Neither angels nor Gods, but an alien team. The preface to an awaited fall of religions.

Author: IlDiavolo


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--> @Stephen

I open this thread in order to put forth an interesting subject for yourconsideration and eventual discussion. This is not by any means a thread todeny the existence of God, Universal Consciousness, Universal Spirit orwhatever you want to call it because as the agnostic I am I don’t know for sureabout it and have no evidence. What I’m trying to convey here is the fact thatthe bible is not a set of books inspired by a divine being but a fascinatingtestimony of an encounter with an alien team that accompanied the ancient Hebrewsto build their civilization as it occurred in many other ancient societies likethose in Mesopotamia, Egypt, America, and many other places. The reasons tobelieve in that are as follows:

1. Literal translation of the bible
I’ve always said that the bible is one of these examples of the “broken telephone” in which the intended message is distorted and as a result the received message is most of the time completely different. The bible has been translated and modified at will by Christian theologians so many times that believers ended up believing in a fairy tale.

Mauro Biglino, a former translator of the Vatican, has been exposing the literal translation of the bible over the last years which left no doubt about what the ancient Hebrews really tried to tell us. Expressions like “the glory of God” or “the spirit of God” means nothing but “an outstanding mass that comes from the sky”, in short, a spacecraft. Moreover, the bible with the correct translation talks about "angels" that seem to be more like human beings: they eat and drink, they talk, they fuck, they kill, they even fight with the people. The story of the aliens gets more evident when we look through the non-official books (also known as the apocryphal books). I strongly suggest to check the work of this Italian.

2. The domesticated human being
I’ve got to tell that I’m not a big fan of the evolutionary theory because it has many flaws and gross holes, as I explained it in a thread that I opened long time ago. I’m sorry but as I don’t believe in fairy tales, I don’t believe in bogus theories either. I’m not saying that the evolution of species cannot occur as Darwin said, but this theory cannot explain how human beings appeared all of a sudden in this planet, I mean the timings and archeological rests just don’t square. I found more acceptable the panspermia theory, but in the light of the recent information, I think the ancient astronauts’ theory is more believable.

Many studies concluded that human beings share the same evolutionary characteristics of the domesticated animals. The scientific hypothesis is that human beings domesticated themselves; I think I don’t need further explanation to show how imbecile this hypothesis sounds. We all know that to domesticate an animal we need a controlled environment and sometimes genetic modifications. The hypothesis of the ancient astronauts says that the controlled environment is the Eden Garden and the genetic modifications were carried out by these aliens using their own genetical information, which explain why we look so similar to them: “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule…’”, Genesis 1:26. The story of the Eden Garden is obviously a copy from the Mesopotamian civilization which is in more detail, but this story is also present in many cultures which lead us to think that there were several “Gardens”.

Many people think all the aliens are grey, which is partially true because the universe is diverse, but according to the renowned ufologist Sixto Paz Wells, who had several close encounters of the fifth type, the aliens that colonized this planet look very similar to the human beings to the point that they can mingle with us hands down: “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”, Hebrews 13:2. In one of these encounters, he realized that the alien that was getting off the spacecraft was actually an acquaintance of him, to be more specific a European entrepreneur that he met years before.

3. The connection with Egypt
Ancient Egypt is without any doubt the main source of evidence for the ancient astronauts’ theory and many ufologists claim that the answer to the biblical quests is in Egypt, including the one related to the figure of Jesus since several biblical stories are almost a copy from the Egyptian myths.

The renowned ufologist JJ Benitez, in his book “The Yahve’s wars”, asserts that the biblical story of Exodus is not only based on a real event but an attempt of the aliens to build a new civilization different to the Egyptian. Why did the aliens get away from Egypt? The answer could be in the reign of Akhenaten, the pharaoh who decreed all of a sudden to worship only one God: the sun-disk Aten. Why did the pharaoh decree such a disruptive measure? Did he have contact with these aliens? Akhenaten is sometimes called the world’s first monotheist that influenced Moses to impose by force the monotheism. The pharaoh closed the temples and destroyed the images of other gods, everything related to these gods, even the unwanted allusions, were removed. He also banned any cult and any attempt to build art for any god, the change was radical. What amazes me is that there was no way to create a monotheist society in any ancient civilization because the measures of Akhenaten didn’t succeed at all and wouldn’t succeed anywhere, he in fact ended up being hated. Is it the reason why the alien team chose Moses and a bunch of people to create another civilization in another place? Did the alien team realize that they fucked Egypt up? It seems so because the Exodus story, if read correctly, is full of spacecrafts guiding Moses and his people to “the promised land”, no matter if they had to kill people to steal their land and no matter if they had to kill those who resist to worship only one God as it is told in the bible. It’s estimated that 1M people were killed by either Yahve or Moses’ people who only obeyed Yahve’s orders, a bloody God for sure. But why the aliens imposed such cruel measures of worshipping one only God and forbidding the images and idols? JJ Benitez thinks that the aliens didn’t want to leave any hint of their existence as it happened in Egypt, so they decided to kill anyone who creates images or sees God’s face: “But, he said, ‘you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.’”, Exodus 33:20.

4. Resemblance between the biblical stories and the testomonies of contactees
This point may be controversial for most of you since it's commonly associated with spiritism and religions, but it's not and it actually can explain some unbelievable stories of the bible. It’s known that even though we look like the aliens, they are far more superior in all aspects, esthetically, physically and MENTALLY. Several contactees have experienced lucid dreams where non-human beings communicate important messages. One of these cases is about a Spanish soldier who found small human footprints in the area he was surveilling. When tracing these footprints, he found weird dark stones on the way, so he decided to bring them home to analyze them. The next day, his daughter said that she dreamt with a group of small people that clearly told her to get rid of these stones his father took the previous day because if not his father will get cancer.

It's really interesting to realize that this kind of communication is present in many stories of the bible, where an "angel" says something important into someone's dreams. Jacob and Joseph received "angelical" messages in dreams. "The angel of God said to me in the dream, ‘Jacob.’ I answered, ‘Here I am.’", Genesis 31:11. "Now after Herod had died, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt'", Matthew 2:19. What we have to understand is that the aliens are millions of years ahead, so it’s not far-fetched to think they have full control of their minds. In fact, the ufologist Sixto Paz had contact with the aliens using telepathy several times. As well as him, there are other people that were contacted the same way. If nowadays we can communicate instantly with other people that are on the other side of the world using invisible electromagnetic waves, why couldn’t we think that our minds can do the same? It’s totally possible and could explain many stories of the bible related to extraterrestrial beings doing telepathy and even prophecies.

