Premise 1:
Bible decides what is right
Premise 2:
Bible decided that Bible is right
Premise 3:
Bible decided it is right that Bible decides
Bible is always right.
Most people dont understand that Bible is to be understood literally.
What does Bible say about gays?
Bible says: "Homosexuality is a crime against God"
What does Bible say about abortions?
Bible says: "Man was cursed for spilling his seed".
What does Bible say about democracy?
Bible says:"dont take the wide path that many take".
What does Bible say about circumcision?
Bible says: "Dont".
This is just the beginning of the Bible study. I am almost certain there will be more.
I dont like to brag, but I do claim that I am the God described in the Bible. I have written the Bible, and Bible is always right.
People should follow the Bible. It is good for them.