How the Jews try to trick God

Author: WyIted


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For those that don't know;

An 18-mile fishing line connects 1st to 126th street. It’s part of Jewish Sabbath traditions, and the line is called an Eruv roof, which is a symbolic fence and boundary. Jews that observe the laws of the Sabbath are not allowed to carry anything from their private residence out into the public domain on Saturdays. That includes any essentials like a wallet, cellphone, and keys, to name a few. Exodus 16:29 asks Jewish people to stay in to rest on Saturdays. An eruv symbolically extends your private residence into the public domain so you can perform ordinary activities like taking your dog for a walk or carrying your child.

So we have exodus 16:29 that demands that on the sabbath Jews stay in their house and not leave it to rest on Saturdays. They are to stay in their residence as ordered by God. Jews believing they can trick God have created this line to symbolize that their house in fact extends out to the grocery store or a starbucks. This is an attempt to trick God into believing their actual home actually extends to the starbucks across the street, so when they meet God and he says

"Why did you not obey the sabbath like I commanded" The Jewish person will immediately start an argument with God.

"Oy Vey God, but this line makes my house extend down the street to starbucks and so i can leave the house to walk my dog or perhaps Go for a jog"

I have no ideal why they think God will be tricked into thinking the line actually extends their residence or even the inside of their dwellings to also include every house, place of business and street within the lines. Perhaps they convince themselves the Eruv line is their home, despite their property deed disagreeing, but even if they manage to fool themselves they will not fool God.

This is not a one off thing. Jews do other things like put a water bottle under their car seat to fool God into thinking their car is a boat. they typically also argue with God and he punishes them for it. Moses argued with God about the 10 commandments. God wrote the 10 commandments and moses essentially broke them in half and said to God "Your laws are stupid, try again idiot" Moses was fortunately punished for this but it was absurd.

the city of sodom was about to be destroyed and I shit you not Abraham calls God out and even insults him by doing so by attempting to gas light him "Would you actually murder innocent people if they are there God"?

It's none of your business Abraham. It's God if he wants to sweep up the righteous with the evil it is literally none of your business and it is really disrespectful to question a decision God made.

Let's mostly ignore history though and I would like to see some people try and claim the Eruv line is not an attempt to trick God and themselves by trying to reason that fishing line now extends the inside of their house.
WyIted's avatar
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The manhatten urev is 13 miles in radius if anyone is curious. Here is an article that points out the many ways that Jews try to trick God.
WyIted's avatar
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This stuff is made even more insane. So clearly they are breaking the spirit of the law of the sabbath but funny enough they also add rules. The added rules are probably not pissing God off but some rabbi once decided that flipping a light switch is the same as starting a fire and banned it on the sabbath. So now Jews set up timers to avoid cutting on a switch but staying in the light.

Here is the absurdity

1. God clearly did not mean for there to be any rules about cutting on a light switch

2. If you really think God banned you from cutting on a lightswitch, he isn't going to be fooled by you setting a timer. It's still you cutting on a switch but with extra steps. Stop lying to yourself and God
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every 7 years the jews pretend to sell Israel to a non Jew to trick god into thinking they are not using their land for agriculture once every 7 years like God commanded

WyIted's avatar
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upcoming potential rebuttals

1. God is so great he would conceive of every loophole and so it is fine.

He can conceive of everything.

dumb argument. it would take millions of pages of text to acknowledge every loophole. How about don't be smart asses with God and just obey him. Stop inventing copes to justify disrespecting God.

2. It's like a mindfulness exercise. It helps us to think of God when the oven is put in sabbath mode and we can put the turkey in without technically turning it on. No that is what prayer is for. Stop doing whatever the hell it is you think will trick God

God didn't fall for it when You attempted to circumvent God's law to not worship golden statues with that pilpul and God didn't fall for it when you tried to save manna instead of just taking what you needed for the day. Here is how I imagine the conversation went.