5. They send the same message
I’ve been hearing a lot of people talking about their communication with the extraterrestrial beings and they coincide with the fact that these aliens want us, above all else, to develop our minds as a vehicle to take to the next level in our evolutionary journey, by means of love, compassion, and care for the others so that we can join the interstellar community. I couldn’t help noticing that part of this message looks similar to that of Jesus, also known as the Christ. What does it mean? Was Jesus part of this alien team? Maybe, and I wouldn’t find the message wrong because it’s what reasonable people, either atheist or theist, want so badly in this fucking world. What it would be wrong is that a minority builds a whole fucking stupid belief system using this simple message just to have control over the gullible people. Whatever it is, we should get used to the fact that these aliens will show up sooner or later because most people are more conscious about it and nobody would dare to deem someone as insane when telling such stories.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Everyone outside of America is technically an alien.
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"The Truth Is Out There -- Somewhere" 
Best.Korea's avatar
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The advanced species have a habbit of enslaving and using lower species for their benefit.

I dont even need to say that the existence of advanced aliens would be almost as bad for us as the existence of Christian God.

They would most likely have no respect for boundaries.
Stephen's avatar
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The advanced species have a habbit of enslaving and using lower species for their benefit.

Yes. We will always have the prey and the predator.

The Christian church is famous for preying on  the uneducated and weak minded as all religions do.

They don't get away with it so much these days of the 21st century, certainly not in the educated West. But imagine being told by the priests of ancient times that the earthquake was the result of you being naughty and displeasing god and that we could only calm his temper by giving over more of your worldly goods and  hard earned take home pay to  the temple. 

zedvictor4's avatar
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You stated that you weren't a fan of bogus theories.

And yet.
IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
What part of the OP do you think it's bogus, Zed? We can discuss it, unless you still believe we're the only ones in this vast universe which to me is more bogus than anything. 
Stephen's avatar
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There was a lot to get through in your OP, IlDiavolo. So I'll touch on just some of the things you have stated.

Expressions like “the glory of God” or “the spirit of God” means nothing but “an outstanding mass that comes from the sky”, in short, a spacecraft.

Where did you find this interpretation?

Mauro Biglino

From his own Bio:

During only the past ten years,
"He had many chances  to discuss with countless experts (including biologists, archeologists, engineers and medical doctors) which supported his hypotheses concerning the possibility that the Bible might contain clear tracks about the true origins of humanity. In his view, the Mankind might have been “manufactured”  by a community of non-terrestrial beings, the Elohim,  that have later been turned into divinities by Mankind itself.  Among these beings one in particular stands out: Yahweh. In Mauro Biglino’s faithful reading of the Old Testament,  Yahweh is simply the “ruler” of one the many Hebraic families, that of the Israelites".

From what I can make out Mauro Biglino Born in 1950 didn't write his first book until just 12 years ago, which by his own admission states that his work "is based on" two of the authors that I have already mentioned to you on this thread>> #33. So I have probably already got the gist of what Biglino has to say without rushing out to buy any of his work. 
 Biglino has then,  as the saying goes, built on the back of giants. Which he is more than entitled to do as long as he credits them in his own work and it furthers the hypothesise.

I don’t believe in bogus theories

 Define "bogus theory", for me.

I’m not saying that the evolution of species cannot occur as Darwin said, but this theory cannot explain how human beings appeared all of a sudden in this planet, I mean the timings and archeological rests just don’t square.
I agree in part. Where humans stand, evolution for me only appears to make sense up to a point. And then in my opinion, there seems to be a giant leap. It's as if humans, that is to say" homo sapien sapien or upright thinking man , just seemingly appears out nowhere and living in cities of Mesopotamia including Uruk, Akadia Babylon and others.

Many studies concluded that human beings share the same evolutionary characteristics of the domesticated animals.

 Only Apes. Which doesn't explain how or why the other humanoids died out. After all, the Chimpanzee is still with us and has remained a chimpanzee.

The hypothesis of the ancient astronauts says that the controlled environment is the Eden Garden and the genetic modifications were carried out by these aliens using their own genetical information, which explain why we look so similar to them: “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule…’”, Genesis 1:26.

Hypothetically it sounds possible. And again, as I suggested here>>#35 :

I have said many times on this forum that if we were to super impose many of todays sciences over some of the events in the bible that we may well come to a clearer understand of what those ancients were trying to convey.    The creation of Eve is a good example of 21st century genetic engineering. The creation of "Eve" Genesis 2:21-23 just it two short verses raises many questions, but we are simply expected to take it a face value and not question it . One being, why did "god" go through all the bother of the operation of having to anesthetise the Adam, open him up, remove a "rib" and stitch him back up when he could has simply created Eve, "the mother of all living" from the same dust as the bible says he created the Adam from? 

The story of the Eden Garden is obviously a copy from the Mesopotamian civilization which is in more detail, but this story is also present in many cultures which lead us to think that there were several “Gardens”.
Its not the only one either. The Bible authors lifted  many thousands of years old stories from the Mesopotamian epics, including the story of the biblical Moses. Which indicates that on the face of it seems to show us that the Hebrews as a nation didn't have a written history of their own before the time of the Exodus. It was only after the biblical Moses -it is said - that "their history" was committed to writing. But again, this raises more questions than it will ever answer, one being where did Moses get his history from considering he is believed to have been raised as an Egyptian and became a General in the Egyptian army in adulthood? i.e. baby one minute and a fully grown man the next.


Well it has to be proven that "the gods" Elohim, came from somewhere other than earth. But it is as good a theory as any that the "gods", that is to say the  Anunnaki deities  came from some place other than earth.  Read Alfords, When The Gods Came Down. You might like it.

Ancient Egypt is without any doubt the main source of evidence for the ancient astronauts.

Well that is not quite correct. For the simple reason that civilisation began in Mesopotamia. For which which there is an abundance of evidence. The Mesopotamians are credited with many firsts. Including all the things we take for granted today i.e. 1st education system, farming and agriculture, writing, mathematics, astrology, time, medicine, a judicial system of law and punishment, libraries, pottery making, sailing and many more.


Yes, that is a blinder for me. But the only one  single story concerning "contactees" that caught my attention was the one that was supposed to have occurred in Alaska, I believe. The reason was tis that this particular "contatcee" was said to be speaking ancient Sumerian.

