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1st place: MAFIA (iLikePie5, Whiteflame)

2nd place: Town (that2, Casey, wylted, Vader, Joebob, earth, OwenT)

GGs to everyone! Pie and Whiteflame were an OP team, not very suspected by much of anyone. Well played by the mafia and thanks to everyone for playing!
Forum games
30 11
Dead players:

Wylted- You are “Not Glenn, you bastards, anyone but him!”, from The Walking Dead. While the walking dead has always been prone to kill off major characters, this one in particular hit fans extremely hard. Glenn was there since season 1, and was the ultimate “bro” to Rick and the group. He was extremely brave, and had a knack for survival unparalleled to any other character. After surviving a hoard of zombies by hiding under a dumpster, most fans probably thought Glenn was just about immortal by the time he dies in the show. In one of the shows darkest moments, Glenn is executed by Negan as an example to the rest of his group. Many fans reportedly quit watching the show after this point, as Glenn was many people’s favorite character, and his death was so brutal and unexpected. This was one of the most heart breaking death’s in T.V. History. Thus you are the Beloved Princess. If you are lynched, the town will skip a day phase, and there will be two night phases. If you are night killed, a night phase will be skipped, and there will be another day phase. You win with the town.

-lynched dp1

Casey- You are “Bent Neck Lady? More like a traumatized time traveling woman!” from The Haunting of Hill House. Nell had been seeing a ghost she called the “The Bent Neck Lady” her whole life. When her husband dies, she believes it was because of the ghost in question, and commits suicide in her old house by hanging herself off the top of the staircase. It is then revealed in a shocking twist, that she herself was the apparition she had been seeing her whole life. You are the Restless Spirit. After your death, you may continue to vote in the day phase, though you will no longer be able to speak, and won’t count as a living player. You win with the town.
- killed np1

Earth- You are “This feels so messed up.” from L’s death scene in Death Note. L is a brilliant detective who is caught in a cat and mouse game with the main character of the series, Light Yagami. Throughout most of the show, it feels that L is one step ahead of light almost all the time. That said, he knows Light is Kira and reveals this to light on the rooftop of their building where they are investigating Kira. This said, he can never seem to find proof for it. Shortly after L confronts Light, Rem kills L for putting Misa Amane in harms way in a plan to catch Kira once and for all. The death was particularly shocking because L had an almost immortal feel to him by this point in the show, and everything seemed to be fully collapsing to finally expose Light for the murderer he was. Because the shinigami Rem died protecting Misa Amane, you are the bodyguard. Each night you can select a player. If that player would have been the target of the night kill, you will instead take their place and die. You win with the town.

-killed np2

Living players:

1. owenT
2. iLikePie5
3. Whiteflame
4. That2user
5. Joebob
6. Vader

With 6 players alive it’s takes 4 votes to lynch! Day phase ends in 72 hours, or on August 28th at 9pm est.

Forum games
129 8
Welcome to shocking tv moments! All standard rules apply but given the recent game I am going to say no more use of chat gpt to paraphrase. If you’re gonna claim please rephrase the old fashioned way. Also please don’t message people out of game! I can send activity reminders to people if needed.

Living players:

1. Casey
2. Earth
3. owenT
4. Wylted
5. iLikePie5
6. Whiteflame
7. That2user
8. Joebob
9. Vader

With 9 players alive it’s takes 5 votes to lynch! Day phase ends in 72 hours, or on August 27th at 7Pm est.
Forum games
111 10
I have three games designed and ready to go. The following theme options are:

Alien (All original trilogy movies + prometheus trilogy characters may be included) 
House of the Dragon (season 1 and 2)
Shocking TV moments (Biggest OMG moments and cliffhangers of television shows)

Forum games
36 13
1st: Mafia (Wylted, Owen, Barney)
2nd: Town (Austin, casey, earth, iLikePie5, Cerulean, Joebob, Savant)
3rd: 3p (Mharman)

Okay guys, I am sorry for how this turned out for town. But I will say mafia got really lucky on a lot of stuff, and some of their plays despite being extremely ballsy, really worked out for them. 

For example, Wylted told Owen to CC mharman as bulletproof. Initially they planned to use their 1x tailor on mharman, and I figured that would likely confirm Owen to most of the town, when they didn't, and mharman flipped BP, I was extremely surprised no one called him out for it. I guess it was just such a ballsy move that town thought it had to be a town move? I thought that would backfire on him and was surprised it didn't.

On the numbers / balance thing, eleven player games here commonly had three scum. WI guess you can argue adding third party favors it wierdly, but numbers wise 3p counts as a town number until EOG. 

Town had an every night vig (savant) who also functioned as a protection role if people called the coin flip wrong. I expected him to use this role to vig someone, I was very shocked he forfeited night phase 2. What was funny about that, was that scum thought savant was some kind of inventor, after barney redirected him from owen to himself np1, and received a protection. Their plan ironically was to redirect him to barney again and choose tails the next time which would have killed one scum, had savant not forfeited his role. That was super unfortunate but I don't blame savant for forfeiting his role, I just assumed he would be more aggressive with it than he was. Than austin was an executioner, and I kind of expected him to get one scum with his role as well, but pie voted him way too fast which allowed scum to quick hammer.

All in all scum was very ballsy with their claims and behavior and I did not expect it to work out for them the way they did. It was crazy that practically everyone had called out the joebob role looked like it was messed with, pointing out the character was not a villain, the qoutes were pasted from discord (I didn't even realize that) and the formatting of the role was all wrong. Also to point out I would not have ever put a role like joebobs in the game without blurping out the name of the supposed scum lol. Fortunately for mafia, even despite town pointing out all these inconsistencies, they still ended up believing the flip. I think the problem is that tailor is not a role we use here very often anymore and it was used a lot more back in the day and on DDO. I have used it in other games as well, but I think people have largely forgot about the roles existence. Yes it is an extremely powerful role, but so is a yakuza, which I used in the last game. 

I will admit the game was very swingy, but with two investigative roles an every night vig and austin who is essentially a day vig, I figured scum could have been screwed just as easily here. Mafia played very ballsily and it happened to work for them, so good job to them. I didn't think a lot of their strategies would work out well but they worked flawlessly. Also Cerulean picked barney np1, she was super unlucky that owen lawyered barney np1, otherwise they would have caught a scum.

Also scum was almost gonna get caught in dp3, because they were originally gonna kill pie until owen changed his mind last minute to cerulean. Cerulean had investigated casey, who would have showed as guilty since actions effecting him would be swapped to owen. If casey claimed this and town believed him they would have lynched owen, though there is always the chance mafia could spin that back on casey. 

Like I said though the stars kind of aligned for mafia on this one. In hindsight I wish I made the game slightly less swingy since this is the first time we've had 11 people in a while, so a longer game would have been nice. But anyways, GG's to mafia and everyone who participated, sorry this ended in a bit of a shit show. 
Forum games
28 10
Dead players:

Mharman-  Ramattra - 1x BP- TP (Lynched DP1)

Joebob- Beowulf- town scum lyncher- town (Killed NP1)

Earth- You are Hans Landa, from Inglorious Bastards. “I love rumors! Facts can be so misleading, where rumors, true or false, are often revealing.” Hans Landa is a Standartenfuhrer who has a love for hunting and killing Jews. Throughout the film, Hans displays an amazing ability to catch liars, as he exposes a frenchman hiding jews under his floor boards in the opening scene of the movie, as well as he is able to catch onto Lt. Aldo Raine who is undercover as an Italian at a movie theater in an attempt to assassinate Hitler. Because you are so good at catching liars, you are the Lie Detector. At night you may select a quote from a player in the day phase and choose to lie detect it. I will tell you if it is the truth or a lie. If I cannot discern the players intent on whether it was meant as a lie, I will reply “I don’t know”, so be careful in choosing a statement. IE whether someone was telling the truth about when they said reading a wall of text was a waste of time. If I have no way of knowing the answer, I cannot give an answer. You win with the town. (Lynched DP2)

Cerulean- You are Dexter Morgan, AKA the Bay Harbor Butcher from Dexter. You are an iconic serial killer who tries to only kill people who are guilty of heinous crimes after your father Harry discovered what you were, and taught you the “code”. Because you work as a blood splatter analyst with the Miami Metro Police Department, you have inside information and can use your knowledge to identify perps and kill them before they Police department can catch them. You are the Cop (unflavored). Each night you may pick a player to investigate. You will receive a report telling you whether they are innocent or guilty. You win with the town. (killed NP2)

Living players:
1. Casey_Risk
2. iLikePie5
3. Wylted
4. Savant
5. Austin
6. Owen_T
7. Barney

With 8 players alive, it takes 5 votes to reach majority. Please bold all votes. 

