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Total topics: 81

I'm not here to start a conversation about the Christain God, that is a topic for another time. 

I would also love in the future to do conversations on cross references and disputes in the Bible. I think that would be a very entertaining and enlightening conversation. 

But I felt like I needed to do this one first so here it is.

You can state your position and why, and people are welcome to challenge it, and hopefully we can get some entertaining and educational conversations going in this forum. I will be adding in as well.
The topic is Atheism v.s Theism. So, anything at all to do with that. 
89 16
I'm back after a long vacation from DebateArt. 

And for those of you who do know me, some of my views on the world, or arguments for them have changed. 
So, I'm here for open minded dialogue and hopefully we all can learn something from each other. 

I still stand for pro-life. If anyone would like to discuss, I am open to it. 

114 14
What's confusing about the Trinity honestly?
What is illogical about the Trinity honestly?

I find this idea that the Trinity is both confusing and illogical to be...............well, confusing to me.

It's not that hard to grasp the concept.
Think of it like this:

You are a 1 being. You are 1 person. You are not 3 persons.
But you have 3 parts:
A physical body
A logical mind
A spiritual soul

Now just because your soul is different from your body, and your mind is different from your soul, doesn't mean that you are three separate persons. You are still one being.

If you can be like this, why can't God be like this in a more complex form? 
36 11
I know recently this has been a popular topic of discussion.

Atheists, Christians, Muslims, and Jews alike have been discussing this recently, and so I thought I would open up the conversation on a forum.
I don't know all of our Muslim friends, who may be interested in discussing this topic, so if anyone see's this forum, and knows a Muslim on the website, feel free to tag them in this forum. 

In my personal opinion, Muhammed was a pedophile who had sex with a prepubescent 9-year-old girl named Aisha and did other very explicit sexual things with her. 
If any Muslims want to debate me on that stance feel free to.
6 5
I have recently been deep diving into Islam, and the Quran. 
As a Christain, the obvious contradictions between the Quran, and the Bible are very clear.
Now, because Islam vs. Christianity is such a big topic, and can't be fit into a debate, I put it in a forum for everyone do discuss together and have conversations about.  
224 15
Weather Readings:
Dr. Richard S. Lindzen is former Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a position he held from 19835 until his retirement in 2013. His credentials include: 
Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, Harvard University (1964).
S.M., Applied Mathematics, Harvard University (1961).
A.B. (mcl), Physics, Harvard University (1960).

A quote from Dr. Richard is as follows:
We’re talking of a few tenths of a degree change in temperature. None of it in the last eight years, by the way. And if we had warming, it should be accomplished by less storminess. But because the temperature itself is so unspectacular, we have developed all sorts of fear of prospect scenarios – of flooding, of plague, of increased storminess when the physics says we should see less. 
I think it’s mainly just like little kids locking themselves in dark closets to see how much they can scare each other and themselves.” 

Dr. Richard's argument in simple terms outlines how CO2 is only one defining factor when it comes to the weather. He argues that the weather has many qualities that affect it, and only focusing on one, and making it seem like everything is problematic and unnecessary. The amount of papers that Dr. Richard has published is equivalent to roughly about 180 PHD’s, which is an enormous amount of credentials. 

Did you know that the amount of natural disasters have actually decreased in the last century, and not just by a small margin, but by an extraordinary amount. An article by Michal Shellenburger states,” Over the last 30 years, the United Nations, climate scientists, and governments around the world have claimed that climate change is making natural disasters including hurricanes, floods, and heat waves more frequent. 
Climate change has helped drive a fivefold increase in the number of weather-related disasters in the last 50 years,” reported National Public Radio last fall, citing a report by the U.N.’s World Meteorological Organization. 
But the data also show that the number of climate related disasters actually declined over the last 20 years by about 10 percent.”

Data like this is very open to the public, but not weather and environmental change is a very complicated thing, and not everyone has the credentials and is educated enough to understand the data.

The data that we have, along with the actual experts that we have, show without a shadow of a doubt that the environment is not currently in any type of crisis. Now this does not mean that we should continue to use fossil fuels and dirty energy sources without a care in the world. Human innovation is the most fundamentally important aspect in human development, and to take that away would take away from us evolving into becoming a better species and society. 

We should be finding cleaner and more efficient ways to make energy, but what we should not be doing is enforcing unsustainable energy, and causing thousands of people to suffer, for the sake of “saving the world”.  
Current events
64 9
Search it up, and discuss.

16 7
We must accept the fact that 1:

Human life begins at conception and should be treated as such. Anyone who denies that claim, even after hearing the substantial amount of research and evidence, cannot, and should not be taken seriously on the subject matter. 2:

The fetus that presides in the womb of a mother, is in no way part of the mother's body no matter what way you spin it. The fetus in the womb has different DNA, most times contains different blood types, half the time the child is a different sex completely, and inherently is not a product of only the mother's body, but a combination of the mothers DNA and the fathers DNA. 3:

Abortion is 98% of the time never medically necessary for a woman's health. There are safer and more productive alternatives to abortion, that involve benefit to both
the mother and the child, and the only cases where abortion is medically necessary, are extremely rare cases and abortion in those cases are not considered illegal no matter what laws are at hand. 4:

The risk of injury to the mother during pregnancy is extremely low. In fact, pregnancy can actually benefit the mother in many ways, such as reduced risks of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer, if the pregnancy is completed without major complication. Abortion takes away that benefit, and in fact in many cases abortions can cause severe mental health problems to women. And finally, 5:

Planned Parent Hood's roots are inherently racist, and genocidal and while many organizations also have ugly backgrounds, we should take this into consideration while thinking about this legislation. 

