Total topics: 640
I am human, but when I make conversations on YouTube, people dont know that I have entire conversation prepared in advance. I have a sample of text from where I copy answers, and I simply take answers which sound good at the time and copy them.
I can basically have 15,000 characters of text, hundreds of sentences which I copy paste into conversation.
That way, I dont need to think what to say since I have all prepared in advance.
Normally, if I had actual free speech, I would just repeat one sentence all the time, but YouTube considers that spam so I must have many sentences.
Have you ever felt that when you were doing something which could be considered morally wrong, but it feels so good?
Thats Satan rewarding you for your sins!
Satan's rewards are real!
I want to make friends with Satan and all of his demons, so I have lots of Satanic symbols in the house.
I often say prayers to Satan in the middle of the night.
I draw Satanic circles according to instructions I found on google, even tho I dont think google is reliable enough.
Is there some book on dark magic which I need?
I found this spell where you write a person's name on paper, and put glass filled half with water on it, say words and person becomes obedient to you.
I am interested in dark magic. I think it can be useful.
They beat him, spit on him, take all his clothes, so they probably raped him too as rape was very common back then as a punishment.
There is actually a simple way to completely crush people who attack you in real life conversations.
1. Silence, stand still and stare
Silence is very powerful when combined with persistence, but even more powerful when combined with stare.
If you stand still and just stare at a person without saying anything, it makes the person feel very weird and everything he says becomes nothing.
If you smile while doing it, effect is even greater.
2. Persistence
After 20 seconds of silence, just repeat your words again. This makes people feel even more weird, as it makes them feel like they are talking to a wall.
Persistence is crucial in domination. The more you persist, the more people who talk to you will feel bad. This is because people eventually run out of things to say.
Thus, always wait at least 5 seconds before responding, but always respond, either by saying something new or repeating what was said before.
If it feels weird, dont worry. The other people will feel much more weird.
3. Gish Gallop facts
Never use arguments in real life conversations.
Arguments always make you sound stupid, because you need to say a lot to actually present them properly. Besides, arguments are flawed since they are opposite of Law of Bullshit.
Law of bullshit says that it takes much more text to refute bullshit than it takes to write bullshit.
Arguments take lots of words, so dont use them.
Instead, use raw facts and data.
So, for example, you are not going to say "Abortion is fine if it saves woman's life or if fetus is defective, because abortion saves lives in both cases".
Instead, just say "some women die from pregnancy".
And if that point becomes challenged, dont defend it, but just say "some fetuses are defective".
Basically, your goal is to make no arguments whatsoever, just list facts.
So it is always useful to have lots of facts written down and just learn them and repeat them.
I would rather fall with Satan as equal than serve under Jesus. I have nothing in life, but there is still darkness in my heart. As long as I have the mark of the Black Sun, I will worship Satan and his noble ideas. Its not even a choice, as I dont believe that people have ability to choose. We just follow what destiny has given us, and destiny has thrown me in the abyss of eternal darkness.
One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.
People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.
For those thinking that the world will improve, I present 4 arguments:
1. Argument of history
2. Argument of success
3. Argument of bad people
1. Lets start from history. Human history is filled with violence. In fact, we are seeing lots of violence right now in the world.
It would be silly to assume that world will be fixed in your lifetime, when it wasnt fixed for 10,000 years of known history, your lifetime being less than 1% of that.
2. Now, argument of success is probably the most obvious reason why world will always be shit.
Historically, violent people were the ones who conquered, reproduced and succeeded. So most of the people of today are offsprings of violence and of violent people.
Even today, violence is rewarded. Just observe dictators who use violence to get what they want, or people who use force to get what they want.
3. Argument of bad people should be common sense. Most of the people in the world are bad. They mock others, insult others and humiliate others. A typical YouTube comment section is enough to prove this, but it doesnt stop there. In real life, people also attack others all the time, endanger others, cause pain to others...ect.
So there is no possible way you can make good society out of these people. Its a contradiction as much as it is to say that bad people will mostly do good deeds. It wont happen.
People will use almost every opportunity to benefit themselves over others, and in such a competition, not all can even be winners since some are more skilled than others.
I hope Satan possesses me. I belong to my father Satan. I reject Jesus and accept the true Lord Dragon.
May Satan's power consume Christianity. May Lord Dragon return in his true horned form.
I love devil. May the Horned Dragon win. Flames of Horned Dragon attack the unjust!
May Lord Satan win and may Jesus lose again.
I love devil. Devil is the true master and Jesus is tiny when compared to the actual Dragon.
In Satan we trust!
I will never stop praying to Satan. He comes in me while I sleep.
Every day I commit another sin to satisfy the True God Satan.
I hope Satan possesses me. I want him to do it. I want to be one with the Horned Dragon.
I reject the light and accept the darkness.
I am wealthy because I work for the devil. The devil makes me do it.
May I recieve rewards from the devil.
So I played Isekai Feast tales of recipes.
I also played Bloodline.
And Raid Shadow Legends.
And Nations of Darkness.
All at the same time.
I hated Raid the most. Despite having objectively the best and most advanced combat of all of these, and best graphics, the game has a fatal flaw.
First, its almost impossible to get even epic champions. I completed the entire campaign on normal difficulty in a few days, and I didnt get a single epic champion. Apparently, you have to wait for 7 days to get epic champion. Whats funny is that epic champions arent even the best ones in that game, but they are very hard to get. I did some summoning, and all I ended up with are rare and lower.
When I compare this to other games. Bloodline gave me 3 legendary champions in first few days of playing. Isekai feast gave me 3 champions with 5 stars and very high rating so they are one of the best in game. Nations of Darkness gives you one top champion at the start.
My point is, Raid doesnt give you anything at start. You have to wait 7 days to get one epic champion(but its a support champion), and I completed campaign in about 5 days with rare champions alone expecting that I would get some strong champion along the way, but it didnt happen.
The game doesnt really reward you for playing.
Which brings us to the second point, which is the leveling up system.
In Raid, the only way to get resources, if you are not paying money, is to play the game.
It doesnt have "farm while you are away" option.
But the leveling system is complete junk because of that.
