Total topics: 318
So Lamb --recall the the Lamb shift scientist-- another first coined this term term for the ' Axis of Evil ' in regards to the Milky Way's axis being in aligment with this cosmic Axis of Evil.
At about 11:00 or just before this ' Brillant ' sponsored astrophysicist gets into two camps of astrophysicists take on this strange coincidence{?} ---that is one camp-- and at 11:37 she mentions, that, perhaps shape of Universe being a torus { I dont think so } --she does this just in passing ideas around, as to why this Axis of Evil exists---.
Today was first time I had heard of this cosmic Axis of Evil. Time stamp 12:24 addresses a large cluster of galaxies causing graviational lensing might be why the Axis exists, and, there does just happen to be a ultra-large cluster of galaxies out there in the location that could be causing this, however, if that were the case, then creates a ton of other odd questions of our CMB data.
Science and Nature
All robots are freaky, and yes some are more freaky that others. Robbie the Robot was my first from the movie ' Forbidden Planet " with Leslie Nielson and Anne Francis..." Francis, a stunningly beautiful blonde with a prominent beauty mark, appeared opposite such stars as Spencer Tracy, Paul Newman, Robert Taylor and Glenn Ford in some of the most popular films of the 1950s. But “Forbidden Planet” and “Honey West” made her reputation. "..
Years later I heard about and saw the movie 1927 ' Metropolis ' with a freaky female robot.
..The Amaaterassu particle and another like it, appear to come from rather empty voids of time stamp 2:06 and watch for 30 seconds or so to hear the story of these ultra-highly charged cosmic ray particles that are not easy to know where they came from, unless very amplified like this one is
Science and Nature
I like it and hope others will also
Welcome 2 Minniapolis // Live Montreal
Artistic expressions
Part One of currently five parts:
Part One of currently five parts:
This is my latest cosmic summary as the... 9 = Fluctuation of Quantum Sine-wave.... plus briefly touching on Peter Woit >< R B Fuller's Euclidean approach to the Operating Systems of Universe aka GUTOEverything. Peter W has been in process of developing more R Penroses spinor and twistor ideas
Peter Woits blog page entry..." There’s been some progress on better understanding the Euclidean twistor unification ideas I’ve been working on the past few years. In particular the relation between the twistor geometry and the “spacetime is right-handed” point of view on spinors is now much clearer to me.
I’ve also made progress on understand how to think of Wick rotation in terms of hyperfunctions, something I’d given up on a while back, but now see how it can work. In the coming weeks/months I hope to get some of this written up, both as some blog posts and as a new paper. "...
Not Even Wrong
Because of its geometrical simplicity sake, I fell in love with Fullers 4-fold Vector Equilirium { VE }, jitterbug contraption many years ago.
8 surface triangles, and 6 surface squares, that allows the 4-fold VE { Vector Equilibrium } to twist/torque left or right on four diferrrent axi. Fuller speaks of his VE jitterbug as the Operating System of Universe and the closet we will ever come to knowing God because it is the perfection of balance of between its 24 surface chords { ><><>< } as systemic enclosure and 24 nucleus extended radii { ---> ---> ---> } as radiant, systemic expansion. etc
The 24 radii only present themselves when the VE is created from the infolding of four circular or hexagon planes of paper etc. See link to graphic B
The 24 radii only present themselves when the VE is created from the infolding of four circular or hexagon planes of paper etc. See link to graphic B
AI... 'According to current cosmological theories, the prevailing idea is that the Universe began as a result of a quantum fluctuation, essentially a random fluctuation in the quantum field that allowed for the creation of space, time, and matter from what is considered "nothing" - a concept often referred to as the "quantum vacuum" - leading to the Big Bang event that initiated our universe '...
Another version of this above says it has to do with Hesienbergs Uncertainty Principle
The way I always remember first hearing the ole saying was that ...' it was a fluctuation in the quantum wave, that created the Universe '....
I always took wave to mean a quantum sine-wave. I'mm pretty sure ive posted my first version of how I skewed this idea to be funny --not seriously-- via involving bi-lateral consciousness some where in the sine-wave, as the monkey wrench through into the symmetrical system as uncertainty
Ex /\/\/\/\/\/*\/*\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
I want to make clear here again, and as Ive seen in recent interview with R Penrose, that, biologic consciousness does not precede the quantum waves or fields of Universe except in the most simplistic view of consciousness as B Fuller expresses being that of two-ness equals other-ness equals consciousness and then only as and extreme simplicity version.
The two-ness only version would include Gravity as the line-of-relationship between the two individual events of consideration.
(*)()()()(*) where the geodesic lines-of-relationship are Gravity and the asterisks some kind of events that are mass-attracted to each other, whether truly aware of the attraction or not.
(*)()()()(*) where the geodesic lines-of-relationship are Gravity and the asterisks some kind of events that are mass-attracted to each other, whether truly aware of the attraction or not.
Of course this all is a moot point because we can deduce from human observations and logical, common sense critical thinking, that, finite, occupied space Universe cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed eternally. End of that story/scenario, however, there is another scenario/story that, appears to me to make be of a logical, common sense critical thinking nature, based on human observations.
Got to time stamp 18:40 to begin --the gist of it-- to understand in clear, intuitive way, why photons do not have mass, yet they do have mass, if they travel even minutely less than the speed-of-radiation.
This Brilliant vid, explains the above in three, clearly and intuitive ways, mass { rest }, speed-of-radiation { c = motion }, speed of Causality { C }. If you have the time just go to the time stamp. We presume photons move at speed-of-Causality, because that is simpler, than the alternative reality that--- Einstein, Feynman and others believes exists---, as it is more complex, so why bother, if not necessary to deal with more complexity of space-time.
Science and Nature
Sabine Hossenfelder explains why abundance of quantum physicists papers { misleading } leading to huge rise in stocks of Quantum Computer business that are loosing money like an open spicket.
Go to time stamp 4:50, to get the gist of the above and how Googles claim of quantum computers showing parralled Universes only added the misleading hype.
Just before the time stamp is another investor guy Cramer also saying dont invest
Science and Nature
The first one you click on yellow squares to get info
This 2dn one enlarge image to see more closely each item
Science and Nature
..." Like the transcendentalists, Fuller rejected the established religious and political notions of the past and adhered to an idealistic system of thought based on the essential unity of the natural world and the use of experiment and intuition as a means of understanding it. But, departing from the pattern of his New England predecessors, he proposed that only an understanding of technology in the deepest sense would afford humans a proper guide to individual conduct and the eventual salvation of society. Industrial and scientific technology, despite their disruption of established habits and values, was not a blight on the landscape, but in fact for Fuller they have a redeeming humanitarian role. "...