My granddaughter has just informed me that a film/ movie was made about it. So i might look that up when I have nothing better to do.

"angelical" messages in dreams.

Well, when we consider the biblical account of the time since god/s decided he didn't want to remain with man any longer, all contact with "god/s" came through is said to have come via  dreams.
 IMO far too much is made of these dreamlike encounters unless some remained behind. Which, if I remember correctly, the Sumerian epics claim to be the case.. Truth is, who knows?
 But if you keep in mind that the hierarchy of the priesthood especially, they would rename themselves after "gods & angels" when they reached a certain point in the priesthood training. And this practice is still the case to this day in the Roman Church in particular.   An, as you may already know, the word "angel" means nothing more than - messenger.  
It is also worth keeping in mind too that anyone that is more educated than the illiterate & superstitious around them can claim anything, including to have received messages came from "god". Pastors and Priests do so all the time....for a living. 

I’ve been hearing a lot of people talking about their communication with the extraterrestrial beings and they coincide with the fact that these aliens want us, above all else, to develop our minds as a vehicle to take to the next level in our evolutionary journey, by means of love, compassion, and care for the others so that we can join the interstellar community.
Well they could be wrong. And it would depend on who you mean by "us". Do you mean you, me or any working class Joe.?  "The god/s" made it clear that they nor there messengers were to have nothing to do with humans and certainly didn't want us to be educated if the bible is to be believed. We were, as the bible makes clear, created to do there bidding because; " there was no one to till the Earth". and that we were to have only a limited amount of knowledge to perform ours or theirs simply everyday tasks.

I couldn’t help noticing that part of this message looks similar to that of Jesus, also known as the Christ. What does it mean?

Well I believe that you are "noticing" something that isn't there. Jesus was a revolutionary that believed or was led to believe that he was the rightful king and heir to the throne of Jerusalem and had come to unite the tribes of Is -Ra - El and free his people (Jews only) from the Roman yoke and turn them back to their original god and roots. You after remember that "his people" had been under the rule of Greeks for 500 years and the Romans for about 200 years before Jesus was even - as they say- a glint in the milkman's eye.

we should get used to the fact that these aliens will show up sooner or later because most people are more conscious about it and nobody would dare to deem someone as insane when telling such stories.

Well Christians apart, more people are more educated and less haughty, ignorant and arrogant to understand that there might well be other places in our own universe that are inhabited by the "gods"  and the idea shouldn't just be dismissed out of hand.

After all, the ancients were pointing skyward to other places that they believed their "gods" came from and well before modern man was even allowed to consider the idea.  

I'll finish with this:


Well it cannot be totally ignored that the biblical authors often made claims of the "ascending and descending" of  what the bible calls "the gods"  on clouds of smoke and fire and references to craft of one sort or another. They could well as been making reference to a modern-day space launch.

Ezekiel is one example. He described this particular craft as a "chariot" and why wouldn't he? 
He was simply describing what he had seen with the limited available information and relating it to the nearest thing that resembled it in his life time..
 A good example of this in the modern world would be the American Plaines Indians when they first observed a steam train. Simply calling it an ' Iron Horse'.  Same with a rifle, calling it, the ' stick that makes thunder '. 

 We do what we can with the limited knowledge we possess. Only some bastards take the piss and serious literary licence. The Pastor and the Priest are fkn famous for doing it, and have been for millennia. The gotta make a living I suppose, just not on my back, fkn leeches. 

IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
Where did you find this interpretation?
It's in the link: - KAVOD is translated as "glory" but it means "heavy object that stands out". - RUACH is translated as "spirit" but it means "gust of wind" caused by an object.

From what I can make out Mauro Biglino Born in 1950 didn't write his first book until just 12 years ago, which by his own admission states that his work "is based on" two of the authors that I have already mentioned to you on this thread>> #33. So I have probably already got the gist of what Biglino has to say without rushing out to buy any of his work. 
 Biglino has then,  as the saying goes, built on the back of giants. Which he is more than entitled to do as long as he credits them in his own work and it furthers the hypothesise.
Well, I suggest you see the description of his books before buying any of them. As far as I know, he just translates the bible as it should be, and compares it with other ancient manuscripts to expose similarities. He provides support for his work with the opinion of genetisists and exegetes.

Define "bogus theory", for me.
Well, English is not my first language so I may have used the wrong adjective. What I mean is that scientists don't admit any possibility of design or creation in the evolutionary process, probably because they don't want to be deemed as religious. So I consider it as a dishonest theory.

I have said many times on this forum that if we were to super impose many of todays sciences over some of the events in the bible that we may well come to a clearer understand of what those ancients were trying to convey.    The creation of Eve is a good example of 21st century genetic engineering. The creation of "Eve" Genesis 2:21-23 just it two short verses raises many questions, but we are simply expected to take it a face value and not question it . One being, why did "god" go through all the bother of the operation of having to anesthetise the Adam, open him up, remove a "rib" and stitch him back up when he could has simply created Eve, "the mother of all living" from the same dust as the bible says he created the Adam from? 
This is the most interesting part of Biblino's work, the creation of Adam and Eve. It's a shame there isn't any video about it in english, but I will try to explain it as best I can:
- Adam was not a person but a group, so it's not Adam but Adamits.
- Adam was not the first man of humanity but a new race. There were already humans (or proto humans like the homo erectus) in the earth before Adam.
- Adam was not created but produced in a lab by means of cloning, then Adam was placed in the Eden Garden around 4,500 BC.
- "Eden Garden" means "a protected and fenced garden", so the Adamits had it all, food and animals.
- Eve was produced by cloning Adam, the aliens extracted Adam's mother cells from the area of the ribs.
- Apparently the aliens wanted a new race to work for them. I'm not sure where Biglino gets that information but this is what he says in his conference.

Well it has to be proven that "the gods" Elohim, came from somewhere other than earth. But it is as good a theory as any that the "gods", that is to say the  Anunnaki deities  came from some place other than earth.  Read Alfords, When The Gods Came Down. You might like it.
It's not the only theory but the most accepted. Other researchers, like Graham Hancock, think these aliens are actually the survivors of the last cataclysm in the earth, meaning an ancient civilization that reached a great technological advance and managed to escape from the earth. Others think that they are humans from the future who have full control of the time and travelled back to know more about their past.

