Being Christian is having a relationship with God, not simply believing in him.

Author: YouFound_Lxam


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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
Some Christians are blinded by new teachings in the modern church, that strive to exploit God for financial gain. 

Some think:
If I believe in God, go to church, and ask him to forgive me every time I do something bad, then I will go to heaven. 

This is false.
The goal for Christians isn't to go to heaven. It is to grow a relationship with God.

The end goal is not safety for self, but relationship with the creator. 

Hell is separation from the creator, not a punishment.

You chose. 

Sorry I put this in the wrong forum title. My apologies. 

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
Also, my reply to Stephen:

You certainly are behind in your bible studies, aren't you?  "The goal" is, everlasting life.  John 3:16
No, the goal is a relationship with God.
John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his own begotten son, that whoever shall believe in him, shall not perish, but have eternal life."

Stop it!  It is all about self preservation and securing your place in the here after in the presence of "the lord". Mathew 18:3.  John 14:2.
Nope. People think wrongly of heaven and hell.

Heaven is a paradise, but the way you describe it is in God's presence eternally. 
The gift of heaven won't be worldly things, but eternal peace and love. All of the things we do in heaven won't be like what we do on earth at all.
It will be infinite praise and worship. Infinite love and peace. 

Hell is not a punishment for sinners, rather it's a place for the ones who rejected God on their own accords, and hell is separation from God.
So, all of Gods wonders, will be gone. Everything that he has ever created good, will be gone. 

"They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might" Matthew25: 46. " 2Thessalonians 1; 9
"They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might" Matthew25: 46. " 2Thessalonians 1; 9

Separation from the presence of the Lord = eternal destruction, because that is separate from Gods creation. 

And I believe that I am correct in pointing out to you that you have posted your thread in the wrong sub forum. It should have been posted here>>>

Thank you for letting me know. 
I was doing a bunch of political forums and must have just forgotten. 

Best.Korea's avatar
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Bible contains the necessary knowledge for humans. Bible, being the word inspired by God, is the main book of Christians and is the one they should all read.

In fact, I think Christians should not read other books too much, since that would diminish the Bible's effect.

I would recommend for beginners to start from the genesis and read till the end of deuteronomy. Then move on to read the new testament.

So the order of reading would be:

1) Genesis
2) Exodus
3) Leviticus
4) Numbers
5) Deuteronomy
6) New testament writings about Jesus and after Jesus

Naturally, you could start with 6) New testament and after 6) you read 1,2,3,4,5.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Bible may have 2000 pages, but the chapters I laid out only have 400 pages in total so there is no excuse not to read them.

To make it even easier, download an app that has free audiobooks. Search for Bible in the form of audio book. Try to get the version of an app with no ads interrupting the reading.
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
In fact, I think Christians should not read other books too much, since that would diminish the Bible's effect.
How would it diminish the Bible's effect?

Just curious.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Wasting time reading Harry Potter and 20 other books when you havent finished Bible yet is bad.

Even after finishing reading the Bible, one should read it again.

You never know when the knowledge from the Bible will be needed to you, so to have it at ready is useful.

Human memory is bad, so if you read other books too much, you will end up forgetting parts of the Bible.
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
I thought this was about not reading certain books of the Bible, not other books entirely. 
Stephen's avatar
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Some Christians are blinded by new teachings in the modern church, that strive to exploit God for financial gain. 

That will be Pastors, Priests and any other holy roller that can speak with a loud commanding voice and loves to inform his congregation that he has spoken with god and received gods wisdom first hand.

Some think:
If I believe in God, go to church, and ask him to forgive me every time I do something bad, then I will go to heaven. 

You forgot to add ; And hand over their last mite. The widows Mite.  Luke 21:1-4

The goal for Christians isn't to go to heaven. It is to grow a relationship with God.
You certainly are behind in your bible studies, aren't you?  "The goal" is, everlasting life.  John 3:16

The end goal is not safety for self, but relationship with the creator. 
Stop it!  It is all about self preservation and securing your place in the here after in the presence of "the lord". Mathew 18:3.  John 14:2.

Hell is separation from the creator, not a punishment.

Jesus! The relationship that you want with god  is on a very poor foundation. 

"They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might" Matthew25: 46. " 2Thessalonians 1; 9

Tradesecret's avatar
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What kind of relationship? 