Fuller never used the word ' spirit ' in any of his books that Im aware of.
..." Transcendentalism is a philosophy started in the early 19th century that promotes intuitive, spiritual thinking instead of scientific thinking based on material things.
Transcendentalism comes from the Latin word transcendere, which means to "climb over or beyond." Founders of the American transcendentalism movement were indeed trying to "climb beyond" traditional empirical thinking, favoring instead a person's intuition and natural spirituality. Ralph Waldo Emerson, a famous transcendentalist, summed up the beliefs of transcendentalism when he said, "What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ..
Transcendentalism comes from the Latin word transcendere, which means to "climb over or beyond." Founders of the American transcendentalism movement were indeed trying to "climb beyond" traditional empirical thinking, favoring instead a person's intuition and natural spirituality. Ralph Waldo Emerson, a famous transcendentalist, summed up the beliefs of transcendentalism when he said, "What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ..
Professor Peter Wolt...' Not Even Wrong ' ---Wolfgang Pali was fist to ever say that--- book has this recent 20204 sept-oct interview with theory of Everything dude called ' Forgotten Geometry '. Think Penrose Spinors and Twistors.
To get to gist of it, I suggest go time stamp 1:14:44. Soon after that, however, to understand why this intelligent professor went off this way, the first hour in lays generally the 50 year history of Grand Unification Theories, and how they all of failed, tho most dont admit such.
So his basic idea, is that --and he puts it in bold--- is that classical space-time is right-handed--- and this is in in the catagory of asymmetrical Euclidean geometry, whereas the left-handed quantum field theory is this internal --not the whole-- of Minkoski space math.
Peter Wolt is still constantly developing the math of vectors --magnitude and direction { a momentum? }-- and is attempt to do this Euclidean space { that
normally has not direction ergo not a vectorial i.e. strictly static representation}, and all of this is within 3D { XYZ } plus time.
If your into the theory of everything, even the dude who hosts this website utube, fines this the most interesting approach after 50 years of failure in all other GUT theories of Everything. Again, his opening outline is in three parts starting with history. If you can do the time stamp above, and onward, you may find some or enough satisfaction.
Since he connecting Euclidean and Minkowski I find this approach more inline with my ideas than that of string theory.
Time Stamp 2:58 Martin Rees .. 'Dangerous Illusion '
Shortly after the above, DeGrease astrophysicist on Bill Mahr show...reality sets in for those on Elon Musk and others that think it is the way forward for humanities time, money effort etc..
I have repubilcan friend, who surprised me the other day, stating you did not care for Trumpet cozying with billionares. I guess she has been asleep at the wheel and now awakening to reality of dumb embracing USA. Sorry for political viewpoint in Science and Nature, however, funding nonsense is dumb.
Science and Nature
Jimmy Carter --- 100 years of life
--submarine named after him--
Nuclear Submarine officer----
Governor of Georgia/poliitcs ---{ and friends with Allman brothers }
USA president/poliitcs
--put solar panels and white house that Regan removed---
Best known for his many years of humanitarian work outside of beyond that of politics
J Carter = Integriity
Thats one resultant of our postings.
Meta-space mind --intellect/concepts etc---
Occupied space reality --the pencil--
The other resultants can vary.
1} others read and think about it, or not,
2} others respond, reply, or not,
3} some may expand their Meta-space,
4} self expansion of our Meta-space, via reflecting on our post,
5} self >< other >...?....
Trumpet 77,301,997 > 49.80%
Harris 75,017,626 > 48.33%
77301997 minus 75017626 = 2,284,371
So 2 million 300 thousand approx. is the diffferrence in USA this election cycle.
Those spurred ----spurs on boots to kick horse to spur movement-- to come out vs those not spurred to come out?
The only people who dont see a pattern of moral indecency with Trumpet and MAFiA{ Make America Fat Again } is Trumpet and MAFiA.
The far right is known more for its hiding its moral indecency that others, or at lest what some others generally considered morally indecent ex J Edgar Hoover --head of the FBI-- who was closet gay.
..' Hoover himself, meanwhile, had a personal secret that – in his era – could have destroyed him if revealed. Clint Eastwood referred to it this year before the launch of his movie, when he assured the J Edgar Hoover Foundation that J Edgar would not "portray an open homosexual relationship" between Hoover and his long-time male companion, Clyde Tolson.
....Eastwood stretched the truth. Though there is just one passionate kiss between Leonardo DiCaprio and Armie Hammer, the two actors portraying them in the movie, the relationship with Tolson is a central theme. In real life, all Washington knew was that the pair dined daily together, vacationed together, did everything but move in together, and the whispers flew. When a magazine article in the 1930s referred to Hoover's "mincing" gait, and a diplomat commented on his "conspicuous perfume", Hoover struck back. He gathered derogatory information on the offending journalist, and asserted – falsely – that he did not use perfume. Real information on the Hoover-Tolson relationship surfaced only long after both men were dead, during research for my book.
...A surprising find was the account by Luisa Stuart, once a celebrated model, tracked down because she featured in a droll photograph taken with Hoover and Tolson one New Year's Eve in the late 1930s at the Stork Club – the place to be seen in New York at the time. In the photo, Hoover is shown holding his hands up as Stuart, armed with a toy shotgun, "threatens" him. Later that night, in the dark of a limousine when they left the club, she remembered: "I noticed they were holding hands all the way, just sitting there talking and holding hands with each other… I was so young and those were different times. But I'd never seen two men holding hands." '..
Universe { @ } has not relationship to other-ness i.e. finite Universe is isolated within itself only aka no lines-of-relationship to other-ness.
Universe is alone in macro-infinite, truly non-occupied space.
Universe is alone in macro-infinite, truly non-occupied space.
There exists no logical, common sense critical thinking alternative to this scenario.
Only integrity counts.
Integrity..' 2. the state of being whole and undivided. '....
Aka as connected-ness ergo the one-ness the whole-ness.
2D { area } wholeness begins with a triangular enclosure of space /\
3D { volume } wholeness begins with tetrahedral enclosure of space.
marcusbanks5x5....." Quantum entanglement and quantum physics provide a scientific explanation of spirituality by revealing the interconnectedness and wholeness inherent in the universe. This is demonstrated through the concept of entanglement, which highlights how particles can be instantaneously connected regardless of distance, suggesting a deeper level of unity beyond physical boundaries.