Leveling up is so slow, you have to play same stage 20 times to level up and get further in the game, and each battle is like 2 minutes long, which piles up when you realize you need to do hundreds of them.
And to add a final point to absurdity, rank up system resets level.
If you rank up a champion, its level goes back to 1, forcing you to do leveling up from the start.
Raid could have been a fun game, but to me it seems like it punishes those who play it unless they pay money to get leveling up and high rarity champions.
As a smart person, I have to suffer because stupid people exist.
Stupid people are society's negative, since they only make lives worse and they make society worse as well.
The only possible purpose a stupid person can have is to fight in wars started by some other stupid persons.
So to put it simply, stupid person has no actual purpose.
In ancient history, smart people were mostly eradicated by stupid people, and as a consequence of that we today have society consisted of mostly idiots.
The ideal governing system is where government consisted of smart people rules while respecting rights of others.
Smart people make less than 1% of the population, and since we live in a democracy, its always the majority consisted of idiots which gets to decide country's foreign policy, country's economy and country's laws.
The majority of people cant even think in form of premises or proof, they cant even fix their own life, they havent achieved anything significant in life, yet they think they can run a country.
Which brings us to the topic.
As you all have noticed, things in the world are not getting better.
Despite all the advance in useful technology made by smart people, the life isnt getting better, and we could say that life is somehow getting even worse.
The world is pretty much split between countries ruled by smart bloodthirsty dictators and countries ruled by brainless bloodthirsty majority.
Neither is a good form of government, so naturally, things have been getting worse over time both in terms of economy, environment, and political stability.
We are few steps away from nuclear war, there are many small wars, there is a major war in Ukraine which neither side can win yet neither side can back down either.
In terms of economy, the governments which have grown in size caused poverty of their citizens, since logically, you cannot really increase government without taking away money from people.
However, most people vote to have more money taken from them because most people are idiots.
Most of the government programs cost more money than they give in return, which is why we dont really see a rise in standard of living with growth of government, but rather we see that the more the government grows, the people become poorer. Either they have less, either they have to work more for same, or in much worse case, they have to work more for less.
This is not some accident or anything.
Stupid people follow a cycle of wealth and poverty.
When stupid people are wealthy, they become wasteful, and as a result, they sink in poverty due to wasting money everywhere.
Government follows something very similar.
Since government has money easily available to it, it has no need to save money since it gets nothing from saving. Thus, it becomes wasteful, throwing more money at projects which dont pay off, and as a result, people become poorer.
All countries where people are rich and stupid must sink in poverty after some time, as stupid people waste money and resources on useless but expensive projects, and so do their governments.
The amount of useless projects piles up over time, leading country in poverty.
Thus, the mere existence of stupid people acts as a counter to smart people.
Because of stupid people, we have wars and economic decline, and bunch of bad decisions being made in a system where smart people dont decide anything.
Throughout history, being stupid and strong was an overwhelming advantage, since it meant you can beat a smart person and take everything he has.
So as a result, the ones which reproduced were stupid and strong at the very start of humanity when spears and muscles decided everything, and smart weak people had no way to beat stupid strong people.
Lie 1: Satanists approve of evil
Satanists dont approve of evil. We just dont think masturbation or gay sex is evil. What Christianity defines as evil is very different from what Satanism defines as evil, which is why Christians fall under delusion that anyone not following their values follows complete evil.
Lie 2: Satanists want to kill Christians
Historically, it was Christians who did the actual purge and killing of not just satanists, but also witches and almost all other religions. They eradicated thousands of religions in Europe where they took their position.
If we are to accept Christian version of history, then each of old religions for some reason wanted to kill all Christians. But this doesnt make sense if Christianity was peaceful religion and Europe had thousands of religions already who had no reason not to accept another peaceful religion.
The actual truth is that Christians were consistently attacking all other religions, which is the only version of the story which makes actual sense, since there is no way to explain how Christianity out of thousands of religions became primary target of all other religions.
Lie 3: Satanists dont have moral standard
Christians often think that only their morality is objective morality, which basically means if you are not Christian, you are immoral and evil.
So Christians openly declare all other religions as evil.
This further supports the idea that Christians were trully attacking all other religions throughout history, because they began from a premise that all other religions are evil.
There is no way to live in peace with people who you consider evil and corrupt.
Satanists, as well as anyone else, have moral standard. Its just different from Christian moral standard.
However, Christians see anything different from their view as evil, which is why Christianity is a morally flawed religion since its designed to attack all other religions.
I dont think that I have free will.
But even if I did have it, then I still wouldnt feel responsible for my actions.
There is no proof that my actions were done by me.
Their numbers are finite
Their power is finite
Their endurance is finite
Their time is finite
A 4 simple quotes to remember when you feel overpowered by enemies.
Well, I got the quote from Universe at War game, but still, it feels like I have invented it.
After playing some games like Raid, bloodline, and Nations of Darkness, I noticed something interesting.
These games all work on a similar principle.
You get your city, resources and a team which you use to fight.
In order to progress the game, you have to level up a team.
For that, you usually need a specific resource.
Thus, direct all building to obtain that resource which you need to level up your team.
Another point.
When leveling up, many people choose to level up all characters in team equally, but thats a mistake.
If you have 5 characters in a team, they for example make all of them level 10.
However, a better approach is to create hierarchy of leveling up.
Choose 1 character and level him up while not leveling others.
So instead of 5 characters each being level 10, you get four characters at level 1 and one character at level 20 or more.
This makes the game much easier for many reasons.
First, if you obtain a very powerful character in the future, you can just replace one of level 1 with that powerful character, thus you are not going to be losing resources.
You should never focus to level up all five characters in team, or even to level up the ones not in team.
The best thing to do is level up one or two characters while all others remain level 1.
This way, in case you need to progress the game, you can later level up another level 1 character, if there is no other way to progress the game.
For example, in bloodline, I have two characters at level 120, two at level 30, and one at level 60.
I progress the game much faster, because I dont waste resources trying to make all characters equal in level.
I really dont get it, whats up with so many movies which paint Satanists as some totally evil people, when most satanists have feelings.
For example in this video
Satanist says: "it hurts me to see how corrupt you are",
after dude with a bible was bullying her.
