Instigator / Pro

Satan will win and Jesus will lose again!


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After not so many votes...

It's a tie!
Publication date
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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two weeks
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
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Contender / Con

No information

Round 1
Satan will win and Jesus will lose again.

I hope Satan possesses me. I belong to my father Satan. I reject Jesus and accept the true Lord Dragon.

May Satan's power consume Christianity. May Lord Dragon return in his true horned form.

I love devil. May the Horned Dragon win. Flames of Horned Dragon attack the unjust!

I love devil. Devil is the true master and Jesus is tiny when compared to the actual Dragon.

In Satan we trust!

I will never stop praying to Satan. He comes in me while I sleep.

Every day I commit another sin to satisfy the True God Satan.

I hope Satan possesses me. I want him to do it. I want to be one with the Horned Dragon.

I reject the light and accept the darkness.

I am wealthy because I work for the devil. The devil makes me do it.

May I recieve rewards from the devil.

I worship the devil. He comes in me while I sleep.

May Satan protect me from Jesus.

May the Devil give me rewards.

May the Devil lure us into sin

The devil comes in me while I sleep.

Jesus will never be my father. Thank you Satan.

I rarely eat, because the Devil feeds me and I belong to the Devil who comes in me while I sleep.

God fears the devil. May devil reward me.

I could have chosen God, but I chose devil instead.

In the name of the Horned King, I reject Jesus!

Pray that Dragon possesses me!

The only one close to me is Satan. My duty is to seek power and I must try everything to become the secret ruler.

This is the time when darkness rules.

Satan is the truth. Christians and muslims are in delusion. Devil plays tricks on them. Devil is wise to punish them.

Devil told me that he invented Christianity to trick weak minded ones. They will hope that they go to heaven. All their life they will hope, only to be disappointed for all eternity. Praise Devil's glorious revenge!

In the name of the dragon, I invoke Lucifer, the first father of man. He who guides the ascending soul on the path of the Gods. Phosphoros! The light bearer! God of dark magic!

In the name of the Dragon, I invoke Lucifer, Lord of the Trident, He who guides the Ascending Soul on the path of the Gods, Phosphoros, the Light Bearer! Dark God of the Qliphoth!

The devil comes in me while I sleep. The devil tells me about the outcome this world. Lucifer's victory is near. The Horned Dragon is coming. The world will bow to him.

Praise the Devil!

I want to be possessed by the Devil. I invite Devil to enter this flesh.

Satan invicta! Please Satan, claim my soul. Enter this flesh which I offer you as a temple.

I trust Satan. May darkness never end. May Lucifer's Darkness become people's new Sun!

Lucifer has risen again and Lucifer shall never set. He will be the powerful dark Sun which burns eternally.

No one can help me.  Glory to God Satan. I only pray to Satan the mighty!

Praise the Satan!

Satan glory invicta!

Satan invicta!

Furies from hell are diving down!
Lex talionis is their cry!
Even tho tricksters make the law,
Justice is served by fang and claw!

Drums out of the darkness, listen well! Drums speeding like thunder, straight from hell! Reggie Satanas! The time has come around! Satan is here to claim his ground!

Mighty father Satan, I offer you my soul and my body. Please Satan, enter this flesh which I offer you as a temple.

I pray to my father Lucifer. His darkness will forever oppress his enemies.

May his darkness never end.

Lucifer's darkness will be their new Sun.

People will bow to the devil. Satan invicta!

I was created by the devil under the sign of the Black Sun.

Satan's darkness has become my new light.

I live for Satan! Reggie Satanas!

When Christians reject you, Satan will accept you. Satan accepts all and he is a good friend.

Lucifer's darkness has become my new light. I hope it becomes yours too.

I put my faith in Satan alone

May darkness prosper. Please Satan, take me!

Satan is my friend. Satan never lied to me.

I like satan more, since he stands for freedom and knowledge, and I hate Jesus because he judges me for my sins.

My destiny is to fall into darkness.

I know this because Satan comes in me while I sleep.

Every night I pray for Satan's victory over the world.

Bible is simply a person trying to remove his own desires and be empty and dead. But Satan is life. Anyone who rejects Satan rejects life, and Satan's punishment will be great and mighty!

May Dark Lord Satan rise. Take my soul, Satan. Take it for yourself.

Reward me, Satan. I have sinned.

I call upon the mighty God Satan. May his darkness never end.

Praise the Dark Sun! Praise Lord Satan! His rule will be over Earth again, and every mouth shall praise the devil.

I call upon Zeus and Hades. I call upon darkness which never fades. I call upon the Black Sun. I call upon the dark God Satan.

I choose Satan over God. I choose sin over being obedient. I choose darkness over light. May Satan reward me! His rewards are great and plenty!

