the human-likealien beings’ theory but also for example the lost human civilizations’ theory,so I decided to create this initial thread in order to meditate previously onwhy most people, either religious or atheists, keep so obstinate on theirbeliefs despite the plethora of evidence there is out there. This is importantbecause the subject I want to discuss requires open-mindedness.

On the one hand, we have the religious people who stick obstinately totheir beliefs despite the fact that the bible is just a mere set of books withmany errors and contradictions that were written by fallible people who hadlimited understanding of their reality. Those books have been passed downsuffering a lot of modifications and translations with the only intention ofgiving them a "spiritual" meaning which make them even more unreliable.Proof of that is the several works of many bible scholars that studied them inits original language in order to find out its real meaning. The original biblicalinformation (in Hebrew) leads us to think effectively about the existence ofthese more evolved human-like beings I referred to, as it is well explained bythe bible translator Mauro Biglino whose work is very telling.

On the other hand, we have the atheists who are not that different totheir counterparts the religious people. Their God is the human science, theirbible is the scientific books/papers and their saints are the scientists. Iunderstand that science has methods and procedures scientists have to stick to,but I am referring to the attitude most of the scientists hold with controversialsubjects like this one, regarding it with disdain as if they were the owners ofthe truth. NASA took a step forward recognizing that this phenomenon deservesto be studied, but even so, arrogant scientists are still there blocking any attemptto study it because atheists gave them authority and as a consequence they feel empowered to doso. For instance, in the interview I provide (1:15:58), Graham Hancock makes a complaintabout how today’s archeologists dominate the main narrative on ancientcivilizations and avoid considering dissident opinions. What I’m trying to sayis that today’s science is run by fallible people and as such it is perfectlyliable to errors and hence to be questioned. In fact, the possible existence of alien civilizations with better technology entails a great impact not only on religions but also on science, specially on the theory of evolution that atheists have fervent faith in.

Is it difficult to be open minded, at least a little bit? What is it? Dogmatism?Fear of an existential crisis? Stubbornness? Shame?

What do you think?
50 7
Antisemitism has a long history, specially in Europe but also in the US.

Thomas Sowel gives a very simple explanation for that: "...the answer is that they not only succeed, they succeed in a way which is a threat to the egos of other people..."

Do you also think the source of antisemitism is the envy for the jew?
47 12
There are only two possible scenarios in the conflict of Israel-Palestine, as far as I'm concerned.

1. Israel keeps slaughtering palestinians without any resistance from the powerful nations because for the jews it only exists the law of talion. By doing so, the third world war is guaranteed.

2. The powerful nations retake the old project of finding a land for the jewish state. As many of you know, before stealing the land of the Palestinians there were other proposed lands for the new jewish state, but all of them were ruled out because the zionists only had eyes for Palestine. The zionists turning down this proposal again is more than likely, but I think most of the jews would agree with this proposal because they only want peace.

If the second scenario doesn't work, let's say good bye to half of the world.
26 10
Have you ever heard of this guy and his music? Man, I've come to listen to him sing and he really sucks, seriously. I wanted to crunch my balls out of desperation. He has no idea how to sing but he's the most popular among the youth.

What the fuck is going on?
Artistic expressions
9 5
So far, it's crystal clear that Biden wouldn't last long in the presidency. I mean, his health issues, the shameless corruption around him, the economic crisis that is getting closer and closer, the migration crisis, the possible outbreak of a war, everything seems to be against Joe.

Being said that, it's logic that Kamala Harris, being the VP, must assume as the first female president of the US, but from what I see people don't like her. Republicans say they prefer Biden over Harris in the presidency because she is a threat for the country, but as I said, the situation is unbearable and Joe has to go home.

Is it possible that americans avoid Harris as president? If it's so, who should assume the presidency of the US? The speaker of the US House of Representatives? Enlighten me, please.
146 15
Is that even possible in the US?

From what I know, the police in the States are really brutal and the law seemingly allows them to be so. That's why I ask if it's possible to shoot a looter when is caught red handed considering that most of them are unarmed and according to human rights you can't shoot an unarmed person. Maybe it's possible given that americans don't give a shit to human rights (you still have death penalty), but on the other hand maybe it's not because most of the looters are black and the victimism can arise. That seems to be a dilemma.
40 7
This is not new for you, I suppose. Fidel Castro once sent criminals from Cuba to the States as refugees so to destabilize the country in the 70s (see Scarface as reference).