....Quantum mechanics challenges reductionist views by emphasizing holistic systems and undivided wholeness, aligning with spiritual notions of interconnectedness and oneness within the universe.
...Therefore, quantum entanglement offers a scientific basis for understanding spiritual concepts of unity and interconnectedness. "...
Actually two sports and both involving poles
The first one I had not seen before, the 2nd is Dutch invention. I used a schools wooden smooth and rounded railing in my teens to do this vaulting until the railing de-laminated legnth wise its two halves, and I flew through the air and land flat on my stomach and face
Rabbits equalize their population based on this equation and that is how the vid starts.
Go to time stamp 2:49 where he starts in with how the this balanced equilibrium is shown on graph.
Chaos can ensue in some situations, --via bifurication 8-16-32 etc splitting--- yet periodicity, partially returns T. Stamp 5:43
At 8:35 see how equlibrium of bifurication, is in the mandelbrot graphic, yet to see it, the mandlebrot graphic has to be turned 90 degrees for a side view. Cool!
At 15:40 we find within all of the above the Figenbaum irrational constant 4.669....
Continue on and see how this is similar to Fullers micro-infinite subdivision --multiplication-by-division-- and many aspects of nature.
For Fuller micro-infinite subdivision of our macro-finite Universe is a feasibility or potential
Part 1 - Cosmic Trinity
1 - 2 Creator God of occupied space Universe is a Meta-space mind/intellect/conceptual fantasy { spirit-1 } and perhaps stems from ego.
3} macro-infinite and truly non-occupied space that embrace finite occupied space Unvierse
Part 2 - Cosmic Trinity
Y = open radial vectors { spirit-2 and 4 } for potential structural integrity as of an occupied space
/\ = chordal vectors { spirit-2 and 3 } as 2D structural integrity
\Y/ = chordal vectors { spirit-2 } that embrace the close off the open radial vectors as 2D > 3D strutural integrity
Part 3 - transformation
[ ] = { square } lacks structural integrity ergo transformable vectors { spirit-2 }
====== = square collapsed into a double-valenced vector{ spirit-2 }
Golems Dumb <----> AI smart
Go to 17:40 in vid to see Brian Cox { theoretical physicists } answers to the Fermi Paradox, where is the other intelligent life and why advance General Adaptive AI might eschew idea of communicating with biological life forms
Will bilateral GAAI eschew there creatin by bilateral humans and instead go for more for box jellies that have 24 eyes, with various functions for differrent sets of eyes?
Science and Nature
..' Dark Energy Is an Illusion '... if Gravity has a finite limit. Andrew Tolie and couple of others working on this. Interesting Vid if you like these kinds of cosmic considerations.
What I woud remind the reader is that within my versions of contractive Gravity, it is finite in a sense, as is its 180 degrees exact opposite Dark Energy expansion, because each feed the other in loops of tube, --the frequency-- the tube is a loop in-of-itself as a torus. .... ( )( ).....
And this is because the two invaginate inwards and back outwards in a v and^ .....^v^v^v...etc as the interaal body of the tube-torus, that, I call Observed-reality-Time{ OT.
Dutch Stand Beast Evolution is amazingly amazing motion based 120
Artistic expressions
Animal > Come Jellies --700 million years ago > sponget > etc
Mammal > The world’s oldest mammal has been identified using fossil dental records – predating the previously confirmed earliest mammal by about 20 million years – in a new discovery hailed as “very significant” by researchers.
Brasilodon quadrangularis was a small shrew-like creature, around 20 centimeters (8 inches) long, that walked the earth 225 million years ago at the same time as some of the oldest dinosaurs and sheds light on the evolution of modern mammals, according to a team of Brazilian and British scientists."..
Least complex brain > .." Planarians are the simplest animals to exhibit a body plan common to all vertebrates and many invertebrates, characterized by bilateral rather than radial symmetry, dorsal and ventral surfaces, and a rostrocaudal axis with a head and a tail, including specialized sense organs and an aggregate of nerve cells in the head. Neurons in planarian more closely resemble those of vertebrates than those of advanced invertebrates, exhibiting typical vertebrate features of multipolar shape, dendritic spines with synaptic boutons, a single axon, expression of vertebrate-like neural proteins, and relatively low spontaneously generated electrical activity.
Woman > Man > most access to Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts and ego { i/me } > intelligent and dumb over lifetime
AI > AGi { artificial general intelligence } >
Google quantum qbit chip and larger machines that .." To get a quantum computer to perform useful [--read correct--] calculations, “you need quantum information, and you need to protect it from the environment — and from ourselves, as we do manipulations on it”, he says "...
The larger the better accuracy to date
Meet the new Robbie the robot of " Forbidden Planet" fame and tv series " lost in space "...' wanring will robbinson '. Some 70 years later
1} Field: occupied space
2} Differrentiation: relativity
3} motion: spin
4} Time: frequency
The Day the Earth Stood Still -- Music Redone---
Legends of the Mind --Moody Blues 1968
Artistic expressions
195 soverign nations on Earth and King Trumpet { MAFiA } is now set to increase the divide between rich and poor greater than ever, ---world wide-- at cost of other sovereign nations.
Dumb is as dumb does when it comes to concern for the ecology --ex access to fresh water-- that supports humanity and other animals, plants, fungi etc.
.." Desovereignization
Never before in all history have the inequities and themomentums of unthinking money-power been more glaringly evident to sovastly large a number of now literate, competent, and constructivelythinking all-around-the-world humans. There's a soon-to-occurcritical-mass moment when the intuition of the responsibly inspiredmajority of humanity, in contradistinction to the angered Luddites andavenging Robin Hoods, faced with comprehensive functional discontinuityof nationally contained techno-economic system, will call for andaccomplish a world-around reorientation of our planetary affairs.
R. Buckminster Fuller
"Can't Fool Cosmic Computer"
Grunchof Giants (St. Martin's Press, 1983), pg. 89
So does Fuller encourage hot heads to rise up and overthrow theoppressive state apparatus? No. Remember, this guy received the Medalof Freedom from President Ronald Reagan. Desovereignization is anatural evolutionary process stemming from the inevitable effects ofglobalized communications and trade -- and is already very far advanced.
Fuller's Grunch of Giants, a sequel to Critical Path, is about the power of post-LAWCAP supranational corporations to counter the brain dead approaches of the selfishly preoccupied sovereign politicos -- approaches which continue to have extremely unprofitable and disasterous consequences.
