Total topics: 681
I miss the good old witch. She was a trolling master. I hate it that all good trolls get banned or just leave. Its not fair. I had a hard childhood and I need to troll people. But would be nice if I had more help.
Current events
Alright, so today I went to work and there was some celebration. I dont know what they celebrated. I pay no attention. Apparently, there was lots of candy there.
I follow a one meal per day diet, so I dont eat at work. But I did eat some candy.
My diet caused some confusion, despite the fact that I have explained it to them a million times.
My co-workers thought that I was lying and that I was poor and cant afford food, so they decided to collect all the candy there was and hand it to me in a plastic bag.
I said I wont eat it. They said "take it home".
Are you seriously thinking that I will go to a bus dragging with me a see-through plastic bag full of candy?
Like, why am I cursed to live in a world full of autistic retards?
Why does it offend them if I eat one meal per day?
Do you think that everyone has to be a consumerist overeating retard like you?
Fucking autism.
Biden wants to get tougher on North Korea. But doesnt he know? North Korea is a country with military first politics that has set a goal to become world's most powerful nuclear nation.
Sanctions dont work, as everyone has noticed.
And no, China will not help you and even if they did, you still wouldnt be able to stop North Korea.
Trump was smart and wanted to turn powerful enemy into a powerful friend.
Biden thought he could deal with North Korea by the use of threats.
Maybe you havent noticed mr. Biden, but North Korea got twice as strong under your presidency.
With the current rate of ICBM production, North Korea will soon have more ICBMs than China and USA.
World has underestimated North Korea. They thought North Korea will collapse like the Soviet Union did.
Now mr.Biden has only two options:
1) Keep watching as North Korea gets stronger to the point where it becomes so strong its impossible to defeat it. Then North Korea will reclaim south and USA wont dare to interfere.
2) Attack North Korea now and lose half the USA to North Korea's nukes. Then USA wont even be a country anymore, let alone a superpower.
Painful choice for mr. Biden, indeed 🤭
To solve the world hunger, we need to either produce more food or eat less.
How do we eat less food?
1) Cut food into smallest pieces
2) Eat only 1 meal per day
3) Sleep more
4) Avoid excercises
5) Drink less water
6) Dry the food
Cutting food in small pieces increases calories you absorb from that food. Hence, you need to eat less of it to gain same nutrition.
You can blend food, or simply cut it with a knife and chew more. You will eat same amount of food, but gain more from it.
Eating only one big meal per day and nothing else for the entire day decreases your need for calories. With this method, you can eat less to sustain same weight. There are alternatives, like Warrior Diet. But I find one big meal a day to be the best.
You eat for 1-2 hours, then you dont eat anything for the next 23 hours.
Some studies claim that this way you can reduce your need for calories by 20-40%.
Sleeping more can also reduce the amount of calories you need.
Excercises burn calories and make us need more food. Excercises are to be avoided. If you are an American, this shouldnt be a problem for you.
Drinking water when you feel thirst is the best. You shouldnt drink too much water or force yourself to drink more than you thirst for.
Drying food increases calories absorbed from it.
Experiment with food, learn which food suits you the best and gives you most energy.
If humanity chooses to follow these 6 steps provided by Best.Korea, it is expected that the need for food will decrease by at least 20%.
To give an example, if 10 people choose to follow these steps, they will eat at least 20% less food daily. 20% less needs for food in 10 humans means that same amount of food feeds 12 people.
If 8 billion people follow these steps, food once enough to feed 8 billion is now enough to feed 9.6 billion people.
Americans are fat while starving children in Africa are starving. With one meal a day, you will stay fat, you will eat less food and you will be able to send the extra to the starving children in Africa.
Science and Nature
In our previous chapters, we have learned about food preservation by drying.
We also learned about food groups found in a forest.
Now we will learn about easy to do insect farms.
Bible said that a man lived by eating grasshoppers.
Possible. Grasshoppers are highly nutritious and there is usually plenty of them.
Insects like grasshoppers thrive in tall grass where there is plenty of wild edible plants for them to eat.
So if you want to have lots of grasshoppers on some part of your land, all you have to do is to let the grass grow taller.
Grasshoppers are also attracted to grass piles. You make a grass pile by cutting down grass and gathering a lot of it on one place to make a pile.
Pile of grass works as mulch. It makes soil beneath it more fertile. It attracts earthworms, slugs and snails. Keep adding fresh grass when the existing one dries up.
Earthworms, slugs and snails are edible too. They must be cooked.
They can also be dried to save for later.
You will also notice some wild edible plants growing through the grass pile if the grass pile is about 10 or less inches tall.
This is an easy way to get food. You can forage your land for wild edible plants and grasshoppers.
If you have a land, and you want free fruit, consider growing trees.
Lets learn how to grow trees easy way.
Growing trees is too easy.
If you have a land, the next step is to buy a tree and plant it.
You must choose a location. It should be in a spot that gets the most sunlight. You can plant dwarf trees if space is the problem.
