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We all know jews try to trick God with things like having an elevator automatically open up on a floor they are heading to as a technicality against breaking a rule or putting a string up outside and then declaring the outside inside. 

At first I thought, these people are assholes, but then a Jewish friend explained it to me this way.

God is an asshole, which is well documented in the old Testament

The asshole requires jews to follow very specific laws

The laws were written by an asshole and thus are not designed to scale easily into new situations.

Jewish religious scholars, therefore, need to figure out actual laws to make sure they don't get fucked over by their asshole god. This process of figuring out if the real laws (in the Talmud) are fulfilling the requirements of The Asshole's laws (in the Torah) is what "pilpul" is

Since their god is a dick the jews only follow the letter of the laws, not the spirit. Why be considerate when your god is the equivalent to the ATF writing bullshit laws to fuck you over?

The silly tricks you see are this, following the letter of the law in a way that still lets jews do the stuff they want to do

I really gotta say that Judiasm makes a lot more sense once you realize that Jews don't actually LIKE their God even though they follow his commandments. It's like if you lived under an oppressive government.  

105 10
I think everyone knows that Israel is technically commiting genocide on Palestinians. It doesnt matter how evil muslims are, there is no justification for that so I'm not going to discuss it here. 

What I want to put into discussion, though, is the way Christians approach to this topic. This is what you're going to see all over the Internet, Christians cheering the jews to keep up with this butchery instead of condemning such horrible attacks only because both religions share the same "God" and some beliefs, but when it comes to other religions all of a sudden they start to remember there are human rights. 

I dont know about you but this is called double standard wherever you are. That's why I always say that religion and politics resemble one another, they suck.
109 14
Josh Shapiro is going to be kamala VP pick. What is everyone's thoughts on this gentleman
18 5
In an incredible turn of events. The far left in France has taken a strong stance against Israel defending itself from Hamas.

I never thought I would see the day, but as a result of this the Jews have happen Marine LA Pen double the vote and have essentially saved Europe 85 years after they were warned by a German president what would happen to Europe with unchecked immigration.
Current events
9 6
Hello. Black Israelite here. Not sure why white Jews are pretending to be the chosen people but I did want to start an open dialog to answer questions some of you have been wondering. Just to get a few things out of the way.

1. Yes the bible confirms blacks are jews with descriptions of us having dark skin etc.

2. No we do not support the synagogue of Satan

So any questions I can answer about Judaism as th only real Jew on the site, I will be happy to answer
10 3
For those that don't know;

An 18-mile fishing line connects 1st to 126th street. It’s part of Jewish Sabbath traditions, and the line is called an Eruv roof, which is a symbolic fence and boundary. Jews that observe the laws of the Sabbath are not allowed to carry anything from their private residence out into the public domain on Saturdays. That includes any essentials like a wallet, cellphone, and keys, to name a few. Exodus 16:29 asks Jewish people to stay in to rest on Saturdays. An eruv symbolically extends your private residence into the public domain so you can perform ordinary activities like taking your dog for a walk or carrying your child.

So we have exodus 16:29 that demands that on the sabbath Jews stay in their house and not leave it to rest on Saturdays. They are to stay in their residence as ordered by God. Jews believing they can trick God have created this line to symbolize that their house in fact extends out to the grocery store or a starbucks. This is an attempt to trick God into believing their actual home actually extends to the starbucks across the street, so when they meet God and he says

"Why did you not obey the sabbath like I commanded" The Jewish person will immediately start an argument with God.

"Oy Vey God, but this line makes my house extend down the street to starbucks and so i can leave the house to walk my dog or perhaps Go for a jog"

I have no ideal why they think God will be tricked into thinking the line actually extends their residence or even the inside of their dwellings to also include every house, place of business and street within the lines. Perhaps they convince themselves the Eruv line is their home, despite their property deed disagreeing, but even if they manage to fool themselves they will not fool God.

This is not a one off thing. Jews do other things like put a water bottle under their car seat to fool God into thinking their car is a boat. they typically also argue with God and he punishes them for it. Moses argued with God about the 10 commandments. God wrote the 10 commandments and moses essentially broke them in half and said to God "Your laws are stupid, try again idiot" Moses was fortunately punished for this but it was absurd.

the city of sodom was about to be destroyed and I shit you not Abraham calls God out and even insults him by doing so by attempting to gas light him "Would you actually murder innocent people if they are there God"?

It's none of your business Abraham. It's God if he wants to sweep up the righteous with the evil it is literally none of your business and it is really disrespectful to question a decision God made.

Let's mostly ignore history though and I would like to see some people try and claim the Eruv line is not an attempt to trick God and themselves by trying to reason that fishing line now extends the inside of their house.
67 6
The point of this is to establish a well-rounded and informed view on the subject before choosing sides, so I have attempted to create the strongest case for each side while remaining concise.

