Total topics: 13
The first images of the first phase of Israeli hostages being released.
These people suffered horrendous treatment and it's about a total of 33 hostages in the first phase compared to the release of almost 2000 terrorists, so it's also a type of tacit admission on the Hamas side that the life of one Israeli is equivalent to about 75 of their terrorists.
Hopefully these people found God while in prison and will lead good lives but I get the feeling they'll continue down their dark path
Current events
This is an open letter to those criticizing Israel's response to 10/7.
You guys are mostly immature and naive idiots. War is ugly. The realities are hidden from you and it started being hidden after the Vietnam War. The reason for this is that images from war can easily become propaganda and cause democratic nations to back down.
Usually you have an option between two strategies to win a war when it is unevenly matched enemies. The first option is quick but nasty and this was preferred prior to the use of a lot of war photography in propaganda. The other option is slow and much prettier looking.
The quick nasty way was preferable because it was believed it was less devastating to civilians in the long run despite the immediate hardships. However the ugliness is what made nations shift towards slow and steady invasions.
Some of the criticism of Israel is that they are doing things quick and dirty instead of trying to engage in a war that lasts 100 years but looks less ugly.
However I just want you idiots already trying to intellectualize a response here or use some sort of circular logic about how Hamas is the good guys and Israel bad. At least have the balls to look at the following site that documented the atrocities of October 7th. Look at every image and every video.
If you are not a pussy, you will do it. If you have an ounce of humanity in you and you see what the fuck happened than you will realize why actions need to be taken to make sure this never ever happens again.
If you are a female I suggest you do not click on the link at all and just shut the fuck up about politics, but if you are any sort of man and you want to take a side than you owe it to both sides to get the full story and look at every single one of these images and videos
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Is anyone familiar with Matan Even, Amos Yee, Jesse Lee Peterson?
Current events
I have a new video up where I take Benjamin's arguments apart. He argues that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza and here are the arguments against that position.
By examining how I take apart his arguments you can likely improve your own debating skills.
The Israel-Palestine (or I should say Israel-Hamas) conflict is very complicated and indeed quite interesting. Let's talk about it. What do you think of it, Is there any side you think is right, etc.
To start off, I think that both the Israeli militaries and Hamas are completely at fault. The Palestinian citizens are experiencing a genocide of sorts, and Israeli citizens are becoming the victims of terrorist attacks.
I think the conflict is not one-sided at all. Of course, this forum post won't do anything except open discussion, but I do think Hamas should disband as well as other terrorist organizations (including the CIA [that's mostly a joke but still they aint a great organization]) and Israel should stop attacking Palestinian citizens and give them their goddamn human rights.
So, what do you fellow internet dwellers think?
Current events
Donald Trump is the greatest president.
Now what is great to you?
Who is great to you?
Which president was greater?
There are only two possible scenarios in the conflict of Israel-Palestine, as far as I'm concerned.
1. Israel keeps slaughtering palestinians without any resistance from the powerful nations because for the jews it only exists the law of talion. By doing so, the third world war is guaranteed.
2. The powerful nations retake the old project of finding a land for the jewish state. As many of you know, before stealing the land of the Palestinians there were other proposed lands for the new jewish state, but all of them were ruled out because the zionists only had eyes for Palestine. The zionists turning down this proposal again is more than likely, but I think most of the jews would agree with this proposal because they only want peace.
If the second scenario doesn't work, let's say good bye to half of the world.
I know more about what is happening since when I made my other posts on this most recent situation. I also regretfully am seeing my stupid beliefs (the stances I take is more accurate) reflected back to me on several occasions and it hurts. Because I had no ideal people could be this stupid. It's even sadder that the majority of this site is too stupid to have a good defense of Israel.
Hamas attack on Israel didn't even focus on military targets, though some were hit. It isn't hard to find videos showing how civilians were treated. You have the leads of hamas coming out and claiming no civilians were taken hostage, meanwhile they also have shown footage of themselves taking people from old folks homes across the border. Again the footage is widely available, and not even denied when they speak internally.
What happened to Israel is cartoonishly evil, and unfortunately because hamas does hide behind civilian targets, a lot of innocent civilians will get killed. It isn't the fault of Israel. You can't just surrender or refuse to fight because your opponent is being evil.
As far as the criticisms of America beating the war drums, what do you think happens to the United States if Israel is gone?
The US has the 2nd largest population of jews in the world. With a defeated Israel, Americans are next.
Hamas is also not fighting for Palestinians . This attack on Israel is going to end up in a lot of civilian deaths of their own people. They don't care. They take aid meant for their people and don't build hospitals or schools, but build weapons and underground tunnel systems for guerrilla warfare.
You are debaters and you should possess the skills to influence people toward a noble cause and yet you all are terrible at doing so. Go work on yourselves and come back better
Here is the hamas charter from when it was formed but I will summarize a few points for the people who think hamas is fighting for Palestinians.
Here is where they explain why negotiations will never be accepted.