Well, something similar has been coming about over the last years. Maduro has been releasing Venezuelan criminals to send them all over the continent which has been a big headache for many governments in South America given that the crime rate has raised since then.

What is really terrifying though is that as of late Maduro let a very violent gang boss run away from a dangerous jail taken over by the criminal group Tren de Aragua, and several Latinamerican countries are really worried because they think this gangster escaped to their countries. Fortunately, it seems that this gangster didn't stay in South America, so it's possible that he was heading to the american south border taking advantage of the permissive migration laws of today's american government.

I think americans don’t learn from their past mistakes. Do they? 
9 4
These are Trump's words, of course.

But despite this, I can tell that the US has degraded to levels never seen before, socially and economically. So, I ask the american, the yankee, if you agree with the title, but please, try to answer with the hand on your heart, with all honesty, leaving aside your political sympathy.
27 8
So, Messi is playing ball in the MLS and just came to win the Leagues Cup, no less. That was very quick.

I know the american league is not one of the best in the world,  but I see that Messi is changing the way americans appreciate football... I mean, soccer, sorry for that. 😁

How are taking the arrival of the greatest footballer ever to have walked this planet? Are you understanding what soccer is about yet? Do you think the american soccer will take to the next level with Messi?
14 6
I'm opening this thread because I've been seeing multiple threads where people complain of the life they live. I don't want to argue whether this life sucks or not because it sucks for most of us. What I want to know though is if the existence of an after life would change your attitude towards this world we are living in.

Keep in mind that I'm not assuming anything about what christianity try to sell us. So, let's say there is no God, no hell, no heaven, no devil, just another parallel world where we come from and where there is no pain, no suffering, just a feeling of absoulute peace, and that we are sent to this fucking world to accomplish a mission: make the human being evolve. So, it's a sort of matrix where you are supposed to live temporarily in order to forge love in you and the rest of the people because it's said that love is the only way humans can evolve. As simple as that.

Would you then change your mind and make your best to accomplish the mission no matter how hard it looks? I read you.
63 13
I've been watching a meeting about UFOs held by the NASA a while back and it certainly made me meditate on the implications of the extraterrestrial life confirmation for religions in the near future, specially for christianity which is the dominant religion in the western society.

The NASA didn't confirmed anything yet but they promised to investigate more so to give a convincing explanation for that phenomenon, even though we all know that alien life is almost a reality from every point of view. As a matter of fact, the Vatican has already been ahead of the curve in discussing about the subject, maybe knowing that it would have deep implications on the number of  church $$$ memberships $$$.

As to the way this discovery would impact on christianity, it's well known that there are lot of biblical passages that suggest the participation of extraterrestrial beings in the jewish history in which they are confused with angels and even with God. For example, according to the bible the prophet Elijah was taken to heaven by a "chariot of fire", but who knows if this wasn't a chariot but an alien aircraft or UFO as we know it today and Elijah was in fact abducted?

So, most of the nonsensical stories in the bible could be explained by the intervention of an alien civilization in the fate of the earth. It's also said that aliens are actually more evolved human beings that did put the human seed in this planet and once in a while they come over to see how we're getting on. Being said that, there is no need of religions.

What do you think? Is Christianity in danger?
45 14
Firstable, I would like to remark I'm not a believer nor an atheist, but an agnostic, and as such I am open minded to any teaching that really makes sense. You all might understand then why I criticize christianity so fiercely, because it doesnt make sense at all nowadays. So, having that cleared up, let's get down to business.

According to the latest research, Christianity is severely on the decline as it is depicted in the following link.

On the other side, new age movement seems to be gaining more followers around the world thanks to the internet and of course to christian flaws and nonsense found in the bible. By the way, the new age movement is not a religion but a set of beliefs based on eastern religions like budhism or hinduism, which teach stuff like meditation, yoga, karma, reincarnation, and the like. If you check the following link, you'll see these beliefs are embraced by believers as well as non-believers, which is very telling.

As far as I'm concerned, these new age beliefs make more sense than christianity. In fact, I think some of these beliefs do make sense of christianity itself since it has been theorized that Jesus went to the middle east to learn about spirituality. So, what there is in the new testament -and perhaps the OT as well- is very likely a misinterpretation of what Jesus really taught to their disciples.

