This excerpt from B Fullers Synergetics
266.07 ....." Size depends on frequency, and frequency is cyclic. Angle, as only a fraction of a circle, is inherently subcyclic and subsize. But angle expresses a direction: This is where geometry enters into conceptuality.
An angle __or a noise__ has direction in respect to the head-to-heel axis or other system initiators. "....
>> Cause { Causality of three nodal events that define and angle V = 1, 2 , 3 terminal nodal events aka points } >>>>
>>>>>> Effect { a noise V at minimal tho never less than v^v^, tho never less than 6 terminal end point nodal end points ergo a tetrahedrons 4 vertexes plus 2 more events } >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Resultant { variable circumstances }
>> Motion { Causality-frequency-time } >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> a Noise { V effect ^ } >>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Variable circumstances { peoples/animals attention distracted that lead to other variable circumstantial cause, effect, resultants }
Circles enclose a 2D area ex O or as ( )
Spirals define a cyclic forward, or inward, or outward direction/motion and exists in a 3D, tube like in its nature ======
A 3D tube can loop around to meet itself as a 3D torus ( )( ) is side-wise view, or as a birds-eye-view ( () )
What my space-time torus expresses, is that there exists internal body of time { invaginating v resultant ^ } in respect to the outer and inner ultra-micro surface spiral of cyclic events { geodesics of space } that, from a side-wise view, may create the perception { falsely } visually presented as a 2D sine-wave.
Yes, the internal body of reality-as-time, has sine-wave trajectories, and even the shortest trajectory can appear as straight, tho it is a geodesic, that is likened as that of truncated geodesic, because it is so short.
I.e. all trajectories are spatially curved geodesics, however, some are long enough to be more pronounced/presented as a curved geodesic of space and others not.