Fuller clearly documents how today's sovereignties are largely sponsored entities, sustained behind-the-scenes by nebulous global financial networks which keep our governments afloat, and in debt, because this serves our interests. [4]
Just look at EPCOT (Disney's Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow). Corporate pavilions dominate Tomorrowland (the future). On the other side of the artificial lake (the past), nation-state pavilions come across as so many quaintly antiquated and commercialized cultures. The once proud nations have been reduced to so many moneymaking theme park tourist attractions. "....
Universal Basic access to minimal standard of living for all, as a starter. This requires a one Earth nation concept of sovereignty.
7.5 million year old splits from chimpanzees, humanity may be having a senior moment 79 years after the invention of the atomic bomb.
1945 - 1995 { See START 1 and 2 } - 2045 is 100 years after 1945.
Dumb and less compassionate is more suffering for most humans going forward.
Smart and more compassionate is less suffering for fewest amount of humans going forward
Putin { Russian} > Trumpet { definant narrciscist} > Gaetz { XX } > Hegseth { Joe Plumber } > Long List of Others who worked with or associated with Trumpet that have been indicted for crimes.
Putin = Russian Oligarch Governance --qualified oligarch--
Trumpet = King of Anti-USA governance ---unqualiifed misfit--
Trumpet = King of Anti-USA governance ---unqualiifed misfit--
Gaetz = Sexual misconduct and list goes on --unqualified misfit---
Hegseth = Sex-a-atary of defense ---unqualifed misfit---
And there is a whole long list of anti-USA governance people starting with Putin and Trumpet at the top.
Bannon, Gulianni, 1000 Jan 6th insurrectionist, Stone, Wiesselburg, Navvarro, Cohen, Flynn, Manifort, R. Gates, Broidy, and that is just a few of this MAFia gang
Then those charged in around the election falsehoods { insurrectionist }
Gullilinani, Eastman, Meadows, Chesobro, CLark, Ellis, Stallings Smith 2, Cheeley, Roman, Shafer, Kuti,
1} Nutter looses Nutter and gains blond bombshell loyalist
.... Bondi is bonded as loyalist to hip of Trumpet and she received donation$25,000 from trumpet when his University was to be investigated by her......
..... " In September 2016, just ahead of Trump’s first presidential victory, the IRS determined that his donation to Bondi’s political action committee violated laws banning political contributions from nonprofit organizations. Trump was ordered to pay a fine. "...
.... Bondi " spearheaded Florida's efforts to contest former President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act, arguing it was unconstitutional—a challenge ultimately rejected by the Supreme Court in 2012. ".........
2} birds-of-a-feather stick together? Gaetz-{ X-rated } > Trumpet { X-felon } > Bondi ( under not seperate from Trumpet } --wheres Laura Loomer? In the backseat waiting for Trumpet?
Bondi..... " she has plenty of courtroom experience, but that record includes fighting against marriage equality in Florida well after courts effectively settled the matter, unnecessarily postponing wedded bliss for thousands of same-sex couples in the state. "...
....Trumpet > Loomer > Gaetz > Bondi is a pattern that is just the tip of a nutter iceburg freezing out those who do not cow-tow to King Trumpet and the trifecta supremacist { give or take a number of racist, bigoted fascists } ....... USA! USA! USA!
3} .... ? .............Where is Laura Loomer?
Current events
King Trumpet { cult of MAFA } nutter, loses his #1 nutter pick, Matt Gaetz of reports of sexual trafficing children.
Then their is the other sexual nutter who says he was cleared of all charges.
Then their is the other sexual nutter who says he was cleared of all charges.
Does anyone else see a pattern occurring with this nutters?
James Webb is showing that our standard cosmological model is in error.
They want us consider in the vid why they see these impossible-to-exist-galaxies a million years after the big bang
Some of this makes sense to me, except that, by the end vid, they choose infinite occupied space Universe over finite. Why? See line #11 below
Ergo integrity { wholeness } of finite looses out to lack of integrity { wholeness }.
Ergo integrity { wholeness } of finite looses out to lack of integrity { wholeness }.
Duhh.......logical common sense critical thinking, seems to go out the window for some reason in these regards to Webb observations. Why?
Ive yet to see logical, common sense critical thinking explanation. That is because none exist.
@ = Universe
Universe is the finite, yet dynamic, occupied space whole.
Gravity ( ) and Dark Energy )( two sides of same coin ---torus is ultra-micro space ergo invisible and non quantised and non-quantfied--
.........non-occupied space..< infinite - finite >( )( )< finite - infinite >...non-occupied space.........
11} Our observed { quantised and quantified } time as reality is the internal body of the surface set looped Gravity ( ) and Dark Energy )(
...........................................( * )( * )............................ understand that these two asterisks are continuous set in a circle-like pattern internal to the torus. This is simplistic version 2D version of 3D quantum torus of varying scales of existence that, all overlap to varing degrees to compose our finite, occupied space-time Universe.
* * = observed time reality and below is birds-eye-view of the above presentation, however, ive added in the 2nd circle-like pattern to the internal observed time reality
................( (*( ( ) )*) )....... and what we dont observe, is the outer and inner set of Gravity and Dark Energy ergo, the following
......................(*( )*)...................... however, we know there has to be a --not visible-- line-of-relationship >----><----< between the surface sets { positive and negative curvature and the internal body of observed time reality ---{ that is appears positive only }---- see line 17 below.
........... >-------<(*(>--------<)*)>-------< ...................................
17} yet I believe reality is invaginating { >< } resultant of the two diametric opposite curvatures { (>< ) } of positive and negative and this resultant is two primary kinds of charge positive and negative see the embolden reality set, that numerically found in sequential pattern is triangulated pattern set 0....3p......6......9....12...15....18
......... >------<(>*<(>---------<)>*<)>-----------< ...................
electron { lepton/light wight } particle 3 types >< anti-electron { lepton/light weight } particle 3 types
neutrino particle 3 types >< anti-neutrino particle 3 types
neutrino particle 3 types >< anti-neutrino particle 3 types
quark particle 18 property combinations of particle sets >< anti-quark 18 property combination of particle sets
...3p = 3 quarks { hadron/heavy } >< 3p = 3 anti-quarks { hadron/heavy }.......
Current events
Russia > North Korea Iran {? } > Syria { no }
..." The European Union and the United Kingdom have vastly tightened sanctions on Iran as punishment for the Middle Eastern country's support for Russia in the war with Ukraine. "...
