They beat him, spit on him, take all his clothes, so they probably raped him too as rape was very common back then as a punishment.
Did Roman soldiers rape Jesus?
He was crucified in public. I don't think soldiers rape in front of crowd.
I don't think soldiers rape in front of crowd.
Why not?
Why did they undress him then?
Why did they undress him then?
How do you know Jesus, aka the Christ, was undressed?
We didn't even know whether he died crucified.
How do you know Jesus, aka the Christ, was undressed?
I am talking about a fictional story from the Bible.
It says there they took his clothes because it was expensive clothes, so I figured they probably raped him too, just it wasnt mentioned because it wouldnt make a good story.
12 days later
Jesus was too ugly to be raped.
Isaiah 53:3
He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.
131 days later
I am talking about a fictional story from the Bible.It says there they took his clothes because it was expensive clothes, so I figured they probably raped him too, just it wasnt mentioned because it wouldnt make a good story.
Matthew 28:11-15 says that the chief priests paid the guards a large sum of money and instructed them to say that the disciples came and stole Jesus’ body while they were asleep.