Total debates: 415
Its impossible for me to lose this debate.
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I think that Jesus is the Prophet of the god
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I will defend any (non-harmful) position
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Prove that real girls are superior. I bet you cant!
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God definition: Greatest being. Con basically has to agree that if God exists, then there is nothing greater than God. This will be the premise of the debate. I will use ontological argument to prove that it is not true that God exists.
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I will argue that physical evidence, namely that which science has limited itself to study, is not the only way to know something with certitude.
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Whata faq is this lfmao why no one notice this, for this thousands years
Any car driver willing to defend the morality of his car?
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tiger parent is a parent that would use every resource available to them and push their child to ensure their child's highest success in the long run
Is there anything objective in the world?
Con must agree that such God knows best.
anyone is welcome to challenge me
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Defensive position = trying to protect something Offensive position = trying to destroy something
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A debate on the validity of a trans experience.
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The Beatles are the best music group
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