Total topics: 318
1} M. Bloomberg, 77, because,
......1a} he is beholdend to no one, matches and exceeds Trumps peer economic basis and support.
.......1b} has necessary governing experience, of New York City,
........1c} more moderate than other canidates, and I believe that is a plus on democratic side
........1d} age is a negative ifwe discount experience, wisdom and the above,
........1e} name recognition etc.
2} Amy Klobuchar, 58, ---originally my first choice til Bloomberg got in-----
....2c} moderate with senatorial experience, and less aggressive from a woman may play to men better,
....2b} age is a plus,
....2c} traditionally men less likely to vote in a female,
....2d} supporst nuclear power, but more on that at bottom --again she is moderate on most issues, tho $15.00 will scare off some independents--- I suppose $12. is a moderates compromise :--)
3} Biden, 76,
........3a} experience outweighs most all else and he is male ---men like that in a president---,
........3b} age is negative and more so if his cognition gafs make him less charismatic,
........3c} recognition over Amy Klobachar and the above should make him #2 on my list, yet something nags at me to place him over Bloomberg and Amy, tho that is personal bias, not necessarily practical consideration on my part.
4} Elizabeth Warren, 69, --my 2nd choice till Bloomberg got in---
.....3a} female Teddy Roosevelt{ aggressive }, ----tho Tedddy lost his 2nd run after voluntary stepping aside one election,
......3b} more experience than Amy, but more liberal for the rich paying more ---aka a fair share--- ergo less moderate,
......3c} men less likely to vote in a woman.
5} Pete Buttigieg, 37,
....4a} men vote for men, majority of men not vote for gay man,
....4b} young and carrys himself very well on stage and debates ergo charisma age and some experience governing but not like New York City.
6} Steyer, 62,
......6a} monetary peer to Trump, ergo, --money talks--,
......6b} lacks charisma ergo lack of breaking through to the other side ability,
......6c} age is reasonable but again, doesnt have the charisma or experience of a Buttigieg
7} Cory Booker, 49,
......7a} not sure what I'm missing here ---charismatic presence i.e. lacks the oratorical presence { YES WE CAN }of an Obama type and that is important to those democrats who could not, not like Obama for any good reason.
8} Bernie gets honarable mention because of his popularity. Popular vote did not get Hillary in and his non-support of existing nuclear power plants ---people dont want get cold and will ruin the ecology long before they will worry about the the potential toxic negatives of nuclear power and its wastes etc.
There are molecules in brain whose shape is matched to bond with cannabis.
Here is 20 benifits of weed.
Those opposed to weed basically are old school infantiles that are paranoid of anything outside of anything that is outside their personal purview.
We now know that some magic mushrooms induce the growth of new brain cells { nerves } and there is also a long list of pros associated with magic shrooms and their active ingredients when used appropriately.
Used knowledgeably is what apply's to any substance. The infantile adult brain is paranoid of truth when it appears to be detrimental to their ego and traditional ways of they are above the others and don't approach them with anything that takes them off their spiritually-dry, high horse.
Science and Nature
Recent events have led me to the following way to see the Future and Past.
2} energy i.e. bosonsergo bosonic forces, ex electro-magenetic radiation
3} information { as metaphysical-1 bits }
4} information { as the minmal occupied space nodal-eventsaka V i.e. a 2D set of node and two vectors{?} that correspond to 3D vertexial..Y... events i.e. one vertex and three vectors{?}.
How can 3D be equivalent to the minimal 2D? See BekenstiensBound where whats inside a black holes 3D volume is expressed on its 2D surfaceaka holographic principle.
Recently Ive been considering that with the above mention 3Dvertex and three vectors{?} ...Y... we actually have three 2D sets of anodal-event, as seemingly one vertex and two vectors{?} + one additionalvector{?}.
And also in similar vein the 3D ....Y... has its oppositeclosed expression as a 2D triangle /\ however, here we have three distinct 2D nodal-events sharing threevectors{?}.
NOTE: I label the ..Y... as 3D because it is the minimal setthat accompanies three other ...Y... to define the minimal 3D volume ofUniverse, the tetra{4}hedron ...\Y/......
So what do we that can have 3D be equivalent to 2D? The closed { cohering } triangle .../\... in so far as, asa 2D area is apparrently equal to the ...Y... insofar as, it has;
3 angles,
3 vectors{?},
three seperate 2D nodal-events sharing a interconnected by the three vectors
If we want to see the resultant future { cause and effect} or resultant past { cause and effect ]we need only have the begin with the 3D tetrahedron in its flatten 2Dstate/phase ....\Y/.....
and have the central vertex move outside of the 2Dtriangular plane. In one direction INward to greater whole set { ex black hole} we can see the past, move the central to the vertex the other side oftriangle plane { ex OUTside of black hole } and we can look around and see thefuture.
