Instigator / Pro

Children should be legally required to get vaccines


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After 4 votes and with 25 points ahead, the winner is...

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Contender / Con

Pro must prove that children should be legally required to get vaccines.
Con must prove that they shouldn't.
Burden of proof is shared
This debate is about making vaccines that protect from smallpox, mumps, rubella, and similar diseases mandatory for children, the only exception is the Covid one and ill explain why

Round 1
I'm gonna start with my first argument which is about the way vaccines protect children while they're perfectly safe

Vaccines protect children from dangerous and possibly deadly diseases. I will explain the process swiftly
They work with a child's body natural defenses in order to guarantee immunity.
How do they do that?
When a bacteria or virus invades the body, the intruder multiplies, attacks or mimics our cells, infecting us and causing us to become ill. Vaccines imitate the bacteria or virus that has entered the body, using either MRNA or a dead or weakened version of the intruder.  The vaccines basically raise the alarm. Then, antibodies which are the first cells to respond to the alarm, attach themselves to the intruder and attract other immune cells . These immune cells consist primarily of macrophages, B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes
Macrophages eat and digest the invaders and any dead or dying cells, leaving behind parts of the invaders called antigens. The body can then identify the antigens as dangerous and stimulates antibodies to attack them. B-lymphocytes produce the antibodies that attack the antigens left behind by the macrophages. T-lymphocytes attack the infected cells in our body
Dealing with intruders is very important because non-vaccinated children have a much harder time when they carry the diseases. For example, mobilizing the body's forces to deal with the intruder takes a certain amount of days. To a kid with no vaccination, it could take much longer and the symptoms would be bigger and more dangerous

Why is the process safe, especially for children, that are more fragile than adults?
In the United States, a number of safeguards are required by law to help ensure that the vaccines received are safe. Because vaccines are given to millions of healthy people including children to prevent serious diseases, they’re held to very high safety standards.
They go through testing that includes: Testing and evaluation of the vaccine before it’s licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended for use by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Monitoring the vaccine’s safety after it is recommended for infants, children, or adults and more even more tests
They're tested as to how pure, potent and sterile they are while it also takes years in laboratories to find out how the immune system reacts to them and the necessary dose (amount) of it, for it to be effective
There are several ways to monitor the performance of the vaccine, ill name one: 
The Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD): VSD is a collaboration between CDC and many health care organizations across the nation. VSD uses databases of medical records to track vaccine safety and do research in large populations. By using medical records instead of self-reports, VSD can quickly study and compare data to find out if reported side effects are linked to a vaccine


Round 2
While it is important for the children to be protected themselves, it is equally important to protect other children

Children in school find themselves in classes of up to 30 to 40 children. If one child isn't properly vaccinated, there is a possibility that all 30 children will get sick if the non- vaccinated one acquires a contagious disease like the "flu" for example. That is if one of them wasn't vaccinated.
Imagine if the law allowed all 30 children to not be vaccinated. The classroom would be a permanent disease carrier and health hazard. Everytime a student got sick, the other ones would without a doubt get sick too since vaccines protect the children from catching certain diseases in the first place.
If everyone isn't vaccinated, this makes transmission of diseases easier and faster which is quite dangerous, considering that there are diseases like ebola that killed thousands in the past and would do so today, should the children not be vaccinated against them. 
Vaccines in some cases, can't eradicate the threat of a certain disease but they can make the symptoms less powerful, meaning that the children could experience symptoms in worse ways compared to the way they would experience a disease, having been vaccinated of course.

I wont try to make my argument any larger because my opponent doesnt seem to be showing any interest and is here to waste everybody's time, just like my previous opponent.

To conclude, the use of vaccines on children guarantees the safety and protection of other children when one encounters the other

Round 3
Vote pro  