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This is similar to the UFO phenomenon. The Roman Empire translated and changed the meaning of the original bible in order to keep people from knowing the real facts, like the reincarnation. Most first christian sects believed in reincarnation, though nowadays Christians believe that human beings have only one life after which their "souls" are sent either to hell or heaven, according to their deeds and the judgement of a "god". Nevertheless, the bible and the science contradict such Christian belief.

The current bible has no reference to reincarnation because it was removed but there are some hints that lead us to think that reincarnation was a Christian doctrine at the beginning. "Now the Pharisees who had been sent questioned him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?” John 1, 24-25. In that verse, Elijah had already long died but the Pharisees asked if John the Baptist was him. It's not a direct reference to reincarnation but I think we all understand what the pharisees tried to say.

Also, the science has been researching this phenomenon. There are thousands of cases about reincarnation, one of them even adapted into a movie, "Yesterday's children". I wish I knew more how reincarnation works but at least I can make out several things about it from the many readings I had and also from my observations. From what I understand, what religions call "soul" is actually a sort of technology that resembles an AI. The "soul", as well as the AI, needs experience in order to learn and thus to evolve, that's why the soul incarnates in this life or reality, in order to find the experience it needs to evolve. As it is evident, the soul needs a lot of incarnations because a 60 year life in average is not enough (courtesy of the aliens). The evolution process is still ongoing so we are not going to hell or heaven after death as Christianity claims, we'll keep incarnating and evolving until our bodies get enough long-lived to stop the incarnation process.

Reincarnation can explain several things about us. For example, children that are gifted with something like music, maths, arts, etc. Science can't explain it.  You'll be asking why we don't remember our past lives, well we actually can but we need to get hypnotized because those memories are in the unconsciousness. There are several things about it that make a lot of sense so I think reincarnation is real and is part of the human being nature. We need to be open minded and keep researching in order to find the truth (although the fucking aliens will bring the truth anyway).
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