To plant tree, dig a hole. The hole should be twice as wide as the tree's root ball and just as deep.
Place the tree in the hole. Make sure the tree is straight and centered in the hole.
Use the soil you removed from the hole and place it back in the hole to cover tree roots. Make sure you break up the soil into smallest pieces.
Water the tree after planting.
Finally, if there is a lot of grass available on your land, cut the grass down and use it as a mulch around a tree. You simply place lots of cut grass around a tree, around 8 inches tall grass buildup.
This mulch will benefit the tree, but also it will attract edible insects.
Just make sure to leave few inches of distance between tree trunk and mulch.
Later, make sure to water if the soil happens to be dry on touch. Make sure not to water too much. Only water if soil is dry.
Tree will produce fruit that can be eaten, dried for later use or used to lure in more insects.
In our next chapter, we will learn about easy to grow vegetables that any autistic retard can grow!!!
Science and Nature
Bible says that a man lived on grasshoppers and honey.
Honey may be difficult to find in nature.
However, grasshoppers are common.
Man could live on wild plants and insects alone.
In the thread "How to dry and store food", I explained the basic way of drying food.
Insects and plants can be dried on room temperature if they are cut in small pieces and placed on a dry surface.
Now lets examine the food groups that humans can eat:
1) Nuts and acorns
2) Rose hip
3) Berries
4) Fruit
5) Wild edible green plants
6) Insects (spiders, grasshoppers, larvae, grubs, earthworms...)
7) Roots
8) Vegetables
9) Water vegetation, plants in water
10) Blossoms
11) Tree bark (cambium)
12) Bird's eggs
13) Flowers
14) Grains
15) Seeds
16) Tree leaves
17) Mushrooms and fungi
18) Fish
19) Animals (small, big)
20) Tree sap
21) Snails and slugs (must be cooked)
22) Lizards, invertebrates
23) Reptiles
24) Bees nectar
25) Buds
26) Seedlings
Nuts and acorns are high in calories, and so are berries and rose hips. Berries are easy to eat. Nuts can be stored for a long time, they dont require drying.
Fruit like cherries is easy to eat and chew.
You can grow fruit trees. I will make a thread about easy way to grow trees in combination with insect and slug farming.
Wild green edible plants are usually found plenty of in nature. In previous thread, I mentioned Stinging nettle and dandelion. I will make a thread that deals with wild edible plants specifically.
Another source of food are insects. Insects are easy to identify and its easy to remember which ones are edible.
Usually, there is plenty of insects around.
One can catch them by hand, but catching with net is faster. Insects like grasshoppers are sometimes found in great number.
Searching for roots can be useful. You must remember which plants have edible roots, then dig them up. You may find some insects while digging.
Vegetables are not often found in nature. However, a person can grow them if a person happens to have seeds. There are some vegetables, like carrots, that any idiot can grow. They will grow even if you dont give them much care. For this also, there will be thread that deals with farming.
Water vegetation and plants that grow in rivers can be used for food. These will be included in the wild edible greens thread.
Blossoms are low in calories and I wouldnt recommend eating them.
Tree cambium has some calories and trees with edible cambium are common. However, tree cambium should only be eaten in small amounts. Eating too much can cause constipation.
Bird's eggs are found at bird's nests. If you happen to see these, you can collect eggs from them.
Flowers are very low in calories and I would not recommend eating them or searching for them. There are exceptions, like dandelion and sunflower.
These will be included in the thread about wild edible greens.
Grains are not that common in nature. They are high in calories, but searching for them could be a waste of time. Same goes for seeds.
Tree leaves are very low in calories. Eating them wont give you much, even if you find the edible ones.
Mushrooms and fungi are poisonous. You should never eat them unless you can confirm its not poisonous.
Fish is where things get fun. For fishing, all that you need is silk, hook and bait. Having rod also helps. For bait, you can use insects. For rod, you can use any stick that wont break easily.
Fishing is simple to learn and useful in areas where there is lots of fish.
Other than this, there is spear fishing, but that takes lots of skill. If you will rely on it, make sure you have tried it before.
You can also try nets and traps, but I dont have much faith in these.
Hunting animals is easy if you have guns and bullets. If you dont, you might still run into animal's nests and eat small animals.
You could try making traps to catch animals. For this, it is recommended that you have lots of experience and proper tools.
Tree sap is low in calories. Eat it if you find it, but dont rely on it.
Snails and slugs are common. There is plenty of them. They need to be cooked and gutted. They can be farmed, and they will be included in tree farming thread. Since they are so common, it seems that cooking them and eating makes sense. They are not hard to collect, since they are so slow. Cutting down grass and placing grass on a pile will lure slugs to the pile. It will also lure earthworms and some other insects.
Lizards and invertebrates, and reptiles like snakes, can be cooked and eaten if you find them. However, snakes are usually rare and could be dangerous.
Buds and seedlings are low in nutrients. Seedlings can be farmed for consumption, but it is almost always better to grow plants to their maturity.
