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Sadly, this isnt a conspiracy theory.

This is a scientifically proven theory which cannot be disproved.

If you dont want to know the truth, I suggest you stop reading this now.

This truth will not be easy to handle. It will make you understand the weapons they use to control people. It will make you aware of their power, but it will also teach you how to counter it.

So, if you are willing to learn the truth, lets start.

Your brain isnt something which cannot be changed. In fact, brain changes all the time.

When you are thinking of difficult logical problems, math problems, or when you are playing chess, the frequency of your brain changes.

Thats right. Your brain works on frequencies and they can change.

When you play chess, the frequency of your brain becomes 15 to 40 hz.

15 to 40 hz is the frequency for thinking. If you want to be able to think, your brain needs to be in this frequency.

Frequency under 10 hz is for sleeping. It reduces thinking abilities. Your brain is on frequency lower than 10 when you sleep and thats when your reasoning ability reduces.

So we learned 3 things: there is frequency for improved reasoning, frequency for reduced reasoning, and these frequencies can change.

What changes your brain's frequencies?

They change naturally depending on which activity you do.

If you study or think hard, the frequency becomes 15 to 40 hz.

If you sleep or relax or do meaningless tasks, it becomes under 10 hz.

But that is natural change.

However, there is also unnatural change.

Music is made of sounds.

Sounds have frequencies.

When your brain listens to some sound, the frequency of your brain becomes the frequency of that sound.

However, sounds under 10 hz cannot be heard. However, they affect your brain even if you cant hear them, and they put your brain in sleep mode.

Long exposure to sounds under 10 hz can significantly reduce thinking ability, make person into essentially a zombie.

What makes this dangerous is that sound under 10 hz can be placed in any music you listen to. You would never know, but such sound would reduce your thinking ability significantly.

It is of no surprise that music has the power to make masses of people brain dead, and currently masses of people are brain dead.

The only way to fight against this weapon is to listen to frequencies of 15 to 40 hz very often, to return brain into the state of thinking and remove the state of sleep which could be imposed on you by music, TV, movies...ect.
16 3
It seems that I have found a simple way to play basic yuki no shingun on piano.

Yuki No Shingun goes

1  2  3

2  3  2

3  4  4  3

4   3   2   1

2  3   2

3  2   3

3  4  4  3
4  3  2  1 

You just need to remember which number is which, but its not easy, even tho this is an easier version to play which can be played with one finger by just remembering the pattern.
7 2
Okay, so I made a list of 230 things which increase intelligence. However, 230 is a bit too much to fit in one day. Maybe they can be spread over multiple days.

However, there are activities I can do every day, so here they are:

1. Drink water after waking up.

A very important one. When you sleep, you get dehydrated. Dehydration reduces intelligence. Thus, you must drink water as soon as you wake up.

2. Drink water before sleep

Drinking water before sleep is an important one too, because it too helps prevent dehydration during sleep.

3. Aim for 5 liters of water per day.

I try to drink 900 milliliters every 2 hours, so thats about 5 liters per day.

4. One meal per day or two meals per day

This is the one which was proven to increase intelligence.

5. Meditation

Meditation was also proven to increase intelligence and it can be practiced every day.

6. Deep slow breathing

This is usually combined with meditation. Those who breathe deep and slow have shown increased mental performance.

7. Sounds for intelligence

This one is consisted of 5 parts: Isochronic, binaural, noise, nature's sounds (birds, river, waves) and classical music.

Isochronic and binaural sounds make your brain run on frequencies which are best for memory and reasoning. These are usually 15 to 40 hz frequencies.

White noise sound was also shown to increase focus and performance. There is also brown, pink and grey noise.

Nature's sounds of birds and waves was scientifically proven to increase intelligence.

Classical music is usually enjoyed by smart people, and was even proven to increase intelligence in people who listen to it from early age.

8. Memorization

Memorizing songs was also proven to increase intelligence, so I have memorized about 20 songs and few prayers to improve my brain.

9. Games

Games were scientifically proven to increase intelligence, but some games are better than others. Games like chess, mahjong, memory games, block games, puzzle games, connect the dots, strategy games., word games...ect. have all been proven to work.

Games which test reactions and which demand quick reactions, I play those too, but in lower amount.

10. Debating

Debating, exposing to opposite views and arguing for opposite views increases intelligence too, but I think everyone here knows that.

11. Learning a language

I use spaced repetition (That is when you repeat, read to check if you were right, then repeat again. Then make a somewhat long pause of few hours before repeating, reading and repeating again.).

Spaced repetition helps me learn Japanese while still having time for other things. I am just learning how to speak it. 

Learning a new language was proven to increase intelligence.

12. Writing down everything important

This improves memory, thus also improves intelligence.

13. Reading smart things

This seems simple enough. Reading smart things will make you smarter. Thus, its much better to read smart books and research than to read some nonsense. Reading statistics, probabilities, data, or just interesting facts is great for brain. There are apps which give daily life hacks, some very useful for intelligence.

14. Test all your skills constantly

You are supposed to test yourself to improve, as testing yourself improves your brain. Take tests over and over until success.

15. If you fail, it just means you need to change tactics

This approach is one of my most important discoveries. It basically means that if you have a goal and if you fail to achieve it, you just need to try a different way. Change ways and keep changing ways until one way succeeds.

16. Playing a musical instrument

This one was also proven to increase intelligence, so I might need to include this one too very soon.

17. Make lists

I am a person who likes making lists. I have list of general facts and arguments, list of books, list of songs, list of movies, list of activities...ect.

Making lists improves memory by reminding you of important things in your life.

18. Drawing, singing and creative work

Singing was proven to improve mood, which helps person keep making progress in intellectual area.

Drawing(coloring too) improves creativity, which is important for creative part of intelligence.

19. Light therapy app

I have very much formed a habbit to use Lumenate app every night before sleep.

20. Book summaries

This one is very important. I have no time to read whole books every day, but book summary apps enable me to get key points from books much faster. AI summary also helps.

21. Dictionary of logical connectives

This one is very important. Logical connectives are what forms logic.

22. Progressive muscle relaxation and cold

Progressive muscle relaxation is a great alternative to exercise which also has mental health benefits.

Being cold or taking a cold shower improves circulation, which improves brain indirectly.

Now, these 22 are what I do every day. I want to increase my IQ to at least 150 because I dont want to be a 120 IQ retard anymore.
13 3
Okay, so learning a new language increases intelligence. Learning Japanese probably does even more so, since they are one of the smartest nations on Earth.

Plus, all anime is in Japanese, and I dont have great trust in translations.

Also, Emperor spoke Japanese. 

So yes, there is a great need to learn Japanese.
35 5
Meditation and proper breathing is said to be able to increase intelligence by 20%.

However, binaural beats are sometimes said to be able to increase intelligence by 20% if listened to on a regular basis.

So combining these two, would it add up to 40% or would the effect be lower or maybe greater?

I guess the effect of mass is possible. Plenty of small positive effects add up to one big positive effect.

However, it could also be the case that positive things cancel each other, or even cause harm. For example, medicine is good, but taking plenty of medicine can cause harm.

Just like in medicine, there is probably a perfect amount of everything, so effect of mass might not be good to follow in all cases.

However, brain can only improve if it works and rests properly.

Meditation and binaural beats are most likely beneficial in combination due to being unlikely to cancel each other. I just dont know what is the perfect amount of meditation and binaural beats. Like, could person do these whole day, or few hours a day?
15 4
"Vivian Jenna Wilson, the transgender daughter of Elon Musk, said Thursday in her first interview that he was an absent father who was cruel to her as a child for being queer and feminine.

Wilson, 20, in an exclusive interview with NBC News, responded to comments Musk made Monday about her and her transgender identity. On social media and in an interview posted online, Musk said she was “not a girl” and was figuratively “dead,” and he alleged that he had been “tricked” into authorizing trans-related medical treatment for her when she was 16. 

Wilson said that Musk hadn’t been tricked and that, after initially having hesitated, he knew what he was doing when he agreed to her treatment, which required consent from her parents.

Musk’s recent statements crossed a line, she said. 
“I think he was under the assumption that I wasn’t going to say anything and I would just let this go unchallenged,” Wilson said in a phone interview.

“Which I’m not going to do, because if you’re going to lie about me, like, blatantly to an audience of millions, I’m not just gonna let that slide.” 

Wilson said that, for as long as she could remember, Musk hasn’t been a supportive father. She said he was rarely present in her life, leaving her and her siblings to be cared for by their mother or by nannies even though Musk had joint custody, and she said Musk berated her when he was present. 