In both of these cases the 2D triangle is to be seen as theone bit of surface area of the any 3D volume or the greatest wholistic 3D setex Universe.
Since one 2D triangle only represents one mininmal set of 2D area,to have a more comprehensive view of past or future, the more 2D triangle tareas,that, we can moveINside or OUTside of to look around, the more of Past or Future we can assess.
1} Matter i.e. fermions ergo fermionic matter
2} energy i.e. bosonsergo bosonic forces, ex electro-magenetic radiation
3} information { as metaphysical-1 bits }
4} information { as the minmal occupied space nodal-eventsaka V i.e. a 2D set of node and two vectors{?} that correspond to 3D vertexial..Y... events i.e. one vertex and three vectors{?}.
How can 3D be equivalent to the minimal 2D? See BekenstiensBound where whats inside a black holes 3D volume is expressed on its 2D surfaceaka holographic principle.
Recently Ive been considering that with the above mention 3Dvertex and three vectors{?} ...Y... we actually have three 2D sets of anodal-event, as seemingly one vertex and two vectors{?} + one additionalvector{?}.
And also in similar vein the 3D ....Y... has its oppositeclosed expression as a 2D triangle /\ however, here we have three distinct 2D nodal-events sharing threevectors{?}.
NOTE: I label the ..Y... as 3D because it is the minimal setthat accompanies three other ...Y... to define the minimal 3D volume ofUniverse, the tetra{4}hedron ...\Y/......
So what do we that can have 3D be equivalent to 2D? The closed { cohering } triangle .../\... in so far as, asa 2D area is apparrently equal to the ...Y... insofar as, it has;
3 angles,
3 vectors{?},
three seperate 2D nodal-events sharing a interconnected by the three vectors
If we want to see the resultant future { cause and effect} or resultant past { cause and effect ]we need only have the begin with the 3D tetrahedron in its flatten 2Dstate/phase ....\Y/.....
and have the central vertex move outside of the 2Dtriangular plane. In one direction INward to greater whole set { ex black hole} we can see the past, move the central to the vertex the other side oftriangle plane { ex OUTside of black hole } and we can look around and see thefuture.
In both of these cases the 2D triangle is to be seen as theone bit of surface area of the any 3D volume or the greatest wholistic 3D setex Universe.
Since one 2D triangle only represents one mininmal set of 2D area,to have a more comprehensive view of past or future, the more 2D triangle tareas,that, we can moveINside or OUTside of to look around, the more of Past or Future we can assess.
However, the altitude of OUTward or INward may also be of significance to how much Future or Past we could collect. In both of these senses I'm considering a not only a linear Future and Past, but the quantity of info to be collected.
And this above is a simplistic set as my guess is there is much more intricate mathematical interrelationships to be considerate in addition to the above considerations.
Science and Nature
Are cetaceans smarter than humans?
...." Cetacean brains, such as those of dolphins (left) and humpback whales (right), have even more cortical convolutions and surface area than human brains do. Does that mean they're smarter? " .......
..." What can account for the fact that whales have bigger brains -- and similarly thick neocortexes -- but fewer neurons? Eriksen and Pakkenberg found that there were 98.2 billion non-neuronal cells, called glia, in the Minke whale neocortex. This is the highest number of glial cells in neocortex seen in any mammal studied to date. The ratio of neocortical glial cells to neocortical neurons is 7.7 to 1 in Minke whales and only 1.4 to 1 in humans.
....This finding may indicate a tendency for larger glia/neuron ratios as brain mass increases to support the growing neurons. But when one considers other recent research revealing that glia play an important role in information processing (see "The Other Half of the Brain," fromn Sci. Am. April 2004), one is left to wonder. Is the whale brain intellectually weaker than the human brain, or just different? "...
Science and Nature
I could not stop scrolling the The Deep Sea above. I doubt you will stop either, unless your pressed for time. Awesome education!
Science and Nature
...." The ancestors of humans and chimpanzees may have begun genetically diverging from one another 13 million years ago, more than twice as long ago as had been widely thought, shedding new light on the process of human evolution, researchers say.
...Scientists also discovered that male chimps pass on far more genetic mutations to their offspring than male humans do, revealing previously unknown evolutionary differences between the species."......