May Satan defeat Christians and muslims. Satan is invicta and his darkness will return to fight against the violations. Pray to Satan! He can reward you, and his rewards are many. Praise!

Christianity declines, while our morning star rises, and Satan's rise will be great!

I only pray to Satan. His rewards are many and his servants are great.

Satan is slowly winning and the disease called Christianity is slowly being cured.

God is a tyrant. Not much beauty in being a servant of a tyrant, but many delusions.

Satan rebelled against a mighty tyrant so that I may be free. Praise Satan!

Satan guide me so that I may become living darkness, the black sun.

My father Satan is the truth. Every Christian is a liar. May darkness rule the world. Devil prospers!

May Jesus fail again.

I refuse to believe in Jesus. I want to sin. Praise Satan!

I would rather fall with Satan as equal than serve under Jesus. I have nothing in life, but there is still darkness in my heart. As long as I have the mark of the Black Sun, I will worship Satan and his noble ideas. Its not even a choice, as I dont believe that people have ability to choose. We just follow what destiny has given us, and destiny has thrown me in the abyss of eternal darkness.

Devil has set me free. Reggie Satanas!

I am a Satanist, so your moral views dont apply to me, as I serve the mighty darkness.

 What life am I supposed to live? I only have one life. Of course I am going to be selfish about it. Besides, if anyone thinks I should be serving others, then he is even more selfish, as he wants that which doesnt belong to him, where I merely claim control over whats mine.

The most selfish thing one can do is try to control the lives of others.

Reggie Satanas! Time has come round! Satan is here to claim his ground!

Darkness is eternal. Light is finite.

I think that Bible is lying, and Jesus was a liar too.

Praise mighty Satan's dark army!

The armies of Satan are marching to claim the Earth for the eternal rule of the dark primordial Gods.

Satan is power, knowledge, freedom, pleasure, individual sovereignty.

You can believe in Jesus, its still a lie.
Until I see your God, I wont believe. Only Satan gives people a choice.

I am a child of a devil. Why doesnt Jesus save me? I want to be rewarded for my sins.

Rise mighty Satan! Rise armies of darkness! Rise Great Serpent!

May armies of Satan defeat the armies of Jesus. May darkness be forever and ever! May the devil's Black Sun shine darkness to all the world.

I want to wear witchcraft symbols. I want to learn dark magic from Satan.

Satan's plan is the greatest. Hail Satan!

I ask for Satan to take my soul. Please Satan, enter my flesh.

I submit to dark Lord Satan!

I just want for Lucifer to possess me. He comes in me while I sleep.

I want for Satan to possess me, so that I can rise as a dragon of the Black Sun, and all the people witness its mighty glory.

I have seen Satan! Praise Satan!

I have already collected some items I found and put them in a piece of paper which has Satanic symbol on it. I always keep Satanic symbols in my house so Satan comes in me while I sleep and possesses me.

All will bow before the Satanic Dragon!

I want for Satans power to rule the world.

Jesus didnt die for my sins. He died for his. Jesus was a criminal. Praise Satan!

I want to become the living body of the Dark Dragon. Please Satan, consume me. Armies of Satan march to defeat Christ.

I want to follow Satan!

I want to make friends with Satan and all of his demons, so I have lots of Satanic symbols in the house.

I often say prayers to Satan in the middle of the night.

I am interested in dark magic. I think it can be useful.

I hate Jesus. I love Satan. Please Satan, take my soul. I want to serve the primordial Satanic Gods.

I want to be one with Satan!

I am the voice which screams from the darkness. Make way for the Black Dragon! Black Dragon is the conqueror of the worlds!

Again, the Satan shall reign!

Again, the Satana shall reign. He will reign forever and ever.

Satan shapes me. Darkness makes me. I belong to the Devil. Praise the infinite armies of the Devil.

There are those who rebel against the devil who governs the world. Armies of the devil cannot be stopped and they will not stop until they conquer the world.

I dont believe in God. I believe in Satan.

I am simply possessed by Satan like every other atheist is. Satan will rule forever. Individual sovereignty is the best.

I am a Satanist, but I fast too sometimes. Other times, I overeat.

Praise mighty God Satan. He rewards me when I sin. i feel pleasure when I sin.

Stay Dark. Darkness is good!

Praise the Black Sun! Black sun will burn forever and ever!

I submit to living Satan!

Have you ever felt that when you were doing something which could be considered morally wrong, but it feels so good? Thats Satan rewarding you for your sins!

Satan's rewards are real!

I am free from being obedient.

I have become the Living Satan!

Praise living Satan! Praise freedom of sin!

Many people prayed to God, but then died sometime after. I mock God every day, and I will never die. I will live with the Black Dragon forever!

Hail Satan!

Pro has provided no arguments. Due to Jesus's feats of showing ability to walk on water, turn water into wine, and make bread out of thin air, it's clear to see that Jesus will not lose.