I think about an occupied space something-ness { my finger }, via my occupied space nervous system, erog, I exist as an occupied space some-thingess, with access to *Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts and ego.*
....* v * ..... bilateral hemispheres
......()....... neck
..-- I --.. shoulder and vertebrae
|......I.......I....bilateral arms
m....I......m. fingers
.......I.........vertebrae continued
.......I......... total 31 bilateral { ergo 62 } spinal nerves
.....* | * ..... bilateral testes { external } --ovaries if woman { ergo internal }-- and external penis
... /....\ .... bilateral legs
..L.......L... bilateral feet
Move over DaVinci Ribot8 is here. 🤓 🥸 😉 🦜 🐸 🐛 🐳 🐠 etc