..."Interestingly, researchers found male chimps pass on seven to eight times more mutations to the next generation than do female chimps. In comparison, male humans only pass on three or four times more mutations than female humans.
....Overall, the offspring of chimpanzees inherit 90 percent of new mutations from their fathers, and just 10 percent from their mothers, the scientists said."...
...." The ancestors of humans and chimpanzees may have begun genetically diverging from one another 13 million years ago, more than twice as long ago as had been widely thought, shedding new light on the process of human evolution, researchers say.
...Scientists also discovered that male chimps pass on far more genetic mutations to their offspring than male humans do, revealing previously unknown evolutionary differences between the species."......
..."Interestingly, researchers found male chimps pass on seven to eight times more mutations to the next generation than do female chimps. In comparison, male humans only pass on three or four times more mutations than female humans.
....Overall, the offspring of chimpanzees inherit 90 percent of new mutations from their fathers, and just 10 percent from their mothers, the scientists said."...
Science and Nature
..."Predating Stonehenge by 6,000 years,"......
...."This shows sociocultural changes come first, agriculture comes later," says Stanford University archaeologist Ian Hodder, who excavated Catalhoyuk, a prehistoric settlement 300 miles from Gobekli Tepe.
...."You can make a good case this area is the real origin of complex Neolithic societies."
...What was so important to these early people that they gathered to build (and bury) the stone rings?"......
"Dare to be naive"... R. B. Fuller
"My education has been of my biggest impediments to my learning"...A. Einstein
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool."...R Feynman
"All Roads Lead to Putin"...Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi truest definition of states person.....{ substance }
Trumpity Dumpity truest definition of malignant narcissistic thug.....{ lies }
..."An Israeli Company Is Combining Mushrooms with Marijuana to Treat Illnesses"...
..."So far, it seems like Cannabotech is looking to stick to non-psychedelic mushrooms for its cannabis blends, but a growing body of research is proving that psilocybin can be as effective a medicine as medical marijuana.
...Recent studies have found that psilocybin can help patients overcome treatment-resistant depression, alcoholism, or anxiety, and current trials are exploring how this psychedelic fungi can treat anorexia or even snap patients out of comas. The US Food and Drug Administration is now conducting clinical trials that could lead to the legalization of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy within the next few years."..
Sanity slowly riding on the currents underneath the surf of a seemingly sometimes insane humanity
Science and Nature
Lincoln and Trump Two Chosen Ones
I watched the movie "Protecting Lincoln". The movie portrayed Lincoln as a man who came to think he was doing Gods glorious purpose.
Trump appears to be of a similar mind. Are they both righteous narcissists?
Here is my prediction. 1} That Trump will not resign. 2} a nuclear weapon of significant size will occur before or shortly after Trump is not longer president.
Now that may be a bit of a stretch.........since who, of any real significance stands with Trump.
1} Apocalyptic Pence,
2} douchbag Barr { DOJ } ---"I dunno senator"---,
3} Secretaryf State --Catastrophic Pompeii---,
4} USA evangelicals ---were all doomed praise the Lord!---,
5} some in Israel ---no one knows for sure what is cooking in that cauldren???--,
6} Putin --I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation, and the only explanation I can find, is the love that Ive found from Trumpity Dumpity and Moscow Mitch, so and so on,
7} enough key sombodys, in key positions, who believe humanity is a blight on Earth and needs to perish or be reduced to a more manageble size.
8} whatever Ive not considered. Oh yeah the wild card Kim Ungh Pooh. He may feel is getting all the attention and he needs to the top performance on the big stage,
9} ok, so what does that leave?
..."Considering the Civil War had ended only a few days earlier, April 14, 1865, was a normal day in the White House. President Abraham Lincoln read his newspapers, ate his breakfast, met with his cabinet. He also signed a piece of legislation authorizing a government agency that would gain its fame for protecting the President of the United States. Ironically, Lincoln’s authorization of the United States Secret Service would be one of his last official acts—that evening, he was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth while watching Our American Cousin in Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C."...
Focus-- 1973 Doing Hocus Pocus. The keyboardist is obviously possesed.
Show business
.............Space( Time *) i (* Time )Space..........
I believe that the infants first In-Spiration of breath ---and umbilical chord disconnect-- that seperates the infants ego { i } identifier from the mothers ego { i } identifier.
Our first breath { prana } is IN-spire-ation.