“He was cold,” she said. “He’s very quick to anger. He is uncaring and narcissistic.” 
Wilson said that, when she was a child, Musk would harass her for exhibiting feminine traits and pressure her to appear more masculine, including by pushing her to deepen her voice as early as elementary school. 

“I was in fourth grade. We went on this road trip that I didn’t know was actually just an advertisement for one of the cars — I don’t remember which one — and he was constantly yelling at me viciously because my voice was too high,” she said. “It was cruel.” "
61 7
It is said in some studies that certain frequencies can increase intelligence.

These are usually considered 15 to 30, and even 40hz.

In case of isochronic, 15 is very hard to hear.

However, binaural creates 15 hz by combining two different frequences so the difference between them is 15 hz.

So, there are plenty of apps and programs designed to create frequencies. You can pick whatever frequency you want.

40hz seems to be popular.

Now, its hard to find exactly which frequency is best for intelligence, but 15 to 40 seems to be the range for intelligence.

Some study suggests that binaural beats can increase intelligence by 20%.

Thats a significant increase, and also if we are to trust YouTube comments, plenty of people claim to have benefited from binaural beats. They claim it improves focus.

I have noticed too that certain frequencies make me alert and focused, basically having the effect similar to that of drinking plenty of coffee at once.

I wanted to explore these more, because 15 to 40 is a large range of frequencies, and I kinda want to know which one is best.
Science and Nature
7 2
With wars being more and more likely to happen, food shortages become more possible.

However, nature can provide some food, especially in forests.

Now, this isnt any complete guide, and you should make sure not to eat anything poisonous or harmful, obviously. Also, many things on this list carry certain risks, so be warned.

Here is the list of foods with high energy density found in nature:

1. Dandelion root
2. Tree bark
3. Dandelion flowers
4. Catkins, green catkins
5. Pollen from catkins
6. Grasshoppers
7. Algae
8. Pine tree needles
9. Pine tree nuts
10. Acorns, hazelnuts, walnuts, green nuts
11. Cattail
12. Tree sap, pine tree sap
13. Water extract, achieved by soaking soluble sugars, fiber and protein in water.
14. Blending dandelion greens and other edible weeds, thus making juice
15. Alcohol made from fermenting food which contains sugar
16. Mushrooms
17. Fruit
18. Berries

Now, this list doesnt include hunting animals, birds, searching for eggs, animal bones, or fishing, so it is suitable for vegans.

I have also excluded soil, lice and feces. While many animals eat soil, lice and feces, humans wouldnt find that good, probably.

Edible tree sap is a significant food, because its present for whole year in many forests. It contains water and sugar, so it is a good source of energy.

Tree bark from some trees is useful in small amounts. 30 grams of edible tree bark should be safe enough to eat. You dont want to eat too much tree bark because it can cause constipation.

Pollen is great food source, even tho it can be gathered only at certain times a year. It is gathered by gathering lots of catkins, drying them and shaking them in a bucket so they release pollen at the bottom of the bucket.

Grasshoppers are probably a more risky food source. Historically, people did eat grasshoppers. There are some grasshoppers which are poisonous, probably. So while they do contain lots of protein, they might not be the best choice.

Mushrooms are a significant source of food. The only problem is the identification. There are plenty of really poisonous ones looking way too similar to poisonous ones. So while they are a great food source, they are only a safe food source for mushroom experts.

Nuts are highest calorie food in forests. Pine tree nuts contain about 600 calories per 100 grams. Walnuts contain about 700 calories per 100 grams.

Dandelion root is another great food source, because dandelion root is the size of a carrot. Dandelions are very common and easy to find. They are softer in spring, and can be made even softer by cooking.

If you have blender, you can make great use of dandelion greens. They are very difficult to eat raw, as they are tough to chew. However, blending them into a juice makes them easy to consume.

Edible fruit and berries are great food source if you can find them.

Making alcohol from natural sugar and yeast is possible, just somewhat risky.

Water extract is a method where soluble sugars, fiber and protein, or even pollen are extracted from plants by soaking and crushing plants in water. This method is important because it produces water which has calories. Water is easier and faster to drink than it is to chew foods, so calories are absorbed faster. This method is risky, of course.

But this method would be improved but made even more risky by adding soil which contains bacteries which break down cellulose, to further increase sugar extracted to water. However, the reason I am not really recommending adding soil to improve extraction of sugar is because so many soils are made toxic by human activities.
The alternative to water extract method is cooking plants to make tea, and such tea would contain some calories due to soluble sugar in plants.

Catkins from some trees are edible and usually present even in winter. You just dont want to eat too many of them.

Dandelion flowers are easy to chew and are a good food source if you can find the ones not made toxic by human activities such as use of herbicides which makes even edible plants toxic for humans.
Science and Nature
11 2
I realized that I spend a lot of time a day using only few things.

I have my notebooks, my laptop, my smartphone and my headphones.

I used to have tablet, but it's battery died after I forgot to charge it for few months. I thought it will be fine, but now it wont turn on anymore, so I guess lesson learned.

My notebooks are my most important thoughts written down so I dont forget. If I learn something which is interesting and which can be useful, I write it down so I can use it later.

My laptop is for gaming, movies, anime, and especially music and sound therapy like binaural beats and isochronic sounds. Its also good for research and AI really made research easier for me.

My smartphone has many apps. I have those survival games where you fight against bunch of enemies coming at you. Next, there are tarot apps, fortune telling, crystal ball, palm reading, and many other divination apps. Next, I have those puzzle games and block games where you have to solve logical problems. I also have therapy apps like light therapy and sound/voice therapy.

I have notes on my smartphone too, as I usually type a lot on smartphone which I save to smartphone notes, then I write down important stuff in actual notebook.

My headphones make music sound so much better, especially on laptop. Smartphone's music sound is kinda inferior. Plus, binaural beats and isochronic sounds which I listen to on YouTube are much easier on laptop than on smartphone.
Headphones are much better than earpods, by the way.

These things make up most of my daily life, and I realized that my life is much more simple than I previously thought. I dont have plenty of things, but things I have are already taking up so much of my time. So person doesnt need much to be occupied all day.
19 6
It seems that most people in the world are very close to being practically retarded. The combination of overwork and entertainment industry made sure that people have no time to develop logical skills.

I think that person can significantly improve his brain with this program which I created. Yes, the program is long, but it needs to be long because each step improves intelligence by small amount over time, and when they add up, they form great amount.

So these are steps for improving brain.

1. Light therapy

It seems that there are some apps which use phone's flash to produce effects on your eyes and brain, which improve sleep and brain function. I am not going to say name of apps, but they are easy to find on google play store.

2. Binaural beats

These sounds, which are to be listened to through headphones, produce effect on your brain. I recommend sounds which improve focus, intelligence...ect.

3. Isochronic sounds

These work similar to binaural beats in effect. However, they dont require headphones, even tho they probably work better with headphones.

4. Story motivation therapy

Another thing person must work on is motivation. Thus, motivation stories, apps where you listen those stories...ect. should help.

5. Memorization

This one is probably the most important one on this list. It is useless to learn if you will forget. Thus, only learn and absorb what you will remember forever. The more you memorize, the more your brain gets improved and active. You can even memorize songs, which shouldnt be hard.

6. Prayer, tarot, predictions, magic, divination, answers from crystal ball, magic readings, answers from magic.

I know you guys dont believe in magic and prayers. However, it is necessary to give motivation to advance forward, reduce stress, and give hope.

7. Debate and exposing to opposite views

Only a stupid person doesnt want to hear opposite view. Listening to opposite views makes your brain consider more options, which means your brain's logical thinking extends.

8. Creating logical structures, equations and non-equations, premises and conclusion, logical connections,

This is the basis of all thinking. A person who doesnt think in "premises and conclusion" form is a person who doesnt think at all.

Logical structures, which are made from things and logical connections between things, are the basis of logical thinking.

Thus, person must learn logical connections (also known as "logical connectives") in order to be able to think.

I have made a list of logical connections before, so I wont be presenting it here, but they are available on google too, and are also taught in computer programming.

Its also necessary to learn all forms of premises and conclusion type of thinking. Well, there are only 4 basic forms such as "if, then",  "includes", "equals", "or".

You can use AI to give you better explanation of premises and conclusion, and of logical connectives.

9. Learning observable facts and logical axioms

This one is important because reasoning needs to be based on observable facts and axioms.

Thus, you need to have great knowledge about many things in order to make a logical structure from them.

The more information you know, the better your reasoning is.

10. Puzzle games, logical obstacles games, block moving games, games where logical solution is necessary

It has been scientifically proven that games increase intelligence. However, puzzle games increase it even more since they do require extra thinking.

