Okay, so, there are many forms of magic, such as fire magic, earth magic, water magic, air magic...
The interesting thing about fire magic is that it usually also includes air magic and earth magic. Air is present around fire and consumed by fire, while earth is usually present in form of wood and food, but sometimes even earth itself.
So, what is the idea of fire magic?
The idea is simple. The Sun God is the Creator of life. All fire on this Earth is an offspring of the Sun God.
The fire usually consumes wood to sustain itself, but fire can also consume other things, such as food.
Feeding food to the fire means giving food to the offspring of the Sun God. This grants favor of the Sun God.
Fire is a living being which acts in exactly same way as all living beings do. Fire consumes energy to sustain itself and fire even reproduces, and produces waste from consuming food. This proves by all standards that fire is alive just as any of us are.
Fire likes consuming wood, but fire prefers things which burn faster and taste better.
Some food burns very fast, much faster than wood. Also, food is more precious to us than wood and we like eating food too, which makes the offering of food we like to eat to the fire greater and makes bond between us and the Sun God stronger.
All food is able to burn, because the basic elements of all food - sugar, fat, protein, alcohol, fiber - all can burn.
In this sense, we see that food we eat is suitable to sustain fire and be consumed by fire.
Thus, fire magic which combines many elements works in a way of gifts. We offer gifts of tasty food to the fire, and then ask fire to help us in our life and give us guidance.
For example, your brain works in a way that there are constantly some thoughts appearing in your head almost all the time. These thoughts arent actually controlled by you, but come to you to guide your actions.
When offering gift to the Sun God, in return, the Sun God provides you with better thoughts which guide you towards a better outcome.
The magic can also be used to harm others by placing negative thoughts in their head, but this shouldnt be done because it doesnt benefit you to harm others. It is much better to protect yourself by asking from the Sun God to make your enemies unable to attack you, and to give you guidance.
The offering of food to the Gods is actually found in almost every religion in history. Ancient Christians used to burn food, usually meat. Hindu leave food in front of statues of Gods. Muslims are more extreme and practice animal sacrifice as a way to satisfy alah.
However, when it comes to fire magic, the food you offer to the fire must be the food you like to eat the most, so for me that is chocolate.
You should never offer spoiled food to the fire, as spoiled food is harmful for you and thus, represents no bond.
If someone is poor and cant afford to burn expensive food, he can gather food from nature, such as edible flowers or roots, and burn them.
There is also burning your own hair to do fire magic, which also can work because your hair is made of protein which is technically food and energy for fire. Your hair represents you, so it is good for fire magic.
Now, we will talk about blood magic. Blood magic is probably the most powerful type of magic when combined with fire magic.
Blood magic simply means using your blood (usually by cutting yourself) as an offering to the Gods.
For example, you can use your blood when you cut yourself, put it on paper and burn the paper in a fire or leave the paper in the air, or combine paper with earth or water.
However, for women, it is different. Women use their blood from periods for blood magic.
But for men, cutting yourself isnt necessary for blood magic. There are other ways to obtain your own blood. For example, cutting yourself by accident, or bleeding from nose.
In both fire magic and blood magic, you must also draw on paper the symbols which further bond you with the Gods. These symbols are usually drawn in a way which represents Gods. You can find many symbols and sigils of Gods on the internet if you are uncertain what to draw. Keeping these symbols in the house or next to your money protects the house and makes your wealth multiply.
The prayer, chant or invocation is also necessary part of magic.
It can be as simple as "Great Sun God, I honor you, and I bring you gifts and I ask of you to help me achieve my wish."
Now, as for proof that magic works, it is enough to go to any witchcraft forum. There are bunch of people out there saying that magic helped them greatly in life. I dont really see what more proof is needed than millions of people saying "magic worked for me.".
Some benefits of magic are also clear mental health benefits, because it gives people hope necessary to keep pushing forward in life. It is only person's hope which, when things are uncertain, makes person push forward. Magic provides hope that things will get better.
Here is what google AI says about fire magic of burning food:
"Yes, there are many rituals in various cultures and magical traditions that involve burning food in a fire. These rituals can have different purposes, such as:
• Offerings to deities or spirits: In many cultures, burning food is seen as a way to appease or honor gods or spirits. The smoke carries the essence of the offering to the heavens or the spirit world.
• Purification or cleansing: Fire is often associated with purification, and burning food can be a way to cleanse a space or person of negative energies.1
• Transformation or release: Burning food can symbolize the transformation of something old into something new, or the release of negative emotions or experiences.
• Symbolic sacrifice: In some traditions, burning food may be a symbolic sacrifice, representing the giving up of something important in order to achieve a desired outcome.
The specific types of food that are burned, as well as the accompanying rituals and prayers, can vary widely depending on the cultural or magical tradition. Some examples of cultures or traditions that have rituals involving burning food include:
• Hinduism: Fire rituals, known as yajnas, often involve offering grains, ghee (clarified butter), and other food items into a sacred fire.
• Paganism: Many pagan traditions incorporate fire festivals and rituals that may involve burning food as offerings to deities or nature spirits.
• Wicca: Some Wiccan rituals may involve burning herbs, incense, or small amounts of food as offerings or for purification purposes.
• Hoodoo and Conjure: These African American folk magic traditions may include rituals that involve burning food items, such as cornmeal or sugar, for various purposes.
It's important to note that these are just a few examples, and there are many other cultures and traditions that have their own unique rituals involving burning food. If you are interested in learning more about specific rituals, it's best to consult with experts or practitioners of those traditions."
As we can see from google AI, fire magic isnt limited to ancient witchcraft or some few witches, but it is present in many religions.
So fire magic is very common.
Blood magic, on the other hand, is more rare, and usually mostly practiced by women who use their periods for magic.
Blood magic is very powerful, because blood represents you most completely, so there is no any other more direct offering to Gods than blood.
Here is what google AI says about blood magic:
"The act of using one's own blood in magical rituals is a practice that has been observed in various cultures throughout history. While the specific rituals and their meanings may vary, the use of blood in magic often stems from the belief that blood carries a powerful life force or spiritual essence.
In some traditions, blood is seen as a sacred substance that can be used to forge strong connections with deities or spirits. By offering their own blood, practitioners may seek to enhance the potency of their spells or establish a deeper connection with the supernatural realm.
In other contexts, blood may be used in rituals aimed at healing, protection, or personal transformation. The shedding of blood can symbolize sacrifice, purification, or the release of negative energies.
It is important to note that the use of blood in magic is not without its risks and ethical considerations. Blood-related rituals can be physically dangerous if proper precautions are not taken to prevent infection or injury. Additionally, some traditions may have specific rules or taboos surrounding the use of blood, and it is important to respect these customs and beliefs.
If you are interested in learning more about blood magic, it is recommended to consult with experienced practitioners or scholars who can provide guidance and context for these practices."
Now, I hope this explains fire magic and blood magic. But when doing magic, one should also include earth, air, and water. Earth also works in a way that it slowly consumes food it comes in contact with. Water also transforms the food which is left in water, usually by spoiling it. But what is spoiled for us is actually just food for beings present in air, earth, and water. In that sense, food left exposed to air, water or earth always feeds the beings present in those elements. Food burned by fire feeds the fire, but it also transforms food into parts which are very good for plants, such as ash and smoke.
There are many types of magic, as many as there are witches. Magic is not like religion. Magic has great variety. Two basic categories are magic which creates good things and magic used for destruction. Usually, destructive magic (black magic) is considered very dangerous, because it can be used to greatly increase amount of evil in the world.