The Day Phase ends in 72 hours, or on Tuesday, July 25rd, at 9PM CST. 

Forum games
110 7
Dead players:

Mharman- You are Ramattra, an omnic from Overwatch. “For years, we tried non-violence with humans, only fighting the worst forms of our oppression from the shadows. And we are losing. It is time to try something new.” Ramattra was an omnic who used to believe in peace and prosperity between humans and omnics. However, after seeing countless omnics destroyed, and tortured by humans, he no longer cares about humanity’s survival and is willing to do whatever possible to ensure the survival of only omnics. You are the 1x Bulletproof survivor. If you are targeted at night, you may erect a shield to protect yourself from harm. However, after the shield is used up, you remain vulnerable to night kill attempts. You are a third party, and win the game above town and mafia if you are surviving when the game ends. You win with yourself. (Lynched DP1)

Joebob- You are Beowulf, a town scum lyncher. "Fate often saves an undoomed man when his courage is good," and your objective is to ensure that Earth, a member of the Mafia, is voted out of the game. Known for your valor and indirect methods of defeating enemies, you must employ subtle tactics. However, you may not place a vote on Earth or directly tell anyone to vote for Earth, or you will die during the night. Use your influence subtly to guide the town towards voting Earth out without revealing your true intentions. You win with the town. (Killed NP1)

Living players:
1. Casey_Risk
2. iLikePie5
3. Wylted
4. Savant
5. Austin
6. Owen_T
7. Earth
8. Barney
9. Cerulean

With 9 players alive, it takes 5 votes to reach majority. Please bold all votes. 

The Day Phase ends in 76 hours, or on Tuesday, July 25rd, at 1PM CST. 

Forum games
142 10
Welcome to Villainous Villains mafia! For this game, most players chose their own characters, except for a couple instances where a character wasn't chosen, I just made one for them. In this game, there is no theme split. 

Typical mafia rules apply to this game. The main one is that you are not allowed to copy and paste anything from your role pm. If you are being pressured to claim, please try to paraphrase your role pm or sue Chat GPT to paraphrase it for you so there is no issues with "mod confirmation" as this happened in my last game. That is the only reason I clarify it in this game.

If you have any questions about mechanics or your role, please ask them in your role PM. I will not publicly answer questions as it causes to much mod confirmation. Also I won't answer questions that apply to hypothetical roles. If it doesn't have to do with your role or the mechanics of a flipped role, don't expect an answer. 

Day phases will be 72 hours, night phases 24 hours. I am starting this one a few hours early, so I will give it a 4 hour extension as I imagine most people should be awake by then.

1. Joebob
2. Casey_Risk
3. iLikePie5
4. Wylted
5. Savant
6. Austin
7. Owen_T
8. Mharman
9. Earth
10. Barney
11. Cerulean

With 11 players alive, it takes 6 votes to reach majority. Please bold all votes. 

The Day Phase ends in 76 hours, or on Tuesday, July 23rd, at 10:30 am CST. 

Forum games
465 12
So there are currently no sign ups going on right now, and Wylted is next on the list, so he can go before me if he wants. But since there are no games going I figured I would at least get a sign ups going for now so we can continue the flow of mafia.

This games theme will be "Villainous Villains", and the the concept of this game will be all about players and the choices they make.

Upon signing up for the game, send me 1-2 different villain characters of your choosing. They can be real or fictional, but please non made up. I am asking for 1-2 different options just in case someone else also chooses the same villain as you, that way I have a couple different options. Just tell me the one you prioritize and I will try to focus on making that your character first if I can. 

1. Joebob
2. Casey_Risk


Forum games
42 12
1st place: Town (Pie, savant, mharman, DD, Barney, Wylted)
2nd place: Mafia (Casey_Risk, Whiteflame)
Last place: Third party (420)


Not a whole lot to say here that isn't already known. Town had a lot of confirmation, but the intent was to throw that yakuza in to mix with that confirmation. Unfortunately due to town forming a very strong town block and trusting a hard read on casey, they weren't able to use the yakuza on np2 which very potentially could have helped them win the game. Props to pie for catching the scum slip on whiteflame's character claim early, props to mafia for putting in a valiant effort, you guys got very bad luck this time around, but I think under different circumstances you would have won this. This is probably the first time I have ever seen a yakuza not used on night phase 1. I was very surprised you guys didn't use the silencer for a mislynch np2. It wouldn't have mattered anyway with the night kill thing happening the way it did, but regardless, good effort from both members of the scum team.

Props to wylted and DD for forming that solid town block dp2, mharman played well too, he was just very conservative (which is a good thing). I know the game ended pretty quick but I hope people had some semblance of fun anyways. GG's all.
Forum games
36 10
Dead players:

420-Klause- Dark Lord- Town- Mod killed DP1 (Changed to 3p survivor)

Savant- Builder- Motivator- Town - Lynched DP1

iLikePie5- War system- Lynch-Defier - Town- Killed NP1

Casey_Risk- You are the Witch! Unlocked at Town Hall 9, as long as the witch survives, she can summon skeletons from the dead infinitely to take on base defenses. Even after the witch dies, her summoned skeletons will stay alive until they’ve been defeated. You are the Mafia Yakuza! At any point in the game, you may summon a skeleton and sacrifice yourself to recruit a new member to the mafia. Doing so will result in you sacrificing the night kill for that night. You win with the mafia. - Lynched DP2

Living Players: 

1. Wylted
2. Whiteflame
3. Discipulus_didicit
4. Mharman
5. Barney

With 5 players, it takes 3 votes to reach a majority lynch.

The day phase will end in 72 hours, or on Friday,  7/12/24 at 7:30am CST. 

Forum games
56 6
Dead players

420- You are Klause! Klause is considered one of the best clash players in Clash of Clans, and is known to pull off some of the craziest strategies to pull off 3 star victories over his opponents in wars. You are the Dark Lord. Because you have the ability to end attacks early, you can decide to end a day phase early at any point. The day phase will end in a plurality lynch, meaning whichever player has the most votes on them will automatically be lynched. This is a 1x ability that can be used in the day phase. You win with the town. (Changed to third party survivor via mod-kill) Mod-killed DP1

Savant- You are the Builder! You are the most important unit, as you and your builders are required for any progression to occur in the game. You can upgrade a troop or building to take it to the next level. You are the motivator! During the night, you can target a player. That player will be extra powerful, and can use their ability twice during that night phase. Your ability may not work on certain roles. You win with the town. Lynched DP1

iLikePie5- You are the War system! Players in clash of clans can test their strategic mettle by going to war with other clans. You are the Lynch-Defier. If you are lynched, the day phase will pause, and all further talking will cease. You may then challenge one person on your wagon to war! A game of rock, paper, scissors. You will each submit one of the three options to me. Rock beats scissors, paper beats rock, scissors beats paper. The loser will be lynched. If you both choose the same option, you will both be lynched. You win with the town. Killed NP1

1. Wylted
2. Whiteflame
3. Casey_risk
4. Discipulus_didicit
5. Mharman
6. Barney

With 6 players, it takes 4 votes to reach a majority lynch.

