Kamala will be president of USA
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
Winner & statistics
After not so many votes...
It's a tie!
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Rated
- Number of rounds
- 5
- Time for argument
- One week
- Max argument characters
- 10,000
- Voting period
- Two weeks
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
- Minimal rating
- None
No information
Round 1
We all know Kamala will win.
May her reign never end.
Congratulations for Mr.Trump. He has been elected as the President of the United States once again on November, 2024.
Unfortunately, Kamara Harris has lost the presidential election. Her policy and mission could not appeal for the mind and soul strongly among many American people. On the other hand, the mission and goals presented by Trump have appealed for all walks of American people. They have been expecting for the emergence
of strong leader who can lead America toward bright and dynamic future.
His main task mainly consists of three missions.
First is the Making America Great Again. In particular, he prioritizes on promoting domestic production. Many big American companies are urged not to shift production facilities into low-waged countries like China and other Asian countries. This contributes to increasing employment opportunities for many American
workers and at the same time to vitalizing American economy.
Second is the reduction in military expenditure for NATO and Ukraine. This contributes to eliminating mounting deficit of the government.
The new situation emerges that they can no longer depend on military aid offered by the U.S.
Third is promoting the policy of America First. This is the mission , in which American government prioritizes on making the U.S. as the leader of the world ,
particularly in the field of science, technology, economy and military power. The core of America First is to give the chance and opportunity for all American people
so that they can realize their own American Dreams. This encourages making use of their abilities and experiences as much as possible.
Trump has established close relation with pioneering businessman, Elon Musk. He donated a large amount of money for supporting campaign of presidential election of
Trump. He is planning for offering financial support for Trump`s government. It seems to me that one of his intention is to help younger generation and retired
businessmen who have been working for big business for many years establish venture business in the field of AI, space and other pioneering science and technology. Trump and Musk expect the emergence of venture capitalists like Edison or Ford in the 21st century.
In conclusion I believe that Trump aims for building America which gives hope and dreams for all Americans.
Round 2
Kamala can still be president in the future, and after Trump fails like he did in 2020, Kamala will be your new president.
As reported, Kamara Harris has lost the presidential election in November, 2024.
On the other hand, Trump won the election very successfully.
He has gotten votes in most states of the United States. The most decisive reason is that he showed his strong will and attitude for tackling and solving problems
facing many Americans today. Some of them are income disparity, growing number of illegal immigrants, racial disparity, drug problem and anger toward the U.S.
government among many Muslim voters. In particular, many Muslim Americans and younger generation in the U.S. showed strong hatred feelings toward Democratic
party, President Biden and Vice-President, Harris. The main reason is that Biden has been offering weapons and financial aid for Israel to attack Palestine led by Hamas where many Muslims are living. They have been showing a dissatisfaction and anger toward the Middle East Policy led by Biden and Harris.
Reflecting this situation, many Muslim Americans made a decision in voting for Trump.
``Moughni, who was born in Beirut, said he`s struggling to process the `real -time destruction` of Lebanon, where Israel strikes have killed many people.
The former supporter of President Biden accused Harris of failing to condemn the `indiscriminate attacks`and ignoring the will of more than 602,000 Lebanese
Americans nationwide.``1)
The most decisive factor which enabled Trump to be elected as the next President is that his mission and charismatic leadership have penetrated deeply into
the mind and heart among many Americans far beyond their support of Democratic and Republican party.
Reference: 1) Newsweek, October 25,2024, P.24-25.
Round 3
Kamala can still be president in the future, and after Trump fails like he did in 2020, Kamala will be your new president.
I believe that the most striking reason which contributed to making Trump a winner of U.S. Presidential election in 2024 is that his `Making America Great Again`and `America First` mission have been widely and strongly supported by many American people.
Revitalizing American economy is the urgent problem which the government must seriously tackle these days. Many people are expecting the emergence of stable and active economy which contributes to making life better and promising for many American workers.
They are facing serious situation these days. ``Across all age and voter groups, in July 2023,47 percent of Americans said they were worse off than they were in July 2020. When polled in October, 48 percent still said they have less money than they did three years prior, a rise of 1 percentage point. `` 1)
Economist, Sam Kuhn argues that ``while wages have mostly kept pace with inflation, the persistent increases in the cost of essentials like housing, food and
transportation have made it difficult for people to adjust.`` 2) In this dire situation, Trump prioritizes on carrying out the `America First Policy.`
This is closely linked with the policy of `De-Globalization.` The core of the policy is that many American companies are required to do business in the U.S..
Increasing and keeping employment opportunities in America is highly evaluated. Reflecting this policy, higher import tariff is introduced to keep many foreign goods
out from entering into the U.S.market. Therefore, countries which export many products to the U.S. are compelled to transfer production facilities to the U.S..
America accepts warmly the direct investment by foreign companies. Lower corporate tax will be introduced in those companies by the Trump administration.
This will contribute to revitalizing American economy greatly. American Dream might be possible for many people.
However, the negative side must be considered. Serge Schmemann argues that ``Mr.Trump pledged in his campaign to impose a devastating 60 percent tariff on
Chinese imports, which would lead to a major trade war.`` 3)
Sources: 1),2) International Newsweek, November 1, 2024. P.17.