Bees nectar is good if you find the bees hive. However, you might get sting by the bees.
That completes our general food groups thread. Next, we will do basic tree farming in combination with insect and slug and wild edibles farming.
Science and Nature
North Korean drones reach South Korea's capital. North Korean drones shoot down South Korea's jet fighter, dodge 100 shots and go back to North Korea.
"Yonhap news agency later said South Korea’s military fired about 100 shots but failed to shoot any down. It is unclear whether the drones managed to fly back into the North’s territory."
"South Korea has scrambled aircraft and fired shots after five North Korean drones"
"A defence ministry official confirmed a South Korean KA-1 fighter jet was involved in an accident while flying to counter North Korea’s drones after departing its Wonju base in the country’s north. Its two pilots escaped before the crash and are now in the hospital."
"One of the five North Korean drones flew near the South Korean capital, Seoul, and the others flew near the west coast."
Current events
There are some people who said that they find my trolling displeasing and/or annoying.
If WyIted becomes president of this site, I will not troll anyone ever again.
Sounds fair, doesnt it?
I see all of these educational guides on how to dry food so it lasts for years without spoiling.
Most of them will tell you to use a dehydrator or dry food in the sun.
You probably already knew that you can dry leaves to store them for a long time.
But almost any food can be dried.
Vegetable leaves, apples, and meat can be dried and stored for over a year.
Drying food in a dehydrator is simple. You put food in a dehydrator, you turn dehydrator on and dehydrator dries the food.
If you happen to have no dehydrator, then they say you can take food outside and dry food in the sun.
But if it happens to be a rainy day, you can dry food indoors without a dehydrator.
Lets first look at how to speed up drying.
First, you need to cut food in very small pieces.
The smaller the pieces, the faster they dry.
Simple science.
After cutting food in tiny pieces, simply spread pieces so that pieces dont touch each other.
When pieces dont touch each other, they take up more space, but they dry faster.
They will be dried in less than a week in room temperature.
The disadvantage of this method is that it takes a lot of space to dry food.
Some food needs to be cut to very small pieces.
The advantage is that food is dried indoors without a dehydrator.
This dried food can simply be put in a jar and it can last for a year or more without going bad.
You can dry almost anything: insects, vegetables, snails, fruit, edible wild plants, leaves...
To our ancestors, the discovery of drying food was important. It saved food from being spoiled and allowed the creation of long lasting supplies.
Drying food makes food easier to eat, since it shrinks in size.
Plants can be dried on small piles, but the larger the pile of plants the slower it dries. Too large, and it spoils.
This knowledge can be helpful if you find yourself in need to store food, but you dont have a dehydrator.
In our next chapter, we will unify gathering food in the wild with drying and storing that food.
Science and Nature
I have my phone. I paid for it about 150$.
I bought it years ago.
The battery is still good and I only charge it like once a day.
I see a lot of people complaining about their 1000$ phones as not being good enough.
So, I can be satisfied with a 150$ phone, but you cant be satisfied with a 1000$ phone?
To this, many will say: "its because you are so poor XD"
Well, I may be poor, but lets face it. If you had my 150$ phone and not your fancy phone, you wouldnt last 3 days.
But lets forget about that, and lets talk survival.
Many people are terrible at survival.
For example, talk about dandelion.
Most people know that dandelion is a flower.
However, almost no one knows its edible and contains more calories than spinach.
So in a survival situation, most people wouldnt know what to eat and what not.
To make matters worse, most people wouldnt even know how to make a shelter or storage for food.
The ability to forage food or to grow food is severely diminished at most humans.
Most humans, if lost in nature, would most likely starve or be poisoned due to inability to identify poisonous plants.
For example, most people would assume that stinging nettle is poisonous or unfit for consumption.
The truth is that stinging nettle is perfectly safe for consumption and contains calories and vitamins. Also, there is usually a lot of it in forests.
Most people dont know that pine cones contain seeds that have plenty of calories. Very useful if lost in a pine tree forest.
Most people are also repulsed by eating insects. Despite that insect farms would benefit humanity more than cow farms, people still prefer to eat a cow and not an insect.
If you were lost in a forest with no equipment, eating insects would greatly increase your chances of survival. They can be easily found everywhere, and some are easily caught like earthworms.
Cambium from trees can be grinded into flour or tiny parts and consumed.
There are many fun tactics you can use in a forest, such as following a squirrel to her nest and stealing her nuts.
Or finding bird's nest and stealing eggs.
Now lets move on to the topic of water. If there is no clean water, you cant survive properly.
Sadly, humans have polluted some rivers.
So in a way, humans have diminished their ability to survive.
But this is not necessairly a game changer if you find yourself without clean water. You can still use the rain, assuming there is plenty of it. If not, then I would suggest eating more plants, since they contain some water.
There are many ways to process water, like boiling it or letting it pass through soil.
However, it is still the best if you have clean river.
