The Delusion.

Author: YouFound_Lxam


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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
So let me get this straight.

The LGBTQ+ community refers to people who are strait, as cisgender. This is a brand-new term, not entirely agreed upon by all people. 
My question is why.  Why does the LGBTQ+ community expect us to give in to all of their labels, definitions, and perceptions of reality, while they go out, and disrespect women, and people who don't want to be called cisgender.

Their logic is, if a transgender woman, doesn't want to be called a man, we should respect that, but if a strait person doesn't want to be called cisgender, then that is a form of homophobia, or transphobia. 

This is where I have come to realize that the LGBTQ+ community not only has stopped promoting equality for all, but have started promoting in the changing of definitions, labels, and perceptions of reality. They claim, "our definitions are right and anyone who says otherwise are the crazy ones, because they are the ones who are not accepting reality for what it really is." 

Whether you like it or not, reality is not based upon how people feel. It is how people are. Reality is the key word here. Facts do not care about your feelings.

I am not a spokesperson for anything, any group, or anyone. I am just a 16-year-old kid trying to understand, debate and argue against the logic of these people, with no influence but my own. But this is why I believe that every person, whether that be Republicans, Democrats, or Libertarians, need to fight against this logic, and not let it pass our wall of reality and take over. This is no longer a debate of ideology's and who is the better person.

This is a culture war. The two sides? Reality, and Delusion. 
Sidewalker's avatar
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Sidewalker's avatar
Why do transgender people terrify you so much?

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
Debates: 32
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
The people don't scare me. 
The delusion they buy into so easily scares me. 

Could lead us into a 1984 type of situation. 
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
The LGBTQ+ community refers to people who are strait, as cisgender. This is a brand-new term, not entirely agreed upon by all people. 
My question is why.  Why does the LGBTQ+ community expect us to give in to all of their labels, definitions, and perceptions of reality,
  • We don't.
while they go out, and disrespect women,
  • Fuck you.  I'll match my respect for women against the entire history of straight men's respect for women.  Queer rights emerged from Feminisim and speaking very generally, Queer people are many times more respectful of women then straight men, generally.
Their logic is, if a transgender woman, doesn't want to be called a man, we should respect that, but if a strait person doesn't want to be called cisgender, then that is a form of homophobia, or transphobia. 
  • I have never met a queer person who expects any straight to accept the term cisgender.   Thinking back over thousands of experience, every queer person I've ever known has been 100% fine with straight people identifying as "straight."  
  • I think you are a sad little victim looking for a victimizer.  LGBTQ are not victimizing you.
This is where I have come to realize that the LGBTQ+ community not only has stopped promoting equality for all, but have started promoting in the changing of definitions, labels, and perceptions of reality. They claim, "our definitions are right and anyone who says otherwise are the crazy ones, because they are the ones who are not accepting reality for what it really is." 
  • False.  Give me three specific examples of LGBTQ+ community  claiming that.
Whether you like it or not, reality is not based upon how people feel. It is how people are. Reality is the key word here. Facts do not care about your feelings.
  • Are you coming out as mind-reader?  No.  Well, sorry to burst your bubble but there is only one reality that you can know the truth of and yes, your reality (quite obviously, in your case) is deeply rooted in your feelings.  Any claim you make to understand the reality of others is a fucking lie, a religious claim that the US Consititution me from.    I am 100% sure that you notion of reality is fucked up and dangerous to the peace and liberty of your fellow Americans.  Please check your frightened bunny bigotry before you wreck yourself.
. I am just a 16-year-old kid trying to understand,
  • Well, then I strongly recommend you shut the fuck up with your all-mighty declamations until you achieve a little understanding.  You are too young to understand.  By the time you are in your 30's you will work with gay people, you wil be aware of gay people in your family and you will discover that there really is not any important difference between LGBTQ+ and straight people in terms of public policy and good citizenship.