Are you speaking personal relationship or something else? 

Where does it say in the Bible, that being a Christian is about having a relationship with God? 

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
That will be Pastors, Priests and any other holy roller that can speak with a loud commanding voice and loves to inform his congregation that he has spoken with god and received gods wisdom first hand.
In some situations, yes. 
This is why when going to church you must not believe everything you hear blindly. You must line it up with what the Bible has to say first. 

You forgot to add ; And hand over their last mite. The widows Mite.  Luke 21:1-4
Yes, offerings too.

You certainly are behind in your bible studies, aren't you?  "The goal" is, everlasting life.  John 3:16
John 3:16:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

To want everlasting life isn't bad or a sin.
To want only that is. 

Stop it!  It is all about self preservation and securing your place in the here after in the presence of "the lord". Mathew 18:3.  John 14:2.
No, it's to try to show others that works don't get you into heaven, only through faith, and the love of God can you do that. 

Jesus! The relationship that you want with god  is on a very poor foundation. 

"They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might" Matthew25: 46. " 2Thessalonians 1; 9
Yes, and where does that punishment come from?
Themselves. Not God. They chose to separate themselves from God. 
Look at the last part of that scripture.

"...away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might"
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
What kind of relationship? 
Where does it say in the Bible, that being a Christian is about having a relationship with God? 
A relationship unlike any other.
More like a father to son type relationship. 

Think of it like a marriage.
When you sin, you cheat. Cheating hurts your significant other. Sin hurts God. 

The only difference is that all you have to do is ask God for forgiveness when you sin and he forgives you, because he loves you too much to not.  

Are you speaking personal relationship or something else? 
Yes, very personal. 

Where does it say in the Bible, that being a Christian is about having a relationship with God? \
Hebrews 5:12-14:
"For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. 13 For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe."

1 Corinthians 3:1-2:
"And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. 2 I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able."
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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I am really really "bad" at translating scriptures.      ( ever heard someone say that ? )   

There isn't one christian thats ever been on this site that was not once or currently  in the
☆☆☆☆☆ TOP 10,000 ☆☆☆☆☆ scripture translator of all of timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

To have it a guess. I am ranked somewhere in the hi 6 billions , thats of all time. 
Thank you.

Now with this in mind.  

How could anyone  ever possibly know just what it is that i might make God tell me next ?
Thats fucking dangerous man , well its edgy.  

There could infacf be like "crazy" " weird " people among us. 
                                  ' ok wrap it up deb ' 
Well there could be is all i am saying. 

So ummm , yeah. 
' kicks dirt ' 

Good game.
Good game.  

Stephen's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam wrote: The goal for Christians isn't to go to heaven. It is to grow a relationship with God.
Stephen wrote: You certainly are behind in your bible studies, aren't you?  "The goal" is, everlasting life.  John 3:16
John 3:16:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

To want everlasting life isn't bad or a sin. To want only that is. 

So the goal IS everlasting life then isn't it. As I have said.

YouFound_Lxam wrote: The end goal is not safety for self, but relationship with the creator. 
Stephen wrote: Stop it!  It is all about self preservation and securing your place in the here after in the presence of "the lord". Mathew 18:3.  John 14:2.
No, it's to try to show others that works don't get you into heaven, only through faith, and the love of God can you do that. 
So again, it is as I have said. , It is all about self preservation and securing your place in the here after in the presence of "the lord".

YouFound_Lxam wrote: Hell is separation from the creator,[A] not a punishment.#1

Stephen wrote: Jesus! The relationship that you want with god  is on a very poor foundation. 

"They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might" Matthew25: 46. " 2Thessalonians 1; 9

Yes, and where does that punishment come from?

But you clearly say at [A] above that "hell is NOT a PUNISHMENT"!#1 Where I have shown you that the BIBLE clearly says it is? 

Look at the last part of that scripture.

"...away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might"

It still doesn't alter the BIBLICAL fact that the BIBLE clearly says that Hell is a punishment. 

"They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might" .  2Thessalonians 1; 9

"And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. Matthew" 25: 46  There are more verses speaking of the PUNISHMENT in hell should you care to read the bible for yourself. 