Most people would go and drink filthy water due to thirst. However, its not a good idea unless there is no better option.
If there is enough fish in the river, you could potentially increase your survival by fishing. For fishing, you just need fishing rod and a bait.
Sadly, many people probably wouldnt have fishing rod with them when they find themselves in a survival situation.
Most people also overestimate their hunting abilities. For successful hunting, you need guns and bullets and a knife and maybe pot to cook the meat in. Fire starter is also an important tool here.
Now, shelter is where people fail badly. If you are lucky enough to have a tent with you or natural shelter like cave, you are fine. If not, then you have to make a shelter and that is not easy.
There are underground and above ground shelters.
Most people choose above ground, however, digging into the ground and making an underground room is more effective during winter, and can be used as a storage too.
You could potentially make shelter from animal skin assuming you can hunt enough animals.
Making shelter from big leaves, branches and hay is almost useless, but better than nothing.
When in nature in a survival situation, you shouldnt be drinking too much water. Most people dont understand this. Drinking too much water can help losing weight. In a survival situation, losing weight is not something you want.
Most people would not be able to survive simply because they lack the knowledge about plants and animals, and they refuse to learn.
In an event of a nuclear war, in case you get cut off from civilization, ask yourself how would you survive.
I have long come to realize that I am the only human on Earth surrounded by a bunch of autistic droids.
Take religious droids for example. For the past 2000 years, they have constantly preached that the end is near. They still preach it today.
Religious droids intentionally lie and use false logic that they themselves fail to follow.
Religious debates are pointless arguments about if something that is undetectable exists or not.
But religious are not the worst.
Worse are vaccine rape droids.
Its obvious that vaccines turn people into rapists and idiots.
Vaccination is rape: penetration of a body without consent, and injection of unwanted liquid in the body.
The inventor of a first vaccine did experiments on children. Some of them even died. He is praised as a great scientist.
Vaccine serves 2 purposes:
1) is to make you more immune to viruses
2) is to make you a rapist and/or an idiot
Autistic droids will say: "vaccination is not rape because it is done for medical purposes."
Where is consent in that?
If there is no consent, then there is rape.
Droids cant understand this logic. It is beyond their programming.
Since vaccination is rape, the victims of such rape become rapists themselves.
Some of them will turn gay. Some will be more autistic/retarded. Some will become deformed.
Whats important is the vaginasation of society. Or if you like: placing importance on vagina.
Unwanted penetration of a vagina is much more important than unwanted penetration of anything else.
This is why circumcision, unwanted penetration of a penis, is not considered rape. But it is rape by definition.
This society tolerates abuse of boys, but condemns abuse of girls.
Vaccination was invented to prevent suffering. But the result of a vaccine was a massive increase in population which resulted in mass suffering and pollution and wars and drain of planet's resources.
Mass increase in population naturally gave birth to junk food, which gave birth to bad teeth, which gave birth to many dentists having a job.
Mass increase in population caused 2 world wars.
Increase in population resulted in increased production. The result was technological rape of society, society that is addicted to technology. This society spends days insulting people online, watching cute videos and playing games.
99.9999% of the people would not be able to survive alone in the wild.
Despite that monkeys survive in the wild without weapons or equipment, humans are not as capable. Most humans dont even know what's food in a forest and what's not.
The vaginasation of society today is pretty much complete.
People treat science and media as their Gods. They are ready to believe everything scientists and media tell them.
Thinking you are free while blindly following orders is the definition of stupidity.
This is why 99% of the people believe toothbrush is good for teeth.
Ironically, the only species to use a toothbrush is the species that has worst teeth.
Its obvious to anyone with a brain that teeth are cleaned with water and healthy food. This is why our ancestors had better teeth than we do.
Today's way is toothpaste. It can be used with water to clean teeth.
Toothbrush should never be used. Only toothpaste.
Sadly, I evolved in a way that my understanding of life far exceeds that of droids. This is a curse, since I would be happier if I didnt know what I know.
"The ICBM reached an altitude of about 6,100 kilometers (3,790 miles) at Mach 22, or 22 times the speed of sound, according to the JCS, which said details were being analyzed by intelligence authorities in South Korea and the US."
Mach 22 is over 16.000 miles per hour.
It is faster than any US missile. Why cant USA compete anymore?
If continued at this rate, North Korea by 2040 will have 100 times stronger military than US.
Then it will invade South Korea while US will be too scared and weak to start a nuclear war and will just let North Korea take South.
Some of the best countries in the history were Stratocracies.
Sparta was a Stratocracy.
Today, North Korea is a Stratocracy with military first policy.
So what is a Stratocracy?
Stratocracy is a system of government where military commander or few military generals govern the country.
Stratocratic government defends its power with its military force.
Military members have higher status than ordinary citizens.
There are no elections. No money is wasted on counting votes.
All resources are devoted to the military. This is also called military first policy.
Now, why should United States become a Stratocracy?