.See map/chart for visual from top to bottom and the list of six countries hosting their nuke weapons.
.." At present there are 9 countries in the world that possess nuclear weapons. They are:
- Russia
- United States
- China
- France
- United Kingdom
- Pakistan
- India
- Israel
- North Korea
These states have roughly 12,100 nuclear warheads, with over 9,500 in active military stockpiles, according to the Federation of Atomic Scientists' 2024 State of the Worlds Nuclear Forces. While this is a significant decline from the approximately 70,000 warheads owned by the nuclear-armed states during the Cold War, nuclear arsenals are expected to grow over the coming decade and today’s forces are vastly more capable. "
Cult of MADA/MAFA hired Trumpet to make indecent nutter attorney.
The circus of nutters running USA has just begun. Lets see now how many changes did Trumpet make with staff his last time in office. Oh yeah the lost count after the first 1500.
And where has Trumpets girl friend Laura Loomer gone. Probably best that she is hidden away behind closed doors. And Matt Gatz behind bars if get lucky.
And where has Trumpets girl friend Laura Loomer gone. Probably best that she is hidden away behind closed doors. And Matt Gatz behind bars if get lucky.
Current events
Time Stamp 32:58 approx, L Susskind states that we know gravity exists.
The key points of this interview with Sussking --think LIGO String Theory etc--- and Ive only watched some of it:
1} Capitial S string theory has failed to offer a known mathematical theory that describes/agrees with our known space-time reality ---small s string theory--,
2} the vid is failure of string theory and the two primary issues that are in the way, are,
....2a} string theory unifies quantum mechanics and gravity { as a quantum }, however, it is supersymmetrical and our space-time Universe is not,
....2b} is that, any small s { generalised } theories that may exist, can only be found within the ' landscape ' of 10^500 or greater possible small s theories.
3} that proton has no known decay rate is something I learned about some 40 years ago, and Susskind when asked in vid, states, that is interesting problem, that, is addressed most approximately accurately in Theory of Everything called SU5, however, that theory is not complete with our reality so it is now a subset of or a greater theories called 010 and 016 etc, and tho they predict the when a proton will decay ---10^33 years--- there is no known way to prove it with any experiments.
Time stamp of this begins at 22:30 or so. I love it.
4} string theory has not failed in solving any issues with understand black holes, and that is big win for string theory, according to Susskind. Roy Kerr of rotating black holes would be interesting person I would like to here Susskind address. I say this, because Roy Kerr likes to point out, that, most of the black hole maths stem from a static --not dynamically rotating--- black hole and that he believes all black holes are rotating.
Duhh, there is no celestial object that is not rotating, in relation to some other celestial objects of Universe. Logical, common sense critical thinking conclusion.
Science and Nature
Using Pi, ---divided by 430.5---, this is the new, closet way Ive found to approximating the FSC value
................................................................0.00 72 97......54391077768464
FSC { refined accuracy in Paris } =.........0.00 72 97 35 25 62 78 71 35
Pi { shortened } 3.141591^3.00003 =....31.00 72 9...2 54 99 542548225..<<< this is closet alternative way to arrive at almost FSC
Pi^3.00003 =..........................................31.00 7...3 41 51 29 30 84 72 01 62 1375714128..<<<2nd closet way
This following is not Feynnman speaking, it is someone else and I got fooled first time around. However, he does offer a solution, ---many out there on the net--- that I cannot speak to.
..." This number actually represents the probability that an electron will absorb a photon. However, this number has more significance in the fact that it relates three very important domains of physics: electromagnetism in the form of the charge of the electron,
relativity in the form of the speed of light, and
quantum mechanics in the form of Planck’s constant. "...
Another thought I hope to explore, is that of the VE{ vector equilibrium --as 5-fold 10 great circles/tori as as a bosonic photon---, that contracts/twists/collapses to the fermionic matter electron as the double-valenced octahedron ---ergo the 4-fold 3 - 6, 2-D great circles ergo 3D great tori as then I associated with my Space-time Tori.
The best place for me to start is the prime radius vectorvalue of the icosahedron as it is created from the contracting/twist/collapase of VE --as jitterbug---, ergo, the 5-fold's 10 great tori overall diameter ergo two radii radius i.e. (<---)|(--->) wherein the single vertical line { | } is the exact center of the tori.
In synergetics, this radius is confusing as Fuller uses a prime vector value of 2 and prime radius is 1. When Fuller uses the 15 great circles of the 5-fold icosahedron as the basic reference, for the other polyhedra, from center to face of each polyhedron, referenced to a perfect sphere of radius value 1.
He shows the Icosahedron radius { i 3 } at the following link as length value of 0.977
Again, Synergetics prime vector value ergo diameter of perfect sphere as two{ 2 } makes the math confusing to classical geometry where the diameter value is one { 1 }. So the above 0.977 value is perhaps divided by two, however, I dont think it as simple as that to convert.
That said, if were only doing our considerations of FSC via a radius value --and not classical diameter value of one{ 1 }--- of a sphere, we can use these values in accordance with FSC being 1 divided by 137 i.e. for the icosahedron radius value of i 3 at above link, we take 0.977 / 137 and arrive at
vs classical
1 / 137 = .................................................0.00 72 9.....9 27007, that was refined by the French experiments as,
FSC { refined accuracy in Paris } =.........0.00 72 97 35 25 62 78 71 35
0.977052485 / 137 = ..............................0.00 71........3176996350364963503649635036
What does this mean to me or any others? I dunno. Im exploring what does this and top of the page Pi have to do with understanding the mystery why FSC value is that number specifically.
Absolute Truth ---Universal physical laws and cosmic principles----,
Relative Truth ----the sky is blue-----,
False narrative ------MADA cult of Trumpet---.
Trumpet socio-path of MADA runs away from all truths, absolute and relative.
Sanity vs Insanity...............................2025.....................
Dumb and Dumber 2010 - 2016 - 2019 - 2024 - ?
First the racist Trumpet MADA cult with violent tendencies first came for the Chinese,
......then they came for the Mexicans.......
............then they came for Muslims..............
...............then they came for Biden and Harris and Cheney.......
Enricho Fermi split the atom into bits and pieces, and now the Trumpet MADA cult is splitting USA peoples to bits and pieces.
Current events
I asked free ChatGPT for ' a unifying principle for all of humanity'.
