Part One of currently five parts:
Part One of currently five parts:
This is my latest cosmic summary as the... 9 = Fluctuation of Quantum Sine-wave.... plus briefly touching on Peter Woit >< R B Fuller's Euclidean approach to the Operating Systems of Universe aka GUTOEverything. Peter W has been in process of developing more R Penroses spinor and twistor ideas
Peter Woits blog page entry..." There’s been some progress on better understanding the Euclidean twistor unification ideas I’ve been working on the past few years. In particular the relation between the twistor geometry and the “spacetime is right-handed” point of view on spinors is now much clearer to me.
I’ve also made progress on understand how to think of Wick rotation in terms of hyperfunctions, something I’d given up on a while back, but now see how it can work. In the coming weeks/months I hope to get some of this written up, both as some blog posts and as a new paper. "...
Not Even Wrong https://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/
Because of its geometrical simplicity sake, I fell in love with Fullers 4-fold Vector Equilirium { VE }, jitterbug contraption many years ago.
8 surface triangles, and 6 surface squares, that allows the 4-fold VE { Vector Equilibrium } to twist/torque left or right on four diferrrent axi. Fuller speaks of his VE jitterbug as the Operating System of Universe and the closet we will ever come to knowing God because it is the perfection of balance of between its 24 surface chords { ><><>< } as systemic enclosure and 24 nucleus extended radii { ---> ---> ---> } as radiant, systemic expansion. etc
The 24 radii only present themselves when the VE is created from the infolding of four circular or hexagon planes of paper etc. See link to graphic B
The 24 radii only present themselves when the VE is created from the infolding of four circular or hexagon planes of paper etc. See link to graphic B