Now and then the call goes out for the convening of an international conference to look for ways of solving the (Palestinian) question. Some accept, others reject the idea, for this or other reason, with one stipulation or more for consent to convening the conference and participating in it. Knowing the parties constituting the conference, their past and present attitudes towards Moslem problems, the Islamic Resistance Movement does not consider these conferences capable of realising the demands, restoring the rights or doing justice to the oppressed. These conferences are only ways of setting the infidels in the land of the Moslems as arbitraters. When did the infidels do justice to the believers?
Articles 21 and after is where most of the antisemitism is contained and outlines a generic plan for eradicating Israel or what thy call restoring palestine and murdering all Jews . It also details a conspiracy theory where jews are working with freemasonry and even rotary clubs against Islam.
Just read it for yourself. Ithas nothing to do with helping Palestinians. It's only about setting up an extreme Islamic state and eradicating every infidel in the area, including jews Christians and even fellow Muslims who just happen to disagree with the.
Below is the statement justifying attacks on women and children by falsely claiming Israelites have done the same.
In their Nazi treatment, the Jews made no exception for women or children. Their policy of striking fear in the heart is meant for all. They attack people where their breadwinning is concerned, extorting their money and threatening their honour. They deal with people as if they were the worst war criminals. Deportation from the homeland is a kind of murder.
One of the saddest things I've come across in my life is the fact that Israel isn't diverse. According to Wikipedia's demographics of Israel, 73.5% of the population is Jewish which is far too high because it only leaves room for Arabs to be 21% of the population, and the (what should be) vaunted "other" group to be 5.5% Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia . If you think Israel is already diverse enough, you are a racist bigot who supports Jewish supremacy.
Diversity is a strength and it's awfully sad Israel hasn't learned this yet. There are many great cuisines that Arabs could offer Israel. For example, Palestinians are known to make Kebab Halabi, which is served with a spicy tomato sauce and Aleppo pepper (so hot it feels like a scimitar through your throat!) Muslim culture must also enter Israel, as we can all see the wisdom in this Quranic verse which talks about dealing with some pest (probably rabbits): "And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out". Very Progressive.
Arabs could offer other cultural diversity as well, such as the cultural understanding that Israeli land actually belongs to the Palestinians -- a unique perspective that could help Israeli Jews to be more open minded.
Israel also needs Black culture. Cultural perspectives on 'who are the true Israelites?' should be taught be Black preachers in Israeli schools to allow diverse thought to flourish (das rite). Blacks should also have quotas to all Israeli schools and high-powered positions, much like they do in the United States, to allow the racial oppression of Blacks to be overcome with tolerance and diversity. There is a serious dearth of Black representation in Israel currently, and they need to start replacing Jews with Blacks as quickly as possible to undo systemic racism against Blacks.
Hispanics should be allowed to freely enter Israel because we simply need more diversity -- Israel is just too Jewish. Asians should come in by the boatload because why not? Whites as well. Just let everyone in to create a more diverse environment for everyone to enjoy.
This is the only way to combat racism and bigotry by the Jewish supremacist state of Israel.
This thread is for random videos of the Crimea of hamas.
Here is a video of hamas at a music festival, and let's be honest it is mostly leftists at here types of events, so the people most concerned about the treatment of Palestinians. In the video Hamas is shooting g through port o potties at random people hiding, or just taking a shit.
Current events
Israel sells American military tech to America's biggest enemy. China. This is unrelated to the hamas attacks, it is a separate subject and deserves it's own thread.
These people are not American allies. There is zero excuse to sell military tech to an American enemy.
They are traitorous towards their friends. Imagine how they treat those they don't like.
Israel are not innocent. People need to stop assuming they're just innocent victims defending their so-called homeland. They ripped apart a community and slaughtered many against the wishes of 6 Islamic cultures/nations/peoples to declare that as their homeland, with assistance from US and UK. They have since killed many, minors included and not always in retaliation AT ALL. I can positively tell you they had no fucking genuine reason to kill and make homeless the recent Palestinians they have so far other than sheer arrogance and abuse of power over what was never their capital (Jerusalem) until Trump stuck his nose in to say 'fuck you' to Palestine and Iran.
You also should not for a single second think Israel is the only aggressor and issue at hand. Hamas are legally in charge of the Palestinians by brutal Mafia means of control. They throw PLO leaders off buildings if they don't cower to Hamas and are recruiting, brainwashing and blackmailing any detractors which includes teens and even young boys as well as pregnant women. Stop thinking when IDF sometimes do things it's never in proper defence. If you knew what Hamas does in terms of human shields and child/teen soldiers are and investigate most (not all, most) instances of IDF harming it's in retaliation and defensive maneuvers.
Hamas explicitly state they will never negotiate with nor recognise the existence of Israel as a state (as PLO used to say themselves but got blackmailed to stay true to when they considered alternatives).
Now, we have an ultra-conservative ruthless Netanyahu who also won't negotiate. This is getting worse and worse from both sides.