Instigator / Pro

The ability to use ChatGTP has ruined DebateArt


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After 3 votes and with 7 points ahead, the winner is...

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Contender / Con

Now that just about anyone with a computer both has ChatGTP and uses ChatGTP on a regular basis the real art of debate is waning. Instead of people needing to think critically and do research about what they are going to say in reply to their opponent, they simply copy and paste their opponent's argument into artificial intelligence and ask it to create a reply for them. The result is that instead of two people arguing with each other, you have AI arguing with itself. But the real loss is that no one is actually learning anything!

The rules of this debate are simple, both the pro and con sides must mutually agree not to use ChatGTP at all in their debate. Of course, there is no way to truly regulate this, so it must be the honor system instead!

The Pro side will be arguing that AI is ruining the art of debate and that AI is making humanity stupid in general. And the con side will argue that using AI does not ruin debate, but it enhances it in some respect.

Round 1
ChatGPT, which stands for "Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer," is a large language model that uses the internet as its database to generate responses, and then it has been trained for good or bad responses.

The problem is that people are increasingly using chatGPT as a substitute for original thought, and are therefore becoming stupider because of it: “These tools could be driving down IQs since they eliminate the need for us to think by immediately giving us an answer, with no effort on our part whatsoever,” said Larivée. "That means people don’t need to solve problems quite so often, and that’s concerning, since intelligence is basically the ability to solve problems" ( 

The problem is that since ChatGPT is entirely reliant upon a database of pre-existing human thought on the internet, now with people using ChatGPT more than they thinking for themselves and publishing on the internet, there is no way for the pool of information available to ChatGPT to expand. The boundaries of technological advancement and scientific achievement are  dependent upon people creating more than they are consuming. The argument of this post is that people outsourcing their computational power to what humanity already knows as a species is a kind of consuming. 

Its chat gpt,

Not chat gtp.

Easiest win of my life.
Round 2
He can spell, but he doesn't want to take the time to produce an actual argument apparently. Notice that in my last post it was spelled correctly PS.  Ironically, spelling is exactly the kind of thing that shows that I am not using any kind of AI to enhance my arguments.

Spelling is also a system of rhetoric that follows a fixed set of rules, which can easily be generated by AI. Just as calculators displaced the need for humans to do basic arithmetic, so simply tasks which have a definite syntax are being replaced by AI, like grammar, coding, basic paralegal work, etc. 

However, good grammar may be a necessary, but not sufficient condition to produce good arguments. I submit to you that another condition of good argumentation is the ability to think outside of the box, which chatGPT in its current form is deficient. Sometimes arguments are based on a set of presuppositions that are wrong to begin with, so the argument needs to be reframed entirely, which is the domain of human intelligence. 
There is no what you talk about in debate title neither in description.

What you posted in your two rounds is irrelevant to the topic.

Its like me making topic"unicorns are real" and then in round 1 I say "oh no, I meant regular horses".
Round 3
Let's restate the objective so no one is accused of moving the goal posts:

"The Pro side will be arguing that AI is ruining the art of debate and that AI is making humanity stupid in general. And the con side will argue that using AI does not ruin debate, but it enhances it in some respect." 

In round I, I supported the claim that "AI is making humanity stupid in general" with the following two arguments:

Syllogism form:
p1. Human intelligence requires original thought. 
p2. People who use AI are no longer producing original thoughts  because they eliminate the need for us to think for ourselves.
Therefore, humans who use AI are becoming less intelligent. 
(Notice that this argument is both valid and sound, i.e., Modus tollens)  

Syllogism form:
p1. Technological advancement and scientific achievement are dependent upon people creating more than they are consuming.
p2. People who use ChatGPT are consuming more than they are creating because they are utilizing a data base of existing knowledge,  rather than positively contributing to the extent of what humanity knows. 
Therefore, technological advancement and scientific knowledge is being stifled.  
(Notice that this argument is both valid and sound, i.e., Modus tollens). 

To support the claim that "AI is ruining the art of debate" we only need to add one further premise, and that is to define what is necessary for the art of debate. I argue that the art of debate requires an exchange of critical thinking for people on both sides. However, oftentimes, one side of the debate is entirely outsourcing their argumentation to AI, rather than doing any critical thinking themselves. So one person ends up arguing with a computer, rather than a real person. No human thinking = no art of debate. 

In chess, if someone uses a chess engine to make their moves for them they are considered cheating, so why shouldn't using AI to argue for you also be considered cheating? 

"The Pro side will be arguing that AI is ruining the art of debate and that AI is making humanity stupid in general. And the con side will argue that using AI does not ruin debate, but it enhances it in some respect."
Doesnt say it will win tho.

To win, you must prove the topic.