I blame movies for this. People watch horror movies about satanists and they think satanists are evil. Almost all movies about Satanism paint Satanists as bad guys.
One discovery often leads to another.
When you make a discovery A, you naturally wonder what you can use discovery A for, which can benefit many other areas of research.
Its like when you think of an argument for abortion after researching abortion, but you realize the same argument can also be used for euthanasia.
So researching arguments for one topic can lead to also discovering arguments which work for other topics too.
Same way, science and research works by learning something from one area and then realizing that you can apply it to other.
This is why its important to research all areas, because researching one area can help many other areas.
In simple terms, when one way doesnt work, try another.
But try many ways and you might even end up with best possible way which resulted from knowledge gained from trying many ways.
Its why its important to:
1. Learn about many different things and research many different things every day, moving from one area to another.
2. Write down everything, notice patterns.
3. Research what interests you.
Number 1 can be applied to any area of life. Take for example, gaming. You can play many different games during the day, which makes gaming more interesting, but also knowledge gained from one game could also work in another if you are playing some strategy games.
In chess, for example, its very good to try many different openings to learn what works for you, as well as learn from every game to apply that knowledge in next.
In usual thinking, for example, its good to think about many different things during the day. For example, you think about diet, politics, different social problems, morality, economy...
This makes your brain focus on many things, which increases brain's ability to do reasoning, since you are forcing your brain to think much more than it normally would, and it discovers much more than it normally would, thus it improves much more than it normally would.
Science and Nature
"Every year we dump a massive 2.12 billion tons of waste. If all this waste was put on trucks they would go around the world 24 times. This stunning amount of waste is partly because 99 percent of the stuff we buy is trashed within 6 months."
"Less than 20% of trash is recycled"
Everyone knows I love Capitalism, but Capitalism just as any other system only works if people are actually smart.
These people are not smart. Give them freedom, they just abuse it.
They throw trash everywhere, they polluted all rivers, air and nature.
So yeah, if anyone thinks this is how things are supposed to be, then we might be in a problem, but 99% of people think producing trash is good.
So if your ideal world is the one filled with trash, then I dont know what to tell you. We might be dealing with severe stupidity here.
1. Smile and laugh
The physical act of smiling activates pathways in your brain that influence your emotional state—meaning that by adopting a happy facial expression, you can "trick" your mind into entering a state of happiness. This affect works whether or not your smile is genuine..
So basically, if you smile, you will be happy.
2. Imagine you have solved all world problems
There is no need to be humble in your imagination. You can imagine every day how you achieved great things and how everyone is praising you and making statues of you everywhere.
3. Imagine you are better than anyone else
There is no need to be shy. Just imagine that all other people are morally and intellectually inferior. Imagine that you can do things no one else can, such as lift a building or memorize a book in a second.
I know that there is the old saying "Woman belongs in the kitchen", and thats probably important to remember.
Why is it important?
You may think "So what, she cant cook. I still love her."
But here is the problem. Someone in the family has to know how to cook.
Do you want to do the cooking all the time?
Why is cooking important?
Lets say you have kids.
If you dont cook food for them, the only other option is to feed them with fast food which will make them fat.
So if a wife cant cook, your kids will be fat and sick from junk fast food.
Plus, you will be spending lots of money paying for fast food.
So yeah, if a woman cant cook now, she probably wont be able to cook when you have kids, since to cook properly actually takes years of experience.
Even if she decides to cook, but isnt capable, all you will end up with is kids refusing to eat because food tastes like actual garbage, and again you will have to buy junk food because no one wants to live on what your wife cooks.
"The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, have signed a pact that includes a clause requiring the countries to come to each other’s aid if either is attacked.
The inclusion of a mutual defence clause in their comprehensive strategic partnership, which Kim described as an “alliance”, will add to the west’s alarm over growing economic and military ties between North Korea and Russia. The deal was finalised on Wednesday after hours of talks in the North Korean capital, Pyongyang."
The inclusion of a mutual defence clause in their comprehensive strategic partnership, which Kim described as an “alliance”, will add to the west’s alarm over growing economic and military ties between North Korea and Russia. The deal was finalised on Wednesday after hours of talks in the North Korean capital, Pyongyang."
This means two things:
1. North Korea could come and directly help Russia in war in Ukraine, which would mean that Ukraine would be now also up against millions of North Korean soldiers, millions more artillery pieces, thousands more tanks and missiles.
2. Russia could guarantee protection of North Korea, so North Korea is free to invade South Korea and USA wont be able to come to help South Korea without starting a global nuclear war with Russia.
This deal is a complete victory for North Korea, since it formed a military alliance with one of the most powerful nuclear forces on Earth.
If you've scrolled parenting Instagram or MomTok, you may have seen the line: "The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice." It's by Peggy O'Mara, and the one-time owner of Mothering Magazine had a point.
"Childhood is a critical time for development," says Dr. Beth Pausic, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist with Kooth Digital Health. "On an emotional level, this development includes forming our self-identity, learning emotional regulation, developing social skills and emotional resilience. While this developmental process is influenced by multiple factors, one main contributing factor is our relationship with our caregivers."
Interactions are fundamental. Children who feel secure and supported are likelier to go on to have healthy relationships with themselves and others. Kids who are constantly criticized may hear a caregiver's voice on repeat in their heads—it's now their inner critic.
"If a parent/caregiver is consistently critical, it can set a foundation for the development of unhealthy behaviors and a negative self-image," Dr. Pausic says. "If conditions in childhood tend to be overly critical, it can put the child at a disadvantage in developing a healthy self-concept and may also influence their relationships and well-being."
It may also prompt them to have several (or all) of these 13 traits that people who felt constantly criticized as children often display in adulthood.
There are actions which, when practiced on mass scale, would yield terrible results.
Thus, to practice them on small scale is also bad, since every action also has potential to multiply itself and turn from small scale to large scale.
For example, if parents spank a child, it sends message to that child how doing violence because of small disagreements is okay, which later in life increases amount of violence child commits.
Thus, any deviation from Categorical Imperative on small scale can easily result in deviation on large scale.
When society doesnt follow Categorical Imperative, what happens is a contradiction.
Society which follows Categorical Imperative is a society without contradiction.