Moses to the crowd; Whats up my ninjas. Hey free food on god later, just eat what you need he said not to save any and just have faith.

some random rabbi to his son : Can you get some extra manna to store for me

son : Bruh, God said not to do that

rabbi; No he said we couldn't save any for ourselves but if you save manna for me and I save manna for you than we have tricked God

son: Okay sounds reasonable

next day God is pissed and rots the manna and sends no more due to being disobeyed

rabbi ++Surprised pikachu face++
Best.Korea's avatar
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The added rules are probably not pissing God off but some rabbi once decided that flipping a light switch is the same as starting a fire and banned it on the sabbath.
Thats what happens when God says "do not do any work", but doesnt precisely explain what "work" includes so its left to interpretation which results in flipping a light switch being a crime.

Still, I think Bible says something in a sense not to do any hard work, but that too is up to interpretation, just less.
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No he said we couldn't save any for ourselves but if you save manna for me and I save manna for you than we have tricked God
I think the Old Testament is all about "chosen people" constantly violating God's commands.

Its really one of the biggest plot twists in the Bible.

People who violated basically every command God gave them end up killing Jesus(God) because they thought he was violating the commands.
WyIted's avatar
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it's obvious what no work means but they decided to divide it into 39 categories. I am not making this up. For example if you look at the command not to make fire on the sabbath it is because fire used to be labor intensive. It's just being extremely legalistic which God obviously frowns upon. It literally just means a day of rest and renewal and worship. You aren't banned from pressing a button nor are you fooling God by having an elevator that automatically opens on each floor. You are also not disobeying God by pressing a button. Pressing an elevator button does not count as work and it's really dumb to try and overanlyze the command. It is also highly disrespectful to God to pretend like it isn't plainly obvious what he commanded.

I estimate that if there is a Jewish afterlife (they are unsure themselves). 100% of jews that are not orthodox are going to hell and about 90% of orthodox jews will be in hell.
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I believe the only time a Jew obeys God in the bible on the first try without giving him shit about it, is when Noah just trusted him and built a boat. Also when Abraham was about to slaughter his son, but it was just God playing a trick on him for the LULZ
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it's obvious what no work means but they decided to divide it into 39 categories
I dont see the point of that.

Do they still have death penalty for working on sabbath?

And from where did they even derive 39 categories?
WyIted's avatar
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end up killing Jesus(God) because they thought he was violating the commands.
They killed him because they thought he was claiming to be the messiah, which he was. The sad part is the romans said the crowd could pardon one person and they literally pardones a serial killer over the guy who they thought was mentally ill.

If you believe Jesus is the messiah it is fucked up, but even if you just believed him to be mentally ill with a knack for gathering followers than it still makes letting a serial killer free to pwn him, incredibly fucked up.

I would probably be that guy in the crowd going "Maybe the serial killer being free is worse for society than a schitzophrenic" . I am sure informing the crowd of that would paint a target on my back though.

WyIted's avatar
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I dont see the point of that.
because they refuse to respect the spirit of the law and want to be legalistic.

Do they still have death penalty for working on sabbath?
I don't think they ever did.

And from where did they even derive 39 categories?
From 20 rabbis sitting in a room  being pedantic

"What does the word labor actually mean?"

"it means work that makes you sweat and is not relaxing"

"oh no, that can't be. obviously it means if you don't set your coffee brewer to automatic for saturday morning than you are sinning against God"

Just pedantic shit that is people who over focus on LOGOS to the point of creating stupid logical circles that are obviously false. They really just piss all over the spiritual and replace it with logos. The exception is kabbalistic Jews who actually do have spiritual practices.

Best.Korea's avatar
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They seem to be adding their own interpretation, but Bible specifically says not to add or remove from it.

Kinda like many people on YouTube who greatly overthink what Bible says just to get the "I figured it out" feeling over others.
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I don't think they ever did.
Well, the Old Testament says how anyone working on sabbath would get death penalty, but I guess thats a too harsh punishment to enforce, and would more likely be used as a tool against political opponents or someone people dislike.

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I think every religion has "modern vs literal interpretation".

There is simply a case where literal interpretation doesnt suit modern times, and there is also a need to invent something new because human mind hates doing same thing over and over.
WyIted's avatar
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They seem to be adding their own interpretation, but Bible specifically says not to add or remove from it.
In some respect you have to but common sense dictates makes you realize precisely what is meant so there isn't much room for interpretation.

it's obvious when the bible says 2 men should not fuck that it literally means that, but I can see some people trying to transition to get around it. It's silly. Obey God or don't, but don't sit there and try to trick God.