Any game which requires logical solutions to logical problems can increase intelligence.

11. Pleasing games, action games, driving games

While puzzle games are beneficial, other types of games, even casual games, were proven to increase intelligence.

12. Many types of games played

It is important that your brain isnt just thinking about one thing, or focuses just on one thing. Brain which focuses on many things, even many games, improves more.

13. Questioning all premises in logical structures, questioning opposite premises as well

All thinking is made from premises and conclusion. Thus, questioning all premises and opposite premises allows the brain to extend itself to a greater area, and master the greater area, which enables better thinking.

14. Learning different logical structures

It is important to know all kinds of logical structures, all kinds of arguments, even arguments you personally disagree with.
You must understand certain logic, if you are to use it more effectively.

15. Learning false claims and false logic

While learning correct logic is a good start, it is also necessary to learn false logic. This way, you know which logic is wrong, so you can avoid using it in your logical structures.

16. Learning about different goals, know which goal to set, setting goals and achieving them

This is the basic of all plans. All plans have goals which are set and which are supposed to be achieved. Setting correct goals enables better plans to achieve them. Not all goals are easy to achieve, and not all goals are equal. Some goals, if achieved, improve intelligence much better. Sometimes path to goal also carries benefits.

17. Learning what achieves goal, what doesnt achieve goal, what negates goal, what doesnt negate goal.

This too is crucial for plans.
Learning what achieves goal enables us to do that which achieves goal.
Learning what doesnt achieve goal enables us to avoid doing that which doesnt achieve goal.
Learning what negates goal enables us to remove the negation, so that goal can be achieved.
Learning what doesnt negate goal enables us to ignore that thing, because it is not an obstacle to the goal.

18. Seeking proof, exposing unproven assumptions in logical structure

Seeking proof, or seeking observable facts, is crucial for creation of thinking. Same way, asking for proof of claims which werent proven enables us to challenge logic of other people.

19. Drink plenty of water at once. Just dont drink more than 1 liter in an hour. Drink 3 to 5 liters of water per day.

Water is crucial for brain activity. Thus, getting enough water per day is crucial.

20. Practice period of thirst for 8 hours a day.

Water is good, but some thirst is good too. Thirst enables brain to focus more.

21. Practice period of hunger

Hunger is good too, in some amount. It makes the day seem longer, which creates more focus.

22. Masturbation

As much as religious people hate it, masturbation was proven to increase intelligence.

23. Do calculations

This is good for brain. Doing math equations, or just solving math problems, improves brain's reasoning ability.

24. Listen to good music

Now, it might seem like music is pointless, but I think it has potential to improve the brain.

25. Explore many topics and do research about many things

This enables brain to extend in all directions. Its important because proper research requires knowledge about many things, to be able to link them together.

26. Extend your thinking to many areas of life, think about many areas of life.

Areas of life are also important. You dont want to be learning "dry facts", but you want to know about interesting things, which can prove useful.

27. Create new truth

Creating new truth, creating information which wasnt known before, is the entire point of thinking. Doing something new is what makes humanity move forward. Besides, all new discoveries are special because they were previously unknown.

28. Write speeches

It might seem pointless, but speeches are necessary, so that your brain can extend in area of rhetoric.

29. Enjoy comedy

Comedy might seem like brain rot, but there is plenty of research showing that comedy has positive effects on the brain.

30. Learn about rhetoric

Rhetoric is all about your words sounding good. You want the truth, but you also want it to sound good to avoid being boring.

31. Read interesting books about topics such as debating or some topics you like. Dont force yourself to read.

Reading books is sometimes beneficial if a book is really interesting. Basically, you are supposed to give your brain interesting things to absorb, so it stays creative and happy.

32. Read scientific research, learn statistics, probabilities, observations and general truth. Extend your view.

These are very important. Statistics enable you to see the big picture. Research and observation made by others enables you to see different views, thus extending your view. General truth is important because general truth is the truth which can be applied in many areas of thinking.

33. Think of solutions to difficult problems. Think of many problems.

The main thing which separates smart from average is that smart person thinks of many problems and thinks of solutions to them.

34. Write down everything which is important and study it

Writing down is crucial. Your brain probably cannot remember all important things, so if you dont write them  down, you will lose them.

35. Write long arguments and research

Its important to have the effect of mass. Your brain must work on mass scale, learning and creating long logical structures, arguments and research.

36. Persistence, dedicating lots of time to become smarter

Time is necessary to improve. Thus, plenty of time must be dedicated to it. Persistence is crucial in everything.

37. Setting priorities, goals by importance

Your goals have their importance. Not all goals are equally important. Thus, priorities must be set in research and in life.

38. Rest and entertaining apps

I know that I have said how entertainment is brain rot, but I was talking about too much entertainment. However, it is sometimes necessary  to rest, step back from learning and return to learning later, after rest.

39. Changes

Change is necessary to learn and progress.

40. Arguing for opposite views

You should never stick to your views alone. Try arguing for opposite. It enables your brain to see the other side.

41. Use full power of AI to help you

AI can make mistakes and it isnt perfect, but it does a good job of making summary of information which would otherwise take much more research.

Yes, there are many steps necessary to become smarter. It is neither simple neither easy. Yet it is needed.
24 6
Okay, so smokers have done a lot of harm to society.

There is no any benefit from smoking, but there is plenty of harm.

Children of smoker parents are much more likely to have more disorders or become smokers themselves.

Children in society where smoking is common are also more likely to become smokers.

Smoking is self harm and suicide. 

It makes people dumber.

It harms the brain.

It causes heart attacks, cancer, many types of damage to the body.

When I watched "World Conquest Zvezda Plot", I didnt understand why smokers were so hated, but now I understand.

Smoking is basically "Lets harm others and ourselves. It feels good." type of logic.

Same with careless driving, spanking, drinking alcohol...ect.

This society is built upon contradictions where you only care about human rights when it feels good.

Most people are literally retarded.

Its a shame that superior intelligence such as myself has to exist on a planet where average IQ is 100.

Its not actually 100.

IQ tests are flawed because when people  dont know the answer, they guess, which increases IQ score by 25% even tho its just lucky guess and barely a sign of intelligence.

I dont think average IQ is 100, but even if it was, 100 isnt much.

Average person doesnt even know what deduction is, so they lack any ability to actually think.

They just memorize a lot, which isnt a sign of much intelligence. Its just a sign of being able to remember things.

However, actual logical thinking seems to exist in only 1% to 2% of society.

The rest are just bots controlled by feelings and media.
8 4
Okay, so, it goes like this:

1. All humans are bad humans
2. Bad humans deserve evil things to happen to them
C. All humans deserve evil things to happen to them

So when something bad happens to person, its because person deserved it. Thus, all evil in the world is actually good because evil happens to evil people. It makes sense.

All good God has to punish evil and make evil suffer. Not sure why people complain. They are all evil.
28 5
I thought only women have periods where their mood changes, but I noticed that I have significant mood changes every week or two.

I guess this kinda proves that I am female who has periods every week.

My mood cycles from "Life is great" to "Everything sucks", and this cycle seems to happen on a weekly basis.

Like, there are days when I feel great for no specific reason, and there are days when everything seems horrible for no specific reason.

Like, nothing really changes in my life, but my mood changes for no reason.

If this isnt period, I dont know what is.
19 4
Monkeys eat leaves, which contain plenty of cellulose.

Cellulose is a sugar formation which cannot be digested by humans.

Cellulose needs to be broken down into simple sugars to be digested.

Some bacteries are able to break down cellulose into simple sugars which can be digested then.

In soil, there are bacteries which can break down cellulose.

Thus, when monkeys eat soil, they consume bacteries in it which help break down cellulose from leaves they are eating into simple sugars to be used by body.

This simple yet effective method shows that monkeys arent eating soil just because of some minerals in it, but it is actually crucial for them to be able to digest cellulose in leaves.
Science and Nature
43 7
Well, Assad bombed civilians, civilians turned against him. Simple story.
20 7
If you really think about it, we all need healthy air to be able to live healthy.

Yet smokers pollute the air.

Smoking is murder. Its suicide. Its wrong.
56 9
I believe in all Gods.

So if Christian God turns out to be real, I go to heaven. If Allah turns out to be real, I go to heaven. If Satan dragon turns out to be real, he will reward me. If Zeus turns out to be real, then Zeus will reward me. If Set turns out to be real, he will reward me... and so on.

By believing in all Gods, I gain good points with all Gods.