The day phase will end in 72 hours, or on Thursday,  7/11/24 at 7:30pm CST. 

Forum games
205 7
Welcome to clash of clans mafia! This game might be a bit swingy and chaotic, but I think the balance works. We will see I guess in the end. At least you were forewarned. Good luck and have fun ya'll! I've been playing clash of clans on and off for about 10 years, its the only strategy based MOBA game i've ever really been into. Hope you guys like the theme and the game. 

1. Wylted
2. Whiteflame
3. iLikePie5
4. Savant
5. Casey_risk
6. Discipulus_didicit
7. Mharman
8. 420-1776
9. Barney

With 9 players, it takes 5 votes to reach a majority lynch.

The day phase will end in 72 hours, or on Sunday,  7/7/24 at 3pm CST. 

Forum games
742 10
For me, it was Radahn, Consort of Miquella. Sincerely, screw this boss.

2 2
I'll be totally up front here, this is going to be a very swingy game. This is probably the closest game to a "role madness" game I think I've made in a while. I just was having some fun with the set up here. There is no theme split. I can see this game ending very quickly and crazily for either side. Just kind of experimenting with this set up but I at least hope it is still fun. 


Forum games
76 13
1st place: Mafia/ Third Party 1 and 2 (Whiteflame, Earth, Moozer, savant)
2nd place: Town (Joebob, Casey_Risk, austin, barney, iLikePie5)

Endgame Thoughts:

So obviously mafia did amazing! That said, they did have a lot of challenges in this game. First off, I didn’t realize how OP the strategy of forcing people into claiming games would be in dp1. In hindsight, it seems an obvious strategy, but it really forced earth and whiteflame into a subset of roles that were very easily potentially counter claimable, instead of a theme that should have granted them TONS of options to claim. So props to pie for forcing that.

First major twist is pie’s role. He was actually a seer, and he was my role from drafterman’s paranoia game. The only reason this role would have worked in this game, is because drafterman never posted an endgame thread with roles and mechanics in that game, and my role’s full function was never really fully described in the endgame thread, so only I and drafterman had evidence of that actual role’s existence outside of just contextual evidence. Otherwise this role would be impossible to use, because upon mafia losing, they could just look the role up, and see that it would flip vanilla and know that it was pie. 

On that note, pie played the role very well, way better than I did. Even mafia had props for pie in the discord, and they were sure he was a major power role (specifically cop or doctor). Pie did a great job of getting information to work itself out so that scum were in POE, without ever making it looked forced or based on behavioral reasons. If pie had survived, I think this game would have turned out differently, and whiteflame and earth were smart to kill him early.

The last twist was that there was two third parties. Both ended up winning. Nice job!!!!

Anyways, Good game everyone! That was fun to host, I hope you all had fun too.

Forum games
51 10
Dead Players:

Austin- Pie’s Ancient Roman Battles Mafia game -Polygot - Battle of Pharsalus - 2x Motion Detector - Town (Lynched DP1)

Barney- Supas Fast food mafia- iLikePie5- Dunkin Donuts- 2x Restless spirit- Town (Lynched DP2) 

iLikePie5- MisterChris's WWII Nations Mafia.- Greyparrot- China- Vanilla -Town (Killed NP2)

Casey_Risk- You are Greyparrot’s role in Vader’s “Naruto Mafia.”
Greyparrot: You are Sasuke Uchiha. One of the last remaining of the Uchiha clan, you are considered the prodigy of the class and are considered the strongest by many peers. You act on revenge, trying to kill your brother Itachi and get revenge on him for killing your family. You are a Tracker. Each night you may choose to track someone. You win with town. (Killed NP3)

Player List:

1. Savant
2. Whiteflame 
3. Joebob
4. Moozer
5. Earth

With 5 players remaining, it takes 3 votes to lynch.

This Day Phase ends in 72 hours. This day phase will end on Thursday 6/15/24 @ Ten (10am) CST.

Forum games
31 5
Dead Players:

Austin- Pie’s Ancient Roman Battles Mafia game -Polygot - Battle of Pharsalus - 2x Motion Detector

Barney- You are iLikePie5’s role in supas “Fast food mafia”
iLikePie5: You are Dunkin Donuts. A fast food chain that mainly specializes in breakfast and coffee, the price you get for the quality is well worth it at Dunkin with great sandwiches and overall great coffee, far superior to Starbucks. You specialize in donuts, breakfast sandwiches, and coffee. You are a Restless Spirit. After you die, you may vote in the day phase twice and do not have the ability to talk at all. You win with town

iLikePie5- You are Greyparrot's role from MisterChris's WWII Nations Mafia. 
Greyparrot- You are China. During WWII, you were swiftly and easily defeated by the Japanese, and your people were subjected to hostility that made Germany look like a daycare. Because of your helplessness, you are a VANILLA. You win with Town.

Player List:

1. Savant
2. Whiteflame 
3. Casey 
4. Joebob
5. Moozer
6. Earth

With 6 players alive, it takes 4 votes to reach a lynch.

This Day Phase ends in 72 hours. This day phase will end on Thursday 6/14/24 @ Eleven (11am) CST.

Forum games
97 8
Dead Players:

Austin- You are polyglot’s role, from pie’s Ancient Roman Battles Mafia game.
Polygot - Battle of Pharsalus - Pharsalus proved to be the decisive battle Gaius Julius Caesar needed against Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus during the Roman Civil War. With the Enipeus River and Caesar’s left and Pompey’s right the stage was set. Caesar routinely offered battle to Pompey, but the latter refused to leave his tactical high ground. After pressure from his subordinates, Pompey was forced to leave his advantage and confront Caesar. Pompey planned to execute an attack similar to his hero Alexander the Great by using his cavalry superiority to destroy the Caesarean Cavalry and flank the legionnaires. Caesar, however, knew of his disadvantage and hid his favorite 12th Legion Fulminata being his cavalry. After the Caesarean cavalry retreated enough, the heavy infantry came out of hiding and crushed the Pomepeian horse. Meanwhile, the Caesarean left pushed the Pompeian right back, striking the decisive blow Caesar needed. Pompey would flee to Egypt, but would be executed there, ending his extraordinary legacy. You are the 2x Motion Detector. Each night you may select a player. You will learn if any actions were performed by or on that player with a “Yes” or a “No,” but not what the actions were or who else they involved. You win with the Town.

Player List:

1. Savant
2. Barney 
3. Whiteflame 
4. Casey 
5. Joebob
6. Moozer
7. Pie
8. Earth

With 8 players alive, it takes 5 votes to reach a lynch.

This Day Phase ends in 72 hours. This day phase will end on Thursday 6/13/24 @ Noon (12pm) CST.

Forum games
107 9
Heads up on this game. There is no theme or theme split obviously. I just chose roles from games that felt like they would be fun to see how they interacted with each other. These was no rhyme or reason or theme to how I chose the roles. I'll try to keep role mechanics as close to how the original mods intended them to work. In cases where I can't know that, I'll just resort to my own judgement on how they should behave or work with other roles. No fake claims were given, role, character, or otherwise. Any role from any game that has ever taken place on DART can be used in this game. Good luck and have fun. 

Player List:

1. Savant
2. Barney 
3. Whiteflame 
4. Casey 
5. Joebob
6. Moozer
7. Austin
8. Pie
9. Earth

With 9 players alive, it takes 5 votes to reach a lynch.

I am giving this day phase an extra 4 hours, since I am starting it early. I don't expect anyone to be on this early. I will officially start the 72 hour timer at 11 AM CST.

This day phase will end on Monday 6/10/24 @ 11AM CST. Plurality lynching will be in effect. This means whoever has the most votes will be automatically lynched.
Forum games
309 10
This is a redux game. This is a concept I've used before. Basically all characters and roles will be randomly chosen from past DART games (this time I won't be using DDO roles, just DART). Thus there will be no theme split, fake claims, etc since mafia can use literally any role from any past game as a claim. 