Well, when we consider the biblical account of the time since god/s decided he didn't want to remain with man any longer, all contact with "god/s" came through is said to have come via  dreams.
 IMO far too much is made of these dreamlike encounters unless some remained behind. Which, if I remember correctly, the Sumerian epics claim to be the case.. Truth is, who knows?
 But if you keep in mind that the hierarchy of the priesthood especially, they would rename themselves after "gods & angels" when they reached a certain point in the priesthood training. And this practice is still the case to this day in the Roman Church in particular.   An, as you may already know, the word "angel" means nothing more than - messenger.  
It is also worth keeping in mind too that anyone that is more educated than the illiterate & superstitious around them can claim anything, including to have received messages came from "god". Pastors and Priests do so all the time....for a living. 
Well, you and Zed have all the right to be skeptic because you didn't have direct experience with that, but I put it forth because it's common place when it comes to ufology, you will see it in any book about UFO/UAP.

Well they could be wrong. And it would depend on who you mean by "us". Do you mean you, me or any working class Joe.?  "The god/s" made it clear that they nor there messengers were to have nothing to do with humans and certainly didn't want us to be educated if the bible is to be believed. We were, as the bible makes clear, created to do there bidding because; " there was no one to till the Earth". and that we were to have only a limited amount of knowledge to perform ours or theirs simply everyday tasks.
Do you think so? In all honesty, I want to believe otherwise because it's the best way to prepare people for the inevitable contact. The NASA is already preparing humanity for it.

If they turn out to be actual mother fuckers, well, at least we tried it. Lol.

Well I believe that you are "noticing" something that isn't there. Jesus was a revolutionary that believed or was led to believe that he was the rightful king and heir to the throne of Jerusalem and had come to unite the tribes of Is -Ra - El and free his people (Jews only) from the Roman yoke and turn them back to their original god and roots. You after remember that "his people" had been under the rule of Greeks for 500 years and the Romans for about 200 years before Jesus was even - as they say- a glint in the milkman's eye.
According to Biglino, Jesus was a hybrid because Maria was impregnated by the "angel" Gabriel. So, I don't know, I think he could have been part of the alien plan if he really existed.

 We do what we can with the limited knowledge we possess. Only some bastards take the piss and serious literary licence. The Pastor and the Priest are fkn famous for doing it, and have been for millennia. The gotta make a living I suppose, just not on my back, fkn leeches. 
Talking about bastards, I noticed Tradesecret didn't participate yet in this thread. Do you think he's alright? Lol.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
I was simply pointing out that you refer to Darwin's bogus theories, and yet consider your own theory of alien intervention as somehow not having the same potential to be bogus.

Nonetheless I have previously suggested that alien intervention is a plausible idea, though it comes with what you refer to as "gross holes".

Perhaps more likely, a case of extra-terrestrial seeding rather than a super-intelligence visitation.

And as I have also previously suggested Darwin's theories are just as compatible with the idea of extra-terrestrial seeding as the are with the idea of an Earth based electro-chemical reaction.

So as far as I am currently concerned all options remain open and species evolution is a reasonable theory.

Though I prefer to regard species evolution as a phase of general universal material evolution.

And your theories are easily incorporated into a variable theory of universal material evolution.

Though what is currently certain, is that we have no definitive answers available.
Stephen's avatar
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Expressions like “the glory of God” or “the spirit of God” means nothing but “an outstanding mass that comes from the sky”, in short, a spacecraft.

Where did you find this interpretation?

It's in the link: - KAVOD is translated as "glory" but it means "heavy object that stands out". - RUACH is translated as "spirit" but it means "gust of wind" caused by an object.
I may make the effort when I have more time.

From what I can make out Mauro Biglino Born in 1950 didn't write his first book until just 12 years ago, which by his own admission states that his work "is based on" two of the authors that I have already mentioned to you on this thread>> #33. So I have probably already got the gist of what Biglino has to say without rushing out to buy any of his work. 
 Biglino has then,  as the saying goes, built on the back of giants. Which he is more than entitled to do as long as he credits them in his own work and it furthers the hypothesise.
Well, I suggest you see the description of his books before buying any of them. As far as I know, he just translates the bible as it should be, and compares it with other ancient manuscripts to expose similarities. He provides support for his work with the opinion of genetisists and exegetes.
And that was my point.  Biglino is coming on the shoulders of giants- those that have been writing about this theory for decades and well before  he jumped on the "alien intervention" band wagon. He admits it himself.

I have said many times on this forum that if we were to super impose many of todays sciences over some of the events in the bible that we may well come to a clearer understand of what those ancients were trying to convey.    The creation of Eve is a good example of 21st century genetic engineering. The creation of "Eve" Genesis 2:21-23 just it two short verses raises many questions, but we are simply expected to take it a face value and not question it . One being, why did "god" go through all the bother of the operation of having to anesthetise the Adam, open him up, remove a "rib" and stitch him back up when he could has simply created Eve, "the mother of all living" from the same dust as the bible says he created the Adam from? 
This is the most interesting part of Biblino's work, the creation of Adam and Eve. It's a shame there isn't any video about it in english, but I will try to explain it as best I can:
- Adam was not a person but a group, so it's not Adam but Adamits.
- Adam was not the first man of humanity but a new race. There were already humans (or proto humans like the homo erectus) in the earth before Adam.
- Adam was not created but produced in a lab by means of cloning, then Adam was placed in the Eden Garden around 4,500 BC.
- "Eden Garden" means "a protected and fenced garden", so the Adamits had it all, food and animals.
- Eve was produced by cloning Adam, the aliens extracted Adam's mother cells from the area of the ribs.
- Apparently the aliens wanted a new race to work for them. I'm not sure where Biglino gets that information but this is what he says in his conference.
Well if you read my post above. I, as I often do when the biblical Adam is the subject, refer to THE Adam as a collective i.e. a specifies and not a single person as I did above and now highlighted in the quote above.  I had already mentioned to you on another thread HERE>#33  that THE Adam was created  somewhere else and then relocated to the E-DEN. And this is what the bible clearly suggests.  Read Genesis 2:7 and then read genesis 2:15. 

Well it has to be proven that "the gods" Elohim, came from somewhere other than earth. But it is as good a theory as any that the "gods", that is to say the  Anunnaki deities  came from some place other than earth.  Read Alfords, When The Gods Came Down. You might like it.
It's not the only theory but the most accepted.

Indeed it is accepted as a "theory", it is all theoretical /hypothetical. A very reasonable one too as I explained above, its as good a theory as, if not more plausible than, the biblical explanation for creation.