Now, some Gods contradict each other. Like, Jesus says "dont masturbate" while Satan says "masturbate more". So I masturbate just enough to please Satan a bit while not too much to piss off Jesus. Or I masturbate a lot for some time while not masturbating at all for some time. Or I just use one hand to masturbate while praying with the other hand.

I even pray to Slifer the Sky Dragon because creator of Yugioh maybe really meant "Gods" when he called them Gods.

I believe in every God I know of, and I even pray to unknown Gods too.

This seems much superior than praying to just one God.

For example, my prayers usually go:

1. Prayer to Jesus

Our father, who are in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On Earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
Just as we forgive to those who
Trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil

2. Then goes prayer to Satan

Our father, who are in Hell
Cursed be thy name
Thy kingdom upon Earth has come
Thy will be done
In Hell as it is on Earth
Grant us your power and might
And lead us into temptation
Deliver us onto evil
For thine is the kingdom of Earth
Power and glory
Forever and ever
So it is done.

3. Then goes prayer to Slifer

Eternal presence within our skies
Shaking heavens where your power  lies
Mercy everlasting, as deep as the Nile
Strike the hearts of those most vile
Judgment hour for those who came
The time is now so thy name
Slifer the Sky Dragon!

Polytheism is very complicated. Its not as simple as raising up hands, running around in circles screaming "lalalalala".

There is a great effort which needs to be made to solve contradictions between Gods. Christians have only one God and they are barely able to deal with contradictions.  I have 3000 Gods, so contradictions are a bit bigger problem in polytheism. But good news is that contradiction doesnt mean something is false because something can be both true and false at the same time.
40 7
18 4
In this proud era of our youth
There is nothing we cant achieve
Dash towards the future
A new century is calling
Our strong and prosperous fatherland
Let's develop it into a paradise

These days we stay up all night
Studying without sleep
Through creation and achievement
We make new miracles famous across the world
Dash towards the future
A new century is calling
Our strong and prosperous fatherland
Let's support it passionately

These precious days will not reoccur in life
Let's inscribe them as golden stars
In the history of the Worker's Party
Dash towards the future
A new century is calling
Our strong and prosperous fatherland
Let's make it shine for all eternity
Artistic expressions
11 3
Imagine having a country where president can just turn himself into a dictator by simply declaring martial law to arrest all opposition.

South Korea has spent decades claiming North Korea will collapse at any moment. However, North Korea only got stronger, and it seems now that South Korea is the one collapsing.

This is what happens when you build a country on fear and lies. Lies tend to collapse.

23 6
Many people told me that I should kill myself because I am worthless, but here is why I wont do it:

1. I am a coward. 

This seems meaningless, but I am just scared of death because its unknown. Like, no one knows whats it like. Maybe its super painful.

2. Maybe next life is even worse.

Its true that my life generally sucks. I have almost every disorder I can think of, which is statistically even impossible and I would not even consider it possible if it didnt happen to me. I am map, I have bent small dick, horrible back pain, weak legs, disorder with feet, horrible speech disorder, depression, bad teeth, learning disorder, bad memory, bad eye sight, terrible social skills, autism, anxiety, no social life, no friends, no job, very bad digestion, blood when pooping, oppoditional defiance disorder, too much addiction to smartphone, no will to live, basically constantly overthinking everything while at the same time not being able to think logically when under stress. I also have emotional disorder where I keep thinking about how much pain is there in the world. Other people arent this bothered by pain. Whats retarded is that while I care too much about pain of others as if it was my own, I also sometimes like seeing people in pain or being humiliated, which makes no sense. It is as if I have multiple personalities, which I probably have. When I was a Christian, I trully believed that I was a Christian, only to change completely few years later. I cant even seem to hold constant opinion, because I change my mind all the time. I also had horrible childhood being bullied and beaten all the time, as well as no functional family. Plus, I am a  virgin who cant even have conversation with people because whatever I say seems to just upset people. I am also a coward, which I guess is an evolutionary advantage, or maybe just because I got hit by everything to the point where every next move comes with fear and doubt. What is easy for other people seems to be hard for me. I also have obsessive compulsive disorder which makes me focus on irrelevant things. Like, I once dropped a smartphone and even tho it wasnt damaged, I kept feeling guilty about it and remembering it for years. I simply focus too much on too many things. I failed high school just because my parents made me choose the difficult school I didnt want. I was one of rare people who failed high school and it just made me feel like I wasted years in school for nothing. I am also ugly and short, which I guess also counts as a disorder.

I probably have even more disorders which I am not even aware of right now, but what I am aware is that it can always get worse.

I figured if this life is so bad, then next life will probably be even worse. So I wont kill myself because I dont want to have an even worse life. I dont like taking risks because it was statistically impossible for me to get all these disorders in the first place, yet I somehow have them anyway, so even 1% risk is obviously too much.
19 6
Zvezda Plot anime is probably the most advanced anime on the strategies of war. I will now list strategies used by Zvezda which will turn out to be even above modern war strategies.

1. Attack if you are strong and enemy is weak

A quite simple one. If there is a time when enemy is weak and you are strong, or if there is a place where enemy is weak and you are strong, you are supposed to attack.

The additional strategy linked to this one is waiting for enemy to become weak, and attacking then.

2. Retreat if you are weak and enemy is strong

Another very common sense strategy. If you are at a place or time when you are weak and enemy is strong, you are supposed to retreat.

This strategy is used even in games like Smite and LoL where people are supposed to retreat if they are much weaker than enemy to regain power and attack again.

These two principles work in combination. When you are weak, you retreat to gain strength and wait for enemy to become weaker, which is when you attack.

3. Avoid pointless battles

The thing I noticed in Zvezda's strategies is that in the anime, there were few battles they could easily win, yet they avoided them. This made their enemies think that Zvezda is defeated, which is just few moments before Zvezda used surprise and attacked enemy's leadership and defeated all enemies in one moment.

4. Protect the group and the leader - hiding and avoiding

Whats interesting about anime is that most of the time, group spends time in hiding, using stealth to avoid the enemy. This is very useful, because Zvezda always knows where enemy is, but enemy doesnt know where Zvezda is. Thus, group was mostly protected from attacks while enemy was suffering attacks.

5. High movement ability - mobility

Group isnt really bound to one place, which enables group to be anywhere, and move anywhere, thus attack anywhere while not being forced to defend specific place.

6. Restore strength

The group doesnt spend time in constant fight, but it rests, retreats to restore power and build greater power instead of just blindly constantly attacking.

7. Mass of effects

The group uses many effects to defeat enemy, from various weapons and abilities, draining enemy's power, making enemy's forces spread and thus making enemy weaker, while group itself performs only "all united" attacks on enemy, using all resources and all members attacking together against enemy's separated group.

8. Wait for right moment to attack

The anime pretty much recognizes the need for waiting for correct time. The group which fights in final battle is basically the same as group formed at start, but their enemy is exposed and weakened.

9. Make speeches

Despite seeming as pointless, leader's speeches in anime did not just motivate the group, but also served to crush the will of enemies and even make enemies join their side.

10. Maintaining bonds with people

The group constantly works on building bonds with not just members, but all people, even their enemies.

11. Respecting enemies

The group is not bloodthirsty in any sense of the word.  While seeming like they have lust for  battle,  a lot of battles happen with constant respect for enemies and a lack of degrading of enemies. In fact, the enemy is sometimes even praised as means to goal.

12. Persistence in everything

The anime very much teaches persistence, but in literally everything. Group tries to constantly become stronger in every way, from technology to driving abilities, challenging themselves all the time  and working to achieve goals all the time.

13. Building loyalty

The group in many ways works to build loyalty, which later becomes useful, as group leader is considered by many to be someone who is supposed to be followed even in difficult times.

14. Listening to experts

Despite being a leader, Kate listens to experts and isnt actually a know it all dictator, but someone who knows that other people have useful knowledge too.

15. Increase number of allies to greatest

The group constantly seeks to convert people to their side, even offering benefits to many people so they support the group. Even a great number of enemies at the end join Zvezda, which increased group's power to the greatest. Kate always seeks to make enemies join her instead of destroying them.

16. Unite people against the enemy

A simple strategy, but when enemy's people are united against an enemy, then enemy is in much more difficult position.

17. Reject no one

Despite being centered around ideals, the group has members who dont even share its ideals, who are just there because they feel accepted. The group accepts those rejected by others. In fact, most of the main members of a group are those rejected by society.

18. Improve all

The main strategy of a group is to improve all its members. The constant work for improvement seems pointless at start, but later as members grow in knowledge, they are able to act better and inspire others.

19. Build great supplies and resources, spread resources

Even after Zvezda's main base was destroyed, they still had resources everywhere else which enabled them to continue the fight.