Lets try for 11 and if I can't fill that I will go to 9.


Forum games
22 10
1st place town: Austin, joebob, Barney, Whiteflame, greyparrot, best.Korea, savant

2nd place mafia: pie, supa

Overall it wasn’t the game I expected. Despite towns win I don’t find the play from most of the town members phenomenal. I can understand pies frustration, joebob, BK and GPs analysis was overall lacking and bandwagoning, or based on gut. The upvote thing also felt pretty dirty. The rest of town played well however and I think mafia probably would have done much better if they hadn’t been CCed. I didn’t see supa being widely scum read. His character analysis was pretty spot on. Him being countered was due to them jumping the gun a bit, and they did have an inkling that Barney was Damien but they decided to YOLO it and it was just unlucky. Would have been interesting to see how this played out with supa claiming maybe Cecil instead.

Anyways mafia weren’t given fake claims and it definitely bit them a bit here. I did tell them one of the main characters was left out, they gambled it being Mark and we’re correct. I also hinted that there was either an every night doctor or cop in the game, but was up to them to figure out which. I think supa would have had a hard time being lynched with a Cecil stedman cop claim but he was really hoping for Damien. Balance wise I think mafia had a counter to everything town had. I didn’t expect GP to be dismissed so easily as town for his role, the role was actually initially third party when I designed the game.

Pie and supa did really well despite the circumstances.

GGs all.
Forum games
86 11
Dead Players:

Savant- ???? - ????

AustinL0926- You are the Immortal, the only surviving member of the Guardians of the Globe. After being beheaded by omni-man, you are eventually revived by the Mauler Twins, proving to the world you really are “Immortal”. You are the bleeder! If you are lynched or killed, you will survive until the end of the following day phase before being removed from the game. During that day phase you can still use your voice and vote. You win with the town.

Supadudz- You are Angstrom Levy, an evil genius, who wasn’t originally evil. In the Multi-verse, the protagonist of the series (Mark Grayson) is actually the only exception to the many Mark Graysons who actually turn out to be evil and follow their father and become antagonists. This evil version of Mark actually exists in so many universes where he has conquered earth, the guardians, and it’s people, that most of what you know of Mark Grayson, is that he is an evil son of a bitch. After a science experiment gone wrong with the Mauler Twins as your accomplices, you accidentally merged all existing universes versions of yourself into one single person, which turns you into a pure hateful person whose only goal is to torment Mark Grayson, even if it means torturing the only one that turned out to be good. Using your multi dimensional portal gun, you are allotted some quite amazing abilities.
You are the MAFIA JOAT. You have the following 1x abilities at your disposal.

1x Redirect: Use your portal gun to redirect a player to another player. They will not know they have been redirected, just told that their action was successful or not successful.

1x Bus Drive: Use your portal gun to switch players positions. Any actions that would normally have affected player A, will now affect player B, and vice versa.

1x Role Block: Use your portal gun to leave a player in a deserted dimension in isolation overnight. They will not be able to use their ability during the night this is used.

You win with the mafia.

Barney- You are Damien Darkblood! You are a demon who has escaped hell, whose mission is to seek justice for wrong doings in order to save your own soul. Your primary interest is in solving the case of the deaths of the original guardians of the globe. You are the investigative JOAT. You have 3 one shot abilities at your disposal.

1x Tracker- Track a player to see who they visit during the night

1x Watcher- Watch a player to see who visits them during the night

1x Forensic Investigator- Use your psychometry to check a dead body and receive a list of all players who visited them during the entire game. The list will be in a randomized order. (can only be used np3 or later). This ability does not work if a player's body has been hidden.

You win with the town.

Living players:

1.  Whiteflame
2. Joebob
3. ILikePie5
4. Greyparrot
5. best.korea

With 5 players left, it takes 3 votes to reach a lynch.

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Dead Players:

Savant- ???? - ????

Living players:

1.  Whiteflame
2. Joebob
3. ILikePie5
4. AustinL0926
5.  Supadudz
6.  Greyparrot
7.  Barney
8.  best.korea

With 8 players left, it takes 5 votes to reach a lynch.

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245 9
Welcome to Invincible mafia!

Right off the bat I wanna say this game has undergone major changes from when I first created it to where it is now. I originally designed it for 12 but based on player activity I have had to nerf it to a 9 player game. I kept most of the characters I had already and just changed up a lot of roles to do this. What this means is that I prioritized having good balance over having a role make 100% sense with its character. Don’t try to hyper analyze that or anything, but basically there is a lot I could have done with this game given it’s all about a universe of super powered individuals, but ultimately I just wanted a game that feels more fair over anything else.

  1. All standard rules apply. If you have any questions about standard rules, ask me in your role pm. I’m assuming most of you have played enough mafia to know the basics though. I will not answer questions publicly, please ask all questions in your role pm. I hate wifom that gets created around mod confirmation from answering questions publicly. I will not answer questions asking me how hypothetical roles might function in the game. I will answer questions on mechanics of your role, or flipped roles only.
  2. This is an open set up for characters only. There is no irregular theme split. It’s antagonists vs protagonists. I will leave grey area characters up to the players determination on whether I would have made them protagonists or antagonists. This theme does not include the comic books, and only information from the first two seasons of the show on Amazon prime.
  3. There is no third party. Classic 2 v 7 mafia/town set up.
  4. Mafia were not directly given fake claims! However I did give them a very strong hint to a role claim, and it is an open set up, so they will have a list of characters to choose from that may exist in this game.
  5. The following characters are characters that can exist in this game. No character outside this list will be in this game.

Amber Bennett
William Clockwell
Debra Grayson
Oliver Grayson
Art Rosenbaum
Komodo Dragon
Mark Grayson (Invincible)
Nolan Grayson (Omni-Man)
Atom Eve
The Mauler Twins
Supreme Lizard
Rus Livingston
Shrinking Rae
Cecil Stedman
Angstrom Levy
Monster Girl
Black Samson
The immortal
General Kregg
Damien Darkblood
Allen the Alien

Good luck players and have fun!

Living players:

1. savant
2. Whiteflame
3. Joebob
4. ILikePie5
5. AustinL0926
6. Supadudz
7. Greyparrot
8. Barney
9. best.korea

With 9 players left, it takes 5 votes to reach a lynch.

Joebob is innocent.

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Welcome to “Invincible” Mafia!

This is a fun theme based on a comic series that Amazon prime recently adapted into a Television Series. If you ever watched the “The Boys” and liked it, this series is very similar. It can be extremely gruesome and gritty, with fair amounts of comic relief. Lots of action, and really diverse antagonists, which is my favorite part. Antagonists who are evil for the sake of being evil, antagonists who have character arcs and end up being good guys, antagonists who have third party intentions but aren’t really evil per say, antagonists who are evil but you understand them based on their fucked up pasts, etc etc. I just find this concept should make for an absolutely crazy mafia game. Many of the characters match a lot of roles I can think of so I’ve been craving to do this theme for some time now.

The game isn’t quite complete. I am putting a lot of time love and care in this one. That’s not to say it will be the best balance ever (though I definitely will strive for that)  many of the characters abilities can technically function as like 5 different roles. So trying to make justification fit roles perfectly will be tricky, and I’m doing my best to make the role justifications work in a way that doesn’t back fire on the players when claiming their roles. 

Also many of you are new since I’ve probably had a year off mafia and may not be familiar with a Lunatic style game. For those who have never played in a lunatic style game, I tend to slightly give mafia an edge role wise. What I mean by that is there will generally be a counter to any major power role town has. I do this because it has always been my strong opinion that results should be taken in context with behavior and I have noticed way too many town player pools rely heavily on results just to lose the game because they have never been countered by a framer or lawyer before. This isn’t to say town won’t be powerful, just that town should keep in mind that mafia will be able to counter almost everything they can do.