YouFound_Lxam wrote: This is why when going to church you must not believe everything you hear blindly. You must line it up with what the Bible has to say first.#10

Well I suggest that you learn your scriptures yourself before preaching "the gospel" to others.<<<<This should line up with what THE BIBLE has to say:
Especially for you:
Matthew 22:29  But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures ".

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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It is truly sad that we always have to help the #1 Bible ignorant and stupid fool, in learning about the Bible. Case in point, this ungodly person has the audacity to state the following: "Where does it say in the Bible, that being a Christian is about having a relationship with God?"  HUH? They don't know, but yet want to be called a Christian, NOT!

The answer to this question for this dazed pseudo-christian, is herewith:

JESUS SAID: "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)

JESUS' INSPIRED WORDS SAID: "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:6-7)

JESUS' INSPIRED WORDS SAID: "But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you." (James 4:6-10)

There're many other passages that show the pseudo-christian like the #1 Bible ignorant and stupid fool, in having a relationship with our serial killer of innocent infants and babies, Jesus the Christ, but I didn't want to overtax their brain too far in this endeavor.


Stephen's avatar
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It is truly sad that we always have to help the #1 Bible ignorant and stupid fool, in learning about the Bible. Case in point, this ungodly person has the audacity to state the following: 

"Where does it say in the Bible, that being a Christian is about having a relationship with God?" [ #9 ]

 HUH? They don't know, but yet want to be called a Christian, NOT!
Breath-taking Brother D.
But we should all know by now that the Reverend is an absolute diamond for asking the dumbest questions where the Bible is concerned. It's stunning really. Especially in his capacity as a "Pastor and a Chaplain to his countries armed forces (Australia) with a congregation of over 300" and with his mental capacity to have          " been taught memorised the bible from a very early age". It will be interesting to read what  bible dunce No2 YouFound_Lxam, has to offer in reply. He hasn't done too well up to this point in my opinion.

zedvictor4's avatar
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So first off.

A. Tell me what/who exactly is GOD.

When we've explicitly sorted out this conundrum, we can perhaps move on to the necessity of a relationship.

That's assuming that GOD (as yet unidentified) does indeed want a relationship with one and all.

Though, given that GOD has decided to remain unidentifiable for as long as it has been unidentifiable, it's therefore quite likely that GOD isn't actually going to be seeking a relationship with a human being anytime soon.

And as you quite rightly point out, actually identifying GOD, is  not the same as simply saying I believe in GOD.

It's probably quite content with a few Angels for company.....A notion which in itself is only worth considering if you can provide a positive outcome to A. 
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
A. Tell me what/who exactly is GOD.
God is a being, not a person.
We cannot physically hear, see, feel, or touch him. 
God is a being that exists outside of Time, Space, and Matter.
He defies the laws of what we know to be true, because he created all that we know to be true. 

To explain even better, God is the almighty creator of the Universe. God is Love. God is Kindness. God is Gracefulness.
God is everything good. 

God is without sin, or any imperfection. 

When we've explicitly sorted out this conundrum, we can perhaps move on to the necessity of a relationship.

That's assuming that GOD (as yet unidentified) does indeed want a relationship with one and all.

Though, given that GOD has decided to remain unidentifiable for as long as it has been unidentifiable, it's therefore quite likely that GOD isn't actually going to be seeking a relationship with a human being anytime soon.
So basically (correct me if I am wrong) you are saying that since, God has not explicitly shown himself to us as we want to see him, then he doesn't want a relationship with him. 

But this is not true. 
I'll explain it like this:

God loves us, but love cannot be forced. If love is forced, then it is not love, because the person being forced is not really loving the other person. 
So, in order for love to be real, both sides have to choose to love. But when choosing, you have to have an opposing side as well, because you can't choose something if it is the only option. So, sin enters the world and gives us humans the choice between God and sin. 

Now as for God not showing himself, this would also be a forced love as well. If God were to explicitly show himself to us as we want to see him, then when he does show himself, we will realize that the only way to get out of eternal death and damnation, would be to "love" God, so instead of putting their faith in God, and trusting him, (which is an aspect of love) instead they "love" him for their own convenience. Thats not love that using God to get a "get into heaven free ticket.

Stephen's avatar
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God is a being, not a person.
We cannot physically hear, see, feel, or touch him. 
God is a being that exists outside of Time, Space, and Matter.

