Total debates: 391
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Not here to get super aggressive, just trying to have a productive conversation to figure out my stance on abortion through debate :)
So my rapper friend has a new album out titled "4 Da Ladeez" (For The Ladies) and it is some of the worst music I, and hopefully you, have ever heard. album:
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I've been doing a lot of serious debates recently, so I thought I would take it easy, and just have a fun talk with another Star Wars fan. I know this is a matter of opinion, so that's why it's standard not rated. If you are going to accept this debate, please come in with a "let's just have some fun" mindset.
Does a creature known as Bigfoot/Sasquatch Exist
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The U.S. should remove the Penny from it's currency
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Speed chess is more suited for a style that is mostly offense than defense.
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Reflect on what it means to be human and how we should orient ourselves towards this.
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3 songs per round. Post songs that match your personality and your attitudes.
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Small Penis = Good penis
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I'm talking about human females specifically if that wasn't obvious.
Based on an internet meme.
Best.Korea is a purge upon this website.
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A debate on whether transgenderism is valid, or whether it is just a ridiculous thing.
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For the purposes of this debate, free-will does exist, and we can argue about the definition of free-will during the debate.
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