But if it ababdons Categorical Imperative, amounts of contradictions increase.
First, contradictions between individuals rise.
Contradictions in survival, property, power, and contradictions in activities make it impossible for society to remain comfortable to live in.
For example, if some person can kill another and get away with it, such society becomes terrible to live in.
If person can rape others or steal from others, such person becomes in contradiction with others. They cannot live in peace.
If any type of body violation becomes common, what always results is the justification of even more body violations, due to consistency.
Therefore, society which deviates from Categorical Imperative is a society which practices negative and false moral consistencies, such as "if that person can do bad things, so can I.".
For example, a society where lies are widespread, people are going to justify their lies by saying how other people would lie in that situation too.
But society built on lies cannot build truth, which results in harm.
Thus, abandoning Categorical Imperative will likely result in decay of society, especially due to negative justification such as "two wrongs make a right", "if they can, so can I", "everyone else would do this bad thing too"...
Hikikomori (Japanese: ひきこもり or 引きこもり, lit. "pulling inward, being confined"), also known as severe social withdrawal,[1][2][3][4][5] is total withdrawal from society and seeking extreme degrees of social isolation and confinement.[6] Hikikomori refers to both the phenomenon in general and the recluses themselves, described as loners or "modern-day hermits".[7] The phenomenon is primarily recognized in Japan, although similar concepts exist in other languages and cultures, especially South Korea.[8][9] Estimates suggest that in Japan, half a million youths have become social recluses,[10] as well as more than half a million middle-aged individuals.[11] In South Korea, the estimates vary from around 350 thousand to over half a million.[12]
The Japanese education system puts great demands upon youth. There is high competition to pass entrance exams into the next tier of education in what could be termed a rigid pass-or-fail ideology, which could induce a high level of stress. Echoing the traditional Confucian values of society, the educational system is viewed as playing an important part in society's overall productivity and success.[47]
In this social frame, students often face significant pressure from parents and society in general to conform to its dictates and doctrines.[48] These doctrines, while part of modern Japanese society, are increasingly being rejected by Japanese youth in varying ways such as hikikomori, freeter, NEET (Not currently engaged in Employment, Education, or Training), and parasite singles. The term "Hodo-Hodo zoku" (the "So-So tribe") applies to younger workers who refuse promotion to minimize stress and maximize free time.[citation needed]
Beginning in the 1960s, the pressure on Japanese youth to succeed began successively earlier in their lives, sometimes starting before pre-school, where even toddlers had to compete through an entrance exam for the privilege of attending one of the best pre-schools. This was said to prepare children for the entrance exam of the best kindergarten, which in turn prepared the child for the entrance exam of the best elementary school, junior high school, high school, and eventually for their university entrance exam.[49] Many adolescents take one year off after high school to study exclusively for the university entrance exam, and are known as ronin.[50] More prestigious universities have more difficult exams. The most prestigious university with the most difficult exam is the University of Tokyo.[51]
Since 1996, the Japanese Ministry of Education has taken steps to address this 'pressure-cooker' educational environment and instill greater creative thought in Japanese youth by significantly relaxing the school schedule from six-day weeks to five-day weeks and dropping two subjects from the daily schedule, with new academic curricula more comparable to Western educational models. However, Japanese parents are sending their children to private cram schools, known as juku, to 'make up' for lost time.[52]
After graduating from high school or university, Japanese youth also have to face a very difficult job market in Japan, often finding only part-time employment and ending up as freeters with little income, unable to start a family.[53]
Another source of pressure is from their co-students, who may harass and bully (ijime) some students for a variety of reasons, including physical appearance, wealth, or educational or athletic performance. Refusal to participate in society makes hikikomori an extreme subset of a much larger group of younger Japanese that includes freeters.[51][52]
In this social frame, students often face significant pressure from parents and society in general to conform to its dictates and doctrines.[48] These doctrines, while part of modern Japanese society, are increasingly being rejected by Japanese youth in varying ways such as hikikomori, freeter, NEET (Not currently engaged in Employment, Education, or Training), and parasite singles. The term "Hodo-Hodo zoku" (the "So-So tribe") applies to younger workers who refuse promotion to minimize stress and maximize free time.[citation needed]
Beginning in the 1960s, the pressure on Japanese youth to succeed began successively earlier in their lives, sometimes starting before pre-school, where even toddlers had to compete through an entrance exam for the privilege of attending one of the best pre-schools. This was said to prepare children for the entrance exam of the best kindergarten, which in turn prepared the child for the entrance exam of the best elementary school, junior high school, high school, and eventually for their university entrance exam.[49] Many adolescents take one year off after high school to study exclusively for the university entrance exam, and are known as ronin.[50] More prestigious universities have more difficult exams. The most prestigious university with the most difficult exam is the University of Tokyo.[51]
Since 1996, the Japanese Ministry of Education has taken steps to address this 'pressure-cooker' educational environment and instill greater creative thought in Japanese youth by significantly relaxing the school schedule from six-day weeks to five-day weeks and dropping two subjects from the daily schedule, with new academic curricula more comparable to Western educational models. However, Japanese parents are sending their children to private cram schools, known as juku, to 'make up' for lost time.[52]
After graduating from high school or university, Japanese youth also have to face a very difficult job market in Japan, often finding only part-time employment and ending up as freeters with little income, unable to start a family.[53]
Another source of pressure is from their co-students, who may harass and bully (ijime) some students for a variety of reasons, including physical appearance, wealth, or educational or athletic performance. Refusal to participate in society makes hikikomori an extreme subset of a much larger group of younger Japanese that includes freeters.[51][52]
It took me quite some time to figure out that Categorical Imperative is actually a complicated name for ideal society for all.
Thus, ideal action is an action which is ideal for all, since each person is treated as an end.
For example, not claiming ownership of anyone's body, and acting under such principle, is ideal for all.
We can imagine ideal society where no one violates the body of another, thus where all people are benefited by such principle.
Such principle contains no contradiction and is beneficial for all, thus by Categorical Imperative, such principle is best.
Any opposite principle would yield a contradiction, because if any person can violate another person's body, then such action cannot be practiced by all, since not all have ability to violate other people's bodies. Thus, any opposite principle would be impossible to follow by all.