Well that isn't quite true is it?  Lets break it down.

We cannot physically hear him.
 Genesis 32.  Numbers 12:8

We cannot physically see, him

Genesis 32.  Numbers 12:8

Genesis 32We cannot physically  feel, or touch him. 

Genesis 32.  Numbers 12:8

Then there is Adam and  Eve that god did some sewing for. Genesis 3:21
What about Isaiah? What about Moses?   

And  do not the 12 apostles and all  of the other followers of Jesus count as having seen god? Or is Jesus not really god at all?
Who's voice did John hear after he had  baptised Jesus? 

You see , these are the kind of dilemma's that Christian bible dunces such as yourself create for yourself, when you don't have a clue what your talking about. And you have the audacity; just like that other cretinous No1 bible dunce, to tell everyone else to read and study the bible.😒

zedvictor4's avatar
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How is all that any different to any other fantasy tale?

You are proposing from speculation only, the behaviour and requirements of a "being" that cannot be shown to exist.

So, based upon the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien, is it reasonable for me to accept without actual proof that Middle Earth must exist.

Albeit conveniently, outside of time, space and matter.

As ever.

GOD principle sound,

But not a floaty about Middle Eastern Being, outside of time, space and matter.

Basically because a "Being" implies physicality, which implies matter with event and duration.

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
God is a being, not a person.
We cannot physically hear, see, feel, or touch him. 
God is a being that exists outside of Time, Space, and Matter.

Well that isn't quite true is it?  Lets break it down.

We cannot physically hear him.
 Genesis 32.  Numbers 12:8

We cannot physically see, him

Genesis 32.  Numbers 12:8

Genesis 32We cannot physically  feel, or touch him. 

Genesis 32.  Numbers 12:8
I'm sorry, I should have been more clear. 

We can't see him, hear him, or physically see him, but that doesn't mean you can't have an encounter with God. 
The point I am trying to make, is that God is not a physical object that can be defined with our senses that were designed to sense physical things. We can still have encounters with God, but not the same as physical things.

I still stand by my point. 
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
How is all that any different to any other fantasy tale?
Well, usually with fantasy tales, there isn't any historical evidence to back up what the fantasy tale said to be true. 

You are proposing from speculation only, the behaviour and requirements of a "being" that cannot be shown to exist.
Shown in the physical sense.
Again, I bring back the gravity argument. 

You can't see gravity, you can't hear gravity, and you can't touch gravity, but you can feel it's effects all around you.
Scientists don't really understand how the force of gravity really came to be in the first place either so it's something that scientists can't explain. Scientists can observe, and explain its effects, but not gravity itself.

Same with God. You can't physically hear, touch or see him, but you can see his effects all around you, with the 2 billion people committed to God, and the fact that we have a world to live in. 

So, based upon the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien, is it reasonable for me to accept without actual proof that Middle Earth must exist.

Albeit conveniently, outside of time, space and matter.
Is there any historical, literary, or concrete evidence or signs that Middle Earth exists? 

The Lord of the Rings, and The Hobbit are both actually allegories of God, and sin, and the struggle between man, and sin. 
So, it does have some allegorical significance, but the author J.R.R. Tolkien told us it was an allegory, therefore if the author claims it to be nothing more than a fake story, then it is. 

The difference between that and the Bible, is that the Bible claims to be more than just a story, but reality. 
Stephen's avatar
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God is a being, not a person.
We cannot physically hear, see, feel, or touch him. 
God is a being that exists outside of Time, Space, and Matter.

Well that isn't quite true is it?  Lets break it down.

We cannot physically hear him.
 Genesis 32.  Numbers 12:8

We cannot physically see, him

Genesis 32.  Numbers 12:8

Genesis 32We cannot physically  feel, or touch him. 

Genesis 32.  Numbers 12:8
Then there is Adam and  Eve that god did some sewing for. Genesis 3:21
What about Isaiah? What about Moses?   
And  do not the 12 apostles and all  of the other followers of Jesus count as having seen god? Or is Jesus not really god at all?
Who's voice did John hear after he had  baptised Jesus? 
You see , these are the kind of dilemma's that Christian bible dunces such as yourself create for yourself, when you don't have a clue what your talking about. And you have the audacity; just like that other cretinous No1 bible dunce, to tell everyone else to read and study the bible.😒

We can't see him, hear him, or physically see him, but that doesn't mean you can't have an encounter with God. 
The point I am trying to make, is that God is not a physical object that can be defined with our senses that were designed to sense physical things. We can still have encounters with God, but not the same as physical things.  I still stand by my point. 