Well, USA's main enemy is North Korea. North Korea used military first policy to develop weapons that surpass US defense capabilities.
North Korea has over 50 ICBMs, an amount enough to overwhelm US defenses.
And North Korea keeps producing more. By 2040, it will have over 300 ICBMs with even better capabilities.
US, on the other hand, has "the mercy budget" where money is wasted on healthcare and other nonsense.
Out of 4 trillion dollars, only 600 billion is used on military. Thats not even 20%.
So, my advice:
1) Abolish all non-military expenses in the budget. This includes all social services such as healthcare.
2) Increase military spending from 600 billion to 1.5 trillion.
3) Increase active military from 1 million soldiers to 10 million soldiers (assuming each soldier has wage of 4000$, this will cost 40 billion dollars per month, so 480 billion dollars per year).
This will help counter North Korea's 7 million troops.
4) Give more money to weapon production leaders and make them produce more weapons for the military.
5) Increase ICBMs amount to 1000.
6) Increase air force strategic bombers fleet to 4000 and increase fighter/interceptor/escort fleet to 4000.
7) Increase production of anti-armor and anti-air weapons such as rocket launchers.
8) Increase production of artillery and light artillery, and guided missiles
9) Increase production of drones.
10) Increase defense and attack capabilities in general, by spreading the military and equipment to bases around the world.
This will also solve the debt and lower taxes and lower unemployment.
Taxes will be lowered because budget spending will decrease from 4 trillion to 1.5 trillion, and so will the taxes.
There will be no more deficit in the budget.
Unemployment will go down as military employs more people.
Stratocracy is a good system for USA, since democracy made US weak.
Why are people being offended by me not wanting to stand next to them when they smoke?
Dont they know that breathing in smoke is poisonous???
Am I supposed to apologize for not wanting to be poisoned???????
Like what logic do you have to use to be okay with poisoning yourself and thinking that others are supposed to stand next to you and breathe in poison or else you will feel offended and surprised that someone actually cares about own health?
I often see people smoke while being next to their children. So it is not enough that their children are forced to breathe in pollution, but now they have to breathe in smoke from cigarettes too?
There is freedom allowing you to slowly kill yourself and everyone around you?????
And you feel offended if I complain about being killed?????
Smokers are even retarded to the point where they tell their children that smoking is bad while smoking in front of them!!!!!!!
The reason why world sucks is because people are mentally retarded.
If they like something, they will justify it by saying its their choice while at the same time judging choices of others!!!
They will say that suicide is bad, but still will do things that lead to death and suicide.
Fertility rates and sperm count at males is dropping fast and will drop to the point where it will be impossible to reproduce humanity.
This is thanks to all the poisons and vaccines humans are injecting in their bodies.
You cant even breathe without poisoning yourself because air is polluted.
And this is justified by pleasure and economical gain?????
The world has become retarded to the point where there is no way to turn back.
People will blame politicians. Politicians will blame the rich. The rich will blame competition.
So everyone will think that someone else is at fault. This stupidity of being unable to recognize own mistakes is the reason we are where we are.
People are being poisoned and suffer and die in pain because of humanity and its mistakes.
So you had just one planet, and you turned it into literal hell??????
Why the fuck would you do something like that?????
Is it unavoidable for you to ruin everything you touch?????
Fucking waste of life.
Many people cant imagine economy without money. Thats because most people are idiots.
I am here to explain it. You see, economy is just production and distribution of products.
Money is used to determine how many products will be distributed to a person. So, a person with more money is able to obtain more products.
But what if there was no money?
Here are 5 easy steps of making economy without money.
Economy is production and distribution of products. So all what we have to do is to ensure products are produced and distributed.
For production, you need means of production and resources.
Step 1:
Government makes a list of means of production and resources available in a country.
Step 2:
Government decides what to produce. Government observes what is necessary to produce desired product.
Step 3:
Government gathers workers, gives them means of production and resources and tells them to work.
Step 4:
Government deploys observers who observe workers and make them work. Workers who dont produce desired results will not get paid at all and might be forced to spend some time in re-education camp.
Step 5:
After the products are produced, government distributes products to those who work, to members of the government and to military and to anyone government thinks is in need.
This is what I like about money-less Communism. Its simple, yet works.
Most importantly, it conserves resources while protecting society from imperialist agression and ensures morality and good life.
Lets start with fun things.
A) How to get high on your own breath?
I was surprised that this was possible, but it is.
To do this, you take 50 deep breaths.
Then you exhale completely and dont inhale for as long as you can. Then inhale once you feel the strong urge to. Then hold breath for 15 seconds. Repeat this 3 to 4 times.
The other method is to start breathing deep very slowly, then faster and faster until you reach full speed.
B) Exhale longer than inhale
I was actually surprised to find out that when you take full breaths, you need to inhale fast and exhale slow.
It seems to be good when you are working. It gives you more energy.
Also, when you do some manual labor, you can greatly increase endurance by making short pauses from work when you inhale.