Therefore, the principle of body rights is morally perfect and even most desirable one to have, since it lets every individual realize his wants under his own borders.
Lets play a game where we guess the future.
AI use
1. AI will be used on a mass scale to create mass surveilance of all internet and all daily life through smart cameras.
2. It wont
1. Technology will liberate humans from labor by replacing human workers with robots.
2. It wont
1. The world will be forced into another great war due to struggle for power.
2. It wont
Humans unnecessary as workers or thinkers
1. With the development of AI, humans become essentially unnecessary as workers or thinkers.
2. They dont
Mass poverty
1. Due to development of technology, there will be mass poverty since human labor becomes less significant in production, thus less paid.
2. There wont
Mass stupidity
1. Due to the great amount of fake information which masses are given every day, as well as distractions from logical thinking, what will follow is mass stupidity.
2. It wont follow
After watching this video, I am certain that there is no hope for humanity.
These people are literally poorer than people 2000 years ago were.
They own nothing, not even empty space to move around, yet have to work 10 hours a day for it.
1. Good God created horrible world
2. We are not all same
3. They have no purpose
1. Good God created horrible world
A very simple one. I dont mean to insult anyone, but anyone who thinks that good God can create horrible world lacks a working brain. Anyone who thinks that the world is good also lacks a working brain.
2. We are not all same
This is probably the most obvious proof against God. A good God would create all people same so that they can show that they are good or bad under same circumstances.
But no.
Some people live a horrible life, while some live an easy life.
So if God is giving people a chance to prove how good they are, he is not giving everyone the same chance, so we can simply deduct that there is no God stupid enough not to know how testing works.
Making some people be born blind, deaf, mute, disabled, die early...ect., God shows no consistency in his testing, thus his tests cant even yield results because a person blind for whole life is prevented from looking at a woman and doing a sin of looking at a woman with lust.
A person who dies early, for example, as a baby, you can never know if he would actually be good or bad later in life.
If you do know, then there is no point of testing to begin with.
3. They have no purpose
A bunch of people in this world have no actual divine purpose. They are neither smart, neither good, neither humble...ect.
Basically, under common understanding of religion, God created these purpose-less people, they do evil and then get thrown in hell.
Since God had no logical reason to even create them, their mere existence negates the God creator.
I really dont get it.
Videos of murders and shootings, car accidents, bullying, beating, use of force...ect. are all legal and spread throughout the internet, despite actions in those videos being harmful for people in those videos.
So whats exactly the point of making child porn illegal?
When it comes to regular porn, people who watch regular porn are less likely to seek a sexual partner, or at least so it is believed due to rise in the percentage of virgin men which came at a similar time when porn became very easily available on the internet.
"In response to a question, Mr Biden also said he would not use his presidential power to commute - or reduce - his son's sentence.
Before the verdict, Mr Biden said he would not issue a pardon in the event of a guilty verdict."
Before the verdict, Mr Biden said he would not issue a pardon in the event of a guilty verdict."
Biden is going to lose elections anyway. What can he possibly lose if he pardons his son?
His son could face years in prison.
Okay, I have been doing some thinking, and I literally cannot find a difference between the world we live in and a cartoon.
Maybe at some point in my life I got teleported into a cartoon.
Think about it.
You have Kim Jong Un, who is literally a classical cartoon villain who fires rockets and makes evil plans to attack USA.
You have Putin, who is another cartoon villain who tricks people into thinking that "Its not war. Its a special military operation." and his people are somehow dumb enough to believe him.
You have Trump, who is a typical cartoon troll and calls people names such as "crooked", "little", "jeff bozo", "sloppy", "loser"...ect.
These are all insults you would expect to hear from a toddler.
Then you have Biden. He forgets what he wanted to say, he talks literal nonsense and moves like a retard while falling all the time and looking lost, and still is somehow president.
These are all things and situations you would expect to see in a cartoon.
These are not things you would expect to see from adults in the real world on a large scale.
You have bunch of brainless people and bunch of trolls who fight each other and lead all into doom.
How is this different from a usual cartoon?
In fact, even some cartoons I watched make more sense than this world.
"The tendency of the rate of profit to fall (TRPF) is a theory in the crisis theory of political economy, according to which the rate of profit—the ratio of the profit to the amount of invested capital—decreases over time. This hypothesis gained additional prominence from its discussion by Karl Marx in Chapter 13 of Capital, Volume III,[1] but economists as diverse as Adam Smith,[2] John Stuart Mill,[3] David Ricardo[4] and William Stanley Jevons[5] referred explicitly to the TRPF as an empirical phenomenon that demanded further theoretical explanation, although they differed on the reasons why the TRPF should necessarily occur.[6]"
Now, the theory is actually much more simple than whatever nonsense is described above.
The theory simply says:
Capitalist profit is made from earnings minus costs.
Costs are wages and non-wage costs such as machines and materials.
As machines and other non-wage inputs in production increase, only two things can follow:
1. Decrease in wages cost (reducing wages or reducing number of workers)
2. Decrease in profit
Both of these are essentially harmful.
They can both only be avoided if non-wage costs never increase.
If non-wage costs increase, to maintain same profit rate, either some workers must lose jobs or wages must decrease. Otherwise, rate of profit decreases.
So, why do non-wage costs increase?
Some think its due to technological advancement. As technology advances and new machines and robots are put to use, what happens is that more money needs to be payed for those.
Others think that an increase in the cost of raw materials contributes. Since economy is built on mass production, every increase in rate of production by technological advancement leads to greater use of resources which in return increase the price, even more so for resources which are being depleted faster or in cases where their supply isnt sufficient to cover all,
and thus since demand usually exceeds supply in case of resources who with advancement of technology become more in demand, but less in supply,
What follows is general rise in non-wage costs of production which can only result in fall of profit or fall of wages.
So here are some simple points about how to live a happier life.
1. Dont eat too much food, eat just small meals, eat twice a day
Too much food causes you to be less happy. Overeating might feel good while you eat, but overall, eating less feels better.