Argument for Zionism: Zionism is a form of Jewish nationalism that posits Jews are a nation and that Jews should receive national rights on the basis of this identity. Zionists believe that the location for these rights or sovereignty should be the Land of Israel, which religious Jewish tradition regarded as Jews’ ancient and ultimate homeland. Zionism is based on the following arguments:
  • Zionism is a legitimate and natural expression of the Jewish people’s right to self-determination and national liberation, as recognized by international law and human rights. Jews have a unique and special connection to the Land of Israel, which is their ancestral and historical homeland, and where they have maintained a continuous presence and culture for thousands of years. Jews have a natural and divine right to return to their land and to create a sovereign state there (Benziman & Mansour, 2012; Golan, 2011; Laqueur, 2003).
  • Zionism is a necessary and justified response to the centuries of persecution, oppression, and discrimination that Jews have faced in the diaspora, especially in Europe and the Middle East. Zionism emerged in the late 19th century as a reaction to the rise of antisemitism and nationalism in Europe, which threatened the security and the identity of the Jewish minority. Zionism also emerged as a reaction to the decline and collapse of the Ottoman Empire, which left the Jewish population in Palestine vulnerable and unprotected. Zionism sought to provide a safe haven and a homeland for the Jewish people, where they could live in dignity and freedom (Benziman & Mansour, 2012; Golan, 2011; Laqueur, 2003).
  • Zionism is supported by scientific evidence and research that confirms the genetic, cultural, and historical continuity of the Jewish people, and their link to the Land of Israel. Zionism is based on the idea that Jews are not only a religious group, but also a distinct ethnic and racial group, that originated in Palestine (ancient Canaan) and that shares a common ancestry and heritage. Zionism is also based on the idea that Jews have contributed to the development and civilization of the world, especially in the fields of science, art, and religion. Zionism is validated by various sources, such as the Bible, the archaeology, the history, and the genetics (Benziman & Mansour, 2012; Golan, 2011; Laqueur, 2003; Ostrer, 2012).
  • Zionism is a movement to restore the Jewish presence and sovereignty in Israel, the ancestral and historical homeland of the Jewish people. Zionism is fair because it fulfills the religious and national aspirations of the Jews, who have maintained a continuous and unbreakable connection to the land for thousands of years. Zionism is also fair because it offers refuge and protection to the Jews, who have faced persecution and genocide in many parts of the world. Zionism is based on justice, truth, and peace.
  • Benziman, U., & Mansour, A. (2012). Haaretz e-books: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd.
  • Golan, A. (2011). Zionism and the origins of Israeli diplomacy. Cambridge University Press.
  • Laqueur, W. (2003). A history of Zionism. Schocken Books.
  • Ostrer, H. (2012). Legacy: A genetic history of the Jewish people. Oxford University Press.

Argument for anti-Zionism: Anti-Zionism is a political and ideological movement that opposes the existence and the legitimacy of the state of Israel, and the Zionist project of creating and maintaining a Jewish national state in Palestine. Anti-Zionists believe that Zionism is a form of colonialism, racism, and apartheid, that violates the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people, and that threatens the peace and stability of the region and the world. Anti-Zionism is based on the following arguments:
  • Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism, but a legitimate criticism of a political ideology and a state that violates the rights and dignity of the Palestinians. Anti-Zionism does not deny the existence or the history of the Jewish people, but challenges the claim that they have a superior or exclusive right to the land of Palestine. Anti-Zionism also recognizes the diversity and complexity of Jewish identity and opinion, and does not conflate them with the actions and policies of Israel (Abunimah, 2014; Chomsky, 2015; Finkelstein, 2003).
  • Zionism is a form of colonialism, racism, and apartheid, that displaces, oppresses, and discriminates against the indigenous people of Palestine. Zionism relies on the myths of a “land without a people” and a “chosen people” to justify the ethnic cleansing and the occupation of Palestine. Zionism also violates the principles of international law and human rights, and threatens the peace and stability of the region and the world (Abunimah, 2014; Chomsky, 2015; Finkelstein, 2003; Pappe, 2006).
  • Zionism is a self-defeating and unsustainable project, that undermines the security and the morality of the Jewish people. Zionism isolates and alienates Israel from the international community, and exposes it to constant violence and hostility. Zionism also corrupts and distorts the Jewish values and traditions, and makes them subservient to a nationalist and militarist agenda. Zionism also ignores the reality and the diversity of the Palestinian people, and denies them their legitimate aspirations and claims (Abunimah, 2014; Chomsky, 2015; Finkelstein, 2003; Pappe, 2006).
  • Zionism is a favoritist and immoral movement. Favoritism is the unfair preference for a group or individual over others. Zionism prefers the Jews over other nations and claims that they have a special right to Palestine. Zionism also imposes the Jewish culture, religion, and identity on the native Palestinians. Zionism is based on myths, lies, and violence . Immorality is the violation of justice and fairness in human relations. Zionism disregards the rights and dignity of the Palestinians and treats them as inferior or disposable. Zionism also contradicts the values and traditions of the Jewish people and makes them oppressors and killers of the Palestinians. Zionism is based on selfishness, greed, and hatred .
  • Abunimah, A. (2014). The battle for justice in Palestine. Haymarket Books.
  • Chomsky, N. (2015). On Palestine. Penguin Books.
  • Finkelstein, N. G. (2003). Image and reality of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Verso.
  • Pappe, I. (2006). The ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Oneworld Publications.

