Quantum mechanics famously has a
measurement problem where physicists debate the extent to which conscious observers determine reality, or if they do because it seems the particles are not there as particles until they are measured or observed by the experimenter which causes the system's wave-function (representing a figurative cloud of probabilities instead of a particle, a manifold of so called superpositions) to "collapse", i.e. being instantly transformed into a classical object now with definitive physical properties such as location and momentum that we can identify, such as a particle, which didn't exist as such until that instant.
You are talking about the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Physics, the only thing the wave function tells us about is our ability to calculate the probabilities.
Some people have already alleged this could be a way to prove God's existence because God as a universal observer will sustain reality, and a casual web search with the keywords "quantum mechanics god" shows how widespread the idea is.
Some quantum physicists (John Wheeler and Henry Stapp for example) interpret the fact that electrons are probability waves that only collapse into locatable particles when a measurement is taken or when an observation is made to mean that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of physical reality. Reality is experiential, consequently, David Chalmers and Sidewalker concur that reality cannot be adequately described without recognizing that consciousness if a fundamental aspect of reality.
However it seems to me that the exact opposite is true; because if there was a God who observes reality before or beyond human observers then we wouldn't have a measurement problem at all: the continuous ever-present observation of God would cause all wave-functions to have already collapsed or otherwise all quantum systems would have already decohered before we made our observations
All quantum systems have already decohered before we make our observations, every observation ever made was of an already decohered quantum system. When we take a look, the cat is either dead or alive, no observation of a superposition has ever been made, we find out which state the cat is in when we look in the box. What the superposition tells us about is our lack of knowledge about the outcome.
and we would experience a classical world at all times, never detecting a quantum superposition.
Except, we do experience the classical world at all times, a superposition has never been observed, it isa mathematical thing, not a physically real thing. The superposition only exists in theoretical mathematics, it has no ontological existence in the real world. What is a “probability wave” in the real world, in what was does it ontologically exist? Heisenberg said that quantum particles “are not as real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts.”
The fact that we can cause any quantum system's wave-function to collapse at all is proof that there is no such universal observer such as God. Our observation came first before any other observer, but this should be impossible if there was an ever-present conscious observer such as God.
Therefore, Quantum mechanics implies atheism.
The wavefunction is a probability wave, it tells us the probability of finding the particle in a certain place. We don’t know where it is until we look, but that is not the same as saying it isn’t anywhere until we look.
If the weatherman says there is a 40% chance of rain tomorrow, that is a probability, it doesn’t mean that tomorrow it is in a superposition of raining and no training until we look and see that it is raining. Do you really think we make it rain by looking out the window? If so, maybe you are God.