Moral dilemmas.
  1. People who don’t want to be pregnant, and don’t want the responsibility of a child.
I think it is extremely important, as mature as we are, to talk about sex, and its effects on people. If an individual is scared of the possibility of getting pregnant, then they shouldn’t involve themselves in sexual relations, because no matter how much protection you give yourself, having sexual relations is by definition is consenting to the possibility of pregnancy. Just as you would get into your car, but you don’t want to crash, when you enter that car, you are consenting to the possibility of getting into a wreck. One of the ways you can defend yourself from getting an abortion, is by being smart about who you sleep with.

If you do find yourself in a situation where you are pregnant, and you do not wish to take care of the child, there are alternatives to abortion, such as giving the child up for adoption. 
   2. Abortion in cases where the child has a disability is necessary to save them from a life of struggle. 

I believe in the proposition that no matter what hardships human beings endure, we always have the ability to not only survive, but to thrive regardless of the situation. There are many cases of this throughout not only today, but throughout history. 

To make a bold statement such as that is in fact extremely offensive to individuals today who live with disabilities and developmental complications, because it implies that their lives are too hard, so they don’t matter. It takes away meaning from the lives of those most vulnerable among us. 
206 17
I don't personally believe that anything can prove a God, so therefore the title is just an eye catcher. But in my opinion, math is a very big indicator of a God. 

Math and science. Science helps us humans to explain the natural world, but it cannot help us explain things that are outside of the natural world. How do we know that there is something outside of our natural world? Well it is pretty obvious that the natural world had a beginning, (whether or not you believe in the multiverse might I add). And in order for something to have a beginning, it has to have a cause. And in order for something to create the natural world, it has to have supernatural abilities. So we do know there is something outside of our natural world. Supernatural would be the definition of that. So, science cannot tell us if there is anything supernatural, but it can explain the natural world.

Usually when people are talking about God, they are talking about the supernatural (above nature), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (exists everywhere), omnipotent (can do anything). So, what is math, and what does it have to do with God? 

Math is about numbers, and information about those numbers, and ways that these numbers connect with each other. But where do we find math, in the natural world? We can’t see math, we can’t touch math, we can’t taste math, we can’t smell math, and we can’t hear math. Math is only in the mind. We find math simply by thinking about it and finding more and more things out. 

Math also explains things. Math can explain things varying from simple counting to the movement of planets. For any “thing” you can think of, there is a bunch of math that explains what's going on, even down to the atomic level. So, if math is only in our minds, yet it explains the natural world, then where does it come from? 

There are 2 possibilities: 
  1. Math is something that humans invented to explain what we observe in the natural world. 
  2. We discovered math because it controls the universe.
The first option would define math a natural thing, and the second would define math as a supernatural thing. 

Here is why the second option is correct:
Math contains infinite information. There are an infinite number of numbers, each with their own individual properties. And there are an infinite number of numbers in between those numbers. And we continue to discover things.

Pi, which is the number that explains the area of a circle. Pi has an infinite number of digits that we can discover by using calculations. If we were just making this stuff up, we could just make Pi be whatever we want it to be, but we can’t do that because we know that that is not true. 

We know that all this information is out there somewhere, but it cannot be inside our physical universe because our universe is finite, and math is infinite. That means math contains every possible combination of numbers. If we use numbers as code for letters, then math contains every possible combination of letters as well. 

This means that every book that has ever been written already exists encoded in math somewhere, and in fact every book that could possibly ever be written already exists in math. And if we use numbers as code for particles and their locations, then you could theoretically say that there is an exact copy of our universe encoded in math, but there are even more things in math, so that is why math cannot be contained just within our universe. 

There is also a lot of evidence showing that math has a designer. A great example of this is the Mandelbrot Set. The equation looks like this:
z=z(squared) + c
Now this little equation makes a very interesting shape when you graph it in the complex plane. People have analyzed this shape and have found some very scary things about it. 
The amazing thing about the Mandelbrot Set is that you can keep zooming in infinitely and keep finding new things, like more copies of the mandelbrot set shown here:

You can zoom in infinitely and find new and different shapes, and patterns, sometimes ones that no human has ever seen before in this one shape. This is why it is so scary. We didn’t invent this because we discovered it by accident, but we didn’t discover it in our universe, because it has infinite complexity so it can’t possibly be in our universe, because the universe doesn’t have infinites. We discovered it just by calculating it. So where did this thing come from? 

Basic common sense would say that someone designed this, but no human designed it. Like we said: 

  • Math only exists in the mind so its origin must also be a mind.

  • Math contains infinite information, so this mind must be all knowing.

  • Math controls the universe and must also be all powerful.

  • Math is beyond and outside of our natural world, so this mind must be supernatural. 

And right here, we have just described God. 

Now, I am aware that there are significant logical leaps in the argument presented, but I think it makes a good case.
What do you all think? 

114 14
This is a summary of the history of the land of Israel that I have gathered from various sources and jumbled together:
The origins of Israel can be traced back to Abraham, who is considered the patriarch of both Judaism (through his son Isaac) and Islam (through his son Ishmael). Abraham's descendants are believed to have been enslaved by the Egyptians for several centuries before settling in the region of Canaan, which roughly corresponds to modern-day Israel. The name "Israel" is derived from Jacob, Abraham's grandson, who was renamed "Israel" by the Hebrew God as mentioned in the Bible.

