Instigator / Pro

You guys think I am a loser only because I have no life, friends or money.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After not so many votes...

It's a tie!
Publication date
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Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Minimal rating
Contender / Con

No information

Round 1
Those are not the only reasons I am a loser.

Here it goes from argument in comments

"P1: Murderers are losers.
P2: You are a pedophille.
P3: Pedophilles are treated worse than murderers.
C1: You are a bigger loser than murderers."

Now, I dont think this argument can be denied, but there is more from comments which I can use.

"If nobody responds, then assume everyone agrees with the statement and your purpose on this planet as a welfare-receiving pedophile doesn't exist. You are better off dead and I don't think my comment will get pulled down or even get responded to in a criticizing way because pretty much everyone agrees with it."

"Like, you said you don't care if you live or die, so prove it."

I guess I need to save some text for next rounds, so this is enough for now.

P1: Murderers are losers.
P2: You are a pedophille.
P3: Pedophilles are treated worse than murderers.
C1: You are a bigger loser than murderers.
Okay. Firstly, let me begin with the awful spelling bee that "TheUnderDog" has(This quotation is part of the message he wrote in the comments). The correct spelling of the word "Pedophilles" is "Pedophiles" for the noun "Pedophiles". "Pedophile" is also the noun of "Paedophilia".
The correct "C1" conclusion would be that You are treated worse than murders, not that you are a bigger loser than murders.
  1. Now, all of these points are completely absurd, and this is why:

    1.1 The term "Murderer" is just a foolish term made by the law in order to establish control within individual groups and individual societies
    1.2 A murderer and a killer are not different at all because they both end the life of a being, only a person fooled by the ones in power and control would say they are different. The only difference they'd have as an excuse is the illegality of murder than doesn't always correspond with killing; one example is a military veteran that's been through war and has killed a human or more in war. Humans are treated like animals in the battle field, all because of the hunger for power, all because of how wicked the schemes of the ones in power are and how twisted they truly are and how twisted they've become due to the hierarchical position that they hold within our world. Regardless, this is still a position where killing is legalized and the veterans wouldn't get served justice for the lives they've taken away on the battlefield, but rather get praised and awarded for it while the lives of the people they've taken away have probably gotten their families crying in terror and vengefully pledging to have retribution due to the tragedy. Does it sound so moral to you now? Do you not see how these killers are glorified all because of taking the lives of other humans beings away? Where is the equity? Where is the justice that they speak of in their own legal laws and systems? Do you think "murdering other human lives" for the purpose of "defending a country" is legally justified? Why would it be legally justified if it's all just disregarding the values of the human lives lost all for the sake of other people's foolish ideologies of "legal establishments" and "for the people" service? There is no "the people", it's all mediocracy that is formed by people in order to serve their own selfish benefits.

  • Point is that there are flaws and blind points that you are not seeing, the world is not perfect and most people aren't any better than you. Everyone has flaws, everyone is twisted (or most of us), Everyone has missing qualities (and this is true for every human being). All of this in conclusion makes us not much different from each other, it makes all of us so alike. It makes us the new average. 
  • As you can observe, no one in this world is as perfect as you think they are. With honesty I tell you, there are people that hide insecurities online in the internet and they mask the insecurities that they hide with lies, or they create these personas to cope with whatever insecurity they have, or whatever flaw (flaw thereby classified as a insecurity) they have that they're coping with. The flaws of course, could be internal or external, meaning to relate of the body (as of the body) or out of the body (as in the environment). These flaws can be as absurd as having paedophilic traits, exhibitionistic traits, Voyeuristic traits, Frotteuristic traits, Transvestic traits, Fetishistic traits, Sexual masochistic traits, Sexual sadistic traits, lack of common sense, lack of emotional intelligence, lack of intelligence, and so on. 
  • Pedophilia should be separate from Child Sexual abuse
    1. Pedophilia is a paraphilia, it is a form of sexual attraction towards inanimate objects or objects of such, or even children. It deals with the innate properties of the human body and it's sexual orientation, meaning that it is "generally opposed to change" just like how homosexuality is "generally opposed to change" since it is not entirely "open to change" in the expressive sense.  Pedophilia is also commonly defined an attraction towards children, or prepubescent children. Pedophilia is classified as a psychiatric disorder and it is listed as a mental disorder within the DSM-5 (Diagnostics and Statistical Manual-Fifth Edition),sexual%20attraction%20to%20prepubescent%20children.  In simple terms, Pedophilia deals with sexual orientation.

          2. Child sexual abuse Involves any sexual activity between an adult and a child, or between children where one is significantly older or in a position of power.                -  This can include touching, exploitation, or coercion.
         - This can include sexual intercourse between an adult and a child, or between children where one is significantly older or in position of power (a variation of                       sexual activity; sexual intercourse) 
In simple terms, Child sexual abuse deals with action.
Not having to commit that action is good enough for anyone, including the safety of the people around you, especially the safety for your own self.