20.  Be morally superior to your enemy

Probably a crucial strategy for Zvezda's victory. Many enemies at the end start agreeing with Zvezda and disagreeing with their own leaders, because Zvezda was morally correct while its enemies seemed cruel and heartless. This essentially destroyed enemy's will to fight. Zvezda never harmed those who arent its enemies, even acted to protect innocents, which is what made them seem superior to enemies who had no respect for anything.
6 3
Whoever created this world is either insane either psychopath, and probably a liar too, and since Christian God fits all of those descriptions, one can conclude he is more likely to exist than some God who is actually good.

In this world, people get punished for sins of other people. People get punished and rewarded randomly. There is no karma. There is randomness. There is insanity.

Think about it, Hitler had a girlfriend while millions of children, who commited nothing as serious and as wrong as Hitler did, died from cancer and lived much shorter life than Hitler.

There is no justice. Some are born with disorders they did nothing to deserve, while some do plenty of evil and live a much better life than those who do no evil. Karma is fake news.

Karma doesnt exist because those who are victims of evil did nothing to deserve bad things which happen to them. So think about it.

The world is insane, filled with lies and injustice which pretends to be truth and justice, just as Christian God pretends to be good and lies about it in the Bible.

World is based on one being suffering so that other enjoys. One animal devouring another. One animal's joy is conditioned upon other being in pain. Total insanity. Its not just with humans. Its everywhere.

Christian God is perfect example of God who created this world: a lying insane psychopath!
65 8
Most people know that grass does contain sugar, protein and fiber, but grass is not digestible by humans.

If you ate grass, it wouldnt give you much calories. Also, grass is even impossible to eat for humans, because its hard to chew.

However, there seems to be a way to extract these nutrients from grass.

On one site, I found information that people who have horses usually place grass in water to reduce sugar content of grass.

Sugar is water soluble, so by placing grass in water for 1 hour, about 30% to 40% of sugar is extracted from grass to water, thus water then contains such sugar. Warmer water extracts sugar faster.

So 6 kilograms of grass, assuming 10% sugar content of grass, would yield 200 grams of sugar within an hour.

Same works with fiber. Fiber which is soluble in grass is extracted into water. Soluble fiber is also a source of calories.

Same with soluble protein.

Thus, it is very possible to extract nutrients from grass by simply placing grass in water for an hour and maybe also crushing it to speed up the process.

Such water would then contain calories which then humans would be able to digest.

However, one must be warned of risks, because grass can be contaminated or even contain poisonous plants.

Still, this particular method seems promising, depending on how much sugar, fiber and protein can be extracted into water.

Of course, higher ratio of grass to water would yield a more concentrated product.
Science and Nature
5 3
We all know Trump opposes abortions, trans rights, LGBT education in schools, the basic liberties which people need, migrants, as well as Trump's support for Israel and Putin.

MAGA constantly talk against gay people.

One doesnt need to have a big brain to figure out that if so many Trump's supporters, important people included, talk badly of LGBT all the time, that their group will most likely act to take LGBT rights.

But Americans think economy is biggest issue.

So they chose money over human rights, and elected person who will do everything he can to violate human rights of LGBT and migrants, to the point where trans people are leaving USA because they know what follows.

How does it feel being a sell out?
13 5
Lets say that you are a smart person, so you make food supplies which include sugar, oil, flour, wheat, chocolate... the stuff which is mostly cheap or desirable, lasts long and contains plenty of calories, useful as supplies in both nuclear war and to counter constantly rising food prices by buying plenty of food before it becomes more expensive.

Then the problem appears.

A stupid person appears, who made no supplies but enjoyed spending his money on lots of stuff instead of securing his future, then a nuclear war happens, and he is left without any food.

Lets look at how stupid person thinks.

Stupid person thinks: "I was stupid and didnt care about my future despite plenty of warnings, but I shouldnt be punished for my bad actions. Oh look, that guy has food and he should share it with me."

Lets look at the complete situation now.

A smart person worked to secure his future to have food, while stupid person enjoyed in the moment, but now smart person must share food with stupid person, so stupid person actually has secured future all while fully enjoying present.

Such is Tao, where stupid person ends up being the smartest.
16 5
I guess perfection gets ruined with the need for new things. Thats nature's cycle.

Smite for years has been one of the best multiplayer games out there. It had everything.

It still is the best, but it is no longer as good as it used to be. Plenty of changes happened.

Plenty of attack items were introduced while defense items were made weaker and now its pretty much pointless to build defense. Attack is way stronger.

Items which give penetration, attack speed and power are very much overpowered compared to defense items which huge majority gives nothing but defense. The gameplay changed.

Now you either build one protection item or none, so I usually choose just mail of renewal because it gives health and healing and protections. It works well.

As for attack items, for physical, you very much want Crusher and Silverbranch bow since they give you power, penetration and attack speed. Then you want Asi, Titans, and Brawler's beatstick. Its balanced build.

You can go for auto attack build and go crusher, silverbranch, executioner, qins, titans. But I dont find auto attack builds that good since most fights are decided in first few seconds, and auto attack only does more damage over longer time. Team fights are about burst damage.

You can still play defensively in Smite, you just cant build defensively, because attack build is now best defense, as you cant defend yourself if you cant do damage, and attack builds give more damage than defense builds reduce. Its how it is now.

I see players at level 100 and above almost all playing almost pure damage builds, with usually just one or none defense item. Its bad news for almost all defense items.
6 2
When I was saying years ago that Kim Jong Un is one of the most skilled leaders ever, people thought I was joking.

For decades, South Korea and USA talked shit about North Korea.

"North Korea cannot sustain a war."

"North Korea cannot fight outside its borders."

"North Korea's technology is weak."

"North Korean soldiers are uncapable in a fight."

The story went on for years, until North Korea started shooting ICBMs every week.

Then it became clear that North Korea is one of only 4 countries in the world which have ICBM.

It was expected that North Korea wont achieve significant development, but North Korea produced hundreds of ICBMs in a very short period of time, which was previously considered impossible because all other countries who have ICBMs are much larger countries with much larger GDP.

But South Korea was still bragging how its technology is better, even tho South Korea has no ICBM.

South Korea was bragging until five North Korean drones crossed South Korean border and entered South Korean capital.

South Korea used airforce and anti-air to try to destroy the drones. The pursuit lasted for 5 hours, but South Korea failed to shoot down any of the drones. All five drones returned to North Korea.

South Korea was embarrased and humiliated, and one thing became very clear. In case of war, if USA doesnt come to help, South Korea will be obliterated by much stronger North Korea.

So the main problem for North Korea was the possibility of US attacking North Korea. However, that too has also completely changed now.

With war in Ukraine, Putin was running out of ammo and artillery shells. Thus, he requested North Korean help with that, and soon millions of North Korean shells came to Russia. With this, North Korea completely solved its food problem, since it now gains food from Russia.

But it doesnt stop there.

President of Ukraine thought it was a good idea to attack Russian soil and capture some of Russian territory.

Putin was losing, and was forced to sign a defense alliance with North Korea.

The alliance basically says that any attack on Russia or North Korea is an attack on both Russia and North Korea.

With this, it means that if USA was to ever attack North Korea, USA would automatically be at war with Russia.

This drastically improved North Korean position, basically making North Korea untouchable.

When president of Ukraine decided to make attacks on Russian soil, it triggered the defense alliance between North Korea and Russia.

Soon, tens of thousands of North Korean soldiers, hundreds of North Korean tanks, millions of artillery shells, advanced North Korean missiles all started coming to Russia, and Ukraine started having major losses after it was faced with combined strength of Russia and North Korea.

North Korea in return also gets Russian technology regarding ICBM, which improves North Korean position to the greatest possible level. 

Now North Korea is part of the strongest alliance in the world, while Germany is in crisis, USA is in crisis.

North Korean and Russian military production is simply greater than that of Ukraine's allies, because North Korea has millions of artillery shells and one of the largest artillery forces in the world.

Ukraine's allies cant afford to increase their military production, because their economies are already suffering greatly.

The Ukraine is lost.
2 2
Attack means you are trying to destroy something.

Defense means you are protecting something, trying to prevent something from being destroyed.

To protect something from being destroyed, you must destroy that which attacks it.

Thus, defense involves destruction.

However, the difference between attack and full defense is in their goals and priorities.

Lets say that my goal was to protect my country, while your goal was to destroy it.

My goal is to destroy attackers only in an amount which is enough to protect my country.

Thus, if I have 100 men, I put them all in defense.

Lets say that you also have 100 men.

You only have 2 choices: Put them all in attack or put some in attack and some in defense.