Other researchers, like Graham Hancock, think these aliens are actually the survivors of the last cataclysm in the earth, meaning an ancient civilization that reached a great technological advance and managed to escape from the earth. Others think that they are humans from the future who have full control of the time and travelled back to know more about their past.
 Well to my knowledge Hancock's work only ever covers lost civilisations and ancient lost knowledge . I have never known him to venture into the realm of the "ancient alien" theory. I still have some of his work.

Well, when we consider the biblical account of the time since god/s decided he didn't want to remain with man any longer, all contact with "god/s" came through is said to have come via  dreams.
 IMO far too much is made of these dreamlike encounters unless some remained behind. Which, if I remember correctly, the Sumerian epics claim to be the case.. Truth is, who knows?
 But if you keep in mind that the hierarchy of the priesthood especially, they would rename themselves after "gods & angels" when they reached a certain point in the priesthood training. And this practice is still the case to this day in the Roman Church in particular.   An, as you may already know, the word "angel" means nothing more than - messenger.  
It is also worth keeping in mind too that anyone that is more educated than the illiterate & superstitious around them can claim anything, including to have received messages came from "god". Pastors and Priests do so all the time....for a living. 
Well, you and Zed have all the right to be skeptic because you didn't have direct experience with that, but I put it forth because it's common place when it comes to ufology, you will see it in any book about UFO/UAP.
Scepticism is an excellent tool for any researcher. You appear to be confusing it with outright dismissal which neither "zed" nor I have done. I do have good reason to  believe a lot of the Old Testament stories and the characters within. I cannot say the same for the New Testament in the state it has come down to us, and that has always been my position since the day I joined this forum.  So don't make the mistake of confusing me with some ignorant bible dunce of  a Pastor that accepts, without question, the Bible as the " perfect and faultless word of god"  and considers anything extra biblical as heretical and  taboo.

Well they could be wrong. And it would depend on who you mean by "us". Do you mean you, me or any working class Joe.?  "The god/s" made it clear that they nor there messengers were to have nothing to do with humans and certainly didn't want us to be educated if the bible is to be believed. We were, as the bible makes clear, created to do there bidding because; " there was no one to till the Earth". and that we were to have only a limited amount of knowledge to perform ours or theirs simply everyday tasks.
Do you think so? 
I certainly do.
And if you had read  for yourself anything about the Annunaki/gods, they make it quite clear the reason they created THE Adam in the first place and so does the bible in a veiled fashion.   I can guarantee you this, if the bible is to be believed even in part, the biblical god gives absolutely no reason whatsoever for creating THE Adam other than to toil & till the land. And ask yourself what does "till" in this BIBLICAL sense mean?  You will find a clue here> Genesis 2:11-13. Let me know if you are confused and I will spell it out for you.

If they turn out to be actual mother fuckers, well, at least we tried it. Lol.

As then some were, and some are  still.  Whichever rout you take, you should eventually get to realise that what went on in the times of the ancients is still going on to this very day, and in every sense you can think of..

Well I believe that you are "noticing" something that isn't there. Jesus was a revolutionary that believed or was led to believe that he was the rightful king and heir to the throne of Jerusalem and had come to unite the tribes of Is -Ra - El and free his people (Jews only) from the Roman yoke and turn them back to their original god and roots. You after remember that "his people" had been under the rule of Greeks for 500 years and the Romans for about 200 years before Jesus was even - as they say- a glint in the milkman's eye.
According to Biglino, Jesus was a hybrid because Maria was impregnated by the "angel" Gabriel. So, I don't know, I think he could have been part of the alien plan if he really existed.
I am beginning to wonder if you read everything I have replied to you? I mentioned above : the hierarchy of the priesthood especially, they would rename themselves after "gods & angels". #8  You either missed it or didn't catch on to what I was stating. So to make it clear; The person that impregnated the  Virgin was the acting "Gabriel", <<< it was a title. Another example would be the "angel" that was said to have appeared to confirm Jesus' status as the " son of god" <<< another title. And the title of this confirming "angel"  was "dove" which is a reference to the biblical character Noah and a symbol of peace. 

 We do what we can with the limited knowledge we possess. Only some bastards take the piss and serious literary licence. The Pastor and the Priest are fkn famous for doing it, and have been for millennia. The gotta make a living I suppose, just not on my back, fkn leeches. 
Talking about bastards, I noticed Tradesecret didn't participate yet in this thread.
Believe me, that can only be a good thing. But, as much as he has denied it, you can guarantee that the ignorant bible dunce will be reading every word I write and regretting doing me the big favour of blocking me😁

Do you think he's alright? Lol.

I don't particularly care. But he's never been right.... about anything, and that's a fact.

IlDiavolo's avatar
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As I said, I don't claim Darwin's theory is not plausible, I'm just saying that scientists refuse to incorporate other theories to make sense the evolution in the Earth. They think Darwin's theory is enough, so they keep making up stupid laughable explanations for their claim instead of being honest.

And you're right, we're just speculating. The only thing that we're pretty sure about, though, is that these beings that come with advanced crafts are not part of our civilization and were deemed as angels and gods in the past.
Best.Korea's avatar
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I certainly do.
And if you had read  for yourself anything about the Annunaki/gods, they make it quite clear the reason they created THE Adam in the first place and so does the bible in a veiled fashion.   I can guarantee you this, if the bible is to be believed even in part, the biblical god gives absolutely no reason whatsoever for creating THE Adam other than to toil & till the land. And ask yourself what does "till" in this BIBLICAL sense mean?  You will find a clue here> Genesis 2:11-13. Let me know if you are confused and I will spell it out for you.
I don't get it. Was the human created only to extract gold? It doens't make sense. I understand that at some point the aliens were "worried/fearful" of the humans because of the knowledge they could get, this is the reason Adam and Eve were expelled from the Eden Garden. And I guess the Tower of Babel story is a representation of how the aliens/gods were afraid that humans could know about them, meaning that the aliens were trying to hide their true identity.

As then some were, and some are  still.  Whichever rout you take, you should eventually get to realise that what went on in the times of the ancients is still going on to this very day, and in every sense you can think of..
You mean that theory of aliens partnering with the most powerful families in the world?