This is a culture war. The two sides? Reality, and Delusion. 
  • Your delusion is that you are at war with me.  I am not at war with you.  Calm the fuck down.  You have no Consitituional or Christian basis for your fear of LGBTQ+   You have no justification for threatening me with war or "eradication"    The only delusion here is your war, which Republicans are actively fomenting as a power play.  Are you really having so much trouble with LGBTQ+ people in your real life or are pols like DeSantis and Abbot just  stoking your fears every couple of days.  You are being manipulated.

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
  • We don't.
Denial is not going to change anything. You call anyone who doesn't agree with you perception of reality as homophobic, transphobic, and a Right-Wing Nazi that is trying to destroy the democracy. 

  • Fuck you.  I'll match my respect for women against the entire history of straight men's respect for women.  Queer rights emerged from Feminisim and speaking very generally, Queer people are many times more respectful of women then straight men, generally.
The mistakes and sins of ancestors do not associate with the people today. No person in America today has had to suffer what minorities and women had to suffer before we fixed the mistakes. This is what you guys do. You can't find a good argument against us, so you resort to blaming us for what our ancestors did. When the LGBTQ+ community is claiming that biological men should have the right to compete in women's sports that is infringing on the rights of women, that is disrespecting women, and is one of the most sexist modern pushes that I have heard of today in America.

Even just the claim that a man can become a woman is sexist, disrespectful to women, and just a straight up lie. 

Also, the claim that Queer rights simply emerged from Feminism is a lie as well. The emergence of Queer rights was never exactly pinpointed. Feminism was a brainstorm of where the Queer rights movement could have emerged from, but only one out of many.
There was also post-structuralist theory, radical movements of people of color, the gay and lesbian movements, AIDS activism, and not surprisingly many sexual subcultural practices such as sadomasochism, and postcolonialism.

I have never met a queer person who expects any straight to accept the term cisgender.
Bella3sp is one of these people. Not to call them out in a rude way, but these people do exist. 

Also, it is not hard to go on Tic Tock and see all of these LGBTQ+ activists claiming this as well. The information and data are there, but I am guessing you being you, you will just deny it as most do. 

 Thinking back over thousands of experience, every queer person I've ever known has been 100% fine with straight people identifying as "straight."  
You have met thousands of queer people individually? Well first of all, that must be an exaggeration, because in order to at least meet just 1000 people personally you would have to meet about 3 people per day, every day for one whole year. And that is just about a thousand, but thousands

And in order for your argument to make since, you would have to of met these people personally and not just give them a quick "Hi!". 
But the reality is that people are using this logic to define their own reality's whether you like it or not. 

  • False.  Give me three specific examples of LGBTQ+ community  claiming that.
"A lot of this pushback involves willfully ignoring a biological fact: that trans men, non-binary people and people of literally all genders can menstruate, and many do."
"When transgender model and activist Kenny Ethan Jones experienced his first period, he faced both physical and psychological pain."

"I have lots to say about this, but I simply commented that some dudes do get periods. Because they do. That’s a fact."

That enough for you?

Are you coming out as mind-reader?  No.  Well, sorry to burst your bubble but there is only one reality that you can know the truth of and yes, your reality (quite obviously, in your case) is deeply rooted in your feelings.
My reality is reality. 
I don't like the reality of some situations I am put in.
I don't like the reality of our economy.
I don't like the reality of the U.S. future.
I don't like the reality of the struggle I am going to have to go through to climb the ladder of society.

But I still have to face this reality, and I don't get to live in fantasy land and pretend everything is ok. That is what mentally ill people do when they can't comprehend or deal with something.

Any claim you make to understand the reality of others is a fucking lie, a religious claim that the US Consititution me from.
First of all, it is not a lie. From what I have learned from debating you especially is that you don't understand you own community. You are too busy trying to find ways to attack the other side, that you haven't even got the chance to look back at the fire in your own community. Everyone on this website has at least a hundred of examples, and pieces of evidence that prove what you are saying doesn't exist does, and you still can't accept that reality because of your own bias and ego. 

