Future and Past Viewing

Author: ebuc


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Recent events have led me to the following way to see the Future and Past.

1} Matter i.e.  fermions ergo fermionic  matter
2} energy i.e.  bosonsergo bosonic forces, ex electro-magenetic radiation
3} information { as metaphysical-1 bits }
4} information { as the minmal occupied space nodal-eventsaka V i.e. a 2D set of node and two vectors{?} that correspond to 3D vertexial..Y... events i.e. one vertex and three vectors{?}.
How can 3D be equivalent to the minimal 2D? See BekenstiensBound where whats inside a black holes 3D volume is expressed on its 2D surfaceaka holographic principle.
Recently Ive been considering that with the above mention 3Dvertex and three vectors{?} ...Y... we actually have three 2D sets of anodal-event, as seemingly one vertex and two vectors{?} + one additionalvector{?}.
And also in similar vein the 3D ....Y... has its oppositeclosed expression as a 2D triangle /\    however, here we have three distinct 2D nodal-events sharing threevectors{?}.
NOTE: I label the ..Y... as 3D because it is the minimal setthat accompanies three other ...Y... to define the minimal 3D volume ofUniverse, the tetra{4}hedron ...\Y/......
So what do we that can have 3D be equivalent to 2D?  The closed { cohering } triangle .../\... in so far as, asa 2D area is apparrently equal to the ...Y... insofar as,  it has;
3 angles,
3 vectors{?},
three seperate 2D nodal-events sharing a interconnected by the three vectors
If we want to see the resultant future { cause and effect}  or resultant past { cause and effect ]we need only have the begin with the 3D tetrahedron in its flatten 2Dstate/phase ....\Y/.....
and have the central vertex move outside of the 2Dtriangular plane. In one direction INward to greater whole set { ex black hole} we can see the past, move the central to the vertex the other side oftriangle plane { ex OUTside of black hole } and we can look around and see thefuture.
In both of these cases the 2D triangle is to be seen as theone bit of surface area of the any 3D volume or the greatest wholistic 3D setex Universe.
Since one 2D triangle only represents one mininmal set of 2D area,to have a more comprehensive view of past or future, the more 2D triangle tareas,that,  we can moveINside or OUTside of to look around, the more of Past or Future we can assess.

However, the altitude of OUTward or INward may also be of significance to how much Future or Past we could collect. In both of these senses I'm considering a not only a linear Future and Past, but the quantity of info to be collected.

And this above is a simplistic set as my guess is there is much more intricate mathematical interrelationships to be considerate in addition to the above considerations.

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These ideas considered in isolation, will leave many clueless.

When considered to I have bee following for 25 years or more, is relative to what is known black holes, purely by abstract mathematics, of Jacob Bekenstien, S. Hawking, Leonard Suskind, Hoft and De Sitter.

Here is two links that greatly clarify cosmic holographic scenarios  by two of the above mention experts in this area of exploration,

1} Susskind LINK

zedvictor4's avatar
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Yep, clueless.

If you are genuinely confident that the above is significant and meaningful.

Why not submit it to an authoritative scientific body for critical analysis, rather than to a generally clueless, internet debating forum.
ebuc's avatar
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If you are genuinely confident that the above is significant and meaningful.
I believe it follows a rational, logical common sense pathway. Few around have been able to do that with any of my ideas.

Why not submit it to an authoritative scientific body for critical analysis, rather than to a generally clueless, internet debating forum.
I did that once back in early 90's, too three differrent science-like magazines. 6 months later I go a letter Oxford England mathematician Ian Stewart{?}. Cool!

1} they only publish  recognized scientist types.

I recently repurchased a book from 1999, By R Lowenstien, "The Touchstone of Life"  and he is a micro-biologist, that became interested in information theory, and how much it relates to biology of the cell and the wholistic organism. 

3} information { metaphysical-1 bits } See also the Leonard Susskind LINK I posted previously.  If you want to understand Holographic scenarios from black hole and Universe perperspective, his is the best link Ive found.

He has a 2nd one I saw a few months back and have not gone back to review it yet.