Anyways this game will be an open set up. I will start the game off with a list of characters that can be in the game. Mafia will not be given fake claims directly since it’s an open set up and they can refer to this list for fake claims. I will probably give them a strong hint as to an available role, but ultimately I believe mafia should have to put some work into fake claiming and just handing out fake claims has always felt to easy to me.

Let’s start the game off with 12, if we can’t get that number I’ll lower it to ten and we can go from there. Look forward to hosting my first game in like a year!

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2 1
Mafia win! Mafia were whiteflame and Mharman.

Theme split was "Fundamental MMA skills vs extraneous ones" Basically Jui-jitsu and boxing, If you don't know at least the basics of those two skills you are at a disadvantage in an MMA fight.

One of Mharmans JOAT ability is a vote remover which was used on earth. The numbers would have been 3-1 meaning town would need 3 votes to secure a lynch but would only have 2 with that2 and RM. 

This is gonna be a tough one for town to swallow since they got it right in the last day phase, however it was a very swingy game. The vigilante if mis used basically takes away a mislynch as it did here, and the justice being outted so early as well hurt the town.

Town had a vig and a Justice so I wouldn't say mafia was OP, but I will agree this was a swingy game. GG to everyone who was involved. Good job to RM for getting it right in the end. Sounds like pie was on the right track as well, and correctly guessed the scum before I even told him who they were. 
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63 7

ComputerNerd: Aikido- 2x Role Reverser- Town

iLikePie5: You are Muay Thai! You are a different form of striking that is popular in Thailand. Your art uses leg kicks as well as striking to incapacitate your opponent. Fighters in Thailand are known to be able to snap trees in half with kicks that are so powerful it’s hard to believe a human is capable of such power. Holly Holmes showed the world the power of Muay Thai when she took out Ronda Rousey with a leg kick, who was an MMA icon in 2015. Some of the most brutal knockouts ever seen have been the spawn of leg kicks or flying knees to the face. You are the 1x vigilante! One time in the game you can target another player and remove them from the game. Use this ability wisely! You win with the town.

Incel-Chud: You are Wrestling! Wrestling is an important skill to have in martial arts. In MMA, you can get held down by a decent wrestler for the whole match and lose, just like what happened to Jorge Masdival when he fought Colby Covington. You are the Jailkeeper! Each night you can pin a person down protecting them and role-blocking them for that night phase. You win with the town



With 6 players it takes 4 votes to reach majority! 

Day phase will end in 72 hours, or on Saturday March 29th, at 10:00 PM CST. 

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345 7
Welcome to Mixed Martial Arts Mafia! There is a theme split. Mafia were not given fake character claims. Good luck and have fun! As usual I will not be answering questions in the day phase, but if you have questions about how your specific role functions please PM me. 



With 9 players it takes 5 votes to reach majority! 

Day phase will end in 72 hours, or on Saturday March 26th, at 12:30 PM CST. 

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Theme is Mixed Martial Arts. Not people, but but the martial arts themselves. Each person will be a different Martial Art. No fake claims will be given, theme split will exist. 

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31 13
Today I decided I am not gonna let myself get stood up by fake friends who talk a big game when you talk to them but literally never show up for you, skip on commitments, promise things and don't follow up on them, act like their schedule is more important than yours and their time is more valuable, etc. Seriously just fuck that. There has to be some sort of equality in a friendship. If one person is acting like their fucking time is so important that the fact you can hang with them for even a brief amount of time, you should be grateful, fuck them. That's a fake friend and you deserve better. Drop them from your life. You will feel much better. Don't let people walk on you. 

11 9
Mafia wins and third party wins!! (Mikal, Sui_Generis, iLikePie5, greyparrot)

Theme split was "The Byrdes vs everyone else" because in the show the Byrdes (while their intentions are innocent) completely destroy the lives of everyone they encounter in the Ozarks.

Thankyou guys for the activity and it looked like a pretty interesting game. Mharman put in a lot of work, effort, research. May have missed the mark, but it's a learning experience. Been there.

I will adamantly defend the fact that my statement did not "confirm" supa and will happily accept a debate to back this up. Mafia was only salty because of bias. But I would have 100% said the same thing if I made a mod mistake and the scum was getting lynched for "lying about results" when it was really the mods fault. Mods should own up to mistakes, and I would be highly dis-appointed if I played in a game where a mod didn't. Regardless I don't think that would have honestly effected your argument of supa that much. There was behavioral analysis too I hope, otherwise your basically saying the only reason to lynch supa was based on a mod mistake, which is borderline admitting you had no grounds to lynch supa. We both know this isn't the case so basically stop being salty little b1tches, mikal and pie.  ;-) Especially when you guys won as dominantly as you did. Good job to mafia, and GG's to town. Better luck next time townies. 

Quite a few of you were on the right track even early on (I am looking at you badger) but didn't quite have the pull to pull off some of the lynches.

I don't really like doing MVP's because people tend to care more about the results then the process. But I liked the way Mharman pieced things together even if he was wrong sometimes. You can't always be right, but he did his due dilligence and I think investigated things to the best of his ability. And badger had some great gut reads and stuck to them. So town MVP's were probably those two. Mharman was incredibly universally town read, so even if his reads were wrong he did play incredibly town like, so in that he did his job lol. 

Mafia did really well, particularly pie and Mikal. Really good communication and coordination with stuff, Sui made some really good fake claims that seemed to work pretty well. 

Computernerds first time as cop, but yeah obviously claiming detective roy petty dp1 was horrible for him, especially since it basically nullified mharmans role as an advocate for him. Mharmans role was designed as way for the cop to be able to avoid claiming and get away with it because mharman could have been in his back pocket to defend him and confirm him at any time. Also computernerd copped badger after badger already claimed to innocent child... That was painful. Didn't matter because he was roleblocked but yeah..

Only other critique I have is maybe whiteflame should have forfeited his role after he used it to confirm himself. Mafia realized really quickly the value of being able to redirect that. I guess he couldn't have known there was a redirector, but yeah still kind of sucked. It would have sucked anyway though since he targetted pie and pie was scum as well, so I guess it wouldn't have mattered though since sui would have been lynched DP3.

GG's all.

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Dead Players:

Earth- Jacob Snell- JOAT (Vigilante, Forensic Investigator, Bulletproof) - Town (Lynched DP1)

DD- Ruth Langmore- Bodyguard (Killed NP1)

Airmax- Helen Pierce- Babysitter (Lynched DP2)

Badger- You are Zeke Young! Despite being brutally carved out of your mother by Darlene and her henchmen, you survived. You bounce around caretakers based on the motives of the characters in the show several times. You are too young to understand much of what is going on now but will probably grow up with a messed up life. You are the innocent child. Your affiliation will be publicly revealed if you are still alive at the beginning of day phase 3. You win with the town. (Killed NP2)

Living Players:


With 8 players alived, it takes 5 votes to cause a lynch.

Day Phase 3 will end in 72 hours, or on Friday, February 5th, at 6PM EST. 

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Dead Players:

Earth- Jacob Snell- JOAT (Vigilante, Forensic Investigator, Bulletproof) - Town (Lynched DP1)

DD- You are Ruth Langmore. Ruth is probably the most enticing character on the show for multiple reasons. Ruth is strongly loyal, motivated, and strong. She will stand up for herself and say whatever she wants, often perceived as a very blunt person. However you can’t help but fall in love with her character as the show progresses, and her choices consistently reflect her morals and her attempt to change the Langmore name from that of being associated with petty criminals, to being a real part of the Ozark’s. Ruth shows her loyalty to anyone who does right by her and is fiercely protective of them. You are the bodyguard. Each night you may target a player. If that player was to be targeted for the night kill, you will instead die in their place. You win with the town. (Killed NP1)

Living Players:


With 10 players alived, it takes 6 votes to cause a lynch.

