Natures Balancing Act via 4.669.....

Author: ebuc


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Rabbits equalize their population based on this equation and that is how the vid starts.

Go to time stamp 2:49 where he starts in with how the this balanced equilibrium is shown on graph.

Chaos can ensue in some situations, --via bifurication 8-16-32 etc splitting--- yet periodicity, partially  returns T. Stamp 5:43

At 8:35 see how equlibrium of bifurication, is in the mandelbrot graphic, yet to see it, the mandlebrot graphic has to be turned 90 degrees for a side view.  Cool!

At 15:40 we find within all of the above the Figenbaum irrational constant 4.669....

Continue on and see how this is similar to Fullers micro-infinite subdivision --multiplication-by-division-- and many aspects of nature.

For Fuller micro-infinite subdivision of our macro-finite Universe is a feasibility or potential

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...Figenbaum irrational constant 4.669 201 609 102 990 671 853 203 821 578.... { approx. }....'  is like finding order in a storm '.....

Time Stamp 1:08

And again, if you did not watch the first vid in #1, .. yet to see it, the mandlebrot graphic has to be turned 90 degrees for a side view.  Cool!

This is very cool seeing the original, 2D  Mandelbrot being turned at 90 degrees to a 2nd 2D representation of 1D, Meta-space numerical maths.

It is a universality in dynamical systems. >   ...' In statistical mechanics, universality is the observation that there are properties for a large class of systems that are independent of the dynamical details of the system '..

Note:...'  Limit cycles
...For different values of the control parameter iterations can be plotted as 'limit cycles'. The system behaves chaotically when a limit cycle does not cycle and never revisits a previously calculated value. (Note that numerically there will a repeat will eventually occur due to a finite resolution in calculations) ;...

Ie finite repeats will occur because of the numerical calculations. Order always exists within every chaotic storm.

Order exists, and it is only the inability of the Meta-space mind to find that order, that becomes the chaos.

A homeowner looks into the electrical service panel on the wall and sees wires going every which way --especially so when the grounds and neutral wires are not put on seperate bus bars, event tho they all lead to the ground/Eart outside, will make it appear more chaotic to home owner.  When I changed out my homes old type fuses to breaker switches, I made that error. I just means the some of the ground wires are further from the last bar that is directly connected to Earth.

Anyway an electrician will not see any disorder in their mind, i.e. it will all makes sense { order } to them and not to the homeonwer { chaos }.

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Wolfram states it correctly..." The Feigenbaum constant is a universal constant for functions approaching chaos via period doubling. "...

I.e. ' approaching chaos ' is not the same as reaching chaos.  Similar scenario applys to concept of infinity.  We can aproach infinity, yet never truly reach infinity in the real { Observerd Time } world of occupied space or in the Meta-physical word of occupied space aka Gravity and Dark Energy.

Finite occupied space Universe

Meta-space abstraction of chaos and infinity.

Again, chaos exists as a Meta-space abstraction, of which. our access to Meta-space mind, does not see/find the underlying order in short or long term.

All occupied space is deterministic action > reaction > resultant

Cause > effect > resultant