How it is done: Exhale(work), Inhale(short pause from work).
It also works with relaxation. You close eyes when inhale, and open them when exhale.
The basic time is: 2, 6, or maybe 2, 4,
So you inhale for 2 seconds and then exhale for 6 seconds.
For meditation it is also good to make pauses.
Inhale - Pause - Exhale - Pause
So for example, there is:
3, 2, 5, 0
You inhale for 3 seconds, pause for 2, then exhale for 5, and inhale again for 3...ect.
I will post all I have found and list what they are for.
C) Binaural sounds and isochronic
There is plenty of free apps for this. You just need headphones for binaural sounds.
I have read some reviews that say how binaural sounds can cause headaches.
I listened binaural for over 5 hours a day. Still no headaches.
Binaural sounds can help you feel better, or sleep better.
I have listened to lots of sounds during the day, including ancient Chinese music.
D) Now, all this helps with meditation. You can meditate longer if you feel better.
As far as I have seen, the basics of meditation is to sit down, close your eyes and keep changing your focus on breath, body parts, gravity, sounds...ect.
Proper deep breathing is important. The longer you breathe deeply, the better you will feel.
This is the reason why North Korean society is perfect.
Pretty much the only country that deserves to survive is North Korea. Others should simply nuke themselves.
Science and Nature
Most people will say that bullied children deserved to be bullied. That is a fine opinion, of course. I wont challenge that. Maybe bullying should be mandatory for all children?
Some studies dare to suggest that bullied children are more likely to become criminals!
Why is that maybe true?
I propose 2 theories:
1) Getting used to be hated from childhood
Since bullied children face with constantly being hated in their childhood, they start thinking that being hated and punished is something they will face irrelevant of if they committed a crime or not.
So it makes no difference to them if they commit a crime or not. They will be hated in either case.
2) Accepting "hate and violence" as something good and profitable
Lets assume there was a person X.
People bullied Person X.
People werent punished for bullying Person X.
Person X felt bad, and people felt good.
The conclusion from these is that bullying people is good when you dont get punished. It makes you happy and nobody is hurt. People who are strong should bully those who are weak. It helps stronger people to deal with boredom.
So if you dont get caught and punished, the crime stops being wrong. And since you assume you wont be punished due to having plenty of examples of people not being punished when they bullied you, it becomes a simple decision.
The other conclusion, which most people dont understand, is that people didnt get punished for being bullies. So naturally, Person X will feel that it is fair that Person X also doesnt get punished for crimes that Person X commits.
I would propose more theories as to why bullied children are more likely to become criminals, but I cant think of any right now and I am too lazy to google it.
I feel the need to masturbate every single day. I get turned on so easily that I think about it even while I am praying. I am ashamed to confess it to my parents. They literally have no clue. I keep thinking about masturbation every day and how to control my thoughts. My urges to masturbate keep getting stronger. I have the constant urge to masturbate. I cant stop thinking about it.
I downloaded a lot of Al programs to help me solve the problem, as I dont believe in human medicine.
The Al app on my phone tells me its normal to masturbate and its nothing to be ashamed of.
So I had a discussion with Al. I pointed out that I am a believer and that I cant afford to keep thinking about masturbation while I am praying to God.
The Al suggested meditation, so I will try with that. But even medidation is hard because I keep THINKING ABOUT MY GENITALS.
You wanted to tell others what to think, what to wear, how to live.
You wanted to bribe the whole world forever.
But Russian man will never bow to your will.
Premise 1:
Bible decides what is right
Premise 2:
Bible decided that Bible is right
Premise 3:
Bible decided it is right that Bible decides
Bible is always right.
Most people dont understand that Bible is to be understood literally.
What does Bible say about gays?
Bible says: "Homosexuality is a crime against God"
What does Bible say about abortions?
Bible says: "Man was cursed for spilling his seed".
What does Bible say about democracy?
Bible says:"dont take the wide path that many take".
What does Bible say about circumcision?
Bible says: "Dont".
This is just the beginning of the Bible study. I am almost certain there will be more.
I dont like to brag, but I do claim that I am the God described in the Bible. I have written the Bible, and Bible is always right.
People should follow the Bible. It is good for them.
I was banned for 7 days. Now I am back again. The past 7 days I spent praying and reading the Bible.
I have already declared myself a God. But I forgot to mention that I am the one who wrote the Bible.
When I wrote the Bible, I took extra steps to make sure people know what I think of them.
When woman asked Jesus for help, he answered:
"It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs"
He only helped her after she admitted that she is a dog.
The Bible is a very good book.Its not a torture manual like Quran, but one can learn a lot by reading parts about Jesus.
Also, its good to remember the 10 commands.
In my free time, I do like to read what I wrote because I always assume I am right.
7 days ago, I was unjustly banned for no reason. Its okay. I forgive them because I understand that they were probably possessed by Satan and had no choice.
Since I am back, it seems fine to explain my activities that will follow.
I usually dont like setting rules, because I change my mind depending on the situation.
