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Revenge of the Sith is the best Star Wars Movie


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I've been doing a lot of serious debates recently, so I thought I would take it easy, and just have a fun talk with another Star Wars fan. I know this is a matter of opinion, so that's why it's standard not rated. If you are going to accept this debate, please come in with a "let's just have some fun" mindset.

Round 1
I'll try and keep this relatively short so that whoever decides to vote on this won't have to read a ton.

Revenge of the Sith generally gets lumped up with the rest of the prequels, and though I'm not a fan of TPM or AOTC, I the ROTS is very different from either of them, and the Best Star Wars Movie of all time. 

First up, the Action. Every Star Wars Movie should have some kind of blaster/lightsaber fighting, just to keep it interesting, but it is a delicate tightrope. On one side, you have episodes 1&2, which suffered from a lack of good action, making them very boring, but if you go too over-the-top, you get ridiculously unrealistic fight scenes that ruin the whole thing. But ROTS threads that needle perfectly with the Iconic Obi-Ani duel on mustafar. Some of the most iconic images of our generation are screenshots from that fight scene. The lava contrasts perfectly with the blue lightsabers, and everything is very well choreographed, with masterful music played over the top.

Next comes the Dialogue. Some of the Greatest pop-culture references and memes, are from episode 3, and that is because the dialogue is very well done. Most of the Starwars memes, and quotes are from this movie, with such memorable ones as, "I am the Senate", "I have the High Ground", and "DO IT!". However, even though the quotes are nice, my favorite parts of the dialogue are the conversations between different characters that really show true emotion, and drive home the plot. Unlike its predecessors, ROTS did not have any overly cringy talking scenes, but it had interesting dialogue that moved the plot forward.

That brings me to my final point, the plot. The reason I love this movie so much really just comes down to its story line. It seems a little random at first, but in the last 40 or so minutes, it all comes together in an epic climax. As soon as palpatine utters those historic words, order 66 commences and the jedi fall. There is a bit of down time, and then Obi-Wan confronts anakin on Mustafar, and we see how it all lines up with ATH. 

This movie is great, undoubtedly, but how does it compare to all the other star wars movies? I'll rule out a few freebies first. Holiday special, Clone Wars Movie, and Solo, are almost universally hated, so I'll make this shorter by cutting them out. I basically already compered ROTS to the other two prequels, but to recap, it has better dialogue, plot, and doesn't overly use CGI. You could make a case for the Sequels, but even if you might personally like them, I don't really. It's mostly writing. There was a lot of base level fan service, and I don't think a lot of time and care went into making a coherent plot. JJ didn't even know where he was going with the trilogy when he started, so it gets a jumbled look, and all the plot twists are just random. Rey is Paply's grandchild? Finn and Rose together? Kylo Ren is good and Loves Rey? WTF is going on here?

Anyways, that brings me to the closest contenders, the OG trilogy, and Rouge 1. I'll start with the latter. Don't get me wrong, Rogue 1 was great, but I think ROTS outmatches it due to it having a bigger impact on the star wars canon as a whole. Rogue introduced a whole set of new characters, who all die at the end, so you don't get a lot of time to bond with them. It also was a little niche, and the big moments didn't have a big enough impact because of the little significance it had to the overarching plot.

Now here is where I'm probably going to upset the most fans, but here we go anyways. The OG trilogy was great, but it's age gets in the way of enjoying it a little. The time it was made is famous for very campy movies, and Star Wars wasn't free from that. I don't hate it to some degree, but I prefer a more serious movie, and ROTS has that. I think the main reason it was originally shunned was because it was so starkly different from what everyone was expecting, but if you just take it by itself, it is a great movie. 

This is undoubtedly a matter of personal preference, but this is my reasoning, what do you think Korea?
I am gonna go with Star Wars episode 6.

Lightsaber combat:

A duel between Luke and Vader, but a duel like no other. While episode 4 and 5 had a very bad lightsaber look, episode 6 improves that greatly. The red color of Vader's lightsaber in a dark scene simply outmatches episode 3's scene.


Episode 6 is probably the greatest plot twist there is in Star Wars. You go from one surprise to another. Episode 3 does have surprises too, but they dont rise to the level of Vader saving Luke after they fight, or Luke throwing away his lightsaber.


"There is no conflict."

"Its a trap!"

"Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battle station!"

"I am afraid that the deflector shield will be fully operational when your friends arrive."

We can all agree that ending in episode 6 is way more satisfying than ending in episode 3. Episode 3 doesnt give you any satisfying closure. Its what makes it different from all other episodes. It gives you the ending you dislike, since by itself, no one really wanted to see Anakin burning alive in flames.
Round 2
Round 3
So sorry about that, I just super lost track of time. Thanks for also forfeiting Korea.

So, closing statements. 

There are many different reasons to like episode three, but the main one for me is the plot, so I’m going to zero in on that.

The best part is that it’s not predictable. You already know that the Death Star is going to blow up, or that the rebels will win, but in ROTS, right up until the last half hour, you are still guessing how the heck this guy turns into earth Vader. How could the Jedi possibly lose? Everything is going amazing, but then a real plot twist comes, and even though you knew Anakin was Vader, you are still surprised. The plot was very different than most movies nowadays, and then, so it’s a breath of fresh air to watch it then, and now.

In conclusion, ROTS was the best Star Wars film because its plot was interesting, and unpredictable. It is a much more serious movie the. The OG trilogy, and was more though out than the Sequels. 

To sum it up, I find episode 6 better since it has closure, where episode 3 doesnt give you closure.