18 4
Antisemitism has a long history, specially in Europe but also in the US.

Thomas Sowel gives a very simple explanation for that: "...the answer is that they not only succeed, they succeed in a way which is a threat to the egos of other people..."

Do you also think the source of antisemitism is the envy for the jew?
47 12
Here is the hamas charter from when it was formed but I will summarize a few points for the people who think hamas is fighting for Palestinians.

Here is where they explain why negotiations will never be accepted. 

Now and then the call goes out for the convening of an international conference to look for ways of solving the (Palestinian) question. Some accept, others reject the idea, for this or other reason, with one stipulation or more for consent to convening the conference and participating in it. Knowing the parties constituting the conference, their past and present attitudes towards Moslem problems, the Islamic Resistance Movement does not consider these conferences capable of realising the demands, restoring the rights or doing justice to the oppressed. These conferences are only ways of setting the infidels in the land of the Moslems as arbitraters. When did the infidels do justice to the believers?
Articles 21 and after is where most of the antisemitism is contained and outlines a generic plan for eradicating Israel  or what thy call restoring palestine and murdering all Jews . It also details a conspiracy theory where jews are working with freemasonry and even rotary clubs against Islam.

Just read it for yourself. Ithas nothing to do with helping Palestinians.  It's only about setting up an extreme Islamic state and eradicating every infidel in the area, including jews Christians and even fellow Muslims who just happen to disagree with the.  

Below is the statement justifying attacks on women and children by falsely claiming Israelites have done the same.

In their Nazi treatment, the Jews made no exception for women or children. Their policy of striking fear in the heart is meant for all. They attack people where their breadwinning is concerned, extorting their money and threatening their honour. They deal with people as if they were the worst war criminals. Deportation from the homeland is a kind of murder.

30 8
One of the saddest things I've come across in my life is the fact that Israel isn't diverse. According to Wikipedia's demographics of Israel, 73.5% of the population is Jewish which is far too high because it only leaves room for Arabs to be 21% of the population, and the (what should be) vaunted "other" group to be 5.5% Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia . If you think Israel is already diverse enough, you are a racist bigot who supports Jewish supremacy. 

Diversity is a strength and it's awfully sad Israel hasn't learned this yet. There are many great cuisines that Arabs could offer Israel. For example, Palestinians are known to make Kebab Halabi, which is served with a spicy tomato sauce and Aleppo pepper (so hot it feels like a scimitar through your throat!) Muslim culture must also enter Israel, as we can all see the wisdom in this Quranic verse which talks about dealing with some pest (probably rabbits): "And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out". Very Progressive.

Arabs could offer other cultural diversity as well, such as the cultural understanding that Israeli land actually belongs to the Palestinians -- a unique perspective that could help Israeli Jews to be more open minded.

Israel also needs Black culture. Cultural perspectives on 'who are the true Israelites?' should be taught be Black preachers in Israeli schools to allow diverse thought to flourish (das rite). Blacks should also have quotas to all Israeli schools and high-powered positions, much like they do in the United States, to allow the racial oppression of Blacks to be overcome with tolerance and diversity. There is a serious dearth of Black representation in Israel currently, and they need to start replacing Jews with Blacks as quickly as possible to undo systemic racism against Blacks.

Hispanics should be allowed to freely enter Israel because we simply need more diversity -- Israel is just too Jewish. Asians should come in by the boatload because why not? Whites as well. Just let everyone in to create a more diverse environment for everyone to enjoy.

This is the only way to combat racism and bigotry by the Jewish supremacist state of Israel.
19 8
This thread is for random videos of the Crimea of hamas.

Here is a video of hamas at a music festival, and let's be honest it is mostly leftists at here types of events, so the people most concerned about the treatment of Palestinians. In the video Hamas is shooting g through port o potties at random people hiding, or just taking a shit.
Current events
12 2
during world War one, we have articles by prominent Jews claiming deaths of 6 million and referring to it with the word "holocaust".

How many damn holocaust are they going to claim?
29 9
The hews who hold disproportionate power in The United States are responsible for below. (Duh they are the ones in charge)

Why won't Congress legalize psilocybin? Why is big pharm terrified psilocybin-producing fungi?

A single, large dose of psilocybin created a sustained, year-long obliteration of major depression symptoms in terminal cancer patients. Note that these results are far more substantial than standard, pharmacological treatments of depression--and only a single dose was required.

Psilocybin produced an 80% rate of success in smoking cessation, vs. 35% success rate of other methods (patch, gum, etc).

Psilocybin shown to radically reduce conditioned fear responses.

And every single one of you can grow a lifetime's supply in less than a year for less money than you spend on video games.

Science and Nature
9 6