Friends (12)
Debates stats
- Total
- 2
- Won
- 1
- Lost
- 1
- Tied
- 0
- Win ratio
- 50.0%
- Rating
- 1504
- Comments
- 5
- Votes
- 2
Forum stats
- Topics
- 40
- Posts
- 3,499
- Likes
- 762
- Mentions
- 4,116
Personal information
- Gender
- Unknown
- Country
- Unknown
- Education
- Unknown
- Religion
- Unknown
- Political ideology
- Unknown
- Life priority
- Unknown
- Occupation
- Unknown
About me
"Of course I believe I'm right, otherwise I'd believe something else."
Brother D Thomas and Stephen are both TROLLS. And more than that they don't have a brain cell between them.
They will inevitable make a copy of this profile and post it. The question of course is why.
And the answer is - they are both TROLLS.