3) A nervous world braces itself for Trump 2, The New York Times, International Edition, November 9-10, 2024
Round 4
Unfortunately, Pro forfeited in Round 3. I continue my argument. Trump` s main mission is to revitalize American economy. Higher import tariff policy which will be
imposed on many imported goods from many countries of the world is likely compel many foreign companies to produce in U.S. mainland.
At the same time he emphasizes the importance of production activities of leading American industries like steel, automobiles, its related parts industries and electtlic
appliances. This fuels employment opportunities greatly and spending activities among many workers. More important thing is that many people are inclined to have their own private houses. Once upon a time having a private home was a dream for many American people including many immigrant people from many parts of the world. Reflecting this situation many housing construction triggers the demand for many industries which are engaged in the construction activities.
Even here, many employment opportunities are created. So we can say that Trump`s policy makes possible for many American people to realize American Dream
once again.
Furthermore, Trump aims for building `Government of, by, and for all American people`. This is a very challenging task. We can think of many measures to carry
out this job. However, first task is that huge deficit of the Federal government must be reduced. So, the introduction of Gold-Standard System is taking into
consideration. This will contribute to keeping price stability and to preventing the Federal money from wasting too much on the areas which are not beneficial for
many American people like military support for the allied countries of the U.S. like Japan and many member countries of NATO.
For example, newly -appointed Musk`s new DOGE department is planning to reduce 500 billion dollars in Federal Budget.
And Gold-Standard System help stabilize the value and credibility of U.S. dollar. This contributes to getting many investors in the government bond from the rest of the world.
Round 5
Kamala can still be president in the future, and after Trump fails like he did in 2020, Kamala will be your new president.
Extend all arguments.
I ask Pro why you support Haris. I hope you present some reasons.
As I mentioned in Round 4, Trump`s main mission is to revitalize American economy and society and to build and keep ` the Government of, by and for all American people` as long as possible. In particular, he prioritizes on improving and revitalizing the life among the general public, middle class and low-income families.
The most serious problem facing America these days is the inequality between the rich and poor. Low-income people have been left behind foe many years.
Why did this dire situation take place ? I believe that the root of the problem dates back to the days when Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton assumed the Presidency of
the U.S.. During those days both Presidents introduced the policy called `Neo-Liberalism`. It prioritized on keeping small government, free competition among many companies in the market and de-regulation. Furthermore, in this new wave globalization of business and commerce fueled inter-connected global economy.
At that time `the government was of, by and for managers and capitalists of big business and investors not for the general public.
In other words, they tried to have a good and close relationship with government officials and the incumbent President by using lobbysts when they feel necessary
to protect their benefits and interests. However, Trump is challenging urgently for building `the government of, by, and for all American people` not for the wealthy and the upper class of American society.
Trump tries to prioritizes on building Government not for the privileged but for the workers and the general public.
By introducing the argument presented by Wolfgang Streeck, a German sociologist and theorist of capitalism, Christopher Caldwell presents his argument as follows.
``At each stage of neoliberalism`s evolution, Mr.Streeck stresses, key decisions have been made by technocrats, experts and other actors relatively insulated from democratic accountability. 1) And ``Mr.Streeck has a clear vision of something paradoxical about the neoliberal project: For the global economy to be ``free``,
it must be constrained. What the proponents of neoliberalism mean by a free market is a deregulated market. But getting to deregulation is trickier than it looks because in free societies,regulations are the result of people`s sovereign right to make their own rules.`` 2)
Regarding to the `Government of, by, and for the people, the Republican policy presents its commitment which reflects Trump`s mission.
This was released as `2024 GOP Platform- Make America Great Again` on July 8,2024.
It declares that ``yet after nearly four years of the Biden Administration, America is rocked by Raging inflation, Open Borders, Rampant crime, Attacks on our children, and Global Conflict, Chaos and Instability. Like the Heroes who built and defended this Nation before us, we will never give up.
We will restore our Nation of, by, and for the people. We will Make America Great again. We will be a nation based on Truth, Justice, and Common Sense.`` 3)
The most important thing is that `` President Trump`s economic policy to end inflation and return Manufacturing jobs is not only what the American Economy and American Workers need right now, it is also what they want right now.`` 4)
References: 1),2) Christopher Caldwell, `This maverick thinker is the Karl Marx of our time`, The New York Times International Edition, November30-December 1,
3),4) 2024, Republican Party Platform, https://www.presidency. ucsb. edu.
You just refuted yourself. This is a case where the opposing side the con side forfeits and is still valid.
Oh well
Kamala will win by round 2, so I dont think my certainty can be disproved during debate, but I guess I can choose to not mention that Kamala won the elections.
Much better if they argue your certainly she would win, means the election was stolen! Just like in 2016! … And no, to the best of my knowledge Trump never admitted he could have been mistaken on that election being rigged.
I hope my opponent doesnt forfeit after Kamala wins.
The question missing from the debate setup is is this a bet with wait and see, or a debate about probable outcomes as of November 4th?
We all know Kamala will win
Common guys, maybe Kamala will lose during this debate, so I lose.