Pi in the math sky, to 3rd power{ XYZ } = 31.00 62 7 66...... transcendental 3D pace volume?
We have 31 bilateral --ergo 62 {see above ^ } spinal nerves, as do some other animals.
5-fold icosa{20}hedron has 6, 10, 15 primary great circles --as a specific kind of 3D horn tori-- that total 31. Icosahedron defined by 30 circumferential chords
Pi^4 = 97.40 90 9 10......
97.4090910....{ time? or 4D space ?} minus 31.00 62 7 66{ volume } = 66.40 28 1 4....Cosmic Pi-time absolute
pi^4/4{ re-normalization } = 24.35 22 7 27..... --is my way of re-normalizing time or 4D time, to a 3D volume
the 4-fold cubo-octahedron aka vector equilbrium{ VE } has 24 circumferential chords and 25 great circles { as specific kind of 3D horn tori }
66.4....minus 24.4 = 42 --aka Douglas Adams ' answer to life Universe and everything " 🥸--
So with two of our above Pi powerings we find 7 appearing in the overall 7th position/location. 42/7 = 6
I use to call this my time absolute dilation-contraction { Lorentz-like } i.e 66.4 to 0, or from 0 to Cosmic Pi-time 66.4
0.....7......14.....21.....28....35......42...plus 24.35{ 24.4 }....66.4 minus 24.4...42....35.....28....21....14...7....0