Well, the Old Testament says how anyone working on sabbath would get death penalty, but I guess thats a too harsh punishment to enforce, and would more likely be used as a tool against political opponents or someone people dislike.
I found it. Exodus 31:15

I try not to view these laws too harshly. You basically have a bunch of untrained slaves in the desert and you need to train them up to be warriors for your army. The death penalty was a good way to keep discipline, sacrificing animals made them less avoidant of wanting to take life and made them less squeemish. It's essentially laws geared towards making these people into men.

The Jews I met seem effiminate and weak, so I don't envy the task moses had at all of trying to make them soldiers. I would have probably done some crazy shit as well. The fact the Israeli military is among the best on the planet just shows you how much of a shitshow the armed forces are in most countries. It's likely fortunate for them that war now days comes down to technological advances.
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there is a solution to the eruv that none of these jews have considered that would help them violate the sabbath better. I found the solution in a blog post and will share it below

There is a solution. To explain it I will start with a thought experiment.
If the wire surrounds an entire neighborhood, then the entire neighborhood counts as your home. If the the wire surrounds an entire city, then the entire city counts as your home. And so forth.
Now imagine the eruv growing and growing until the wire circumnavigates the globe. Then keep pushing the boundary further. The wire starts getting shorter instead of longer, but the area it encloses now encompasses more than a hemisphere.
Here’s the solution. Erect the wire around a table top. Declare that the table top is outside the eruv, and everywhere else is inside
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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Lawyers + religion = absurdity?
WyIted's avatar
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.while researching this topic I ran into a story of nuns bathing with their clothes on because they don't want to be naked in front of a man. The man. God.

They think it is slutty for God to see them naked. They think an tri-omni god does not know what they look like naked. At least there stupidity is one layer deep and not a cope buried in textbooks worth of lawyering6.

Best.Korea's avatar
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story of nuns bathing with their clothes on
So how do they change clothes and underwear? 

How do they piss?

I dont think its possible to never be naked, or at least its terribly not practical.
rosends's avatar
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you really don't understand Judaism at all. The sad part is that you don't have any interest in learning because you think you know everything already. I could give you a list of basic words, or websites that you should try to go through before you think to draw conclusions, but since you are already convinced that you are right, no contrary material is useful.

I mean, you could learn Aramaic and actually learn Jewish law, or you could just project your feelings on little bits and pieces and decide that you are right about everything.

So wallow in your ignorance if you wish. I hope that anyone here who actually wants to learn doesn't just take your tenders for true pay which are not sterling.
FLRW's avatar
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Henry Ford said “No, I’m not attacking Jews, I’m attacking bad Jews".   It is time to stop identifying the religion of bad and good people.
Religion is a made up fantasy that helped make life livable until now.
WyIted's avatar
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So wallow in your ignorance if you wish. I hope that anyone here who actually wants to learn doesn't just take your tenders for true pay which are not sterling.
What statement did I say that was untrue? That Eruv lines exist?

Or is it that you just don't agree with the framing of these things?

rosends's avatar
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What statement did I say that was untrue? That Eruv lines exist?

Or is it that you just don't agree with the framing of these things?
when you claim that Jews are trying to trick God, already you are starting with an untruth. When you claim that the explanations of Jewish ideas are the result of "being pedantic" you are stating an untruth. You keep making a claim about a bottle of water in a car. This is also untrue. Should I comb through your ramblings and find more things you wrote that are untrue?
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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What statement did I say that was untrue? That Eruv lines exist?

Or is it that you just don't agree with the framing of these things?
when you claim that Jews are trying to trick God, already you are starting with an untruth. When you claim that the explanations of Jewish ideas are the result of "being pedantic" you are stating an untruth. You keep making a claim about a bottle of water in a car. This is also untrue. Should I comb through your ramblings and find more things you wrote that are untrue?
Can you just comb through this eruv line thing?

Take it as a granted that there is no ultra central authority in judaism (like the vatican) so there will always be a few nutters (like calvinists and their predestination junk). You can probably resolve this easily by admitting there are some nutty jews.