Around 1000 B.C., King David ruled the region, and his son King Solomon is credited with the construction of the first holy temple in ancient Jerusalem. In approximately 931 B.C., the region was divided into two kingdoms: Israel in the north and Judah in the south.

In 722 B.C., the northern kingdom of Israel was invaded and destroyed by the Assyrians, while in 568 B.C., the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the first temple. It was subsequently replaced by a second temple around 516 B.C. Over the following centuries, the land of modern-day Israel saw various rulers, including the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Fatimids, Seljuk Turks, Crusaders, Egyptians, Mamluks, Islamists, and others.

From 1517 to 1917, the region that encompasses present-day Israel, along with much of the Middle East, was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

During the Ottoman Empire's reign, a diaspora of Jewish people from their homeland occurred, leading to widespread oppression of Jews worldwide. In response, the Zionist movement was sparked in 1880, as Jews slowly began to migrate back to Israel.

After World War I ended in 1918 with an Allied victory, the 400-year rule of the Ottoman Empire came to an end, and Great Britain assumed control over what would later become known as Palestine (encompassing modern-day Israel, Palestine, and Jordan).

Zionists sought to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine, leading to significant Jewish immigration and the establishment of settlements. Between 1882 and 1903, approximately 35,000 Jews relocated to Palestine, with an additional 40,000 settling in the area between 1904 and 1914. Many Jews, fearing persecution during the Nazi era, found refuge in Palestine and embraced Zionism.

Following the Holocaust and the end of World War II, the focus of the Zionist movement shifted toward creating an independent Jewish state. This endeavor encountered resistance from the Arab population in Palestine, leading to ongoing tensions. An Arab nationalist movement emerged in response.

In 1947, the United Nations decided to partition Palestine into two states: a Jewish state of Israel and an Arab state of Palestine. While Israel agreed to the partition, the Arab nations rejected it, leading to violence initiated by the Arab Palestinians.

Almost immediately, the Arab League, consisting of states such as Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia, rejected the UN's partition and launched an attack. It is essential to clarify that the Arab states initiated the conflict, not the Jewish state of Israel.

Israel defended itself, and after more than nine months of conflict, Israeli forces took control of most of the land designated by the UN for Palestine. Egypt assumed control of the Gaza Strip, while Jordan (then TransJordan) took over the West Bank. The original plan for a Palestinian state was abandoned due to Palestinian actions.

While many Jews saw this as a victory, many Palestinian civilians were displaced and fled their homes. It is crucial to emphasize that the responsibility for this displacement lies with the Arab nations. These refugees sought refuge in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, leading to escalating tensions in the following decades, including intermittent fighting caused by extremist Islamic terror groups targeting Israeli civilians.

In 1964, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (P.L.O) was formed to consolidate the power of various small Palestinian groups fighting against the Jewish state of Israel. In the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel successfully defended against attacks from Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, resulting in significant territorial gains, including the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and the Sinai Peninsula.

In 1987, a collision between an Israeli Defense Forces' (IDF) truck and a civilian car led to the outbreak of the First Intifada, a violent uprising led by Palestinian militias. The ensuing violence resulted in around 200 Israeli deaths and approximately 1,500 Israeli civilian casualties. Israel's defensive actions also led to significant casualties among Palestinian militia groups.

Following the First Intifada, Israel agreed to a temporary peace treaty with the P.L.O, extending until the year 2000. It's worth noting that this agreement came after the P.L.O had initiated attacks in response to a car accident. Subsequent peace talks after 2000 failed to yield an agreement, primarily due to disputes over issues such as the status of Jerusalem, the rights of refugees, and the expansion of Jewish settlements in Palestinian territories.

In 2000, Ariel Sharon, who would later become Israel's Prime Minister, visited the Temple Mount, home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, an action perceived as offensive by many Palestinians. This led to violent protests, riots, attacks, and suicide bombings, sparking the Second Intifada, which lasted for nearly five years and effectively ended prospects for peace. The violence ceased in 2005 when Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza, returning the land to Palestinian control, despite earlier attacks.

In 2006, Hamas, a militant Sunni Islamist group, won the Palestinian legislative elections. Many countries, including Israel, consider Hamas a terrorist organization due to its use of tactics like suicide bombings and its call for the destruction of Israel. Tensions and clashes between Hamas and Israel continued.

In 2017, Hamas called for the formation of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, but this call did not formally recognize Israel as a state. Consequently, Israel did not accept the proposal, as it would essentially threaten its existence as a nation.

In my opinion, according to history, Israel is more justified in their attack on Hamas in Palestine. 
But I would like your thoughts and opinions. 
Current events
25 8
If there exists no God, then how is it that humans possess free will? 

If there is no God and we are just the remains of a giant explosion, then we would be considered to be stardust. 
So then, if we are really just stardust, then why do morals matter to us humans, why do we have purpose, and why do we have emotions.
If we are just stardust, why does it matter if one stardust, kills another stardust. 
Why is it bad for one stardust to insult another stardust. 

As stardust, why do we feel bad about that guy we saw living on the street last week.
In other words, why do we care?

53 11
I know most people probably won't care, but I took a break from DART for a while, because of real life stuff, but now I am back. So, I won't be accepting debates, and forfeiting anymore for no apparent reason. 