Day Phase 2 will end in 72 hours, or on Thursday, February 3rd, at 6AM EST. 

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155 11
Long story short, I have worked at a place that has made me miserable for years. I've had family members and friends telling me to quit and look for something new for years, and I never did because I felt like there was nothing I could get that paid better, and I was afraid of change. Well after like 4 months of stress and overtime, and literally everyone else at my job quitting, I finally put in some applications. First of all holy hell all here a ton of jobs right now, and suprisingly many were paying more for much less responsibility and require less overtime. I did get a new job, and its way better. I am now getting a 5 dollar pay raise for like 1 third of the stress and work. Tonight is my last night of my old job, and it feels awesome knowing after today I won't have to come to a place the makes me miserable lol.

So moral of the story is, don't let yourself get stuck doing something you hate. Don't be afraid of change. If your unhappy because of your job, make the move. Especially now, the job industry seems to be booming, at least where I live. 

18 8
Welcome to Ozark Mafia! Usually I am more open about my mechanics, but for this game I will stay pretty tight lipped. There is a non-complex theme split and that's about the only information I will publicly reveal about this game. I won't answer questions about other setup things, like whether mafia were given fake claims, etc. I hope this game is balanced, I kind of threw it together over two nights so don't judge me too harshly if it falls flat.  My vote counts usually obtain random qoutes from whatever theme I am using, don't look into them, they aren't hints or anything, just fun theme spirit stuff. 

Living Players:

1. Mikal
2. iLikePie5
3. Supadudz
4. Badger
5. DD
6. Earth
7. ComputerNerd
8. Suigeneris
9. Mharman
10. Whiteflame
11. Greyparrot
12. Airmax122

With 12 players, it takes 7 votes to lynch. 

I am starting this game really early due to my graveyard schedule, so I will give day phase one a 6 hour extension making it a 78 hour long phase as opposed to a standard 72. I will be back on a normal shift starting next week and it will be much easier for me to keep track of vote counts and what not. 

Day Phase 1 ends on Monday, January 31st, at 9:30 AM CST. 

Good luck and have fun yall. 
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Theme is based on the popular show Ozark. Haven't designed the game yet but will work on it tonight and will give more details later. Please sign up!
Forum games
34 14
If airmax get's elected president, I have plans to kick start this website and enourage activity. With Airmax's help with outreach and marketing, I plan to help tackle the debate and voting side of things.

Debating current topics

My hope for this will be to organize a group of like minded debaters- people who love to debate and want to see our community grow. Then we are going to just blast out high quality debates on centralized topics around current issues, like vaccine mandates, rittenhouse trial, Biden presidential decisions, pulling out of Afghanistan, Racism issues, etc etc. The idea will be to get as many of these debates into the challenge period and accepted as fast as possible. A trial run of a good 10-15 debates (this maybe over zealous at first, but we can play it by ear) that can be ready to advertise across different sites. The more people we get on board with this idea the faster we can on track a new onslaught of debaters to this fabulous website. 

Voting improvements

Now voting is something I have always been passionate about. Getting people to debate is one thing, but expecting a half decent vote on your debate is another. This is something even DDO struggled with at times as well. On DDO I was part of several projects that had varying levels of success and would like to share some of the ideas that I have had in the past, and to what degree they have worked. I single handedly reformed how people voted on the website and was able to petition the mods to put enforce better guidelines with voting in general. This thread resulting in a public vote being cast that ultimately reformed voting policies to require people to put in a significant effort.

My history with voting improvement

Judge voting. I created judge voting. Not even kidding. That nifty mechanic you can enable here, came from DDO. That function was literally only there because I pushed it hard with the site developers. It was one of the few changes I was able to enforce when I was president of the website.

Votes of the week: A project headed by airmax that was used to congratulate good voting practices that I helped head and participate.

I also formed several succesful voting initiatives. Most of these voting groups I have put together or participated in the past usually had some incentive or reward attached.

In 2012 I created a voters competition, where the individual with the most votes on debates would win a playstation 4. Mikal won this, and is actually how I got to know him in the first place.

I also participated and organized the DDO Voters Union headed by Donald.Keller.

This was one of the most succesful voting campaigns I participated in DDO's history.

Here is an example of how many votes we were able to generate in June of 2017: The grand total was 68. Keep in mind these are high quality debate votes, votes with in depth explanation, not just 7 point wins awarded. We sifted through eligble votes before counting them towards whatever the prize was for the month. 

We would post threads for users to post debates they wanted to get votes on. Any quality debate submitted usually recieved votes from someone in our union:

Airmax and BOT hosted the Raisor Rubles incentive program for voting, which was also hugely succesful though I do not have the google documents to showcase the stats from this initiative any longer.

New Ideas

All of the above should show that I have a decent history organizing and forming succesful voting initiatives. I have had a lot of experience with this in the past. I have several new ideas for this website. My goal will be to take it slow. I realize this community doesn't yield the same numbers DDO once had. That's okay. Change is a coming, and we will first have to work on getting people here. That said, I have found what an active community wants the most rather than tangible rewards, was a way to guarantee votes on their own debates. Each project initiative had this perk. People who participated in these debate voting groups could usually rely on unbiased votes from others in the group as well. The overarching idea is to vote more than you debate, and incentivize voting through knowledge that it's a pay it forward type of system. The more votes you cast, the more likely you are to get votes on your own debates. I am working with airmax on several ideas for new voting initiatives as we speak.

The rest is on you the community. Please vote airmax1227 for this election. We can accomplish so much for the site if you just let us prove what we can do. We have had so much experience in this field. I know and have seen airmax perform wonders as president and mod on DDO, and I know he will accomplish that here too. I am not saying I am unwilling to put this type of effort in if 3RU7AL becomes president. I have to see his initiative, see that he generally cares about site promotion as he says he does first. I don't want these efforts to go in vain. I know airmax has the work ethic though to help see these initiatives through however which is why I strongly encourage you to vote for airmax1227 today. 

25 8
This has been an eventful election process so far, and I have to say I am proud to say that a lot of activity has generated from this thing. Regardless of who wins here, the site will be better for having introduced this role for the community. 3RU7AL, Airmax, good luck to you both and thanks for running. As having been a former president of a debate site myself, I can say that the task of running is an arduous and messy one sometimes, but the end result is that both of you want to endeavor to further the community. Regardless of who wins here, I have hopes that both of you will do your best at achieving a better, more active DART. 

Good luck to both of you fine gentlemen. 
8 3

This thread was correctly unlocked. 

As someone who has been a stark complainer of mods in the past, I would now like to take a moment to shout them out positively, as is only fair. Today the mods proved me wrong, and showed that they are willing to listen to reason. It was my impression in the past that when decisions were made, they would fight tooth and nail to stick to that decision.

The addition of whiteflame as head mod, and supadudz having more authority may have played the biggest role here, but I will give credit to ragnar in some regard too even though I know he stands by locking the thread, he at least caved to the better reasoning and rationale of his highly respected peers. There is hope for moderation on the website. There is still a long way to go in acheiving the laissez faire style that I know will bring activity and purpose to this website, but the decision they made today shows that they have every intention of meeting that goal. 

The community should remain vigilant in bringing up issues with moderation decisions, but we should also be fair and applaud them when they make the right decisions. 

Thankyou mod team of DART.

47 8
I think most rational people understand RationalCrybaby's poor debate tactics. When logically defeated in a conversation he will do one of the following.

1. Not respond out of laziness
2. Hit you with a one liner and gaslight you
3. Put words in your mouth
4. Warp your argument from something it actually was
5. Block you and start reporting all of your posts

Some of these probably all fall under the category of gas lighting, but I digress. So why bother to keep responding to him? 