Are there some jews who believe it's against god's commandments to go out on sabbath but if they imagine an entire city is their house they can still walk around and god is fine with that?

because that is accurately described as "trying to trick god".
rosends's avatar
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Much of the problem here is that people are assuming that their notion of Jewish holy text is limited to the literal words of the 5 books of Moses. Judaism has never believed that because with only the written text, there is no way to understand, let alone follow the laws. Judaism (at least Orthodoxy) believes that along with the written, there was a simultaneous oral law which included additional laws and explanation of the written ones. Now, anyone can choose not to accept that, but once you know that Judaism has an established set of rules for determining laws and defining their utility, and a whole lot of text that goes well beyond the written books, one can see that no where in there is there any attempt to trick God. In fact, our understanding of the complete canon of law is based on the belief that God gave us a lot more than people outside the system understand.

I'll ask you a question -- assuming (though this is not exactly correct) that one is allowed to carry things inside his own house, can he build an extension on his house and then carry within that? What is the definition of this "extension"? Are there limits in terms of lot coverage, acreage, height, depth? And what constitutes a "wall" enough to determine that the newly enclosed area is, in fact, enclosed?

Judaism has teachings (that we attribute to God) with answers to questions like that and we understand that the minimum to enclose a space for religious understandings can be accomplished by building a very regulated and precise set of visible boundaries around (certain) otherwise undefined areas. This is an application of God's law and God's instructions to us in understanding and working with God's law. So how can that be "tricking"? Our religion teaches of an infinite and all-knowing God. How can it be thought that we are trying to trick the all-knowing? If one were to study the entire body of law and see how these things come about, how they are grounded in text and divine teaching and how they develop, one would not make such statements about the intent of Jewish people when they establish an eruv (though, TBH, the thing commonly called an "eruv" is not exactly one, but a concept called shituf mevo'ot) .
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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I'll ask you a question -- assuming (though this is not exactly correct) that one is allowed to carry things inside his own house, can he build an extension on his house and then carry within that? What is the definition of this "extension"? Are there limits in terms of lot coverage, acreage, height, depth? And what constitutes a "wall" enough to determine that the newly enclosed area is, in fact, enclosed?
How about this: If you can't trespass people from it, it's not your house.

WyIted's avatar
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when you claim that Jews are trying to trick God,
Well it's an opinion not a fact that the mental gymnastics is an attempt to trick. We aren't even completely aware of our own biases and cognitive distortions or inner workings of our own minds. So statements like that are opinions. I stated my opinion and if there is evidence that would make the opinion look less reasonable than people are free to share that evidence. Ultimately it's merely a cynical take on an observed phenomenon.

When you claim that the explanations of Jewish ideas are the result of "being pedantic" you are stating an untruth
whether something is pedantic or not is entirely opinion. Not a fact that is true or untrue. It's a cynical take that you disagree with and that is fine. If you want to give a less cynical take than that is welcome in this thread.

You keep making a claim about a bottle of water in a car. This is also untrue.
I am friends with a Jewish family who does this thing where they put a water bottle under the drivers seat to trick God into thinking they are in a boat. They claim the command is about "traveling over water". My opinion is that they are lying to themselves about the spirit of the rule. This may be unique to that family or a small sect of Judaism and not representative of the larger orthodox community. However my points about a Eruv line and things such as automatically starting ovens being legalistic interpretations that disobey the spirit of what God intended still stand.  Again you are taking a tiny part of what is said and missing the larger point. The argument essentially being that these legalistic interpretations are nonsense and disobey the spirit of what God intended.

I could be way off base, but my points aren't being addressed by you other than by the semantic equivalent of saying "nuh uh"

Should I comb through your ramblings and find more things you wrote that are untrue?
I am sure there is plenty I have stated that is untrue. Thats not really how debate works though. If a fact is wrong prove it, for example if i say the obesity epidemic in germany is the worst in the world and you point me to a study disproving it. If an opinion is wrong than just state your opinion in plain english so people can get an alternative point of view. If an argument is wrong because the conclusion does not follow from the premises or there is a better explanation for the premises than share.

Maybe you teach a critical thinking class or something but argumentation doesn't seem to be your strong suit. I have taken a critical thinking class in college. I passed and it was insufficient for debate and the point of the class was to be better at recognizing bullshit. So it did attempt to tune your bullshit detector, but the knowledge in the class was insufficient for debate.