Just to let everyone know. 
5 5
Atheists want you to believe that it is all about measurement and reason, if you allow them one miracle. 
And that one miracle, is the Big Bang. That all things come from probably the most preposterous idea ever, that everything came from nothing, in one big miracle. 

Every single explanation for the beginning of the universe is:
"Give us one miracle, then we can explain the rest."

I thought Atheists didn't have to have faith about anything, because anything can be explained with science.
How can you Atheists explain this? 

102 17
I saw a very interesting debate on the page recently and wanted to discuss it. 

Do Science and Christianity contradict each other? 
I don't think they do, but I am open to discussion.

112 16
If your genitals don't define your gender, then why does removing them affirm your gender? 
77 16
Morality is something that all humans possess. People say that we have a sense of morality imbedded in us. Others say that we only have morals, for the goal of survival, and thriving. 

I believe that Morality is a distinctively human trait. Sure, other animals and creatures hold some sort of kindness and generosity for certain things, but those creatures have been proven to do it for survival or thriving.

But we are different. 

Imagine you are in paradise (meaning a place where everything is perfect) with another person. You have no reason to kill that person, but you also don't have any reason to not kill that person. Killing them wouldn't affect your survival, or the state of thriving that you are in. Nothing would change, except for that person dying. 

Now be honest. Killing in this situation would be a (so to say) sinful thing to do, or a bad thing to do obviously. But why would it be bad? After all, nothing bad would happen except for that person losing paradise.

But that's just it. Harm to the other person, whether it affected you are not, is still bad. But why? Why is it bad? 

52 15
I want to challenge any claim of contradiction in the Bible. Now I might take a while to answer some of them. I presume I will probably need to do research on some of the questions that come up, but nonetheless I will try to answer them, one way or another. 
61 13
Hey everyone. I know I haven't' been on a lot recently, because I have been busy with life, but I am back, and I am going to be getting into similar arguments as I have before. 

So, let's get started: 
In the upcoming election, it is pretty clear that Joe Biden is going to win as the nominee for Democrats. 
For Republicans it could be Trump, or DeSantis, or someone else. 

My question is simple. Would you vote for Biden, or any other legitimate Republican candidate as President. 

114 18
Ready, go:
68 23
It seems like we have been celebrating it all, year with other special holidays like:
Bisexual Health Awareness Month. 30
International Transgender Day of Visibility. 1
National LGBT Health Awareness Week. 7
National Transgender HIV Testing Day. 1
Non-Binary Parents Day. 1
Lesbian Visibility Day. 1
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia. 1
Harvey Milk Day. 1
Pansexual & Pan Romantic Awareness & Visibility Day. 1
Non-Binary Awareness Week. 7
International Drag Day. 1
LGBTQ History Month (not to be confused with Pride Month). 30
International Lesbian Day. 1
National Coming Out Day. 1
National LGBT Center Awareness Day. 1
Asexual Awareness Week. 7
International Pronouns Day. 1
Transgender Parent Day.  1 
Pansexual Pride Day. 1
Gay Uncles Day. 1

Phew. A lot of days, weeks and months that we have celebrated, but now we enter the most holy of them all. Pride month. For those who are wondering how many days that brings us in total in the whole year it is roughly about: 126 days celebrated toward Pride. So, we celebrate pedophiles for almost half a year, but we only celebrate fallen Americans for one? At this point how can you say the LGBTQ+ community is not a religion? They have more holidays than any other one. Plus, they have the holy Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, who are basically the priests of this community. Not only this, but for a religion, I am surprised they have gained so much traction in companies, like Bud Light, Target, The North Face, just to name a few. But this is all part of the plan, right? First it was in the 90's where they "just wanted acceptance". Then in the early 2000's where they "just want equality". Then in 2012 where they force pastors to marry them. Then in 2015 where if you misgendered someone, you could lose your job. And now in 2023, where the Drag Queens will force your kids to watch Drag Shows. At first it was "gender is a social construct, so men can be women and vice versa". Now it is "gender is a social construct, so men and women are not genders, and there are millions of them. There is no way to justify this abomination of pride to be celebrated more than any other combination of religious holidays, and celebration of people who have actually done something for our country. But you know, literally mutilating children and chemically castrating them like pedophiles is the real solution to the suicide rate of these kids who are confused about their gender, because of the social influence that they left has pushed upon them. We should be castrating the pedophiles doing this to them, not the kids being targeted by the pedophiles. This whole thing is sick and twisted and needs to be pushed away from being socially acceptable. 

71 18
I was just recently listening to a podcast/show by Jordan Peterson, in which he was interviewing Dr. Nigel Biggar. 
In this interview, the topic of morality came up.

Dr. Nigel explained a story in which when he was a little kid, he liked to steal toy soldiers from his "mates".
One day, when he was about to steal the toy, he realized to himself that he didn't want the toys, and that he should put the toy back. He said it wasn't fulfilling for him. 

He explains how on that day, that he himself didn't tell him to put the toy back, but something or someone else did. Some other force of nature. No one had caught him doing it before and told him it was wrong. Something else told him it was wrong, but what is this force he asked himself. 

He went on to explain that there must be a higher form of hierarchy to our lives. Just as Christians call it, "The King of Kings" using our knowledge of how a hierarchy works in general to symbolize a higher force or power. 

My question is, has anyone else experienced anything similar to that, and how would you describe that feeling? 

252 13
I want the definition of the word woman. 

I do not want an explanation of why you can't provide one, or anything else like that.
It is a simple request. 