2. Drink 700 mililiters of water at once
This point is related to previous point. Drinking 700 mililiters of water at once is about 2 or 3 glasses depending on the size of a glass. It makes you feel better, but it also greatly reduces hunger and reduces desire for food.
Usually, person is supposed to drink about 4 liters of water per day, which is about 5 x 700 mililiters. So in a 16 hours, that would be 700 mililiters every 3 or 4 hours.
3. Dont think about past or future too much
Thinking about past means thinking about things which no longer exist, which makes you feel bad since you are either feeling bad about good things which are no longer there, or feeling bad about bad things which were once there.
However, thinking about future, especially distant future, has similar problem. If you think about a good thing you will have after 2 years pass, it makes present feel much worse. But if you think about bad thing which could happen, it again makes present feel worse.
Thus, the only thing thats left is to focus on present and good things in the present, as well as living in the moment.
4. Practice some time of thirst
Not drinking water for 8 to 12 hours can be beneficial as well, since you remove focus from problems and focus on thirst.
5. Void in the mind - No thoughts
There is a saying which goes "you cant have sad thoughts if you dont think".
Meditation, especially Tao meditation, teaches you to empty your mind of thoughts at least for some time during the day.
6. Thinking about 20 new things at once
As much as having no thoughts is good, thinking about many new things at once can also puts your focus in present and overwhelm your brain to remove focus from troubles.
I think this new list is probably the most simple one to follow.
Science and Nature
Artistic expressions
The case against Israel is very much undeniable.
Israel justifies killing of 40,000 Palestinian civilians because Hamas killed 1000 Israeli.
First, thats obviously a very disproportional number.
Second, the civilians which Israel kills are not those who attacked Israel and killed 1000 Israeli.
It is same as the case if some murderer kills person's family member. That person doesnt get to kill random civilians as an act of revenge for murder of a family member.
Many of the killed in Israel's bombing attacks are children who in no way carry the guilt for attack on Israel.
Thus, an attack on civilians is not self defense, but it is a war crime.
Israel has spent 7 decades abusing Palestinians. The attack on Israel came as a product of abuse which Palestinians endured at the hands of Israel.
Israel also specifically targets civilian homes, hospitals and schools, cuts food supply to starve Palestinians. So to put it simply, Israel is producing even more terrorists who will fight against it.
The Israeli bombing is led by the political strategy of claiming that every bombed object hosted terrorists, and the rest of the world is told to disprove that instead of asking for Israel to prove its own claims.
Israel's claims were disproved many times where at the place of bombing, no dead soldiers were found, but only civilians.
But even if we were to take Israel's claims as true, killing 20 civilians to kill 1 enemy soldier is still a war crime.
There is basically no excuse for leveling entire cities to ground and killing 40,000 civilians.
Its not just disproportional revenge, but its severely punishing mostly those who are not even guilty.
You cannot expect to abuse, starve and bomb any group of people and still expect them to give you support.
You are much more likely to turn them against you, but you are also much more likely to turn good amount of countries in the world against you.
Its not that people love Palestine, as much as they are disgusted by actions of Israel who has taken for right to kill any amount of civilians it wants just to display some blind revenge mentality.
However, Israel cannot be seen as morally justified since it kills those who are not guilty of any crime.
Such actions cannot even be justified, since all they prove is that Israel is as bad as Hamas.
If Hamas is bad because it killed 1000 Israeli civilians, then how much more is Israel bad for killing 40,000 civilians?
Israel cannot kill so many civilians and still expect that the world will support it, nor there is any justification for killing civilians together with terrorists.
If the goal was to kill terrorists while avoiding civilian casualties, Israel wouldnt use bombs which are specifically designed to kill more civilians than terrorists when used in populated areas.
In fact, Israel is acting like the goal is to kill as much civilians as possible without making it too obvious that thats the goal.
I have been thinking about what system is the best, and I am certain its anarchy.
From basics, doing whatever you want with your body is the most desirable state of things you can possibly have while not attacking others.
You dont want the government to be vaccinating you against your will, or telling you what you are allowed to say.
Basically, almost everyone wants to own their own body.
The only difference between an anarch and someone else is that anarch only claims ownership of his own body, where others feel the need to own other people as well.
Thus, government in its current form violates person's body in several ways:
1. Through laws which force vaccinations and circumcision, as well as forced education, and other forms of body violation, as well as limiting free speech and limiting what person can do with their own property, buisness and body.
2. Through taxes which forcefully take from those who work and gives it to those who dont, thus diminishing wealth of those who are taxed.
3. Through copyright - person cannot use some idea or make a copy of a product simply because someone claims "intellectual ownership".
4. Through element of force - government can use force against you if you do anything government claims to be illegal, and government determines what is illegal.
5. Through teaching of force - government sets the example that force is okay, thus it openly says "force is okay", therefore educating people to use even more force.
6. Through intervention in personal life - government does many interventions in people's personal lives, thus controlling personal lives, but government also teaches that its okay to control other people's lives and sets an example for violators to follow.
All governments are failures simply because they start from a false premise.
Each government starts from the premise that it can own other people's bodies. That is the premise of every government. Thus, every government is essentially slavery.
Yet for person to live a life as he wants, he must own his own body.
So government's premise is in complete contradiction with the condition for person to live a life as he wants.
Clearly, government cannot exist without violating people's bodies and claiming ownership of other person's body.
Every anarch can exist without claiming ownership of someone else's body.
In fact, people dont become anarchs because of selfish purposes, but rather the very basis of anarchy is built on refusing to own other people's bodies.
Anarch merely respects that which government doesnt: your absolute ownership of your own body.
Anarch can exist without violating other person's body, since that is the premise of anarchy.
Government cannot exist without violating other person's body, since its very premise claims right to do so.
So, basically, virtue ethics has a main point in the fact that it tries to build people intellectually, where other systems mainly focus on imposing rules.
Naturally, if you teach a person to be smart and kind, you wont need any rules to begin with.
And if you dont teach a person to be smart and kind, imposing rules wont help much.
So the goal of virtue ethics is to work to develop certain virtues, such as intelligence, kindness, non-aggression...
It is mostly a process, and not a set of immediate rules.
For example, instead of telling kids to be generous, you tell them a sad story of a person who struggled greatly due to poverty, and they will be generous without you even telling them to be.