Even providing good arguments is insufficient for debate. making a good argument involves the use of pathos, logos and ethos. While in debate you can waste a lot of time on pathos and ethos, though they should likely be included somewhat to overcome the bias of judges. What you really need to debate well is the ability to rocognize your opponent's arguments, steel man them and to offer good rebuttals. Not rebuttals to their conclusions. Those rebuttals are meant for a new thread but instead rebuttals to their premises. If you can't put your opponent's argument into a syllogism than you likely don't understand their premises enough to attack them.

Again I will break it down and give you an attack vector, which you will likely ignore.


P1 God has written plainly the rules he wants followed in the Torah, and extrapolations of what is plainly obvious is a fools errand

p2- many Jews extrapolate things from the commands that are not plainly obvius like Eruvs.

conclusion - the Jews who do this are on a fools errand

This interpretation you can than ask

"does this accurately reflect your claim" It handcuffs the person to the claim while ensuring you understand their actual claim. Rephrasing it this way also has the benefit of removing the inflammatory language you are picking up on and if that sort of thing makes you emotional it's easier to apply logic.

one attack vector may look like the following;

P1 God has written plainly the rules he wants followed in the Torah, and extrapolations of what is plainly obvious is a fools errand
The rules are not as plainly written as you may think because some things do in fact get lost in translation. Let me explain an example of how the Torah is not as plainly written as you believe.......

Work is just the translation of the original hebrew and doesn't capture the full meaning of the word. Here is a better explanation and why there may be some confusion given that english translations do not give the full meaning.

"The Hebrew language has two words for "work"--avodah and melachah. Avodah is a general term meaning work, while melachah has a very precise halachic meaning. On Shabbat, melachah is prohibited. Our Sages explain that melachah refers to the activities which were necessary for construction of the Mishkan, the traveling sanctuary which the Jews took with them throughout their desert wanderings.

The Torah specifically mentions two melachot, kindling a fire and carrying. The Mishnah further explains that 39 different categories of melachah went into building the Mishkan. While these categories of labor refer to the construction of the Mishkan, they actually encompass all forms of human productivity. These melachot are not a haphazard collection of activities, and do not necessarily represent physical exertion. Rather, the principle behind them is that they represent constructive, creative effort, demonstrating man's mastery over nature. Refraining from melachah on Shabbat signals our recognition that, despite our human creative abilities, G‑d is the ultimate Creator and Master."


p2- many Jews extrapolate things from the commands that are not plainly obvious like Eruvs.
 Destroyed mostly by the response to premise one as well which touched on this. However I would like to emphasize that the rules in books that old are not plainly obvious and it really extends beyond translation issues. Even if something was written in plain english back then the times have changed and we would need to debate the concepts behind these rules to see how to apply those principles to a modern way of living.


You need to calm down and take a step back and re frame your opponents arguments. so you can understand the logical argument, avoid getting sucked in by red herrings and inflammatory language and focus on defeating the argument or if you can't than conceding.

I would absolutely crush you in a debate. All I would have to do is start my round off with some inflammatory language and throw a bunch of red herrings into my argument and my syllogism would likely go unattacked and still stand in the final round. I could likely argue that the president is a reptile in a humans body and still defeat you because you'll get distracted by inconsequential bullshit.
WyIted's avatar
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Are there some jews who believe it's against god's commandments to go out on sabbath but if they imagine an entire city is their house they can still walk around and god is fine with that?
her profile claims she is an orthodox Jew, and so she likely observes much of what I said but takes issue with my water bottle example. They obviously won't see it as trickery but it is debated even in the Jewish community. I think a lot of reform Jew rabbis have great arguments against the nonsense.

I also kind of feel kind of guilty with dabbing on orthodox jews becasue honestly despite the weird shit like how they observe the sabbath, they seem to have more sensible political opinions than reform jews,

I guess its kind of similar to how the fundamentalist chritians get ridiculous by thinking watching a disney movie will send you to hell but they also just happen to be more sensible on politics. You can't ever let them control the republican party or they will start banning internet porn and romance novels but they are usually a force for good
Benjamin's avatar
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And Pascals wager. 

Why would God not be able to distinguish "I am willing to die for you Lord" faith from "I think betting on your existence is statistically beneficial" faith