Also, a thick thing to say from someone who won't even attempt to try to understand other points of view like religion or conservatism, and just tries to call it all the bad names the media has equipped you with. 

You have no justification for threatening me with war or "eradication"
I have not threatened anyone in any way. I don't think you understand that we didn't start this culture war. 
We didn't give porn to 3rd graders.
We didn't show kids illegal drag stripper. performances.
We didn't try to chemically castrate kids with the same drugs we give to pedophiles.
We didn't try to normalize pedophiles by calling them MAPs.
We didn't try to ruin women's opportunity's by letting men compete in their sports. 
We didn't try to sexualize kids at a young age. 

But the moment we finally step in and say enough is enough, we can't let you do this, you call it a threat. 
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Reality is anything that occurs within a universe at any given moment.

Delusion is a thought construct.

Therefore a "delusion" is real within it's own context at the simultaneous moment of it's inception and end.

Recorded thoughts are real within a perceivable medium.

And so cisgender is real within that context.

As can be anything.

And so the mass that is YF_L and it's onboard computer.

Acquires, processes and assesses data, according to it's hardware and programming.

And concludes .

Same as the rest.

Notwithstanding, that Gender-Benders have been promoting their ideologies for ages.

Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
Their logic is, if a transgender woman, doesn't want to be called a man, we should respect that, but if a strait person doesn't want to be called cisgender, then that is a form of homophobia, or transphobia. 
That's actually a good point. I already knew that the libtards had many contradictions in their arguments, but I didn't think about that one before.

This is where I have come to realize that the LGBTQ+ community not only has stopped promoting equality for all, but have started promoting in the changing of definitions, labels, and perceptions of reality. They claim, "our definitions are right and anyone who says otherwise are the crazy ones, because they are the ones who are not accepting reality for what it really is." 
Not only will they call you crazy, but there's a good chance they'll try to prevent you from speaking and/or attack you. These people are more violent, hateful and intolerant than even Muslims: Violence threatens freedom of speech on college campuses ( 

You can even look at Oromagi spazzing and cussing you out above in the comments.

Sidewalker's avatar
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Sidewalker's avatar
So let me get this straight.
There is nothing “straight” about yourtwisted logic.

The LGBTQ+ community refers to people who are strait, as cisgender. This is a brand-new term, not entirely agreed upon by all people. 
Nope, that isn’t what cisgender means, and it isn’thow the word is used.

My question is why.  Why does the LGBTQ+ community expect us to give in to all of their labels, definitions, and perceptions of reality, while they go out, and disrespect women, and people who don't want to be called cisgender.
You draw this conclusion from the factthat you don’t know what the word cisgender means?  You have internet access, you have Google, look it up kid, it really isn't that hard to be informed anymore, you are embarrassing yourself.

Their logic is, if a transgender woman, doesn't want to be called a man, we should respect that, but if a strait person doesn't want to be called cisgender, then that is a form of homophobia, or transphobia. 
You don’t know what the word means,but you are offended by the fact that the word exists? That has nothing to do with homophobia, or transphobia, it is just a form of stupidity.

This is where I have come to realize that the LGBTQ+ community not only has stopped promoting equality for all, but have started promoting in the changing of definitions, labels, and perceptions of reality. They claim, "our definitions are right and anyone who says otherwise are the crazy ones, because they are the ones who are not accepting reality for what it really is." 
Nobody is saying that horseshit youmade up here, in fact, nobody really cares if some dumbass bigot doesn’t knowwhat the word cisgender means.   

Whether you like it or not, reality is not based upon how people feel. It is how people are. Reality is the key word here. Facts do not care about your feelings.
You don’t know what the word “reality”means either?

