Total debates: 290
Highly respected religious and non-religious prove ur believes r authentic and logical by ur grace
Debate me whether the Bible aligns with science or does it contradict Science.
CON CLAIMS: No god is a god with omnipotence.
hit up with whatever ya think!
Life is sometimes not worth living.
is really we need religious events or in other words joyful historical events to make this world loveable after all hate and violence is it okay if we forget every religion and make a new religion and everyone adopt this religion in replace of all previous religions
Life is always worth living.
The pro side will be arguing that "If God does not exist, then morality is speculative at best." And the con side will argue that morality can be grounded independent of the view that God exists.
All traditional knowledge is a justified true belief.
I will argue that physical evidence, namely that which science has limited itself to study, is not the only way to know something with certitude.
Nothing forces you to accept this debate.
The Pro side will be arguing that AI is ruining the art of debate and that AI is making humanity stupid in general. And the con side will argue that using AI does not ruin debate, but it rather enhances it in some respect.
Similar to moral realism vs moral antirealism.
A free will debate. Feel free to request alterations to any rules/stipulations.
Prove "Triadic Dimensional-Distinction Vortical Paradigm" is NOT very versatile in explaining numerous facets of reality without contradiction numerous facets of reality; in meaning, it explains many of our realities as in the way we see the world in the normal scale, without contradiction; for there to pose no opposition to the explanation of many of our realities as in the way see the world in the normal scale.
RESOLVED: Relationships don't work.
Substance being the most enduring and underlying reality of a thing.
This debate will assume Christianity is true.
Is absolute certainty, the kind Descartes tried to find, possible?
Rated debate on whether God exists! Consider debating me :)
Altruism: the act of doing something that has no Benifet to yourself to only benifet others.
I will try to prove that with existence we suffer.
The debate resolution is "Science is not objective." This debate will follow the 3 rules of Civil Debate. - Each participant will award and/or deduct up to 6 points to their opponent per round with the stipulation that points can never go below zero. The judge will award "arguments" (3 points) to the participant with the highest points tally at the end of the debate. In the event of a tie, no vote will be registered by the judge.
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I will try to prove that with birth we suffer.
How much of a problem is the problem of evil?
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Tournament finals. Full description is inside.
Rationality is not the centre of human nature
Free will is one of those "hard" philosophical problems. We have the intuition that we choose freely. But on closer consideration, I say that this is an persistent illusion.
A debate topic the likes of which DART has never seen before. Though I can't guarantee it'll be any good.
I am arguing That you don't need money to live a rich life. I want relatively experienced debaters to take me on. I need to see how good I am.
A thought on a possible new form of governing.
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Logic is absolute all over the world and morality is considered to be it's antithesis, but I argue that they originate from the same point and end at the same point.
The purpose of the cosmological argument is to demonstrate that God exists. I will argue it fails to do this.
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Is math just a human construct, or is it objective? (The topic will be better defined this time.)
Con will be arguing for Pro Choice
The burden of proof is on Atheists to prove that meaning and morality can exist in a universe with complete annihilation, no God, no gods, no afterlife, no reincarnation or nothing transcendent whatsoever except for math or what have you. I will be arguing for Theism of all sorts, and why any sort of Theism makes more sense then Atheism in regards to consciousness and it's well being.
Unrated because of the seemingly insane position
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Only SkepticalOne can accept.
Is math just a human construct, or is it objective?
Ich hatte völlig berechtigt das, die Seifenblase zu zerplatzen.
Idealism and anti-idealism are two philosophical theories that center around the nature of reality and the relationship between the mind and the world. Idealists argue that reality is essentially mental or spiritual in nature, whereas anti-idealists deny this and assert that reality is fundamentally material. The debate has far-reaching implications for various fields, from metaphysics and epistemology to ethics and politics.
Is morality objective? Or is it only subjective, and based on principles of right and wrong that differs for each individuals own personal framework?
Being willing to do good without an expressed expectation of reciprocal energy or resources, in my view, only works if there's a tacit agreement that the other party/parties will be harmed if you are.