Just put:
84 13
CNN puts Trump on air, and gives him a republican audience. Why?
Firstly, they want to boost their viewership, which they were successful in. 
Secondly, I think that the democrats want Trump to run.

They will deny this claim, but think about it.
What is Joe Biden running on in 2024? His main running campain (which was shown in his campain ad) is simply that he is better than Trump.
The media, and Joe Biden cannot thrive without a so called "bad guy". Otherwise all they would have to show is their policy, which is not a good look for them.

In my opinion, the Democrats want Trump to run, so that Joe Biden has a chance against Trump, and a good one at that.
69 13
So let me get this straight. 

The reason the suicide rate in the Trans-community is so high, is because society is not tolerant enough for them, but also the reason that the Trans-population has rose up so quick is because they now feel like they can come out because society is more tolerant?

Which is it?
20 11
So let me get this straight.

The LGBTQ+ community refers to people who are strait, as cisgender. This is a brand-new term, not entirely agreed upon by all people. 
My question is why.  Why does the LGBTQ+ community expect us to give in to all of their labels, definitions, and perceptions of reality, while they go out, and disrespect women, and people who don't want to be called cisgender.

Their logic is, if a transgender woman, doesn't want to be called a man, we should respect that, but if a strait person doesn't want to be called cisgender, then that is a form of homophobia, or transphobia. 

This is where I have come to realize that the LGBTQ+ community not only has stopped promoting equality for all, but have started promoting in the changing of definitions, labels, and perceptions of reality. They claim, "our definitions are right and anyone who says otherwise are the crazy ones, because they are the ones who are not accepting reality for what it really is." 

Whether you like it or not, reality is not based upon how people feel. It is how people are. Reality is the key word here. Facts do not care about your feelings.

I am not a spokesperson for anything, any group, or anyone. I am just a 16-year-old kid trying to understand, debate and argue against the logic of these people, with no influence but my own. But this is why I believe that every person, whether that be Republicans, Democrats, or Libertarians, need to fight against this logic, and not let it pass our wall of reality and take over. This is no longer a debate of ideology's and who is the better person.

This is a culture war. The two sides? Reality, and Delusion. 
55 14
The United States Constitution grants citizens the right to bear arms.
Despite the many controversies surrounding guns, there are many reasons why citizens should be allowed to own guns.


1. Self-defense: One of the most compelling reasons to own a gun is for self-defense. In a dangerous world where crime is a reality, citizens need to protect themselves and their families. Guns can level the playing field, providing ordinary people with the means to defend themselves against criminals.

2: Protection against government tyranny:  Owning guns gives citizens the ability to resist if necessary. While the government is not currently oppressive, history has shown that governments can become tyrannical, and citizens need to be able to defend themselves if that were to happen.

3. Hunting and recreational shooting: Many people enjoy hunting and recreational shooting. For them, owning guns is a way of life. These activities can also provide a source of food for families, which can be especially important in remote areas.

4. Mental health: Gun ownership can have a positive impact on mental health. Shooting can be a stress-relieving activity, and responsible gun ownership can provide a sense of empowerment and control. 

5. Second Amendment: The Second Amendment is a fundamental right enshrined in the United States Constitution. Any attempt to limit or remove that right would be an attack on the very principles of the US constitution.

Now some might say things like:

Gun violence is a serious issue in the US.
Mass shootings happen all the time.
Regulation is not good enough. 

However, gun violence is not caused by legal gun ownership, but by criminals who use guns illegally. The focus should be on addressing the root causes of crime, such as poverty and mental illness, rather than on limiting the rights of law-abiding citizens. Limiting gun ownership will not solve the problem. Instead, we need to address the underlying issues that lead to mass shootings and such. 

Now, I will say, while citizens should be allowed to own guns, there is a need for regulation.
Laws should be in place to ensure that guns are used safely and responsibly. Background checks can also help to ensure that guns do not end up in the wrong hands.
13 8
Tucker Carlson quietly moves to Florida weeks, before he left Fox. 
65 12
Morality is one of the most important topics that humanity has ever wrestled with. It is central to how we live our lives, how we treat one another, and how we structure our societies and ideology's. Despite its importance, morality remains an issue, with some arguing that it is entirely subjective while others hold that it is objective. I will argue that morality is objective. 

First and foremost, we must define what we mean by morality.

Because of the lack of others, I will define morality as the set of principles that lead/govern human behavior and guide us in our interactions with others. Hopefully, everyone can agree on this definition. 

These principles can be grounded in religion, philosophy, or culture, but they all share the same common goal:
To help us live together in harmony and pursue our goals in a way that benefits us all.

Now, some people argue that morality is entirely subjective, that it is just a matter of personal preference or cultural norms. They argue that what is right or wrong is determined solely by what an individual or a society makes it to be. However, this view is completely false. 
If morality were subjective, then we would have no way of resolving moral arguments. We could not say that anything is truly right or wrong, good or evil. We would have no basis for judging the actions of others or making moral decisions ourselves. We already as humans have a basis in what we see as good or bad. No one disputes this. 

On the other hand, if morality is objective, then we can make meaningful moral judgments. We can say that certain actions are truly right or wrong, good or evil, regardless of what individuals or societies might think. This is the definition of morality in a basic concept. 
There actually is evidence to suggest that morality is objective. Studies have shown that people across cultures share certain moral intuitions, such as the belief that it is wrong to harm innocent people or that fairness and reciprocity are important values.