..." A unifying spiritual principle for all of humanity is the concept of "compassion." Compassion transcends cultural, religious, and national boundaries, promoting empathy, understanding, and kindness towards one another. It encourages individuals to recognize the interconnectedness of all people and to act with love and respect, fostering harmony and peace in diverse communities.
..Compassion invites us to see beyond our differences and to acknowledge the shared human experience of suffering, joy, and the pursuit of meaning. By practicing compassion, we can cultivate a sense of belonging and responsibility towards one another, ultimately contributing to a more just and nurturing world for all."
Compassion is aka empathy? And scientist have located a place in our brains that can turn on or off empathy.
AI..." According to current neuroscience, the brain region most closely associated with "turning on or off" empathy is the anterior insular cortex.This area is considered the key processing center for empathy, and its activity level can significantly influence how much empathy a person feels in a given situation. "
1} The word “insula” is the latin word for the “island”. What is the island of the human brain and what are its functions? Today the insula is considered a separate lobe of the human brain. Among all of the lobes, it seems that the insula is often marginalized. For that reason, it is considered to be very mystical among medical students because there is so little information about this structure "
Ruler of their-self, their family {?}/household, their property { home etc }.
Each ruler has a differrent set of rules, tho some or many rules may be shared in common. The greater the numbers of people the greater possibility there is wider degree of rules ---and more cultures/tribes/klans etc-- that may not so commonly shared rules, values etc.
Self rule > Other rule > Us rule > Them rule > ?
To cooperat,e or not cooperate, and to what degree of cooperation is just some of the questions that await the above.
Then there is those who will always be bigger, or wield more power --by whatever means-- and will there be cooperation on how to deal with those sets of person{s}?
Welcome to the human condition, that, is going to have varying degrees of chaos, depending on the circumstances.
All-for-one and one-for-all is the best spiritual starting place for any set of community { 2 or more }. Outside of that higher degree of spirituality, expect greater chances for chaos to occur.
Anarchy is just a fine line in the middle that is going to get over ruled/trampled --to varying degrees over varied times-- by those seeking order/stability in their lives.
Last time Ravi Shankars sitar will ever be played before daughter donates to British Museum
I take note of how on last notes, the sitar resonates the notes, as if it were electronically sustained, yet it is not.
Conservative MADA { Make America Dumb Again } lacks morals, decency, respect for women, empathy and the list goes on and on and on and on of the false narrative extremme's --ex Jan 6th insurrection-- they willing to go too. Sic-n-head political party more and more.
.." In a stunning admission, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, JD Vance, said he was willing “to create stories” on the campaign trail while defending his spreading false, racist rumors of pets being abducted and eaten in a town in his home state of Ohio.
Vance’s remarks came during an appearance on Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, where he said he felt the need “to create stories so that the … media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people”.
....Asked by the CNN host Dana Bash whether the false rumors centering on Springfield, Ohio, were “a story that you created”, Vance replied, “Yes!” He then said the claims were rooted in “accounts from … constituents” and that he as well as the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, had spoken publicly about them to draw attention to Springfield’s relatively large Haitian population. "
Current events
The list of Trumpet/MADA moral indecency is too long to mention in a single thread much less a single post. We could start with the indecent people he likes to have around him
..." Ms Loomer is well-known for her anti-Muslim rhetoric and for spreading conspiracy theories, including that the 9/11 attacks were an "inside job" carried out by the US government. "....
.." Trump granted clemency to five of his former campaign staff members and political advisers: Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Stephen K. Bannon, and George Papadopoulos. Many of Trump's grants of clemency were criticized by the federal agents and prosecutors who investigated and prosecuted the cases. "..
..Elon Musk...immoral narricists flock together goes the ole saying...
Discrete Planck time scale ends even before we go back to consider what existed at or before the big bang occ, i..e planck time mathematics end even before asking the question what existed at or before the big bang.
Got 25:15 or thereabouts to understand what nobody knows the answer too and can only speculate about.
One of my views is that all that exists at and before is the a brief moment --at best or worse--- is the sine-wave { as observed time v^v^v ergo relativity }, dissipates from inside/internal to the primary 2D field of occupied space existence, and briefly is only immersed in the geodesic Gravity field ( ), and briefly transfer on Gravitational spiral geodesics to the Dark Energy geodesic field )(.
Gravity and Dark Energy field = primary/fundamental occupied space.
Observed { relativity of reality } Time = relative observed time of occupied space
In this scenario, the invaginations/cleavages ^^^^^ from Dark Energy ----arrive via Gravity ( ( ( ( geodesics--- and the invaginations/cleavages, gradually accumulate enough, that a big bang type inflation occurs inside/internal to the 2D field and I believe are 3D, Space-time Horn Tori.
This expansion process ---invaginations/cleavages-- begins on Dark Energy side until, eventually in future the observed relative reality time dissipates once again into the geodesic field, again, and this process repeats eternally.
The contraction process is 2-fold:
1} the outer Gravity geodesics feeding over to the inner Dark Energy, and Dark Energy feeding back to the outer Gravity,
1} the outer Gravity geodesics feeding over to the inner Dark Energy, and Dark Energy feeding back to the outer Gravity,
2} the invaginations/cleavages of from Gravity field vvvvvvvv, and from the invaginatnions/cleavages from diametrically opposite Dark Energy field ^^^^^^
These two outer and inner invaginations/cleavages are the relative time sine-wave ^v^v aspect that accelerates from the inner ---because of accumulation increasing accumulation--- Dark Energy field towards the outer Gravity field, only to briefly dissipate again into Gravity field, and etc......
....................................................................................................................................................Outer Gravity Field
Inner Dark Energy Field
The flat line line near Gravity field represents entropy i.e. observed time becomes one very large very flat photon as the heat death { cold } of Universe.
R Penrose asks why is the Universe so homogeous/equlibrious at begining of Universe, ergo is Conformal Cyclic Universe scenario of the 2D Escher-like ultra-micro subdivision of equanimity of similar shape just subdividing to ultra-smaller scales of existence. Not no existence!
Science and Nature
So 8 corners of the cube, 8 triangular openings of the Octahedron, ergo the 8 triangular openings of the Vector Equlliibrium/cubo-octahedron.
.."The data showed that the first divisions after fertilization were not regulated across mice, rabbits, and monkeys. The cells divided randomly until they reached the 8-cell stage, a stage where all embryos suddenly started to look the same. "After looking very different in the first stages, embryos seemed to converge toward each other's shape at the end of the 8-cell stage," Hannezo continues. But how come? What brings structure to this chaos?