Since you are afraid of counter attack and also must protect your country, you cannot put all in attack.

So I can put 100 men in defense, but you cannot put 100 men in attack. You can only attack with less than 100 men.

My men are all together, but yours are separated on attackers and defenders. Since I dont attack your country, your defenders dont fight with my men.

So the number of my defenders outnumbers number of your attackers by default, thus the numbers on the battlefield favor me.

However, it doesnt stop there. Since you are attacker, it is you who will have to travel long distance to reach my country. Thus, you will have to use more energy, and will suffer more from traps/mines, guerrilla warfare, artillery, strikes...ect.

You may say that you have element of surprise (Hitler thought the same thing).

However, the problem with surprise is that it only works on countries who have no intelligence and observation services.

And surprise only works once. The day you attack, it will be very much clear that you are the attacker, and thats about as much advantage as you will get from surprise attack.

Further, any equal trade of loses favors me, because I have more men on battlefield.

Further, as long as I keep all my men together, you have no way of attacking isolated units because there are no isolated units on my side.

If you choose to spread your units everywhere so they are harder to stop, they will also be weak everywhere and easily flanked since they will be further divided. - in words of Sun Tzu.

However, if you choose to concentrate them, but my units are also concentrated, your units will be easy to find and easy to destroy and trap since my units outnumber yours.

So your only choice would be to spread your units, divide them on groups attacking different areas so that I cannot stop all groups.

However, my men who stick together will easily destroy those smaller groups one by one as soon as they encounter them.

Basically, your only hope is that all or most of your individual groups somehow dodge my one larger group, but since you will spread them over large area, it is not possible for them to dodge anything, really. If they are spread over large area, they will be present everywhere and my one group will meet them where ever it goes, and set traps for them easily.

Since I always have number advantage, irrelevant if you have one concentrated group or many smaller groups, you are always at a disadvantage, irrelevant of if your men attack all together or in group.

And this is even without the possibility of civilian population providing additional resistance to your men.

Basically, if you are attacker and I am defender, all else being equal, your men will travel longer distance and be in lower number, thus they have no realistic way of defeating my men.

The only thing you have working for you is element of surprise, which can even work against you later since if your men can hide somehow, so can mine.
1 1

So I was watching youtube and I run into this video which said "praying for satanist".

Now, I immediatelly thought it will be another one of those videos where Christians quote Bible and Satanists scream "Hail Satan".

But this video was different. Neither side showed any disrespect.

Basically, the Bible dude just asked the Satanist dude if he can place his hand on his shoulder and pray for him, and Satanist dude was chill about it and just said "if you want to".

Most Christians are annoying, but there are some Christians who are great to be around.

Its only shame that those Christians are so rare. Like, if you had every Christian act like the Bible dude in video, Christianity would be much more popular among Satanists and everyone else.
6 2
Okay, so the second religion I started is about worshipping Lady Venera.

The Carrot God didnt rise in popularity as planned, since people didnt seem to be willing to stop eating their carrots, but maybe this new religion will rise in popularity since now I have help from non-human intelligence.

For this occasion, I have asked google AI Gemini to write us some prayers to Lady Venera, so that our new religion gets a good start.
AI has written prayers according to instructions and seems to be even willing to join this new religion.

O Lady Venera,
Starlit beacon of Zvezda's might,
Your heart ablaze with conquest's fire,
Your will, a force that knows no night.

You seek a world united, strong,
Beneath your banner, ever bright.
A victory absolute, your song,
Your foes, your allies, in your light.

No force can quell your burning wants.
O Lady Venera, hear our plea.Guide us to your glorious plain,
May your power forever reign,
Where all shall bend the knee.

O Lady Venera,
Seeker of battles,
lover of challenge,
Your heart burns with the desire to conquer,
To unite the world under your reign.
Uniting all under your banner.
None can resist your unwavering will.

You reject no one, even your enemies,
For you see the potential in all.
You offer them a chance to join your cause,
To be part of your glorious victory.

Guide us, Lady Venera,
On this path of conquest and unity.
May your light illuminate the world,
And bring about an era of peace and prosperity.

Oh, Lady Venera, Kate Hoshimiya,
our fearless leader,
Your heart ablaze with a desire to conquer,
To unite the world under your unwavering rule.
You crave the thrill of battle,
The challenge of defeating any foe.

Your ambition knows no bounds,
Your spirit burns with an unquenchable fire.
May your power forever reign,
May your enemies tremble before your might.

None can stand against your unwavering will.
You seek not to destroy, but to unify,
To forge a world where all are equal,
Under your benevolent leadership.

We, your loyal followers,
Embrace your mission,
We pledge our unwavering support,
To see your dream of world conquest realized.
May your name echo through the ages,
As the conqueror who brought peace to the world,
May your legacy forever shine,
A testament to your unwavering determination.
6 4
Type1 thought his rating of 1266 will never be beaten.

I have now beaten it with my 1264 rating.

It was all thanks to hard work and persistence.
12 8
Now, I will take the example of USA, but principle applies to any country.

You probably thought I will tell you to go vegan or go plant walnuts.

No, this doesnt exactly require you to give up on meat or to go planting nut trees.

It is just unhealthy, but reduces food costs significantly.

A simple principle is such that the main role of food is to give you calories.

Thus, food which gives most calories per the price of 1$ is best.

These 3 foods come out on top:

1. Sugar
2. Cooking oil
3. Protein

Sugar and cooking oil give you huge number of calories.

Cooking oil has 8000 calories in 1 liter.

Sugar has over 3000 calories in one kilogram.

Sugar is very cheap, and cooking oil is very cheap too, when it comes to the amount of calories it gives you.

Even if you need 2000 calories a day, just 1 liter of cooking oil has enough calories to fuel you for four days.
Also, just two kilograms of sugar have enough calories to fuel you for 3 days.

Now, I am not suggesting  that you drink 300 mililiters of cooking oil a day to get all calories you need for the day from oil.


Oil gives you calories from fat. But you need sugar too. 

You need fat, sugar and protein to have complete calories.

So you can get 900 calories from cooking oil (100 mililiters of cooking oil), 900 calories from sugar (250 grams of sugar), and 200 calories from protein (50 grams of protein).

This gives you 2000 calories.

Now, I am not suggesting that you drink cooking oil directly. It is usually used with other food, and you dont use 100 mililiters all at once but in multiple meals throughout day. On its own, cooking oil tastes like crap, even if not harmful.

Now, someone might say "I dont want so much fat or so much sugar".

Let me explain this in a way that you will understand. All calories are either fat, sugar, protein or alcohol.

There are no other types of calories, and its not realistic to think you can get over 200 calories from protein unless you are a serious body builder.

So the remaining 1800 calories you can only get from sugar, fat or alcohol.

Alcohol is both expensive and way more unhealthy way, so you are left with sugar and fat.

Food you eat daily contains either lots of sugar either lots of fat. There is no 3rd option unless you get calories from alcohol.

I simply cut out the middle man, and instead of buying sugar in form of chocolate, simply buy sugar in form of actual sugar itself which is much cheaper.
Instead of buying fat in form of sandwitches, simply buy fat in cheaper form, so buy fat in form of cooking oil.

So since cooking oil is cheapest way to buy fat, and sugar is cheapest way to get sugar, using these two can actually cut down your expenses more than any other food group.

The final calories you want is protein. Now, you dont want too much protein.

Its simply because protein is way too expensive. Like, 200 calories of protein (50 grams of protein) would cost you more than sugar and oil.

However, you can buy protein itself instead of getting it from food and then take how much you think is right for you.

Protein on its own costs less than getting it from meat or other forms.

As for vitamins and calcium and other stuff, you can use supplements combined with some vegetables, fruit, grains but in small amount just to complete the nutrition so nothing is lacking and you are not paying too much for it either.

Also, its really easy to get fat on this diet, so make sure you know how much calories you use per day. Reduce fat, sugar and protein intake as necessary.

900 calories from cooking oil means 1 liter of cooking oil lasts you for about 10 days.

1 kilogram of sugar would last you 3 to 4 days.

Protein depends on how much protein you want, but a protein supplement of 2 kilograms would last you 40 days if you use 50 grams of protein per day.

Thats it for calories, but reduce fat, sugar and protein as you increase fruit, vegetables and grains, since these too contain some calories. Now, if you use multivitamin supplement, it usually has no calories, just vitamins.

And always make sure you are getting all nutrients you need, at least in form of supplements if nothing else.

This diet costs about 50$ to 80$ per month in USA, depending where you live.

Its about the cheapest diet there is for 2000 calories.