I mentioned above : the hierarchy of the priesthood especially, they would rename themselves after "gods & angels". #8  You either missed it or didn't catch on to what I was stating. So to make it clear; The person that impregnated the  Virgin was the acting "Gabriel", <<< it was a title. Another example would be the "angel" that was said to have appeared to confirm Jesus' status as the " son of god" <<< another title. And the title of this confirming "angel"  was "dove" which is a reference to the biblical character Noah and a symbol of peace. 
Alright, I always had the idea that Gabriel was a real alien impregnating Maria. All the same, it doesn't make sense to me because it's difficult to believe that the jews considered a priest as a divine being, that would have been a blasphemy as well as Jesus deeming himself as "son of god", it was a blasphemy.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
I certainly do.
And if you had read  for yourself anything about the Annunaki/gods, they make it quite clear the reason they created THE Adam in the first place and so does the bible in a veiled fashion.   I can guarantee you this, if the bible is to be believed even in part, the biblical god gives absolutely no reason whatsoever for creating THE Adam other than to toil & till the land. And ask yourself what does "till" in this BIBLICAL sense mean?  You will find a clue here> Genesis 2:11-13. Let me know if you are confused and I will spell it out for you.
Was the human created only to extract gold? It doens't make sense.

It makes every sense when the Sumerians actually state this  as a matter of fact in their cuneiform tablets themselves and the bible alludes to this too although  in a veiled fashion.. And of course, all this depends on what one chooses to believe.
Put it this way. We have a brand newly created bunch of humans collectively called THE Adama. And the bible places him/them right in the place where  these noble stones and metals are located:

Genesis 2:11-15King James Version

11 The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;
12 And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.
13 And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.
14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.
15 And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

Take note of the word -stones. Anything mineral that came out of the ground was simply referred to by the ancients as "stones". Such as diamonds, gold, rubies, platinum, paladium , silver etc etc.

Tell me. What was the point of even mentioning the precious metal called gold that the ancients referred to as "noble" and the bible mentions over 160 times? And the ancients called "exotic"?
What use would these stones/gold have been to a brand new , right out the wrapper human being; the Adama? 
The "gods" certainly had an interest in them, Why? Going so far as to grade the gold specifically as " Good". And how did the Annunnaki /gods know about them?

 You see, unless your research and answer these questions for yourself can you never begin to understand what the fk was going on hundreds of thousands of years ago before the bible was written and more specifically, why? 
You also have to research for yourself the nature of these "gods"  that you believe were highly advanced and highly intelligent.
Remember what your teacher told you, "knowledge is power".  

As then some were, and some are  still.  Whichever rout you take, you should eventually get to realise that what went on in the times of the ancients is still going on to this very day, and in every sense you can think of..
You mean that theory of aliens partnering with the most powerful families in the world?

I mentioned above : the hierarchy of the priesthood especially, they would rename themselves after "gods & angels". #8  You either missed it or didn't catch on to what I was stating. So to make it clear; The person that impregnated the  Virgin was the acting "Gabriel", <<< it was a title. Another example would be the "angel" that was said to have appeared to confirm Jesus' status as the " son of god" <<< another title. And the title of this confirming "angel"  was "dove" which is a reference to the biblical character Noah and a symbol of peace. 
Alright, I always had the idea that Gabriel was a real alien impregnating Maria. All the same, it doesn't make sense to me because it's difficult to believe that the jews considered a priest as a divine being, that would have been a blasphemy as well as Jesus deeming himself as "son of god", it was a blasphemy.
Well then you have completely misunderstood what I have said. They were simply TITLES!  It doesn't mean they considered themselves "divine beings" or divine angels.
And I have explained already "Angel" simply means messenger, which could be any person that considering himself religious and believes in god and his "message" .
Jesus "son of god" is a fkn TITLE . The kings  David and Solomon were called/ TITLED "son's of god". In fact the whole nation of IS-RA-EL were "sons of god " at one time. Read your bible.  

 You have a long way to go IlDiavolo, but stick at it. 

It took me over 40 years to get to where I consider  myself to have a just reasonable idea about what I believe the ancients were all about. But I couldn't prove anything I believe.
IlDiavolo's avatar
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As then some were, and some are still. Whichever rout you take, you should eventually get to realise that what went on in the times of the ancients is still going on to this very day, and in every sense you can think of..
You caught my eye with this and I guess it's the theory you believe in. Is it that we're in a sort of human farm? I'm just reading a book of Salvador Freixedo about it, he was also a renowned ufologist that thought we live in a system intelligently controlled by these visitors. I don’t rule it out. 
Stephen's avatar
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As then some were, and some are still. Whichever rout you take, you should eventually get to realise that what went on in the times of the ancients is still going on to this very day, and in every sense you can think of..
You caught my eye with this and I guess it's the theory you believe in.
I do. Nothing , the system and order of things has not changed. 
What started to link it all for me was the obsession that the ancients had with astronomy. It played a massive and extreme serious part in their lives, as it does to this day.  In fact I would go as far as to say it was the be all and end all for them.
Ask yourself this, why would for instance the Church of England and the Roman Church have their own observatories costing billions? Why would the English Monarchy have their own personal astronomer and astrologer?  Unless you read your bible closely, it easy to miss the many  references to astronomy/astrology.  

Read this single post that I wrote just two days ago. See what you make of it.

Is it that we're in a sort of human farm?
we live in a system intelligently controlled by these visitors. I don’t rule it out. 
Indeed, it has to be ruled firmly IN..  To put it simple, we were created as a slave race/species to the Annunnaki/gods. The Annunaki had there own ranking system. There was  higher and lower ranking  order of "gods".
To simplify this further: The Sumerian epics speak  about a "rebellion" , saying that after thousands of years of doing the ( "tilling")  mining themselves, the lower order simply refused to do any more:  enter stage left; the Adama.

We live in a system intelligently controlled by these visitors.

That is a little more difficult to explain as I understand it. 
But indeed as I mentioned above, knowledge is power, those that had and  controlled the knowledge, held all the power.  But Remember, the "gods" didn't want us - the Adama- to partake of the tree of knowledge, did they? 

Lets see how far we get before I expand on that. You may get bored stiff or suffer information overload before then.

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YOUR QUESTIONABLE PROPOSITIONAL QUOTE:  "The aliens that colonized this planet look very similar to the human beings to the point that they can mingle with us hands down:"

So, what you are saying is that these alleged aliens inhabited the earth in the Bronze and Iron Age to "colonize" the earth and to be able to be associated with certain Bible references as you have shown.  Therefore, in using your theory that said aliens looked like the Bible characters, and exactly like us now, did these aliens also bring ALL of the different animal and plant species known to mankind at this time which is 8.7 million in total, which humans needed to survive?  