Then, I ask: Do you think christianity is going to be displaced by this movement or this movement is going to reshape christianity so it gets more sensical?
92 12
The voice of black guys, either male or female, sounds quite different from the rest of people. If I were to guess a voice I could distinguish if it belongs to a black guy or not.

What is it? Is it a matter of accent, genetics or both? 
62 13
I was watching an old interview to the ex kgb Yuri Bezmenov who warned americans that russia was planning to subvert the US ideologically.

There you have a summary in this link:

Eventhough it's a game trailer, the interview is real, just look for it, its more than an hour long.

So, the question is, at what stage do you think this process of ideological subversion is?

1st stage, demoralisation
2nd stage, destabilisation
3rd stage, crisis
4th stage, normalisation

13 8
I've been making fun of California lately because it seems to me that this state is getting more and more hispanic given the high rate of hispanic inmigration. A poster here refuted this fact. However, checking the last news about it, it seems California is adopting many customs from Latinamerica, specially from the primitive, savage Mexico.

It's clear that street vendoring doesn't make any good to a state or a country because they don't pay taxes and it's an unfair competition for the vendors who pay a rent and taxes.

What is going on, America? Is really Calexit getting serious?
14 4
In Latin America, gay jokes are very common and it's usually taken as laughing matter. I'm not sure if this is the case in other places, so I would like to know how gay jokes are taken in your country. Do you think it's funny? Discriminatory?

Based on my experience, it's humilliating to treat someone as gay, that is why I used to treat my friends as gays if I wanted to tease them. Now I don't do it any more because I'm grown up (I'm in my thirties).

What about you, dear poster?
38 9
Before going on with the matter at hand, I want to make clear that this thread is not meant to stir things up. I understand that this kind of subjects usually tend to divide opinions according to people's beliefs. Broadly speaking, religious people would stand for creationism (if ithere is such thing in the scientific community), and atheists would stand for the many theories of evolution that exist out there. As I don't stand for any of them, I will give my informed, unbiased opinion as to what I know about the subject, which is not little. You're free to dissent as long as you do it with respect and without bias.

1. With the fossils found thus far, it's undenieable that evolution did come about. NEVERTHELESS, evolution doesn't mean that species evolved by themselves or evolved out of nothing. There are yet unknown mechanisms that triggered such changes, especially the big ones, meanwhile we have some theories that attempt to explain this evolution, one of them is the Synthetic theory based principally on mutation and natural selection, which is the most accepted among scientists, and also the most controversial. However, many people still confuse the concept of evolution with the theories that try to explain it. Evolution is a fact, what it's not a fact yet is the mechanisms of change that made evolution possible. That being said, if I disagree with the postulate of one of these theories, like for example the Synthetic theory, these confused people would get jumpy inmediately and will accuse me of being a creationst or even worse of being a religious guy, which would be a fallacy.

2. It's useless to explain the differences between microevolution and macroevolution, so I will make it short. Microevolution is more of an adaptation to the environment in which mutuation and natural selection play an important role. However, contrary to what people believe, microevolution doesn't lead to macroevolution or speciation because of one simple reason, animals micro-evolve to develop traits they already hold on their DNA, like for example the skin's or fur's color which can change, but a terrestrial animal can't grow wings to fly because this trait should be created at DNA level or be taken from somewhere. In other words, the Synthetic theory of evolution can't explain macroevolution, or in other case the theory is incomplete.

It is fair to say then that the most accepted theory of evolution has problems to explain the speciation and hence the evolution. As a result, scientists should acknowledge humbly that natural selection and mutuation are prone to criticism. What I observe nowadays though is that scientists consider the Synthetic theory as true and unique, and any attempt to criticise the orthodox theory, as I actually do, could be refuted by the false argument that it comes from creationists or religious people, which is not true.

Il Diavolo
Science and Nature
210 16
My mom asked me to buy an iphone for her and I obviuosly tried to pursuade her to not buy this crap because it's overpriced but she insisted to do so. So, I have no choice.

Seemingly she wants it because the iphone gives her a sort of status, it's all about appearances I guess. Having said that, and because americans like to waste their money all the time, I am wondering what is the most cost-effective iphone model out there. I don't want to spend much for it.
18 8