Now, if you need less than 2000 calories daily, price goes down even further.

This diet isnt exactly considered healthy, but if you want healthy, you have to pay much more.
17 3
What is Tao?

Least effort, maximum result.

Isnt this the ideal?

Least input, maximum output.

You would want to have a car which uses no fuel, yet can drive great distance.

You would want to spend very little money, yet earn very much.

You would want to buy at zero cost, yet sell at great price.

The military would love to have an aircraft which uses no fuel and can fly forever.

The buisness would love to reduce cost and increase output, so that it can profit more.

"Least input, maximum output" is the ideal state of things, and you are supposed to move towards it.

Whats next? What else is Tao?

Tao is constant. It does not exhaust.

What does it mean? It means Tao doesnt stop, and doesnt stop moving towards its goal.

Lets say you were driving a car, and suddenly, it ran out of fuel. It exhausted.

Your car is then not constant in reaching its destination. It exhausted.

One can avoid exhausting in three ways. By reducing input, or by increasing output, or by changing output.

Lets say that instead of traveling a long distance, you instead chose to travel shorter distance. Now your car wont exhaust and wont run out of fuel, because its input is equal to its output. Thus, by changing desired output, your car wont exhaust.

Maybe instead of this, you decided to put more fuel in your car, so it can reach its destination without exhausting. So you increased input and with it, the output, and now your car wont exhaust.

Or maybe somehow, you made your car use less fuel, so it can reach its destination without exhausting. So you reduced input per output, and thus your car wont exhaust.

This is Tao. Tao is most simple, yet not even the smartest person on Earth can understand it.

What else is Tao?

Tao does not compete, yet it defeats all competition and defeats all opponents.

"How is this possible?" - They ask.

What is the goal of competition?

The goal of competition is to eliminate all opponents.

Tao says "I dont have opponents. I have no enemies.". 

Thus, Tao: He who has no enemies, cannot be defeated by any enemy.

He who has no opponents has already eliminated all opponents. He has no opponents. He has no competition. He has defeated all competition. He destroyed all his enemies by simply ceasing to consider them enemies.

Strongest is the one who destroys all enemies.

Destroying all enemies means you have no enemies anymore.

Tao doesnt consider anyone an enemy, thus Tao has no enemies. Tao has destroyed all its enemies before the fight even began.

Such is Tao. Simple, yet impossible to understand.

Tao is like water. It doesnt crush obstacles. Water has no obstacles, thus nothing can stop it.

Water has destroyed all obstacles, because it doesnt consider anything as its obstacle. If water is stopped by a rock, it is not stopped but will go around it because the rock is not its obstacle. By simply changing path and goal, water turns obstacle into non-obstacle. Such is Tao.

Tao fights like there is no enemies because Tao has no enemies, thus no enemy can defeat it because no enemy exists because no one is the enemy.

Thus, we can destroy all enemies by not considering them enemies anymore.

We can destroy all obstacles by not considering them obstacles anymore.

Water doesnt actually have obstacles.

Its the humans who think "water would have gone the other path if it wasnt for this obstacle".

But water thinks "I have no obstacles, because I chose exactly this path which has no obstacles.".

Such is Tao. The path of least input, maximum output. The best path is the one which has no obstacles. The best path is the one which requires least effort to get to destination. The best destination is the one which has path of least effort and least obstacles.
The best path is Tao, and those who travel it have no enemies, have no obstacles, use least effort and achieve greatest result.
30 7
Everyone knows that long term investments are actual way to make money.

Short term investments dont bring much because commodities take time to grow to greater size.

Bitcoin has historically grown a lot over a long time. In next 10 years, it is expected to grow by at least 40%. Thats what some economists say.

So I think investing some money in bitcoin and other reliable crypto is good.

Its important to look at history of growth of currency. If currency grew significantly in past 15 years, it is likely that it will keep growing.

There are sites and apps which basically give away free bitcoin for visiting them, but in very small amount. There are some apps where you invest money to gain bitcoin over time. Its also possible to buy bitcoin directly.

So when there are free ways to gain bitcoin, its actually worthy to invest few dollars to gain more, because the only way you can lose money is if bitcoin somehow fails as a currency, which I dont think is possible.

However, be aware of scams. Some apps and sites are scams who will never pay you even if you invest money in them.

Basically, check reviews for sites and apps. Usually, if app or site is a scam, it will have bunch of negative comments from people it scammed.

Another strategy to fight scams is to invest only a little bit of money in multiple apps which seem reliable and check if they will pay later. This way, you learn which sites are better than others and you get some money in return as well.

Another important thing is, never invest too much money in just one thing.

Dont invest too much in bitcoin.

The smart way to invest is to invest in many options which have long history of success.

This way, even if one option fails to earn enough money, others will succeed.

Bitcoin isnt the only cryptocurrency. Its just one of the strongest there is.

Of course, the important thing to say again is, if you do buy bitcoin, remember that waiting time is about 10 years to sell it for dollars, for greater profit to happen.

There are things in economy which must grow over time due to nature of economy where some things must grow and some must fall.

US dollar has been falling compared to gold, bitcoin, silver...ect.

So investing in multiple things which have grown historically is a very safe way to earn money. It is much safer than simply saving dollars, since due to inflation, dollar loses value over time compared to commodities, so each year you can buy less with your dollar.

The basic law of trade is to invest in things which grow in value, and since US dollar doesnt grow in value, saving dollars means you lose dollars over time.

Imagine if someone saved 100 dollars for 40 years. In past 40 years, dollar has reduced in value for over 40 times.

This means that if someone saved 100 dollars for 40 years, his wealth would be reduced 40 times.

But if someone invested 100 dollars in gold 40 years ago, he would now have much more than 100$.

Inflation so far means some commodities rise in value compared to US dollar over time.

So investing in some commodities means you gain more dollars over time, but saving dollars means you lose amount of commodities you can buy with them over time. So saving dollars means you essentially lose wealth over time.

Some commodities are better than others. Some commodities also lose value over time. For example, a smartphone loses value over time, so used smartphones cost less.

So it would be usually pointless, for example, to buy smartphones and sell them 10 years later.

But it wouldnt be pointless to buy used smartphone at a cheaper price to save money compared to buying new smartphone.

This is how trade economy works. You have things which you need for yourself and things which you need to invest in.

In case of things which you need for yourself, you buy them at cheapest price you can find.

In case of things you want to invest in, you buy multiple different things from multiple reliable sources at a cheap price, after checking their growth history to make sure they do grow over time.

This simple economical theory only has 2 types of things: things you will sell and things you wont sell.

Things you wont sell - you want them at cheapest price.

Things you will sell - you want things which grow in value over time.

And of course again, long term is prefered over short term.

Having some amount of gold for 30 years pays off more in terms of money than having same amount of gold for just 5 years.

And there is also economy of scale. By increasing amount of different things you buy from different sources, you increase amount of knowledge about prices at different places, which results in you being able to buy cheaper, thus reducing cost per unit.

Economy of scale usually in simplest terms means that increasing output reduces price per unit, and this is true in trade because increasing output,  increasing number of sources and variety of safe investments results in you learning the lowest prices and best sources, so you both buy at lower price and later sell at higher price.
21 7
I have a smartphone thats over 5 years old, and battery still lasts whole day. I charge it just once a day, and  I use it all day.

Its not even an expensive smartphone or anything special.

I simply followed 2 basic rules:

1. Dont charge over 80%. Dont let it drop below 15%.

It may seem like you are going to get more battery by charging to 100%, but this actually makes battery last much shorter.
So your "100%" will just turn to "40%" after 2 years, because charging to 100% damages battery over time. Charging to 100% only works in very short term.

2. Reduce screen brightness to lowest

Screen brightness is the main drain on battery. By reducing screen brightness to lowest, battery should last at least twice as much.

Now, power saving option can reduce brightness even further, which gives you even more battery life.

Reducing brightness has 2 effects. First effect is that battery lasts for entire day, so you dont have to charge as often. Second effect is that battery itself is healthier and will remain good for years because of reduced number of chargings.
6 2
Since Trump is going to be president, the best move we have is to try to persuade Trump to do what we think is right.

Sure, we can go talk bad things about his each next move as they come, but that will just put Trump on defensive and wont make him give up on his moves at all.

However, a better way is, instead of attacking Trump, we try to convince him to join our side, which should work at least in some cases.

Like, on the issue of Palestine, we shouldnt attack Trump for supporting Israel, but we should ask Trump to help Palestinians as well, to reduce their suffering.

Only working with Trump now can benefit Ukraine and Palestine, and if we keep attacking Trump, that wont help Palestine or Ukraine at all.