Well I attempted to speak academically towards him at first, you can tell my responses to him in my initial thread "Why you shouldn't vote for RationalMadman" were a bit more eloquent than they are now. It's because I realize the game he is playing. He simply does not respond to reason, this is all a manipulative way to bait airmax. Now the older debaters who know how RCB works and functions probably just rightfully roll their eyes at whatever RCB has to say. Generally I do too, there really is no point to engage him normally. But to the younger DART audience, who probably aren't as likely to read into context, and are more likely to get on board with confirmation bias, that is who RCB is appealing to. The more RM goes un responded to the more the younger kids here may look at it and go "that went without a response, that means RCB is right". Likely this crowd has already made up their mind about the election anyway. Anyone not voting airmax was never going to anyway, because they think he is too new (absolutely silly argument, considering his extremely active past on DDO, and immense amount of work put in). Regardless if people wanna stick to a narrative they will.

Airmax shouldn't respond to it. This feigned support RCB is giving to airmax is nothing more than a farce. Airmax has been cordial with all this adversity and RM is trying to bait a temper out of him by consistently gaslighting him and warping his argument. So I will be the lone person to confront and call out RCB's bullcrap. Let me be the one, so airmax doesn't have to be baited and manipulated by RCB like RCB does to many of the younger debaters. Airmax knows RCB's tactics and sees through him like a glass wall. 

It's not cowardice for airmax not to respond to RCB's vitriol, because RCB has an agenda. Airmax is more than willing to debate and engage professionally with any serious questions that people have about his campaign. Even if you want to argue with him about it. But he shouldn't be encouraged to respond to blatant manipulation, so I will be the one to do. 
49 8
ilikepie5 loves restricted speech. Ilikepie5 supports RM for the DART 2021 election
73 12
I know there are a lot of members of DART who are not entirely familiar with the user Airmax. Airmax has only played in a few games of mafia here, and hasn't been fully engaged on the site yet so he is definitely a new face to some of you.

But airmax has leadership experience on a Debating platform for literally 10+ years. The site that this site was inspired from (many of the current user base are veterans from it) is was a fantastic website until the owners of the website (Juggle) became too inactive to remove the spam that was constantly flooding the forums, and most people moved elsewhere. For years, Airmax was the sole person deleting the spam in every forum. There were literally hundreds of spam bots posting every day. Keep in mind airmax was not being paid to do any of this, and hadn't heard from the site owners in a long time, he still kept the site alive by dumping hours of his personal time into deleting spam to keep our community alive as long as possible. 

I first joined when it was still, (roughly 2009) and the site was always thriving with activity. Around 2012, when first held a presidential election (originally the role was designed to give moderator privileges and act as a role to communicate with developers, similar to what the role is here) airmax ran for president. He became the acting mod of the website and remains in that role to this day. had one of the most active vibrant communites, and while occasionally some moderation action was taken, airmax's laissez-faire modding style was ultimately favored by the community. 

Now one thing I can personally attest to about airmax, and this is what I love about him, is that he will always respond to you intelligently, and logically explain any decision he makes. There was times when I had confronted him about taking action, or lack of action. There was never a time where airmax failed to address my concerns and properly explain an action. I never felt like airmax was doing something for the sake of doing it while he was a moderator. There was always reasons for his actions and he would explain them well. And this isn't a dig at current moderators, but there has been times when I have approached them with issues to either have them eventually stop responding, or the conclusion be "this is just the way it is".

Airmax does not roll that way. He deeply cares about the community, even people who are adverse to his decisions. I know this because I was a pain in his side for a long time. You can see this by the way he interacts with RM as well. It's not an act. It's no secret RM hates airmax and will use any method to dig at him. Even when he did it on, airmax never responded less professionally than he did to RM in his campaign thread. This is just who airmax is at his core. He is a deeply caring person, who loves the community and everyone in it. He won't encourage ruthless bans to our moderators.

In fact all of our current moderators know him from and have very good repor with him. There is no world I can see in which airmax is not able to help guide their actions through his wisdom and experience. Out of every political candidate here, airmax has the best ability to reach and communicate with our mod team. Whiteflame served as Chief vote mod for airmax on, and ragnar was a long time friend of Airmax's as well on DDO. Supa also is extremely familiar with Airmax, both on DDO and in live mafia games that we used to frequently hold.

So now that we have established that Airmax has history doing this role, and doing a very good job at his role, I will explain why he is needed now more than ever.

Airmax cared about DDO so much that he was willing to purchase the website from them and start a gofundme in order to support the website and make it thrive. With airmax as president I can see many old debaters returning to the site, many who are aware of DART but do not wish to come here for various reasons, many having to do with over moderation. Airmax can bring this site to life. Hell I will help bring it to life, so will mikal if there is hope that moderation can return to the way it was on DDO. Airmax is that hope. I fully believe that he will put a lot of his free time into making this site alive. I won't say "revive" because this site has never been a pinnacle of activity. But with moderation reform I can see this site easily becoming as active as DDO was if not more active.

We have an amazing site developer in Mike, and active moderators. The site in some ways is better than DDO was functionally. We just need to reform the TOS and moderators ideas on how to enforce them. Airmax can make that happen.

Vote airmax in this election. He is the websites best hope at a lively and thriving community. He is what I base all moderation standards off of in any online community because he served in his role so well. We are priveleged to have him volunteer his time to do this for the website.

29 10
I will start off by saying this is not an attempt to smear RationalMadman's character, or to hurt/ dig at him in the slightest. This is purely an argument, a very compelling one mind you, about why I think his campaign is damaging to the website as whole. 

First, what is the exact role of the president? What are we trying to accomplish here? Let's take it straight from the horses mouth shall we? 

"While not a moderating role, the President does retain limited powers with their position, including:
  • The ability to communicate within a moderation team chat (via Discord) in order to give input on all forms of daily decision-making. Except when completely untenable, the mod team will strive to ensure the President’s viewpoint is heard and honored.
  • The ability to approve or veto permanent ban propositions. Moderation will be required to submit permanent ban propositions to the President for review unless the user in question is a bot or advertising account, the situation is uniquely urgent or severe, the President is absent and/or unreasonably tardy, or the permanent ban proposition targets the President themselves. Vetos may be overridden by a simple majority vote among the moderation team. 
  • The ability to envision and execute community events, pending the approval and assistance of moderation."
A role that directly impacts how moderators function is pretty important. The first bullet point here talks about just a general ability to communicate with the mods. I suppose you have that same avenue through messages so no big whoop. But that second bullet point there, that's where this gets real. Having the ability to say "yes or no" to a ban is an absolutely insane thing to allow a member like rationalmadman to do, especially when given his statements in his campaign thread. 

"As somebody who both personally and, by observing others, has both felt and seen the impacts of harassment, I would use any sway I had as president to push the mods to respect and notice interactions that drive people off of the website or alternatively drive them to act more hostile.
There is this idea that 'special snowflakes' should just suck it up and toughen up but this is a website we use to pass the time with many intellectuals on it who have unique sensitivities and often were bullied IRL and teased for their odd ways. It's not an ordinary person who comes to a debate website, that just isn't the niche market this goes for."

RationalMadman has a mentality towards "bullies" that is absolutely insane by the way. I tried having a discussion with rationalmadman some months back about the movie "Borat" where I was told by RM that the actor who played Borat (Sacha Baron Cohen) was a bully, and a horrible person because he pulls public pranks at others expenses and doesn't inform them of the prank (obviously that would undermine the very idea of the prank). In having a conversation with him about this and trying to get him to see how absurd the idea that this guy is the anti-christ because of a prank, RationalMadman proceeded to lump me into the same "evil person" category and subsequenty blocked me and left the discord. I was flabbergasted by this. I was honestly attempting to debate and discuss an issue with him, and was called a bully and blocked.

This is just one example of many on this website where RationalMadman gets carried away with the use of the term "bully".

Here is an example of RM being bullied because someone dislikes an anime character he likes. 

