What If Gravity Has Finite Limit?

Author: ebuc


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..' Dark Energy Is an Illusion '... if Gravity has a finite limit. Andrew Tolie and couple of others working on this. Interesting Vid if you like these kinds of cosmic considerations.

What I woud remind the reader is that within my versions of contractive Gravity, it is finite in a sense, as is its 180 degrees exact opposite Dark Energy expansion, because each feed the other in loops of tube, --the frequency--  the tube is a loop in-of-itself as a torus. .... (   )(   ).....

And this is because the two invaginate inwards and back outwards in a v and^ .....^v^v^v...etc as the interaal body of the tube-torus, that, I call Observed-reality-Time{ OT.


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..." Claudia de Rham LINK: For electromagnetism, the fundamental messenger at the particle level is the photon. And so the same thing happens for gravitational waves. Lots of quantum of gravitational waves, you would call the graviton, a propagation of gravitons. So there’s a direct analogy of how you think of the electromagnetic wave and of the photon to how you can think of gravity and gravitational waves and the graviton.

LEVIN: Now, it is one of the most profound dualities of modern physics that light is simultaneously a wave and a particle. Endlessly fascinating and confusing. And here you’re telling me, well, that’s the same for gravity, that there is a duality. There is a gravitational wave. A wave in the shape of space-time. And then there’s a particulate version, the graviton, a particle. Now we’ve never seen the graviton, but we have seen the waves. Is that right?

It’s not experimentally challenging, it’s simply theoretically impossible to just detect a graviton with the instruments that we have.

DE RHAM: And that’s exactly right. When we detected gravitation waves here on Earth, you may think of it as you having detected many, many, many gravitons, something like 1040 gravitons. "...

1} Higgs Bosonic Field:
Note: Higgs Field is truly never represented with less than four dotted lines, Im beig expedient for simplicity's sake.  AI-- ' A Higgs boson has significantly more energy than a photon, with a mass around 125 billion electron volts (GeV), while a photon is massless and therefore has no inherent energy beyond the energy associated with its frequency of light;essentially, a Higgs boson is around 125 billion times more massive than a photon based on current measurements '.... and,

Higgs particle is neutral like the photon.

AI-- 'No, a Higgs boson does not have a direction of time; it is considered a scalar particle, meaning it has no intrinsic direction in space or time, only magnitude, similar to temperature which only has a value, not a direction '...

2} Photon neutral { non-charged { finite } excitation in the field } Observed Time{ OT }:
......{ v.....v-->..................
............^......^--> }............
Note: photon is charged only in respect to the Gravitational-Dark Energy Field and has a  forward--> direction as localized motion of Observed Time. Only four nodal invagination events { v^v^ } are used to reflect the four peaks and troughs of electro-magnetic field, and is not the proper amount of nodal invaginating events associated with a photon, of which,  is very much larger value than the graviton as follows below

3} Universal Gravity  positive (...) Geodesic Spatial  Field { exists with its complementary Dark Energy negative )( Geodesic Field:

Note:  again this single dotted line --instead of all four--- is for simplicity's sake of representation/expression. In the proper four line field the graviton is composed of no less than   13 nodal events, with 78 lines-of-relationship,  as theminimal quantum pulse of Universe.

...1…………5p….7p………...11p…13p)………….17p..... Outer  Gravity Surface
(0………………6…………………12………………….18 --Observed --reality-- Time
……...3p…………………9……………………15………..--Observed --reality-- Time
…...2p…..4………….8……10……………14……16…......Inner Dark Energy Surface

Note: AI-- ' Yes, gravity interacts with the Higgs boson, as it does with all matter and energy, but there is no direct connection between the Higgs field and the mechanism of gravity itself;meaning the Higgs boson does not gain its mass from gravity, and the strength of gravity is not directly determined by the Higgs field."...

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All except Gravity and Dark Energy is limited in space because of;

1}  localized Observed Time as quanta,

2} finite set of occupied space parts of a finite occupied space Universe.

Infinite Gravity, Dark Energy exists as potential, not what is feasible, when considering the above


All else is fantasy land of sci-fi, sometimes found in religions