Moreover, if we look at the history of moral philosophy, we can see that there are certain moral principles that have been held as objective truths across cultures and time periods. For example, the principle of non-maleficence, which holds that we should not harm others, has been a central tenet of moral philosophy since the time of the ancient Greeks.

Morality is indeed objective. It is not a matter of personal preference or cultural norms but is grounded in universal moral principles that are independent of individual or societal beliefs.
133 16
"The survey showed that 45.1% of Biden voters were unaware of the financial scandals of Biden's son, Hunter Biden, and how Hunter's business had been wrapped up in Biden's work in foreign affairs while vice president under President Barack Obama.
It further showed 35.4% of Biden voters were unaware of his former aide Tara Reade's allegation that Biden sexually assaulted her on Capitol Hill in the 1990s, and 25.3% of his voters didn't know that Sen. Kamala Harris, D-California, Biden's vice presidential running mate, was ranked America's most "progressive" senator in 2019.
Meanwhile, the same voters were clueless about Trump's accomplishments because the national media refused to tell them."

I don't see any democratic media outlets talking about this. This information would have changed the course of the election. But the FBI somehow "lost" the laptop. 

4 4
I would usually make a debate in order to win an argument, but I like to go into deep conversation about these topics instead.

So, I would like to challenge anyone or multiple people to argue in defense of this ideology. 
Explain to my how it works, and why it would benefit society. I will ask questions and I expect them to be answered with clear and consistent answers that don't contradict each other. 

Now if you are the type of person that tells me in order to argue I need to argue from the other perspective of Transgenderism then you can leave, because the perspective of transgenderism goes against science and biology, and I will stick to the side of biology. 

There needs to be a starting ground for arguments that we can agree on so if you wish to argue, base it in truth or at least try to base it in truth. 
673 27
Hormone Therapy:
While it may seem like a simple solution to a complex issue, the reality is that hormone therapy can lead to serious future health problems. Hormones play a vital role in our body's functions. They regulate everything from our metabolism to our mood and can have a significant impact on our overall health. Hormone therapy involves the use of synthetic hormones, which are designed to mimic the natural hormones in our body, and synthetic hormones can have unintended consequences. One of the biggest concerns with hormone therapy is the risk of cancer. Studies have shown that hormone therapy, particularly in the form of estrogen, can increase the risk of breast cancer. In fact, a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute: Influence of Time From Menopause and Mammography on Hormone Therapy–Related Breast Cancer Risk Assessment | JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute | Oxford Academic ( found that women who took estrogen and progestin were at a higher risk of developing breast cancer than those who did not. 

Another concern with hormone therapy is the impact it can have on cardiovascular health. Hormones like estrogen and testosterone can affect the way our blood vessel's function, which can increase the risk of heart disease. In fact, a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association: American Heart Association issues statement on cardiovascular side effects from hormonal therapy for prostate cancer - Harvard Health found that hormone therapy increased the risk of heart attack and stroke. There is also the concern that hormone therapy could have long-term effects on the body. For example, some studies have suggested that hormone therapy could lead to a higher risk of dementia in women. There are also concerns that it could lead to bone loss, which can increase the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

The reality is that hormone therapy can have unintended consequences that could impact our health in the long-term. Instead of giving hormones to individuals with gender dysphoria, and hoping that it will help, we should find the best solution to this problem, that has the least number of consequences. 

8 3
Ok, since most of the Pro-Abortion/Pro-Choice people are attacking me relentlessly for my usage of words, and not even attempting to consider my argument, I have decided to make this forem to what some would call start over. This argument is not including any rape, or insest incidents, only consensual sex incidents protection or not. 

Abortion is the removal of a human life. This is true.
From conception, the life is a human life. If it has life, then it must be defined in a certain way. 
Plant life is defined as plant life.
Mammal life is defined as mammal life.
And human life is defined as human life.

The zygote has human DNA, and is alive, therefore it is a human life by definition. 

What the opposing argument claims is that a mother's right to her body, is more important than the human life in her body that she created by choice. Whatever the reason may be, they insist that claim. 

What I am claiming is the opposite. A human life inside the mother's body that she created by choice is inherently more important that any right a mother may have to her body. 

Why include the right to the body?
Of course a woman has the right to her body. No one is disputing that. I believe that a woman should have and does has full control of her body, no matter what anyone says, and as such, they should have the right to consent to sex, and understand the consequences whether they see them as good or bad. 

But this doesn't give the mother a right to abort the living human inside of her body, because the living human inside of her body, is not part of her body. It has separate DNA, sometimes a separate sex, separate predetermined physical features, and etc. It's all seperate from the mother. The only thing it does is survive.

The woman has already made the choice with her body in this situation, by consenting to sex. The consequences of consenting are hers to bear. 

If there was any way to stop a pregnancy and save the human life, then I would be all for it, but abortion terminates a human life. 

Think about it like this:
You as a mother brought this child into the world, whether it be on accident, or by choice you made a decision that created a human life. That human life did not choose to live. That human life in the mother's womb was brought their by the mother, with no choice.

Abortion is almost like a gotcha prank for the human life inside the mother. She says," I brought you into this world. You are alive now." Then all the sudden," Gotcha! Just kidding you don't get to live." 

Abortion is human sacrifice, by definition:
Whatever reason people try to use as an excuse for an abortion, whether that be they won't be able to pursue something they would have before, or any other excuse in the likes of that, is human sacrifice. 

You are sacrificing the human life, inside of you, for something else. Think on that for a second. 