However, one rule will apply. In the next few days I will be making Bible posts. In those posts, people will discuss the Bible and how I am always right about everything and I will introduce the logic of Bible.
Most of the people dont know the logic of Bible. I will explain it in the next few days unless I get banned again.
They were wrong to mute Shila. They should remove censorship and apologize to Shila.
The war can end if Putin uses 10-20 nukes on Ukraine, preferably on civilian targets.
Since USA was the only country to use nukes on civilians, Russia must use at least 3 nukes on Ukraine to beat USA.
If USA opposes, Putin and Kim can nuke USA and entire NATO alliance.
Yes, billions would die. But thats just statistic. We shouldnt be bothered by that in the slightest.
In fact, if everyone dies, all of our problems will be solved.
Well, it seems that all studies speak in a single minded unity:
"Corporal punishment harms children".
Its impossible to estimate to what degree is it harmful.
But whats interesting is that almost no country banned this practice.
The countries that did ban it failed to implement the ban. The people in there still continue with practice.
This is actually very interesting because in this case people literally ignore science and prefer to continue with the method that only causes harm to others.
Its interesting that people only accept scientific study when it suits their interest.
Since most people are self-centred, this is actually expected.
You see, corporal punishment is effective and doesnt cause problems for the parents.
1) If child is annoying, parents just hit a child. Result: child goes crying in a corner and stops being annoying.
2) If child turns into unstable adult, the parents can just deny that they did anything wrong. Since parenting history is usually not provable, no one can say parents did something wrong.
Result: parents justified their position
3) In those rare cases where parents are proven wrong, parents can simply say that they didnt know and that they worked very hard and that they were under a lot of stress at the time.
Result: parents justified their position
So good news for all parents. There is almost no case where parents are at a loss for hitting their children. As long as they dont hit too much, they can always deny or minimize responsibility.
Even if it does mess up a child, no one will be able to prove it. Even if someone is able to prove it, everyone else will ignore the proof.
Really, its a perfect crime. Its a true legacy given to this society by its psychopatic ancestors.
Of course, there are those rare cases where children strike back and attack their parents.
In these cases, parents are still not at a loss. Now they can pretend they are the victims!
The prison is a very bad place if you are a pedophile.
If other prisoners have it bad, pedophiles have it 1000000 times worse.
I was in prison for pedophilia.
As soon as I arrived, it was immediatelly made clear to me that I will be bullied much more than anyone else there.
Even tho I didnt do anything bad, I was still subjected to beatings, humiliations, daily provocations, and my stuff was often stolen.
When you are forced to be in the same room with a bunch of people who hate you, you know its not gonna be fine.
I heard many stories of pedophiles being raped with a stake, burned...many who were found hanged...
I was forced to take medications, which in my opinion have not helped me much.
Its impossible to hide that you are in there for pedophilia. Somehow, they found out in the first few hours.
They first start questioning me why and how.
Then they said that if it was up to them, they would kill me.
My advice for everyone is:
Never go to prison. People there are not people like in the normal world.
I am not saying that people in the normal world are better.
I am simply saying that in a normal world, you have a choice not to be with them in the same room.
And of course, in my opinion, the prison system is a mess.
Its more of a torture camp.
This does not surprise me.
Considering that most people justify torturing of children and animals, its logical that they will also justify torturing prisoners.
I have heard most people say that pedophiles need to be tortured and killed.
I am assuming this is because most people are psychopaths.
Sadly, I know the world will never change. In fact, the entire human history is just wars, rape and torture.
So it would be silly to expect that our psychopathic ancestors would give birth to anything different.
Some people will say: But there is evolution!
Yes, the evolution consists of child being different from parent.
However, historically, this difference only occured in small amount of cases. This is insufficient to change society.
So I wouldnt rely on evolution to solve the problem.
I will admit that I dont know the magic solution for violence.
The world will probably be ruled by violence until the world perishes.
About 15 years ago, when talking about the debt, Americans were bragging how the debt is actually fine and how their GDP is still higher than their debt.
What they didnt know is that their debt grows faster than their GDP.
Today, GDP of USA is 24 trillion dollars while debt is 30 trillions.
U.S. government budget deficit is 1 trillion.
This means that every year, at least 1 trillion dollars have to be printed or borrowed just to cover the budget deficit.
Printing that amount of dollars every year causes inflation.
The uncontrolled debt and deficit will cause more and more inflation, which will mostly hurt the poor.
The only way to solve this problem is to raise taxes and lower the budget spending.
Current US budget with 6 trillion dollars of spending and 1 trillion dollars of deficit is unsustainable.
If you dont solve this, you will be struggling with inflation for the rest of your life.
At the same time, the wealth of the top 1% of people in USA has increased to over 40 trillions.
Will you finally tax the rich and solve the problem?
You have only 2 options:
1) Let the debt rise even more
2) Tax the rich and decrease budget spending
The option "1)" is a sure path to inflation.