An embryonal Rubik's cube -- cell cluster optimizes its packing
Corominas-Murtra and Hannezo, both theoretical physicists, were fascinated by this dataset and set out to understand this process from a theoretical standpoint.
However, an embryo's shape is highly complex, making it difficult to determine what it means for two embryos to be similar or different. The scientists discovered that they could effectively approximate the full complexity of the structure of an embryo simply by studying the configurations of the cell-to-cell contacts. "We think that we can derive most of the important details about the morphology of an embryo by understanding the arrangements of cells or knowing which cells are physically connected -- similar to connections in a social network."...
Science and Nature
The following is my { Ebuc } two methods of explorations with the Fine Structure Constant{ FSC } aka the ' couuping constant '.
..." The fine-structure constant α is of dimension 1 (i.e., it is simply a number) and very nearly equal to 1/137. It is the "coupling constant" or measure of the strength of the electromagnetic force that governs how electrically charged elementary particles (e.g., electron, muon) and light (photons) interact."..
Part 1}
FSC = .............0.00 72 97 35 25 62 78 71 35 75 15 76 12 44 25 34
Pi^3.00003 = 31.00 73 41 51 29 30 84 72 01 62 13 75 71 41 2
The bold 2 in the above FSC is because France--some years back-- had made new fine tuning adjustment to the value that replaced the integer 9 with a 2.
The Pi^3.00003 value was my exploration. 31 appears here on rational side, and is significant to me, for three reasons.
1} the 5-fold icosahedron has a set of 31 primary great circles, as found in Synergetics { B Fuller } ---not presented is left-skew and right-skew set of the 31 ergo 62 great circles----
...Putting aside the whole rational 31, the differrence between 0.00 72 97 { FSC } and .00 73 41 is 0.71 50 62 { Pi^3.0003 }...
2} Pi^3 { XYZ } = 31.00 62 7 66 80 2998201754763150671
3} some or many animals have 31 bilateral spinal nerves ---total 62 as both left and right 31---
Part 2 and more recent exploration}
FSC subdivisions via my Space-time Horn Tori Invaginations { frequency? }. 18/0, 24/0 etc, and I stop with 180/0 as that is 18 plus 100 and gives us our first repeat of the integers/digits of the initial 18/0. Any pattern we see in these irrationals is going be related to hexa jumps of six. I see some little patterns occurring.
...note: I first wanted to show the relation between the FSC and my Cosmic Pi-Time value { arrived at via Pi^4 minus Pi^3{ XYZ } }
FSC = 0.00 72 97 35 25 62 78 71 35 75 15 76 12 44 25 34
FSC * 9,100.43 61 46 20 67 39 70 81 34 90 22 64 6,
> = Cosmic Pi-Time... 66.40 90 91 03 40 02 43 72 36 44 03 32 68 87 05
Now below I begin the
....note: 18/0 Space-time torus = 6 invaginations{ frequency }, and 24/0 = 12 invaginations { frequency }
FSC =..........0.00 72 97 35 25 62 78 71 35 75 15 76 12 44 25 34
18/0 > /6 =.. 0.00 12 16 22 54 27 13 11 89 29
24/0 > /12 = 0.00 06 08 11 27 13 56 55 94 64
18/0......... = 0.00 04 05 40 84 75 71 03 96 43
>>>/180/ = 0.00 00 40 54 08 47 57 10 39 64----- note:....this is the repeat I spoke of above, is significant to me, because, if we have 92 positive elements of Universe, and 92 negative elements of Universe that totals to 184. In Synergetics Fuller has a twones of diametically opposite axis poles added to any system, and a multiplicative twoness added to any system involing inside-ness and outside-ness. So we remove 4 of the 184 and we arrive at 180 above. I dunno
/24/0 .........= 0.00 03 04 0 56 3 56 78 27 97 32
/30/0......... = 0.00 0 24 3 24 50 85 42 62 37 85
/36/0...........0 = 0.00 02 02 70 42 37 85 51 98 21
---tho using a initial zero, the duals are tangent----
/42/0........... = 0.00 01 73 74 64 89 59 01 69 89
---no symmetrical dual set numbers begin at 42 { 6 * 7 }-------
/48/0............ = 0.00 01 52 02 81 78 39 13 98 66
/54/0............ = 0.00 01 35 13 61 58 57 01 32 14
/60/0............ = 0.00 01 21 62 25 42 71 31 18 92
/66/0............ = 0.00 01 10 56 59 47 92 10 17 2
..../66.4 etc...= 0.00 01 09 89 52 26 75 79 48 35
/72/0............ = 0.00 01 01 35 21 18 92 75 99 1
/78/0............. = 0.00 00 93 55 58 02 08 70 14 56
---- first set of four initial zeros appear here at 78 and that is eleven interations of 18/0-----
/84/0............. = 0.00 00 86 87 32 44 79 50 84 94
/90/................ = 0.00 00 81 08 16 95 14 20 79 28
/96/0............... = 0.00 00 76 01 40 89 19 56 99 33
/102/................ = 0.00 00 71 54 26 72 18 41 87 6
/108/................ = 0.00 00 67 56 80 79 28 50 66 07
/114/................ = 0.00 00 64 011 86 4 58 58 5 20 6
---our return of a symmetrical dual set-----
/120/............ = 0.00 00 60 81 12 71 35 65 59 46
/126/0.......... = 0.00 00 57 91 54 96 53 00 56 63
/132/............ = 0.00 00 55 28 29 73 96 05 08 6
/138/............ = 0.00 00 52 87 93 66 39 70 08 23
/144/............ = 0.00 0 05 0 67 6 05 9 46 37 99 55
---here, using initial zero dual sets are not tangent---
/150/............ = 0.00 00 48 64 90 17 08 52 47 57
/156/............ = 0.00 00 46 77 79 01 04 35 07 28
/162/............ = 0.00 00 45 0 45 38 61 90 04 4 04
--first of two dual sets appear---
/168/............. = 0.00 00 43 43 66 22 39 75 42 47
/174/............. = 0.00 00 41 93 88 07 83 21 09 97
/180/............. = 0.00 00 40 54 08 47 57 10 39 64
Clarifying Addendum's to FSC:
The two primary factors or pathways involved in arriving at the invagination angle within the Space-time Torus are
1} ..the sum of invaginations I was refering to was the sum angles of invagination { v or ^ } equal the FSC.
...1a} in v , and then back out, from the outer positive curvature of Gravity (> <),
.....2a} in ^ and then back out, from inner negative curvature of Dark Energy <)(>.