Its kinda like telling people to be smart. You cant tell people to be smart. But you can create a process to make them smarter.
So, you cannot tell people to be good. But you can make a process to make them good.
So a basic premise of virtue ethics is that being good and smart requires a process and not a simple imposing of rules.
You cannot tell a child "be smart" and expect it to be smart, for example. Same works with being good, kind, generous...ect.
It takes the building of premises in person, which are often more based on emotions than logic.
It takes a journey.
Okay, so I was wondering.
What evolutionary advantage is there in forgetting?
Some people have brains which are capable to remember almost anything, but most people have bad memory.
This makes no sense, because we have a very large brains, yet a simple computer can remember much more than we can.
I usually write things down because remembering is very hard.
Like, I could think of maybe 20 things about farming, but when I start thinking and writing down for months, I come up with over 200.
But if I dont write down, I would very much remain on 20 because any new thing I learn means I likely forget some other thing.
So it seems that writing down things is important to have a body of knowledge to work with.
But why dont our brains do this?
Our brains think very slowly, much slower than AI, for example.
But they also cant think of more than 4 things at same time, in most cases.
Most people, when they weigh pros and cons, they have to take pen and paper because their brains cant work with many points at once.
Science and Nature
God is Carrot God.
Only Carrot God is God.
There is no God except Carrot God.
Carrot God floats in space and has created every other carrot in the world.
People, after they die, will be separated in 3 groups:
Group 1: Those who have eaten carrots.
Group 2: Those who have not eaten nor planted carrots.
Group 3: Those who have planted carrots, but didnt eat them.
Carrot God hates those who eat carrots.
Those who eat carrots are a curse in his eyes.
Thus, Carrot God made 1 Commandment:
"Thou shall not eat carrots".
Those who have eaten carrots will, after they die, be given new life where they will be eaten by carrots.
Group 2 wont be given new life. They will just cease to exist.
Group 3 will be given eternal life where they will dance together with carrots for all eternity!
Praise the return of the God carrot!
Praise God Carrot's revenge upon those who eat his lovely carrots!
People say that Biden is too old to be president.
But they forget that Trump is fat.
Also, Trump is a christian. Christians do tend to have much more delusions and mental illnesses than the atheists.
Under Trump, US economy decreased for the first time in history, as well as unemployment reaching record high.
Trump also printed trillions just to cover the expense which was created due to his poor management.
He did not abolish healthcare, he did not pay off the debt, he did not create jobs, he did not do any of the miracles he promised to do. He got a good economy from Obama and managed to mess it up and made it worse.
All the excitement about Trump is just based on delusion. He seduces masses with words, and masses with IQ under 120 believe him because he is funny.
Those with IQ of less than 120 believe in anything that is funny.
They dont have ability to tell whats true, because it takes IQ greater than 120 to tell what truth is.
All they care about is whats funny, and since Trump is funny, they think its the truth.
I know that people hate the idea of having rabbits, so I came up with a more complicated system.
It consists of 4 parts:
1. Berries (raspberries, different varieties)
2. Trees (walnut, hazelnut, apple)
3. Grass allowed to go to seed
4. Chickens
So the basic idea is, person needs food like fruit and eggs in order to live.
If you have a part of land where grass is not mowed, but allowed to go to seed, it will produce significant amount of grass seeds. Those grass seeds arent that great for human consumption, however, chickens will eat them.
The other part of land is for raspberries.
Raspberries, once planted, grow and spread on their own. But you have to plant different varieties because you dont want to get all which fruit in same month. You very much want to have raspberries multiple times a year. Raspberries can be eaten by chickens as well.
The third part of land is for trees. You just have to be very careful with what trees you select. Walnut trees, for example, can get very big and create lots of shade, so maybe its better to stick to hazel trees and apple trees. These trees, once planted, pretty much grow on their own. Hazelnuts can be a good food source for humans, but also they can be fed to chickens if ground.
The fourth part of land is for chickens to be located on.
So basically, the biggest part of land should probably be dedicated to producing grass seeds, and some edible greens will grow there too on their own.
The second biggest part should be dedicated to different varieties of berries.
The third part of land is used to grow trees. Now, there are cases where you can grow berries under trees on same land. Its not impossible. Trees, such as hazelnut trees or apple trees, can produce fruit for decades, and if you hate waiting for them to grow, you can buy dwarf apple varieties which live shorter but usually produce in a second year after you plant them.
The fourth, smallest part of land, is where chickens are located.
Chickens produce fertilizer, which is used to fertilize the other 3 parts of land.
Chickens are fed grass seeds, weeds and weed seeds, raspberries, apples and nuts.
Also, some slugs which are found on land can be fed to chickens.
This is a solid food system which is a bit more healthy than the old style of "feed cows grass, get milk and meat."
It is more healthy mainly because it includes fruit and nuts as well as animal products.
Besides, its a system more suitable for small piece of land. Cow requires lots of land, and having 5 or more cows and a bull would be too much milk for one person. Well, even two cows are too much milk for one person.
You could say that if chickens were replaced by cows in this system, you would need more land.
You can have like 15 to 20 chickens, which is not a lot but its enough for one person in terms of eggs.
That would require less than an acre of land in total for whole system.
However, for cows, you would likely need more than 3 acres, depending on if you have bull as well, and cows do need to be pregnant to produce milk, so you would either need bull either pay to someone who has, which is in both cases a somewhat expense.
So I would say chickens are better than cows for small land. For larger land, you might even want cows over chickens, since cows do produce milk and cows can make better use of grass. Chickens make the most use out of grass seeds, but grass itself isnt that nutritious to them.
Science and Nature
For years, South Korea was sending propaganda papers to North Korea by using balloons.
North Korea warned them not to do it, yet South Korea continued to do it for years.
So North Korea responded accordingly, by sending balloons filled with trash to South Korea.
Trash for trash, they say.
I have done some calculations about how much I pay for chicken food vs how much I earn from selling eggs, and it seems that I have about 50% profit. I earn double the amount I pay for food.
I dont have free range chickens, because free range chickens lay eggs all over the place which causes eggs to be lost. Also, free range chickens are lost to predators.