  • Pedophiles should be supported, not harmed.
Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder, therefore anyone having pedophilia is classified to be mentally ill. The mentally ill are not meant to be harmed nor targeted but rather supported and be offered help. Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity. said Hippocrates  father of modern medicine


Hence, even if you have pedophilia, you shouldn't fret. You should recognize that what you have is not under your control to change completely. The best thing you can do is take care of yourself, even if you "don't care about yourself". You don't need to care about yourself in order to take care of yourself and nurture yourself, you can do it by acting with health. The best thing you can do is not having to commit any sexual action towards children, not to act upon your sexual tendencies or sexual attraction towards children. You can also seek guidance from the lord for starters, seek Christ. Try him out if you could. You can also seek treatment for your condition, treatment like The Prevention Project Dunkelfeld (PPD). You can also reach out to organizations or a group of people that could help you such as B4U-ACT, Stop It Now!, Virtuous Pedophiles, The Lucy Faithfull Foundation, Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA)

Maybe, who knows? After all the treatment, maybe the condition will drop to the point where it can't even affect you anymore. Maybe you'll be cured of this condition completely. All you have to do is stay healthy, and seek professional help. Stay strong, The future of medicine is near. Eventually, we eventually should be able to cure psychiatric disorder of such. We are very close. Don't end your life yet. Stay strong and continue and keep supporting yourself, and if you don't like where you live then you can move to a place where life is easier and money is easier to make. 

Also, if it helps, the people who said you're better off dead lacks intelligence in the most likely probability. If anything, you can trust me on this. I'm not kidding and I'm dead serious. They only wish for your downfall and I'm pretty much sure that the life they'd live out isn't going to be much good for anyone. Imagine it being any good for themselves, that you might have issues with, because it's truly hard to imagine haha. Maybe if they also stop insulting and start supporting people while grinding, they'd probably be of benefit to others and of benefit to themselves.

Round 2
We can see by simple logic that "Best.Korea" is a loser not just by losing so much at genetic lottery.

If there were more people like "Best.Korea", world would be much worse since "Best.Korea" is lazy and has no job.

Basically, the more Koreas there are, the worse it gets, and if everyone was Korea, then world would be horrible and poor.

No country would ever benefit from more Koreas.

Further, even by goals  of "Best.Korea", we see that "Best.Korea" wishes he was aborted.

Further, no one should try to protect Korea by present "Best.Korea" as non-loser, since it encourages similar behavior by lack of punishment.
"We can see by simple logic that "Best.Korea" is a loser not just by losing so much at genetic lottery.

If there were more people like "Best.Korea", world would be much worse since "Best.Korea" is lazy and has no job.

Basically, the more Koreas there are, the worse it gets, and if everyone was Korea, then world would be horrible and poor.

No country would ever benefit from more Koreas.

Further, even by goals  of "Best.Korea", we see that "Best.Korea" wishes he was aborted.

Further, no one should try to protect Korea by present "Best.Korea" as non-loser, since it encourages similar behavior by lack of punishment.

Genetic lottery does not make someone a winner, it doesn't make them a loser either.
Genetics plays part in life and achieving goals, but it's not the only thing that can get you to winning in life. Without the other materials, the genetic proportions doesn't help much with with objectives in life. It's only an aid.  

People can win without having the "genetic lottery" as long as they live. Whenever you live, there is hope.

I know a smart lad who is Korean, his name is Younghoon Bryan Kim who has 276 IQ SD 24 (210 IQ SD 15). With his aid, as well as his organization, many countries have benefitted from his work, him, and his organization. 

Regardless, Genetics are not the only key to winning in life. It's only a basis that doesn't matter much as long as you can do things, such as eating, walking, solving math problems, doing literature, etc other mental and physical activities. Any other thing should be handled by your energy and action.

Aim for what you truly want in life, look for what truly matters to you, anything else is not worth risking your goal entirely for. Maybe you'll find some hope or happiness in doing so. Perhaps peace. 

Round 3
I was in prison, which just kinda proves what a worthless loser I am, even tho the arguments so far proved it enough.

In prison, they didnt rape me, but they were grabbing my ass all the time. I think my ass was grabbed 50 times in one day, and they did it almost every day.

I was also confused because one day someone approached me from behind and started touching my chest, and I even liked it a bit, which is when I started to doubt if I was even straight, and am I even a victim or a willing participant in that situation.

Maybe they didnt rape me because I am so ugly, which I guess makes me a loser in a whole new way.

They also forced me to take pills, which just made my brain even more retarded than it was, and basically caused me severe depression and even made me delusional because I forgot about how freedom even looks like and I was wondering if I was maybe in prison for whole life because it seemed like eternity.

I was even abused as a child many times, which in a way adds to me being a loser because only losers get weaker from being abused and only losers have traits which make them common abuse targets.

So if this is winning, then what is losing?

Also, if you vote for my opponent, you commit a contradiction because you are conceding that I am a loser in another way, which is my win condition in a debate.

I dont know how to teleport back to my original planet. I dont remember how I even ended up on Earth. All I know is that Earth is bad.