Spire = cone and the minimal cone is a triangular based pryamid aka tetra{4}hedron. LINK
At the peak of contraction of lungs ---Ex-Spiration--- we see increase of layers of outer surface Gravity ( ) increasing to create the largest possible black hole that is referred to some as a singularity ((((*)))) yet is is not and can never be such singularity.
At the peak of expansion of the lungs ---In-Spiration--- we have entropic heat death ---via Dark Energy )(--- where all fermionic matter and bosonic forces have been dispersed as one very large and very flat{ lowest frequency } photon.
Eternity is to time, ---/\/\/---> occupied space that is specifically entropic aka the arrow-of-time
As infinite is to space, ---Space( )( )Space--- occupied { syntropic } and the non-occupied { macro-irrelevant }
..."These Swirls of Light Could Be Signs of a Previous Universe Existing Before Ours"...
...."Buddhism has no creator god to explain the origin of the universe. Instead, it teaches that everything depends on everything else: present events are caused by past events and become the cause of future events.
Indian religions often see space and time as cyclical, such that world-systems come into being, survive for a time, are destroyed and then are remade. In Buddhism this happens naturally without the intervention of gods."...
Heavenly This Dance, That Swirls Around,
Inward and Outward, Finite the Bounds.
"Dare to be naive"... R. B. Fuller
"My education has been of my biggest impediments to my learning"...A. Einstein
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool."...R Feynman
He says two USA courts cleared him and Eric Holder could not promise open hearings to his actions.
Here we go again. Banana Republic dictator white house instructing Dept of National Intelligence { Maquire } to not release info given to them by whistle blower via inspector general and the Dept of Justice { attorney Barr } is backing the DNI in not releasing whistel blower info.
Now their all hunting the whiestle blower, even tho the whistel blower is supposed to be protected by the law.
News Alert for the brain dead and immoral in USA.
Banana Republic Dictators do not care about governemental laws. Banana Republic dictators abhor govenrment laws and believe all such laws are exist to be broken by the dictator.
Thank you Fox news for the first time calling out Trump on his ineptitude and false lies aka fake news.
Trump marketing himself is what his whole presidency is about. This is capitalism at its worst.
Billionare { not? } becomes president based on lies, Russia's Putin, immoral Moscow Mitch and miniority of USA voters who have their head in hole in ground when they vote for Trump, if not all their lives and to this day.
Now all of this white nationalistic supremacists will say Fox is also reporting fake news. These people --not mature adults---
..."July 2019 has replaced July 2016 as the hottest month on record, with meteorologists saying that global temperatures marginally exceeded the previous record.
.....The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Programme, which analyzes temperature data from around the planet, said that July was around 0.56 °C warmer than the global average temperature between 1981-2010.
That's slightly hotter than July 2016, when the world was in the throes of one of the strongest El Niño events on record.
..El Niño events are characterized by warming of the ocean waters in the Pacific Ocean and have a pronounced warming effect on the Earth's average temperature.
...Though there was a weak El Niño in place during the first part of 2019, it is transitioning to a more neutral phase, making the extreme July temperatures even more alarming."....
So narrcistic "chosen one" is chosen by racists, bigoted white nationalist supremacists ergo Putin, Moscow Mitch and their cult of spineless cowardly followers.
Did any rational, logical common sense people not see this coming?
Break the contracts with Iran and escalate tensions with a country that has had not nuclear weapons.
Become best propganda buddiew with nuclear armed Kim Ung Pooh.
Purchase greenland to exploit it even as erratic climate change is on Earths doorstep.
Do any rational, logical common sense people believe humans will survive another 500 - 100o years on Earth?
Ok so maybe a few a will. The white nationalis supremacist or those of any color will only have on color as they are violently opposed ot diversity.
Biological diversity is a mystery to these narrow minded, empty headed inbreds.
..."La Seine Musicale presents a very bold and innovative architecture, embodied by the wooden egg-shaped auditorium, which is covered with a solar ‘sail’ that follows the sun path. Furthermore, the building is characterized by an exceptional acoustics, which is now one of the main references in France"...
.."The Gravity Probe B gyroscopes are the most perfect spheres ever made by humans. If these ping pong-sized balls of fused quartz and silicon were the size of the Earth, the elevation of the entire surface would vary by no more than 12 feet."....
Quartz Balls
Smooth beyond night,
They absorb each light,
Smooth beyond day,
They absorb each ray.
Equanimity of radii,
Follows Earths sky.
Balls in space,
Gravity they chase.
Spheres they precess,
In microns they express.
Rest in the beauty,
Rest in the sound,
Rest in the proximity,
Of spherically round.