48 12
Basically abortion comes down to two sides.

Either you think that a mothers' right to her body is more important than the life of an infant.
Or you think that an infant is more important to a mothers' right to her body. 

I tend to lean infant for this specific reason. 
The baby didn't choose to be created. The mother caused the creation of that life. Therefore the babys right to life trumps the mothers right to her body, because she caused that situation to take place. That along with the fact that it is a living human in the mothers body, and it is not biologically part of the mothers body. 

The mother does not have a right to kill a human life that is not part of her body, that she caused to exist. 
67 13
I believe that the LGBT community and ideology is not healthy for society, and must be eradicated (the ideology, not the people). 
Simply put, we today, base all of technology, weapons, health, etc. in science. For all of human history and today, we have used science to further ourselves as humans. Science also includes biology. If there is an ideology that is being pushed on society that is going against biology, a scientific principle. 

An ideology that goes against science, is not going to help us to advance, and will do the opposite. 

That's my basic belief. 

114 15
42% of Transgender identifying people commit suicide.

That rate is more than people in:
Jews in concentration camps.
Black slaves during the slave trade.
Depression patients. 

If you have a group of people and a mass number of them are committing suicide, then it's safe to say that their is something wrong their. 19% of those transgender identifying people who commit suicide do it after medically transitioning. 

We should be treating gender diphoria with sympathy and therapy not cutting off the limbs and genitals of mentally ill people then affirming their delusion. 

Most of the mass shootings recently have been by LGBTQ identifying people. Anyone seeing the correlation?
86 15
This would be a forum discussion between me and anyone who would like to be involved. I can challenge multiple people, but they would be on seperate forums. 
16 6
Let me get this straight.

So, you guys say that you can't have an opinion on abortion if you don't have a uterus, right?
But then you guys also say that you don't need a uterus to be a woman, right?

So, should Trans-women (men) be allowed to have an opinion on abortion?
If yes, then............well you're contradicting what you just said. 
If no, then you're contradicting the statement that Trans-women are women, because there is something that separates them from biological women. You're telling a Trans-woman (a man) that he can't have an opinion on abortion, because they aren't actually women.
119 18
Remember when Biden handed Afghanistan to the Taliban, and gave them our equipment? 
Remember how he said we got all of the Americans out?

Biden is more worried about pushing an agenda, helping Ukraine, and helping trans the children. But not help the Americans who are trapped, behind his mistake. 

85 10
I have been doing some research and thinking lately, and as you all probably know, most of the Presidential candidates today, are not good. None of them are good, Democrat or Republican. Everyone nowadays votes on who is the least bad and least damaging rather than who is the best suited for the job. 

Our politics have become a laughingstock, as celebrities are taking control over our country, running for president, and some of them even winning. 
Now I have defended Trump a lot, and for good reason too. Trump made a lot of stupid and dumb decisions as our president. He did not handle Covid well at all. He did not do well, when it came to closing his mouth. He also did a lot of other bad things. But in the end, he made our economy slightly better, and put certain bills into effect that I agreed with, which led to me supporting him. 

But now Trump has fallen off. He is running again in 2024 and it is likely that he will not win against Biden. Trump has not only not done a good job with his new campaign but has also taken massive shots at other Republican candidates who are either thinking of running for president or have announced they are running for president. 

Just recently, Donald Trump was bashing in Ron Desantis and calling him names, and trying to attack him. All the while, Ron kept his mouth shut, and was very mature and leader like throughout the whole situation. 
Then Trump is threatened with this new investigation, about him "allegedly" committing a crime. 
After this, Trump goes to other Republican candidates and basically tells them that if they don't speak out against this, then they are not truly Republicans. Now with Trumps massive fan base, this led Trump fans to push this onto other Republican candidates, including Ron Desantis. 

Ron Desantis responded with he thinks the situation is very stupid and wrong but has not jurisdiction to do anything about it. Trump fans were enraged by this and started to smash Ron Desantis, even though Trump was attacking him just a week earlier, then demanding for Ron to help him. 

This situation has made Trumps fan base go way down, and Rons fan base go way up.

Ron Desantis in general has a clean record, handles the lefts biggest weapon (the media) with ease, is very smart when it comes to policy, has very leader like qualities, and best of all, has made actual changes to Florida that most conservatives would like to see happen across the country, including making it illegal for teachers to indoctrinate children in the 3rd grade or lower, protecting our 2nd amendment rights and much more. 

I am not a fan of Ron Desantis myself, because I still need more information about him, and I need to see more from him, but from what I can see right now, if he runs for president in 2024, he has my election, and I urge other Republicans to think about it and do their own research. 
51 13
This is a simple question.

Forget about the law for just a second when it comes to this.

In your opinion, do you believe that abortion is bad? 
Do you believe that the act of abortion is morally bad? 

That is the only question. 
This is opinions, and nothing to do with lawful conduct. 
42 14
There are many arguments that I have used that no atheists have been able to refute yet.
Let me say once and once only, that this is only for the argument of their being God and not a certain God. 

The Domino Example:
Think of our existence like a line of dominoes. Each domino before is affecting the next representing the flow of time as well as space, where the dominos are, and matter, the dominoes themselves. The dominoes falling represents time/space/matter working.
Now Atheists usually can't explain how the universe came to be, so they usually revert to the argument that the universe has just been infinite and gone on forever.
So, let's use the dominos in this example.
If the line of dominoes was infinitely long, then the dominoes wouldn't ever fall, because there would never be a beginning to start the chain reaction from. 
So, in order for our universe to make sense there had to have been a beginning. But whatever started that beginning had to have been more powerful than the dominoes (time/space/matter) and exist outside that reality. 
Take that in.