But it's important to understand his worldview of bullying. If he views something as offensive, and you dis-agree with him that said thing is offensive, you are automatically to be silenced, or cancelled. He is cancel culture personified. Cancel culture and people who view the world through a "right to be offended by everything lens" is the problem with society. Comedians can't tell a joke without offending someone. You can't make a star wars or ghost buster movie with out a strong powerful female lead or you are a misogynist. The same rhetoric we see every day is caused by people with the same world view as RationalMadman.

This all becomes extremely important when you realize how much this role actually has to do with moderation. Overt moderation has already been a problem on this site from the beginning of this websites birth. I've made multiple threads explaining why this is so over the past few years, and its really the only issue I see that prevents this site from growing. Now wylted is also someone I actively campaigned against on DDO when he ran last, however DDO has very different circumstances than DART has with moderation. Moderation of DDO (Airmax) was very laissez faire style. Moderation was not DDO's issue at the time. Moderation is however DART's only issue. How can we have an active thriving community when our most vocal members that encourage debate and discourse are constantly being banned or in fear of being banned because someone else has the right to feel offended by something that was said? 

If we never discuss or debate controversial issues, ingorance will remain and persist. The only way to triumph over inorance is to prove ignorance wrong. You may not change the mind of the ignoramus themselves, but by wining a debate against them you are proving to the world that you provided the better argument. People who may be leaning on the side of the ignorant party are more likely to look upon your debate or discussion and be convinced by your side if you debated well. Silencing people does not do this. Silencing people and over punishing people for offensive opinions is the EXACT opposite of what should be encouraged on a website that brags to be about debate.

Now if you feel offended by something, you have a very nifty block tool. Personally speaking, blocking is a weak move for a "debater" but in circumstances where you feel someone is going out of there way to harass you in a real way, blocking is the perfect tool to combat that. Why should we need any more moderation than involved than that? Can we simply choose not to avoid interacting with or viewing a persons posts we find distasteful? 

My point is this: The risk to voting rationalmadman is that he can veto moderation decisions even in cases where more leniency could be an option. And you can bet your ass that he will, because RM has actively advocated heavier bans and punishments from the mods in almost every situation excluding the ban of himself. Call it narccissistic if you want. Call it what it is. 

But the harm to voting wylted? Virtually doesn't exist. Wylted is all about freedom of speech. The dude has said some of the more controversial things on the site. Whether his motives are secretly to "stir the pot" or to actually cause discussion or discourse are not for us to decide. We should be encouraging people however to respond the things like that logically if we are to call this a debate site. We have our own tools to block those that offend us and ignore them.

So in the end, there is massive harm potential from RationalMadman as president VS wylted in regards to the position and its pull on moderation. Anyone can host a debate tournament of their own time. I am all for community engangement, but at the cost of freedom of speech it's simply not worth having RM as president for a little debate tournament. I have theories that this move for president has more narcissistic motivators for both parties than it does for actual community development, so if this is a "pick a lesser of two evils situation" than voting for Wylted is definitely the move here based on the actual harm RationalMadman can actually cause to this community and people who take this website serious enough past the age of 16. 

165 12
Forum games
49 9
Dead players

Drlebronski- Louis CK- Vanilla- Town (Lynched DP1)

iLikePie5- ????- ????- ???? (Killed NP1)

Speedrace- George Carlin - Jailkeeper- Mafia(Lynched DP2)

Wylted- Dave Chappelle- Tracker- Town (Killed NP2)

Evilgenius- You are Bill Cosby! You are a comedian from the 80’s who was pretty family friendly and was widely known. You even had your own television show called “The Cosby Show”. However after being arrested in 2015 after multiple allegations of sexual assault arose, you quickly were cancelled, and will probably never do comedy again. You are thus vanilla, and may use your voice and your vote to contribute to the game. You win with the town. (Lynched DP3)

No one died in the night.

Living Players

1. Whiteflame
2. Polyglot 
3. Supadudz
4. greyparrot

With 4 players it takes 3 votes to achieve a lynch!

Day phase  4 will end 9/9/21 @  11:30 AM CST. 

Forum games
72 6
Dead players

Drlebronski- You are Louis CK! Louis CK was an amazing comedian, arguably one of the best since Carlin. Your humor, while often self deprecating, was relatable and absolutely hilarious. However after the media broke out with a story about you masterbating in front of women privately, you basically dis-appeared from the world and had a movie you were directing get cancelled.You have had minor appearances since then for local comedy clubs but will likely never be as big as you once were. You are a vanilla town member and can contribute with your voice and your vote. (Lynched DP1)

iLikePie5- ????- ????- ???? (Killed NP1)

Speedrace- You are George Carlin. Carlin was one of the greats in comedy. He wasn’t afraid to speak his mind both politically and philosophically during a comedy set. Even if the audience was completely silent during one of his rants, he never let it bother him, and never skipped a beat. He had a magical way of captivating his audience despite talking about things that were very controversial, in a time where most comedians were still using slap-stick humor. Carlin was a gem in his time, and when he passed, there was no replacing him. Unfortunately there are very few comedians as raw and authentic these days as Carlin was. Though many try to follow in his footsteps, we will never have another like him. You are the 1x Janitor. One time in the game you can janitor a player. You will receive their character and role, but it will be hidden from the rest of the town in the graveyard. Just like Carlin, that player will not be replaceable. You win with the mafia. (Lynched DP2)

Wylted- You are Dave Chappelle! Dave Chappelle has been around for a while, even had his own T.V. show. After a long Hiatus, he returned with a banger Netflix special that put him back into relevancy. Chappelle is constantly tracking what’s going on in the news, politics, and social issues and isn’t afraid to talk about hot button issues. Because you keep track of what’s going on in the world and aren’t just absorbed into the comedy scene, you are the tracker! Each night you can track a player to see who they visit. You win with the town. (Killed NP2)

Living Players

1. Whiteflame
2. Polyglot 
3. Supadudz
4. Evilgenius
5. greyparrot

With 5 players it takes 3 votes to achieve a lynch!

Day phase  3 will end 9/8/21 @  9:30 AM CST. 

Forum games
34 6
Dead players

Drlebronski- You are Louis CK! Louis CK was an amazing comedian, arguably one of the best since Carlin. Your humor, while often self deprecating, was relatable and absolutely hilarious. However after the media broke out with a story about you masterbating in front of women privately, you basically dis-appeared from the world and had a movie you were directing get cancelled.You have had minor appearances since then for local comedy clubs but will likely never be as big as you once were. You are a vanilla town member and can contribute with your voice and your vote. (Lynched DP1)

iLikePie5- ????- ????- ???? (Killed NP1)

Living Players

1. Whiteflame
2. Speedrace
3. Polyglot 
4. Supadudz
5. Wylted 
6. Evilgenius
7. greyparrot

With 7 players it takes 4 votes to achieve a lynch!

Whiteflame is innocent.

Day phase  2 will end 9/7/21 @  9:30 AM CST. 

Forum games
154 8
Since the other game is still going for some reason, and looks like will probably last at least another 24 hours or so,I don't see why we can't go ahead and start so everyone who is dead in the other game doesn't have to wait an absurdly long time for no reason.

Standard rules apply. I won't answer questions that contain hypotheticals about how a role would or could work. I will gladly answer questions in your own role pm about your own role though. Theme split isn't a major aspect of this. There is a theme split, and i'll leave it up to you if you want to figure it out. While I don't think it is neccesarily a tough one, it is kind of abstract. 

As I said in the sign ups this is a simple 2 v 7 game, no third parties included. Mafia were not given fake claims. Good luck and have fun!


1. Whiteflame
2. Speedrace
3. iLikePie5
4. drlebronski
5. Polyglot 
6. Supadudz
7. Wylted 
8. Evilgenius
9. greyparrot

With 9 players it takes 5 votes to achieve a lynch!

I will give dp1 84 instead of 72 hours, since a couple of the players may be pre-occupied with the last day phase of poly's game. 

Day phase will end saturday at 5:30 am CST. 
Forum games
294 10