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It seems that the whistleblowers can't wait for Trump to take office so they decided to go out and say all what they know. Here you have a report from NewsNation.

This is fkn interesting. It's not just the release of a UAP retrieval video that you can find at 13:36 min in but it's also the testimony of  whistleblowers. You'll see that one of them went through a sort of "religious experience" when retrieving an alien craft which tell us that the stories of the bible (and other religions) are very related to UAPs.

There is a lot of stuff that is worth consideration in this video. It's usual to hear that in alien contact the communication is by telepathy so we have to consider that human beings can develop psychic abilities as the aliens have. The whistleblowers even say that the nonhuman crafts are controlled mentally by these intelligent beings (aliens) and that the Project Stargate related to the research of psychic abilities in humans had positive results.

Another thing that needs consideration is how the American military works. As far as I understood, the whistleblower says there is a lot of secrecy in private corporations that manage the UAP retrieval and that I think it's related to the military industry corporation. I can tell a lot about this that is usually considered as conspiracy theory but I let you draw your own conclusions.
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Well, as you know, this week a UFO hearing has been held in the US Congress and I kept thinking about what a former military official said at the end of that event.

This official showed a screenshot of a very old video about an alien interview saying that it was real. For the ones who don't know what video I'm talking about, I put the link to it.

I remember having watched this video in the news at the end of the 90s, it was amazing when it went out but not enough to say it was legit. You know, people demand categorical evidence to believe in something. Now that a whistleblower confirms the veracity of the video I think we can talk about it without the fear of mockery. This alien is one of those called the greys, it's not as evolved as other alien civilizations but they're defenitely more advanced than human beings in technology.

According to some contactees the earth is a sort of laboratory where human beings are the experiment, so it's forbidden for other alien civilizations to get into the earth without permission. To gurantee that the experiment is doing well the earth is being look over by the aliens that seeded the human being in the earth, those aliens are very similar to us. So, apparently these grays got into the earth without permission, causing that the vigilantes would take them down. The vigilantes were supossed to clean up the scene but they left it like this on purpose because the alien plan to unveil the existence of extraterrestrial life was already on track. You must know that as this is an experiment, the aliens can't "wake us up" all of a sudden, it should be little by little.

Anyway, I hope we can discuss about it since we're pretty close to the declassification of the alien files. Trump already mentioned something about it in Joe Rogan's podcast. He said that there was a fierce refusal to give up that kind of information, pointing to the security department which to my knwoledge controls the arms industry. If it's so, Trump is under serious threat as Putin said.
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