Total debates: 96
Drugs are not the cause of the opioid “epidemic” and are inanimate objects that have never hurt anyone.
By joining this debate, con supports a pro-life standpoint (is against abortion access).
A health debate. Serious debaters who don't forfeit all rounds are allowed to accept the challenge
The COVID Vaccines have caused more harm, than good. This is something that was not anticipated, yet we have learned as a function of time.
Racist people can lose weight also
I am a white guy
McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Burger King.
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It makes people fat and causes cancer
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Fight me you highly-ranked fucks
Mental health services are vital for many people's well-being and even the survival of some. Does them being essential mean they should be provided universally, and for free?
Mental Health care is very costly in the US and not everyone can afford those services. Yet millions people struggle with mental health issues, mental illness, and trauma daily. And because of how expensive services are, some people are denied access to the help that they need. This brings us to this topic: Should Mental Heath services be free and for everyone?
Cannabis use is not harmless and has many risks. It is also not more medically applicable than drugs like morphine, cocaine, heroin, ketamine, methamphetamine, etc.
IID: The Coronavirus mRNA Vaccines Did Not Slow The Spread Of COVID-19
People can and should stop being butt pirates. I want to explore that in depth here. Fuck you .
Should Autism be cured? I, as an Autistic person, say no. Pro starts.
Is it generally acceptable to spank children?
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Protecting the vulnerable vs protecting freedom
Protecting the vulnerable vs protecting freedom
I dont know how im gonna win this one..
Urinating while standing up is for savages. It his no place in modern society. I am now opening up this debate for accounts older than 24 hours
I am not necessarily arguing that lockdowns save lives, or that lockdowns were worthwhile, because whether people think something is worthwhile is subjective, according to their individual values and circumstances. I am arguing that lockdowns had an impact on the spread of covid.
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This debate is mostly about the nature and utilization of frankincense in the medical field, and whether or not doctors/pharmacies should endorse it, and or standardize it.
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I can control my thoughts and actions.
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Can you change my mind on that situation?
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Howdy, let's have a discussion.
A good debate about a nice debatable topic.
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I have been reading lots about COVID-19. I think there is much defective science around it. Something does not smell right. I want to explain why I think science is problematic. I want to know if I can explain it to people who know the debate. I think I can show serious problems in the current "science".
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