And, what type of aliens were here approximately 40,000 years ago that looked like the Neanderthal specie of mankind as shown in this links image using your premise of aliens look like man:

Furthermore, using your analogy and going way back in time approximately 200,000 years ago in Africa, was there another alien space visit that came to earth that looked just like our early Homo sapiens in this following image link; 
where said aliens had the same physical look as these early home sapiens?:  If you can't address these claims of mine, then that scary word "EVOLUTION" comes to mind!

YOUR DISTURBING SECOND PROPOSITION QUOTE:  “I’m not saying that the evolution of species cannot occur as Darwin said, but this theory cannot explain how human beings appeared all of a sudden in this planet, I mean the timings and archeological rests just don’t square.”

You say that human beings appeared upon this earth "all of a sudden," and barring that scary word "EVOLUTION," and like I've said before, the origin of mankind started approximately 400,000 YEARS AGO in Africa, therefore, to use your theory, there had to be different alien visits to look just like the different variations of mankind as I have shown you in the image links provided above showing the Neanderthal species, and early African species. If not, then that scary word "EVOLUTION" is presented once again.

Without you being able to truly give us the undisputed FACTS on said variations of aliens that looked like the image references of said human specie variations that I have given you shown above, other than conjecturethen subjectively your original theory is all for naught. 

hey-yo's avatar
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hey-yo's avatar
I have not much time but here goes. 

1. If bible was in any way encrypted or aimed to develop stories about aliens, then we would see at least two things. 

A) there would be a historical documentation that coincides with your statements. Where people who developed the bible and those who soon used it can be documented believing the same thing. 

When we look at our recorded history, those who developed the bible believed in christian dogma/theology. Those who used the bible in any form believed in and used christian dogma/theology. 

We have historical evidence to see christianity grow. This includes documents from Roman Empire's late era, through dark ages, through multiple eras after that, to modern times. We see the changes through history. 

All this excludes aliens. 

B) the angels described in bible include those who do not look or act like men. How would you navigate that? 

 C) im still lookin at the "glory of god" video but so far I see a translation for an individual phrase. This phrase is absent from the context of the other words in the sentences, paragraphs, and other statements in the bible. Looking at individual phrases looses context in how a word is used. 

If we look at one sentence you say, "what the ancient Hebrews really tried to tell us." 

If anyone is trying to tell us something they would say it. Right? Why would alien visitation be a secret if they: 
Knew about it
Shared it
Wanted to continue to share it
Put a secret into two phrases for people to decipher. 

2. . Domesticating characteristics? 
 For those who do not know 

Id say possible that those who are more aggressive eventually fall to others or their own doing. Thinking they can take on a bear or saber tooth. 

Uh... That's all for now. 

zedvictor4's avatar
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Within the context of Universal material evolution all that Darwin seeks to explain is the development of living organic species here on Planet Earth.

What you are seeking to explain is the reason for organic life here on Planet Earth

Essentially similar, but nonetheless two different exercises.

And their are plenty of scientists with alternative theories relating to both exercises.

Some might agree in principle with Charles Darwin and some might not.
Stephen's avatar
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I have just revisited some of my posts and noticed that I have covered some of this subject with you on threads that you had already created on this particular subject.

06.06.2023 back in June  I wrote:
IlDiavolo wrote:  Elijah was taken to heaven by a "chariot of fire",

Stephen wrote:  Indeed. There are many refences in the BIBLE to beings coming and going on "clouds" and craft (chariots) that they couldn't explain for lack of understanding  .

A bit like this I should imagine:

On another of your threads .
In July I wrote:
About the creation of Eve and  When we read the biblical and even much earlier  Sumerian accounts we can read clearly that there was no such thing as religion. These "beings" were simply called "Lords" and priests were raised above the general population to serve only them in simply daily tasks and to serve in their homes/temples,  just as the bible says.
 The Lords taught these chosen to read and write "spelling" and how to count-arithmetic and became learned "men of old". 
 Jewish Historian Josephus writes of  characters such as those of the bloodline of Adam, Enoch and Seth and other of their offspring being highly educated knowing all about the solar system and the movements of the planets, including the some times devastating effects that these "heavenly bodies" have on the earth. - i.e. the were taught "the mysteries of the heavens" which today we simply call space. Josephus refers to it as a "peculiar science".

 Same month same thread I wrote:
The problem that we higher educated, being more intelligent, more advance than those of ancient peoples have, is that we would have to ask , is it one of theirs or one of our own? 
 Have you read the 1970's Chariots of the Gods? It poses some brilliant questions.

More recent 11.24.2023 I must have missed this thread of yours although you appear to have addressed your OP of thread to me directly. I gave no replies.

  On this thread that you created 08.10.2023
I wrote:

This caught my eye.
IlDiavolo wrote; we are sent to this fucking world to accomplish a mission: make the human being evolve.

I was trying to remember where I had read something very similar.

I think it was here;
The “Lost Book of Enki” is written by Zecharia Sitchin who accurately describes the Great Flood that occurred in the age of Leo, some 12,500 years ago when the planet Nibiru neared Earth.

An interesting read whatever one's beliefs.


You might be asking yourself the reason why I am showing you these threads created by you?  The reason is that you have started a few threads on this subject and not once do you appeared to have furthered or followed through... with anything. 

Will you also be leaving and allowing this thread to disappear and drop down the pages?.

I have watched your links from YouTube that you have offered 
Here at post>#9 - KAVOD is translated as "glory" but it means "heavy object that stands out". - RUACH is translated as "spirit" but it means "gust of wind" caused by an object.

I will give you my opinion on those later. When and if you can confirm whether or not you have read my last post to you here>#17 ?

IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
So, what you are saying is that these alleged aliens inhabited the earth in the Bronze and Iron Age to "colonize" the earth and to be able to be associated with certain Bible references as you have shown.  Therefore, in using your theory that said aliens looked like the Bible characters, and exactly like us now, did these aliens also bring ALL of the different animal and plant species known to mankind at this time which is 8.7 million in total, which humans needed to survive?  
It would be arrogant from my side to give details about it because I don't know. What I'm pretty sure though is that life in this planet as we know it were brought by these aliens, the rest of the story is pure speculation, including the Darwin's theory of evolution. For example, Riddle Scott portrayed this process in the film Alien Prometheus, it's fantasy but it makes more sense than the theory of evolution. Lol.

