Modern medicine will constantly multiply disorders and diseases and illnesses.
This is simply because in the past, people who were most resistant to diseases were the ones who survived and multiplied, thus resistant people multiplied while weak ones died and didnt multiply.
However, modern medicine enabled people, who would otherwise die from illness, to not only survive but also reproduce and pass on their gene structure to new generations.
Thus, persons more likely to be ill are multiplied in numbers thanks to modern medicine.
This messed up the survival of the fittest, and has produced mass of people who are not naturally resistant to diseases.
This can only result in increase in number of diseases and illnesses, because people who are being produced are those who are more likely to be ill.
This unnatural order of things means that a great amount of money has to be payed to treat diseases who are increasing in number.
There is no doubt that today we have more of the all kinds of disorders which have to be payed for to be treated.
Thanks to vaccines and modern medicine, the weak ones survive, but their weakness does not go away, but spreads to next generation through reproduction.
So it is not surprise that today we have masses of people who are by all standards mentally retarded.
There has never been more autism, more disabilities, more non-normal traits than there is now.
Medicine did not actually improve life.
By enabling survival of great amounts of people who otherwise wouldnt survive, it has caused 4 things:
1. It has forced people to lower birth rates, because it is impossible today for every woman to have 6 children. This means that instead of natural survival of the fittest, woman gives birth to one or two children at random.
2. It has caused poverty and resource shortages due to overpopulation
3. It has caused overpopulation in just few hundred years.
4. It has multiplied disorders due to allowing weak and strong to equally survive.
Modern medicine faces a contradiction.
It can only exist if there are also many illnesses existing as well.
Modern medicine cannot exist if illnesses dont exist, which means it is in the interest of modern medicine that lots of illnesses exist.
If illnesses disappeared, modern medicine would be out of buisness.
So from a logical standpoint, modern medicine has no financial interest to destroy all illnesses. Quite the opposite. The more illnesses there are, the more profit it makes.