I'm sorry, I should have been more clear. 

And I couldn't have made myself more clear.
 According to THE BIBLE, people  have seen god, heard god, touched god and spoken to god. Physically .

I still stand by my point. 

Well this then is you -  like all Christians having been shown to be bible ignorant -  are denial of THE BIBLICAL facts.
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
And I couldn't have made myself more clear.
 According to THE BIBLE, people  have seen god, heard god, touched god and spoken to god. Physically .
No, people have had encounters with God, that felt physical. They weren't physical in the sense that we know physical to be. 
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Just what part of the Unpardonable Sin that you created towards Jesus, don't you understand???!!!   Again, Jesus does not want you to even think about spreading His inspired words within the scriptures because you slapped Him in the face by committing said sin! ENOUGH!  This revealing link below shows without question that you committed the UNPARDONABLE SIN by directly going against His Triune Doctrine:

Since you are guilty of the Unpardonable Sin, your presence within this Religion forum is directly following this inspired by Jesus passage: Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." (Matthew 7:15)

You are already going to Hell upon your demise because of what you did to Jesus, so why make Him dislike you even more, where He could put you in the hottest of the sulfur lakes in Hell?  THINK Bible fool!



BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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YOUR BIBLE STUPIDITY  IS WITHOUT BOUND ONCE AGAIN: "No, people have had encounters with God, that felt physical. They weren't physical in the sense that we know physical to be."

WRONG! Jesus is God, remember? H-E-L-L-O? Therefore, Jesus AS GOD had many "physical contacts" with His Hebrew Creation in the New Testament when He came to earth! Duh!

"But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them." (Mark 10:14-16)

"While he was saying these things to them, behold, a ruler came in and knelt before him, saying, “My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live.” And Jesus rose and followed him, with his disciples. And behold, a woman who had suffered from a discharge of blood for twelve years came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment, for she said to herself, “If I only touch his garment, I will be made well.” Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, “Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And instantly the woman was made well." (Matthew 9:18-30)

YouFound_Lxam, your complete BIBLE STUPIDITY should be the reason for you to leave this Religion forum alone, where you are giving it a bad name in your being here in the first place, and most importantly, you committing the Unpardonable Sin as well, where you are an embarrassment to Christianity!  Therefore, why are you still here slapping Jesus in the face all the time?


Stephen's avatar
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And I couldn't have made myself more clear.
 According to THE BIBLE, people  have seen god, heard god, touched god and spoken to god. Physically .
No, people have had encounters with God, that felt physical. They weren't physical in the sense that we know physical to be. 

You are a MASSIVE hypocrite. One minute you insist that "the BIBLE should be taken literally at all times". And now deny what THE BIBLE actually says   completely. 

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
You are a MASSIVE hypocrite. One minute you insist that "the BIBLE should be taken literally at all times". And now deny what THE BIBLE actually says   completely
Not at all what I said. 
FLRW's avatar
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I have a relationship with Zeus. Zeus, the king of the gods, came to the mortal woman Semele, the daughter of King Kadmos of Thebes, in the form of a serpent and showered her with his love and affection. He courted her for a very long time, slowly winning her over. Finally, he had sex with her and, when he impregnated her, her bedchamber was overgrown with the vines and flowers of Dionysos and the earth itself laughed. Then Zeus revealed to her his true identity as the king of the gods and promised her that her child would be a god.
Stephen's avatar
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So did Moses Physically speak with god face to face? Yes or No?
Did Jacob Physically wrestle with god. Yes or No?
Did Adam and Eve Physically speak with God?
Who's voice did John hear after he had baptised Jesus?

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
OHHHHH I see what you are saying.

Sorry I was confused on what you were arguing for a second there. 

God is not physical and we can't physically interact with him but we can experience him, through physical attributes. 
He is not a physical being but can interact with us physically.

Sorry that was halfway my fault. I worded it weird as well.