By 2040, the debt will probably be over 50 trillions.
So what are you waiting for?
"By Allah, if Fatimah the daughter of Muhammad were to steal, I would cut off her hand" - Prophet muhammad
The punishment for stealing in islam is cutting off the hand.
It says so in the Quran too, and Quran cannot be changed to fit modern times because muslims dont allow any change.
Muslims often say that countries like Saudi Arabia are very advanced and rich, and therefore, a proof that islam works.
However, when it comes to human rights, Saudi Arabia is not far from Afganistan.
Cutting off hands, imprisoning gays, forced marriages, honor killings, killing atheists... just some of many questionable things practiced in Saudi Arabia.
Muslims say they hate pedophiles, but only in some cases.
For example, most muslims will say they are against pedophilia.
However, if you bring up muhammads marriage to Aisha when she was 6 years old and he was 40, they will start to justify it and say its not pedophilia. They will say she married him for financial reasons.
So its not just pedophilia, but its also prostitution.
Prostitution is legal in Saudi Arabia, in a sense that parents are allowed to sell their daughters into marriage. Daughters are forced to obey their parents and marry whoever their parents decide is right for them.
What happens if daughters disobey parents? Well, thats where the honor killing comes in handy.
Most of the people in the modern world dont know what honor killing is.
In Saudi Arabia, if a daughter gets labeled as slut, her father has a right to kill her. That is honor killing.
But please take notice that the word "slut" there is actually used to describe sex outside marriage.
But in order for her to marry, her family must approve marriage and agree with it.
So the only way not to be labeled as a slut is to marry the one your family wants.
You will often hear the line: "islam is a religion of peace".
As long as muslims are a minority in any country, they pretend to be peaceful and the line seems to be true.
However, what happens when muslims are a majority?
Imagine that you were born in a muslim family in Saudi Arabia.
In your childhood starting from age 4, you would be "educated" about islam.
It would be made clear to you that you would be punished by burning alive in a fire if you ever decide to leave islam.
You would also hear many examples of people being tortured for leaving islam.
You would also be taught that every other religion is wrong, and that only islam is right.
This is being taught in every country where muslims are a majority.
Now, lets say that at the age of 14, you start studying the Quran. In every chapter, you find different torture methods Allah uses on atheists.
At this point, if you have any human sense, you will start doubting islam.
However, then you are faced with the new problem.
While muslims often claim that there is no force in their religion, opposite is true in all countries where muslims are a majority.
In Saudi Arabia, if you declare yourself an atheist, your father has a right to kill you for bringing shame to family.
This is justified in Quran 18:80 :
Muslim in Quran 18:80 explains why he killed a boy:
"And as for the boy, his parents were true believers, and we feared that he would pressure them into defiance and disbelief."
So in Quran, the disbelief is used as a reason for murder.
Muslims will often lie and say that killing non-believers is justified only as a response to an attack.
However, muslims themselves disagree about what is considered "an attack".
For example, in Saudi Arabia, they believe that the mere talking against islam is an attack on islam.
In many muslim countries, its illegal to talk against islam.
So yeah, that is the beauty of islam.
The worlds fastest growing cult islam has many other beauties too:
1) praying every day for Allah not to punish you
2) getting circumcised
3) living in fear
4) living life thinking you are an insignificant dust
5) being told to sacrifice animals to Allah
6) being told that all non muslims are evil
So basically, if you like this kind of stuff, join islam. I am not gonna stop you because my belief in self-determination doesnt allow me to decide about your life for you.
It seems that I have mostly ignored forum posts. Time to change that. People on these forum posts have talked a lot against Communism, and a lot in favor of capitalism.
We all know that capitalism killed over 1 billion people. We just choose to ignore that undeniable fact. They talk about the failures of Communism, but where is the success of capitalism? Every capitalist country is divided on rich and poor. If you are rich, good for you. If you are not, well you are a loser. Also, over 50% of USA is poor. Like, the average wage isnt even enough to pay the kindergarten expense. And this country is considered to be a rich capitalist country.
Most of the economists dont understand the economy or the point of the economy. For example, some of them think that increasing the interest rates will help with inflation.
However, teachings of the dear leader Kim Jong Il say:
1) Let us develop our production to develop our economy
2) Let us develop our economy to develop our military
Clearly, only proper production can help with inflation. But USA says: "we produce plenty of things".
Yes you do, but for who? For the rich? That doesnt help anyone except the rich.
USA should become Juche Songun Socialist State. However, Americans oppose to that because Juche has a principle of self defense. That doesnt allow non defensive attacks on other countries.
The problem with Juche is that its a peaceful ideology. Americans hate peace because its boring. They even used false proof just to have an excuse to attack other countries.
I suggest that US government invests more in actual peaceful education instead of trying to make children gay.
The world is a very bad place, and it will get worse. Most people think that problems will solve themselves by themselves. Yeah, thats not how the world works.
Of course, you can always say you didnt know. That way, you carry no responsibility.