Atheism is too simple: 
Atheism turns out to be too simple. 
If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning.
Just as if there were no light in the universe, then therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. 
Dark would be without meaning. 
55 16
Some Christians are blinded by new teachings in the modern church, that strive to exploit God for financial gain. 

Some think:
If I believe in God, go to church, and ask him to forgive me every time I do something bad, then I will go to heaven. 

This is false.
The goal for Christians isn't to go to heaven. It is to grow a relationship with God.

The end goal is not safety for self, but relationship with the creator. 

Hell is separation from the creator, not a punishment.

You chose. 

Sorry I put this in the wrong forum title. My apologies. 

54 9
Some Christians are blinded by new teachings in the modern church, that strive to exploit God for financial gain. 

Some think:
If I believe in God, go to church, and ask him to forgive me every time I do something bad, then I will go to heaven. 

This is false.
The goal for Christians isn't to go to heaven. It is to grow a relationship with God.

The end goal is not safety for self, but relationship with the creator. 

Hell is separation from the creator, not a punishment.

You chose. 
7 5
Hitler promised his people that if they let him rule, that he would:
Save the forests.
Save the trees.
Fix the climate.
Make life better for everyone.
Bring world peace. 
Save the world.

Sound like someone you know on the WEF (World Economic Forum)?

180 17
In a world where if you say the wrong things politically, you disappear...............
In a world where prejudice from 75 years ago, from people who aren't alive anymore is still held..............
In a world, where children and parents are indoctrinated by lies from government....................
In a world, where everything is controlled by the government................
In a world, where children are exploited for entertainment................
In a world where people dress up as animals......................

This describes both the Hunger Games and the USA. 

15 5
We should combat Gender Dysphoria with love and compassion, not drugs, and surgery.

As of right now, people are saying the best way to combat Gender Dysphoria, is to take a bunch of drugs and hormones', and get a bunch of surgery, which doesn't make sense, because it is a mental illness, not a physical one. We have no evidence for this claim, and there are other ways to combat it that have the same effect, without cutting off body parts, and taking drugs. 

Especially for kids this should be the case, because the drugs used during "transitions" are the same ones given to pedophiles. 
We should not castrate children. We should not cut of body parts of children. We should not give the same drugs to kids as we do pedophiles.
As for adults this should be their decision, but doctors instead of using greed and money as an agenda, should promote facts and do their job in providing the best solution possible, and giving the patients other options. 

We live in a world where people are starting to think the best way to fixt gender dysphoria (a mental illness) is to physically cut off body parts, take out organs, castrate people, and give them drugs to stay on for the majority of their lives. 
This is not a solution, it is a bandage. One that is slowly degrading, and dying. 

Using other solutions like gender therapy, where someone can get help with love and compassion to combat this mental disorder instead of drugs, would be a better solution. 

Now, I'm not saying that we should make gender transition surgery, illegal, I am saying that it should be illegal for children under the age of 18, and doctors cannot be biased when giving options to their patients. 

Mental illness is a real thing, but the solution is not to remove pieces of one's body, especially children.
7 6
Some people want to blame Trump for the derailment in Ohio. And to that I They say, it's because Trump tried to pass a bill that caused the standards on certain cargo trains making them more unsafe. But the thing is, the train that derailed were not the ones Trump lowered the standards on. And even if they were, it still doesn't matter,  because that bill never even passed.
27 7
Joe Biden, instead of helping out with the crisis in Ohio, and our Southern Border has decided to go over to another country and pledge 100 million more dollars to help Ukraine. 

In total, he has spent 75 billion on Ukraine, and actually taken away money from our border, and reduced the amount of safety there. 

So, all in all, he has endangered our country, while strengthening another. 
9 3
Wokeness is all about social justice. It's about recognizing and addressing issues of inequality, discrimination, and oppression in our society. And on the surface, that may seem like a laudable goal, right? After all, who could argue against justice and fairness for all?

But as with so many things in life, the devil is in the details. And when it comes to wokeness, those details are deeply concerning. One of the main problems with wokeness is that it is often based on a highly distorted/narrow view of reality. Woke individuals tend to see the world in terms of power dynamics, with certain groups (such as racial minorities, women, and members of the LGBTQ+ community) being viewed as victims, and other groups (such as white men) being viewed as oppressors.

This worldview is not only simplistic and reductive, but it also leads to a lot of division. Instead of focusing on what unites us as human beings, wokeness encourages us to see each other primarily as members of different identity groups, each longing for power and influence.

Another problem with wokeness is that it is often accompanied by a kind of moral absolutism. Woke individuals tend to believe that their views are not only correct, but that they are the only views that are morally acceptable. This leads to a chilling effect on free speech and open discourse, as anyone who dares to voice a dissenting opinion is immediately branded a bigot or a hater. There is the matter of wokeness' practical effects. Far from promoting true social justice, wokeness often leads to the opposite. By promoting a culture of victimhood and resentment, wokeness discourages people from taking responsibility for their own lives and encourages them to blame others for their problems.

Wokeness may have started out with good intentions, but it has turned into a dangerous and destructive force in our society. We need to reject its narrow-minded and absolutist worldview, and instead focus on what unites us as human beings. Only by doing so can we hope to build a truly just and equitable society.
109 17