Dual topic: 1. The True Spirit Of Communism - Sharing Is Caring 2. Intellectual warfare

Author: Best.Korea


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1. Sharing is caring

I often hear this argument against Communism that equal sharing is impossible.

However, if I were rich, it would be very difficult for me to stay rich. I wouldnt be able to drive past homeless people and watch them suffer and freeze. I wouldnt be able to buy expensive houses and cars and planes for myself knowing that some people have no house. For me, the mere idea that someone is in a worse position than I am bothers me and prevents me from buying expensive stuff, even now. Besides, the greatest spiritual discoveries arent made by having excess of wealth, and most of the spiritual warriors and wise people in history werent very rich. Many have often preached against material wealth, saying how it causes a decline in humanity. This is simply because material wealth cannot replace you and it cannot replace any other person, no matter how much you think it can. Imagine if you had all the wealth in the world, but if you were alone in the world. Then all material wealth would be meaningless, world would be boring and without any purpose, as you would be alone. Thus, material wealth cannot replace a human being. Human beings are always more important to you than money, thus you shouldnt place material wealth above human beings. The revolutionary method of economy and politics where humanity is in the first place is the method which cannot fail. But any method which places material wealth as priority over humanity will neglect humanity and thus fail in greed, corruption and decline of true human values. Humans naturally have common purpose where each human is meant to seek knowledge and where each human benefits from sharing knowledge with another, which creates better society as a whole which benefits all. But should individual benefit himself by harming society, then society will become worse and life of individual will become worse, as all individuals are connected in this world and all individuals have common purpose, and any deviation from the common purpose and common benefit results in common decline.

2. Intellectual warfare

Ideas are most powerful things in this world. Ideas are more powerful than guns. Ideas even outlive their creators. Thus, the true battleground is that of ideas. Truth is the best weapon which is eternal. Once truth is learned, the lie and delusion disappear. The great empires who are built on a lie collapse before truth. Thus, truth is the ultimate weapon which cannot be defended against. You cannot destroy truth with a gun. You cannot negate truth with a gun. Even if you were to kill a person who speaks the truth, some other person would discover the same truth eventually. Thus, the arrival of truth cannot be stopped. Once truth is made known, lie can no longer be repeated. Thus, intellectual warfare is essentially that of intellectual warriors discovering truth to destroy lies. As the truth expands, the lie reduces. Truth and lie are in such a relationship that one cannot grow without devouring the other. However, unlike lie, the truth is more powerful because complete truth destroys complete lie, and the more complete the truth becomes, the closer the end of the lie is.
FLRW's avatar
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Well, remember that if you are rich you can buy growth hormones for your kid that will make him grow to 6'-7.
Sidewalker's avatar
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Sidewalker's avatar
Well, remember that if you are rich you can buy growth hormones for your kid that will make him grow to 6'-7.
...and you can grab a woman by the pussy without even asking, they just let you.