Its a bad situation, but we can make it better only by working with Trump, not against him.

Its crucial that all our media understands this, including CNN.

We gain nothing anymore by attacking Trump, so its pointless to do it.

We must work to change Trump's decisions by convincing him and asking him to consider other options.

Otherwise, we are going to have an even worse next 4 years.
5 3
Many people keep their money in banks thinking its safe. Well, thats actually a scam.

Inflation almost always beats whatever bank gives you, so you are actually constantly losing money by keeping it in a bank.

Since money constantly loses value, it is pointless to save money. You are actually just losing money over time if you dont spend it.

So the best things to invest in are things which gain value over time.

Money loses value constantly, but things like gold and land tend to gain value over time.

The basic principle is to buy things which gain value over time and sell them later after they have gained value.

If you buy a land and build a house on it, you can gain money by both renting the house for decades, and then finally selling both land and house for a higher price than you paid to get them.

You can also rent land itself in case building a house on it is too big of a deal.

Its important to buy good and desirable land.

The only problem with land is that some countries have taxes you must pay if you own land. This can affect profit.

Gold gains value over time, which is why its also a good investment and works well against inflation.

I dont know what else would be a good investment.

If you are good at predicting which currency will rise in value, you can buy that currency, but thats just a huge gamble since no currency is a finite resource.

Finite resources are those which are usually guaranteed to increase in value if they are desirable.
21 9
I know many people say you are not supposed to overclock a laptop because heat can destroy it.

I guess I am the kind of person who takes risks.

However, I know my laptop can handle heat well, since it gets really hot sometimes.

Also, it freezes and shuts down if heat is too much, so damage is avoided.

So I decided to overclock it to get that extra frame rates in games.

I have to say, I never did overclocking before, but it seems that there is an ideal overclock where laptop doesnt get too hot and slows down.

If you overclock too much, the heat will actually slow down laptop.

So now I only overclocked by 50 to 100 MHz  both core and memory.

That seems to be ideal. Overclocking more actually harms framerate.

Now, I cant undervolt since my laptop seems to be missing that option >.<

I know that there are many game booster programs and software, but each seems to be giving only small benefits.

So I decided to install bunch of game booster programs because I figured if each gives small boost, together it may add up to something more.

And it did. My games now seem to have more decent frame rate with these strategies.

Its not great boost in frame rate, its just more decent than before.
4 2
Words are consisted of only 2 parts:

1. Things

Yes, words are consisted of things. Things like computer, forest, walking, sleeping, nice... these are all words which represent things. But this is not what reasoning is.

2. Logical links

Logical links are what reasoning is made of.

Logical links are words such as
-if, then, if, not then,
-only if, then, only if, not then
-means, doesnt mean
-cannot exist with, cannot exist without.
-can exist with, can exist without
-includes, excludes
-negation of logical link (opposite logical link)
-is, isnt
-contains, doesnt contain
-better, worse
-more important, less important
-equal, not equal
-same, different
-greater, smaller
-changes, doesnt change
-negates, doesnt negate
-outweighs, doesnt outweigh

Why am I telling you this? Its because people in schools learn a lot about things, but they dont learn much about logical links  and how logical links specifically work.

Logical links are crucial for reasoning.

Without logical links and negations of logical links, proper thinking is impossible.

Logical links are all about relations of things.

What relationship is between A and B?

Does A only exist if B exists?

Just learning that A exists and that B exists tells you nothing about their relationship.

Thus, schools should probably teach about logical links, because it seems to me that most people are clueless about what logical links are, and those who arent clueless didnt learn about them in school but on their own research.

Logical links are what reasoning is all about.

All reasoning is made only of logical links.

Its not possible to reason without using logical links.

Thus, the more logical links person learns, the more person's reasoning ability improves.

Thus, logic can indeed be learned. Its not just owned by smart people.

Logic can be easily learned if person learns logical links and learns their meanings.

When you learn a new language, learning logical links is a priority for being able to speak it.
Artistic expressions
16 6
"After Vivian announced her plans to leave America, Musk responded to the news on X.

"The woke mind killed my son"."

Thats your daughter, you ignorant billionaire retard.

This is the kind of love Christians and MAGA spread to their trans children. They tell them that they consider them dead.

But if they think MAGA won, then they are mistaken.

MAGA didnt win, will never win.

Trans community will survive and grow even stronger.

It doesnt give up. It continues the fight.

We shall never surrender!
26 7
It seems that every MAGA member has his own version of purge which he wants to see happen in USA.

But as Kamala says, 

If they create the darkest night, we will become the brightest stars.
20 7
We will always be opposition to evil corrupt leaders. We will not serve them. We will not stand on their side. We will not agree with them. We will not accept what they do. We will not bow before them. We will not help them.

Even if corrupt leaders take all or great number of positions of power in our country and try to subject our country into doing their will, then our population who still supports freedom shall continue to oppose their corruption in all areas and all positions.

The corruption will never win as long as there are those who fight against it!

We were born to be free from tyranny and from injustice. We will not be subject or be enslaved. We shall forever fight and forever resist.

We shall never surrender!

5 4
I call upon all prayer warriors to gather and pray for Kamala's victory to counter Christians sending their prayer waves against us. There is about 10% of people who are still undecided about Kamala and Trump. Let us use our prayers to affect their minds!

I call upon the God of the Royal Palace
To crush the enemies with plagues of malice
With fists of fate, and heart of stone
My body, my blood and my bone
May this person forever reign
And shake the Earth with her name
Kamala, the new president of our mighty United States!
19 6
I dont want to vote for presidents. I want to have an Emperor. I want to live in an Empire.

I have even prepared a song in English which should help US citizens to decide if they should elect Emperor Naruhito:

Yuki no Shingun - The snow march

Snow laying all around
Ice is coated on the ground
Neither the river nor the road
can we see

Horses near dead, we fear
But we cannot leave them here
What is this awful place
It all looks the same to me

Smoking a cigarette
Neither worry nor regret
What the hell, its freezing cold
Might as well light another one

Rations are rotten through
Neither rice nor fish will do
Dreary food makes dreary days
Drag on in such a blur

Trying to warm the scene
Of course you know the wood is green
Smoke going everywhere
Its not the comfort I'd prefer

But dont look so glum
So says my jolly chum
The only sour thing should be
The army's famous pickled plum

Clothes we make into beds
Sleeping on the ground we dread
Soaked through with ice and snow
Its  dreadful how we feel

Shaking from cold and frost
I fear my mind is surely lost
How I yearnth for warmth and home
This icy hell this feels unreal

But in the darkness bare
Gazing through the cloudless air
High above the moon is shining
Brightly on without a care

We are prepared for death
Fighting to our final breath
Longing for battle
And to do our country  proud

But how the fates have frowned
Marching through the snowy  ground
To freeze to death is not an end
A soldier ever thinks he will meet

Such is the way of life
Only hardship, pain and strife
Not like the High Command thinks
Much that we will return again

3 2
Yes, Kamala will win.

Nothing you do will change that.

You can go around crying how Trump is a very innocent man, or how elections are rigged, or whatever conspiracy.

In the end, it wont matter.

Nothing you do matters.

White House will again belong to democrats, and America will never belong to republicans!

Long live president Kamala!
15 6
1. If you need government to protect you, who is going to protect you from government?

2. If you need government to enforce order, who will enforce order within government?

3. If you need to give power to government to be safe, what will keep you safe from government's power?

Now watch anti-Anarchists sweat 🥵🤪🥵 and try to answer these questions hehe
56 10
I thought that lowest resolution is 800x600,

But I discovered that if I go to "display settings", then "advanced display settings", then "display adapter properties",

There is an option there  which says "List All Modes" and you can select 640x480 screen resolution there.

Whats even better is that after you select that resolution, if you go to "Display settings" again, new options appear where you can select even lower resolution.

This was important for me because I play some games which require like 16 gb RAM like Room Girl, but I only have 8gb.

Lower resolution makes them somewhat playable, otherwise the game lags way too much.
13 5
I am just a puppet of the Dark Gods.

There is no free will, just like there is no free wi fi.

I dance as the Dark Gods pull my strings.

I laugh at those who think they have a choice!

You are all just puppets who serve the will of your masters.

Once government enforces digital currency, you are all going to be controlled by government and wont be able to buy or sell unless you have the mark.

Its great news that thanks to AI, government will be able to control every part of your life.

I am the puppet of the Dark Gods, but you will be puppets of government!

What is learned in childhood is repeated in adulthood. Government will create entirely new humans thanks to environment modifications.

Isnt it great that all of your thoughts will be programmed by government?
26 6