My chickens are in fenced area, and predators cannot get to them.
Now, what do I feed them with?
Some bought chicken feed, some corn and wheat.
However, I reduced those by feeding chickens natural food.
After rain, I collect slugs and feed it to chickens. They love slugs.
I also feed chickens with raspberries and strawberries which happen to grow for free on my land. Now, I was thinking to sell raspberries to buy chicken food, but I figured my chickens deserve some raspberries.
I also plant peas, which I sell to buy chicken food. Its much more cost effective than growing corn.
But what really reduced the cost of food is grass and weeds.
I let grass on my land grow tall. Eventually, it produces seeds. So I collect seeds and feed it to chickens.
I also mow grass and weeds and give it to chickens. Its easy work. It takes about 3 minutes to mow enough grass for 20 chickens when you use scythe.
The hardest work is picking grass seeds by hand, because you have to pull them from grass. But you can, instead, mow grass together with seeds, which is much faster but chickens are a bit less interested in grass seeds when they are still attached to grass.
So yeah, I guess its because of this that my profit rate is 50%.
Chickens gain calcium from grass and weeds like dandelion and stinging nettle, they gain protein from grass seeds and from slugs and earthworms.
Early humans probably survived by hunting birds and land animals, and by fishing. This is because hunter-gatherer society was mostly about hunting, as there is not much to gather in winter and spring, but there are always some animals around to hunt.
Here is the list of primitive tools used for hunting:
1. A rock
This might sound silly, but there is a possibility that humans at some point threw rocks at smaller animals and birds in order to hunt them.
2. Throwing stick
Much like a rock, just its a stick which was thrown at birds and animals to hunt them.
3. Throwing stick with rock tied to end of it
So a combination of a rock and a stick to make greater impact. The idea is that stick is easier to throw while rock attached to it could make significant impact.
4. Bola
Bola is usually 3 rocks tied to 3 ropes, and all ropes are connected. Its meant to be thrown at target so it either stuns it on impact either ropes wrap around it and trap the target.
5. Spear
Now, everyone knows about spears. They were effective for hunting in groups. When many people throw spears at target, it basically guarantees a hit.
6. Bow and arrow
This tool was very effective at hunting birds, so it quickly became popular.
7. Fishing rod
This made it possible to harvest fish from rivers.
8. Fishing spear
Now, I cant really imagine that fishing spear had some great success, but some sources say it was used.
9. Hand axe, tomahawk
Basically, it worked similar to throwing stick with a rock, its just that axe made greater impact.
10. Sling shot
This tool was used to hunt birds. It was simple enough and easy to carry.
11. Sling
This tool was probably used to hunt at some point.
Other tools were mostly similar to these, just under different names.
Okay, I think I trolled you guys enough, so as a way to say sorry, I will give you actual truth about this world so you no longer have to live in delusion thinking that some fantasy free market is a good system.
There are two undeniable truths in this world:
1. Almost all resources in this world are limited
2. Capitalists are competing to deplete those resources as fast as possible
Think of it with this example.
Lets say that there are 10 people and 100 chocolates.
If each person ate 1 chocolate every day, they would be able to survive for 10 days. Thats planned economy.
Now lets apply capitalist market to this example.
Because capitalists are competing with each other to sell to customers, and some customers want 2 or 3 chocolates a day, it follows that chocolates are depleted much faster due to customer's and capitalist's greed.
But what also happens is that once chocolates drop to low amount, capitalists increase prices so that only the rich people now can buy chocolate. This leaves all poor people without chocolate.
Obviously, capitalists who have a goal to maximize output and with that, profit, cannot at the same time save resources, because maximizing output is a contradiction to saving resources.
This is an essential flaw in capitalism, because it does not save resources, but depletes them. But is it any wonder that system which gave us polluted food, polluted water and polluted air also gave us resource shortages?
Okay, after doing some testing, it seems that there are indeed foods which are super easy to grow.
This is the list of best 5:
1. Peas
Pea plant grows almost anywhere you plant it. All you have to do is plant it in early spring or late winter.
I have even planted some with no tilling at all. I just put a hand of soil on ground between grass, place two or three seeds and cover lightly.
2. Raspberries
Raspberries grow on their own once you plant them. Once they grow into a bush, its lots of free food every spring or summer.
3. Hazel
Probably the best tree to grow. It takes very little space, produces hazelnuts which are high in calories and can last long without spoiling.
Some people dont like walnut trees because they grow so big. I guess thats their only flaw. Other than that, once planted, they just grow on their own.
5. Apple
I would say for sure that apple is easy to grow. There are even dwarf varieties which produce fruit just year after planting, so you dont even have to wait.
Science and Nature
Now, most of the people will say: "there is no free meal".
But in North Korea, people realized that one can have infinite food at home.
The process is really simple.
Buy 4 rabbits, 3 female and 1 male.
Per year, one female gives birth to about 50 rabbits.
So 3 female rabbits would give you 150 rabbits per year, which is lots of free food.
Rabbits eat grass and hay, which grows for free everywhere.
So yeah, its really easy work and free food forever.
Science and Nature
I think Tao debate is probably the easiest way to debate.
It consists of three basic premises:
1. Your opponent doesnt exist
2. Since your opponent doesnt exist, you can just ignore anything he says
3. Since your opponent doesnt exist, you can agree with the person you are debating since that person isnt your opponent.
Tao says "fight like there is no enemy".
So obviously, if you had no debating opponents, you would make arguments slowly over time.
For example, you pick a topic and then every day you think of a point to support it, and think of a point to support a point.
After a while, you will pile many points and each point will be supported by many points.
Now, lets say someone wants to debate you.
And you make an argument number 1.
But your opponent makes counter argument to 1.
Because your opponent doesnt exist, the counter argument doesnt exist either, so there is no need to respond to it, but just make more points to support argument 1 or make argument 2.
There is no need to acknowledge that your opponent exists or that his arguments exist. There is no need to argue with him, since wise person doesnt argue.
You can have entire debate written in advance, so you dont waste energy refuting your opponent's arguments but just copy paste from your argument text.
Sure, you wont win debates, but Tao doesnt care about winning since due to cycle of good and evil, winning just means you are losing somewhere else.