With the minimal, 18/0 Space-time Horn Tori, we have six angles occurring at these numerical locations---the point of the angle--- in the 2D pattern of the 3D torus field
Here below is the partial presentation ---does not present the geodesic curvatures of torus--- between values 1-2p, 4-5p, 7p-8 etc of the four planes ---conceptually ascertained-- bisection of the horn torus. Birds eye view of them would approximate this ...( (( ( ) )) )....
.........1..............5p....7p................11p......13p...............17p...........loops back around
18/0......................6.............................12..............................18/0 loops back around and share 0 location
................3p.......................9................................15......................loops back around
...........2p.....4.................8......10......................14.....16.................loops back around
These angle values are of course smalle than the FSC, because all I did was subdivide FSC by number of angles involved in the torus frequency{ invaginations } to see if there was any aha! moment of revalation with a pattern in the numerical values.
I found nothing of revelationary significance with any particular value. At best, --and only a later afterthought, I would have hoped to find something of significance to my Cosmic Pi-Time Value, and as you can see nothing stand out there.
FSC * 9,100.43 61 46 20 67 39 70 81 34 90 22 64 6 i.e. 9,100 times FSC to get to my Cosmic Pi-Time value.
> = Cosmic Pi-Time... 66.40 90 91 03 40 02 43 72 36 44 03 32 68 87 05
And when subdividing the FSC by Cosmic Pi-Time
/66............ = 0.00 01 10 56 59 47 92 10 17 2
..../66.4 etc...= 0.00 01 09 89 52 26 75 79 48 35 arrived at via Pi^4 minus Pi^3{ XYZ }
FSC..................0.00 72 97 35 25 62 78 71 35 75 15 76 12 44 25 34
Pi^3.00003 = 31.00 73 41 51 29 30 84 72 01 62 13 75 71 41 2
Yes, this looking for patterns in the irrational side is not the most sophisticated methodology, yet, I imagine various physicists have done some of this to find some connection to the FSC value, in other ways.
At best, with the Cosmic Pi-Time subdivision of FSC resultant, we see this triplet like occurrence,
.../66.4 etc...= 0.00 01 09 89 52 26 75 79 48 35 arrived at via Pi^4 minus Pi^3{ XYZ }
...............................................9 89....2 2.....75 7................
FSC....................0.00 72 97 35 25 62 78 71 35 75 15 76 12 44 25 34
....................................................5 25....78 7............5 75................2.44.2.....
.." The fine-structure constant, by contrast, has no dimensionsor units. It’s a pure number that shapes theuniverse to an astonishing degree — “a magic number that comes to us with no understanding,” as Richard Feynmandescribed it. Paul Dirac considered the origin of the number “themost fundamental unsolved problem ofphysics.”....
..." This system, the researchers found, enabled the Babylonians to create a trigonometric table that is more accurate than the Greek method, as it avoids irrational numbers and provides exact ratios.
Key points about this discovery include:
1. Plimpton 322 predates Greek mathematicians such as Hipparchus, who is often credited with founding trigonometry, by more than a millennium.
2. The Babylonians' use of a base 60 number system allowed them to make complex calculations with great precision. Their method is particularly advantageous for some practical applications, such as surveying and architecture.
3. The tablet shows that the Babylonians had a sophisticated understanding of right-angled triangles and could solve problems related to their sides with exceptional accuracy.
4. This finding suggests that the history of mathematics is richer and more complex than previously thought, with advanced mathematical practices emerging in different cultures independently.
The discovery of the true purpose of Plimpton 322 has reshaped our understanding of ancient mathematical knowledge and highlights the advanced capabilities of Babylonian scholars long before similar concepts were documented in Greek mathematics.".. "
If you begin at 24:00 you get the gist of this vid without having some of the same info repeated.
Two side notes:
1} loop quantum gravity as of few months ago is now officially dead long live Einsteins c is a constant with any frequency EMRadiation at any distance,
2} string theories AdS/CFT via Maldacena also concurrs with holographic principle, determinism, and occupied space information is naught is lost nor created in black holes, only transformed.
3} and I must mention, that, Roy Kerr/Nemum spinning/rotating and charge blacks given mention prior to time stamp 24:00
A-Eye States......Sigma Freud was married to Sigmund Freud and changed her name so others would not confuse the two of them. Sigmund considered changing his name to Bartha, however, it did not have the nice ring to it that Martha had.
They lived happily ever after til one of their oldest off-spring had a sex change. They never got over it.
Their grandchildren live wonderful lives psychoanalyzing each using the psychoanalytical game board their grandparents invented and passed onto their parents. Mattel was in talks with Freud's to acquire the rights to the game board, however, Mattel fell in to a deep depression before the deal could be completed.
The game is called Freudian Slip. Five people at a time and they each asks the one to there left a question so and so on, until someone asking the question or giving an answer makes a Freudian Slip, then that person has to remove a piece of clothing.
Military Society....“The conduct of one Russian Su-35 was unsafe, unprofessional, and endangered all – not what you’d see in a professional air force,” said Gen. Gregory Guillot, commander, NORAD and U.S. Northern Command. The NORAD aircraft flew “a safe and disciplined” routine to intercept the Russian aircraft, he added.
A message sent to the Russian Embassy Monday seeking comment was not immediately returned.
The close pass of the Russian jet comes just weeks after eight Russian military planes and four of its navy vessels, including two submarines, came close to Alaska as China and Russia conducted joint drills.
A message sent to the Russian Embassy Monday seeking comment was not immediately returned.
The close pass of the Russian jet comes just weeks after eight Russian military planes and four of its navy vessels, including two submarines, came close to Alaska as China and Russia conducted joint drills.
This is excellent coverage of recycling radio-active waste issues. France is of course the leader, then Russia { much lower amount recycled } and India does about same amount as Russia. China is just beginning but has plans for more.
Currently it is far cheaper to just mine more Uranium ---get U-235--- and store the waste as is. The recycling process -----very expensive--- divides potential usable waste into three catagories:
1} uranium,
2} plutonium --think nuclear bombs---
3} the currently non-reusable Fission By-Products { FBP's }
So this vid is a ladys visit to France and description of the whole process, after her several years of covering waste issues. She is mind blown, as anyone would be at the level technology France is using to do all of this.
So France re-use uses most of the recycling waste potential in their nuclea power plants, tho they also sell to Netherlands, Japan and couple of others.
Japan has been working a building a reprocessing plant for over 40 years and it is not clear when they will finish it.
Science and Nature