I figured that instead of copy pasting entire debates, which would take too long if I am also writing them down in an actual notebook,
the easier way is to just write down general arguments.
For example, the argument of survival applies to many debates, so instead of writing down each of all those debates, I simply write down the argument of survival in general which then can be used for specific debates.
This also avoids repetition. I dont need to copy paste all the similar debates, as I can just take general arguments from them and write down general arguments only.
The idea is simple.
I read specific debate and take general arguments from it, write them down and then apply those general arguments to specific debates.
Logic works on similar principle.
People observe many specific events to gain general logic, then apply general logic to other events.
It is not a perfect system, since going from "specific" to "general" can yield mistakes, but this system has no working alternative, especially for debates, since I cant spend that much time writing down every debate.
It is much easier to just write down general arguments which can apply to every debate or most debates, instead of writing down each debate individually.
You would anyway need to take general arguments from one debate in order to apply them to other debates.