And, what type of aliens were here approximately 40,000 years ago that looked like the Neanderthal specie of mankind as shown in this links image using your premise of aliens look like man:

Furthermore, using your analogy and going way back in time approximately 200,000 years ago in Africa, was there another alien space visit that came to earth that looked just like our early Homo sapiens in this following image link; 
where said aliens had the same physical look as these early home sapiens?:  If you can't address these claims of mine, then that scary word "EVOLUTION" comes to mind!
According to the ancient astronauts's theory, the aliens accelerated the evolution of the "proto human" to the today's human being by means of genetical engineering 4,500BC. Before that there were already proto humans living in the earth, there is no more detail about it since the ancient scriptures (from several cultures) don't talk of it.
You say that human beings appeared upon this earth "all of a sudden," and barring that scary word "EVOLUTION," and like I've said before, the origin of mankind started approximately 400,000 YEARS AGO in Africa, therefore, to use your theory, there had to be different alien visits to look just like the different variations of mankind as I have shown you in the image links provided above showing the Neanderthal species, and early African species. If not, then that scary word "EVOLUTION" is presented once again.
The thing here is that there is so few evidence about our past that scientists (not all of them of course) are pretty sure the Darwin's theory is correct eventhough there are so many holes and criticism about it: "Scientists had not lost interest in evolution, but many found Darwin’s account of it unsatisfying."

The theory of ancient astronauts is based on the ancient scriptures and the UFO phenomenon we see today. It could be wrong but what we know about our past is so blurry that the explanation of our existence is really open to several theories, in which the Darwin's theory is losing credibility. Mind you, there is also the possibility that there are rests of lost civilizations under us: So, it all depends on what we can find in the future, especially if this aliens get contact with us.

IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
1. If bible was in any way encrypted or aimed to develop stories about aliens, then we would see at least two things. 

A) there would be a historical documentation that coincides with your statements. Where people who developed the bible and those who soon used it can be documented believing the same thing. 

When we look at our recorded history, those who developed the bible believed in christian dogma/theology. Those who used the bible in any form believed in and used christian dogma/theology. 

We have historical evidence to see christianity grow. This includes documents from Roman Empire's late era, through dark ages, through multiple eras after that, to modern times. We see the changes through history. 

All this excludes aliens. 

Why do you think christianity is special? Yeah, it's because you're a christian. Muslims would say the same and they will outnumber christians very soon. Lol.

B) the angels described in bible include those who do not look or act like men. How would you navigate that? 
Provide examples, please, Maybe you need to read the bible with the correct tranlsation, there was a lot of manipulation by theologians.

C) im still lookin at the "glory of god" video but so far I see a translation for an individual phrase. This phrase is absent from the context of the other words in the sentences, paragraphs, and other statements in the bible. Looking at individual phrases looses context in how a word is used. 
You don't even need to read the bible with the correct translation. There are lot of references of high technology there. 

"As I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the ground beside each creature with its four faces. This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like topaz, and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel. As they moved, they would go in any one of the four directions the creatures faced; the wheels did not change direction as the creatures went. Their rims were high and awesome, and all four rims were full of eyes all around. When the living creatures moved, the wheels beside them moved; and when the living creatures rose from the ground, the wheels also rose. Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, and the wheels would rise along with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. When the creatures moved, they also moved; when the creatures stood still, they also stood still; and when the creatures rose from the ground, the wheels rose along with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels." Ezekiel 1:15-21.

If you're unable to see it, it's because you're clouded by your beliefs.
IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
You might be asking yourself the reason why I am showing you these threads created by you?  The reason is that you have started a few threads on this subject and not once do you appeared to have furthered or followed through... with anything. 
Well, I try to follow through according to my spare time.

I will give you my opinion on those later. When and if you can confirm whether or not you have read my last post to you here>#17 ?
Yes, I did but I still think it over. It looks like you're an enthusiast of the Zodiac but I can't tell yet. Does it have something to do with the UFO sightings?
FLRW's avatar
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FLRW's avatar

Monkey see, monkey do: The remarkably human faces pulled by our primate cousins

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
I will give you my opinion on those later. When and if you can confirm whether or not you have read my last post to you here>#17 ?
Yes, I did but I still think it over. It looks like you're an enthusiast of the Zodiac but I can't tell yet.

Only in the sense that  it is because the ancients were obsessed with it.  
Did you watch those links all the way through yourself?

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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I bet there is over 1 billion Christians that th8nk they are currently in the 
▪▪▪▪▪▪▪  TOP 10  OF ALL TIME.  ●●●●● ●●  
Greatest ever scripture translators to have ever been and will ever be. 

300,000 Christians Are ( CURRENTLY )

I'd im in position 809,761st bestest ever. 

Imagine a Christian thinking that. 
They are Avrage at scripture deciphering.   Like Just So So. 

Imagine being a judge,  In a scripture translating competition. 

Im thinking about.
▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪  ( RANKING the board. )   ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪
Bestest  to worstest  members on this site. 

Ill .
You are currently in  ( position 12  )   of best to worse of on site,  scrip trans.
So Congratulations. 
Keep it up. 

If anyone wants there current scrip tran RANKING.   
Hit me up if you want. 
Id  B  Moreeeeee the happy to announce it. 


IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
Did you watch those links all the way through yourself?
Yes, I did. However, I can't figure out what you're trying to tell me. I don't know much about the Sumerian civilization.

What I understand is that these aliens handed over all their knowledge to their enslaved "Adams" before leaving the planet, so as a consequence these "Adams" started to do what their fathers did with them, which is enslave people. I guess this modus operandi has survived ever since.
hey-yo's avatar
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hey-yo's avatar
I have not much time but here goes. 

1. Interesting 

A) no rebuttle or practical thought about   contradictions given? 

B) here is a description:

Shorter video on same topic:

 C) hm.  
I don't see a direct relation to question presented. 

So how we know that is the right translation?  there are translations that span thousands of years. 

The quote you give is given in videos in b. They don't give the same conclusion.  

Translation doesn't seem to be an issue to be honest. Above link gives same words right? 

But lets ask the question. Why are we seeing a machine if the person giving their account says "living creature?"

Ironic you give a quote that deacribes an angel. 

IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
In the bible, angels have no wings. The wings appeared in the medieval times. Your videos are completely biased. Lol.

So how we know that is the right translation?  there are translations that span thousands of years.  
The right translation is the one given by a profesional translator.

But lets ask the question. Why are we seeing a machine if the person giving their account says "living creature?"
What Ezekiel is describing is a ship with a crew into it (the creatures), and the eyes are the windows of the ship. The "spirit" is probably the propulsion mechanism of the ship.