I am not a spokesperson for anything, any group, or anyone. I am just a 16-year-old kid trying to understand, debate and argue against the logic of these people, with no influence but my own.
You can certainly say that again, especiallysince your made-up bullshit is nothing but a figment of your bigoted imagination.

But this is why I believe that every person, whether that be Republicans, Democrats, or Libertarians, need to fight against this logic, and not let it pass our wall of reality and take over. This is no longer a debate of ideology's and who is the better person.
I’m sure within your delusional mind,this bunch of words has some kind of meaning, but the wall between yourdelusional fantasies and reality is impenetrable, perhaps a psychologist couldtry to help you work through it.

This is a culture war.
Nope, it’s your own internal war, it onlytakes place inside your head, and it has nothing to do with any person, whetherthey be Republicans, Democrats, or Libertarians. 

The two sides? Reality, and Delusion. 
Yep, there are two sides here, insideand outside, the “delusion” inside your head, and the “reality” outside yourhead, and yes, there is clearly a wall between the two. 
Sidewalker's avatar
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Sidewalker's avatar
The people don't scare me. 
The delusion they buy into so easily scares me. 

Could lead us into a 1984 type of situation. 
You are just tilting at windmills kiddie.
Sidewalker's avatar
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Sidewalker's avatar
These people are more violent, hateful and intolerant than even Muslims
LOL, white supremacists say everyone else is "violent, hateful and intolerant", you clowns are hilarious. 
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
The  surgical trans craze should terrify most gay people. Up to 80 percent of young children diagnosed as trans are simply normal gay people. 

This is the same sort of quack science we just went through with masks and vaccines.

The true casualties of contemporary conversion therapy are the countless gay children whose lives are irrevocably altered without any prospect of meaningful social acceptance due to this irrational and capricious trend towards surgical conversion.

Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
Lol, "clowns" doesn't seem like a very tolerant word.

You are just proving her point.
Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
The  surgical trans craze should terrify most gay people. Up to 80 percent of young children diagnosed as trans are simply normal gay people. 

This is the same sort of quack science we just went through with masks and vaccines.
Yes, and those kids who are misdiagnosed simply lose those transgender feelings "spontaneously" (eventually) US psychiatrist says transgender is ‘mental disorder’ and sex change biologically impossible | AFRICA CHINA ECONOMY ( . After all, transgender people are really just mentally ill gay people, and trying to diagnose children with mental illness is very risky business that a lot of people are clearly getting wrong.

You can add to this that suicide rates for transgender teenagers actually *increases* post-operation FgnQ3hYWYAAUYE6 (929×464) ( taken from Mental Healthcare Utilization of Transgender Youth Before and After Affirming Treatment - PubMed ( 
Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
Troll please leave.
Sidewalker's avatar
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Sidewalker's avatar
Lol, "clowns" doesn't seem like a very tolerant word.

You are just proving her point.
It's lot better than dumbass white trash racist.

White supremacists think it's trolling when we interupt thier bigoted characterizing of minorities to characterize them, but the fact is, they are the true minority, the actual dregs of society.  They are outcasts who try to make others the outcasts, the true underbelly of society in all ways, inferior economically, ethically, and intellectually, the only thing they do better than minorities is hate. 

All they have to declare themselves superior is the color of thier skin, but even among whites, they are the minority the rest of us look down on. 
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
The key idea I am trying to explain to you is that you are attributing malicious intent rather than simply misunderstanding. Societies that adopt such an intolerant approach are not sustainable and cannot keep up with societies that truly embrace tolerance.
Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
You can't explain anything to him and expect him to read it. He's here to troll. He's here to write inflammatory responses that derail conversations. You taking him seriously means he wins. You have to laugh at him or ignore him.
Sidewalker's avatar
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Sidewalker's avatar
The key idea I am trying to explain to you is that you are attributing malicious intent rather than simply misunderstanding.
There is no misunderstanding white supremacists, their intent is malicious.

Societies that adopt such an intolerant approach are not sustainable and cannot keep up with societies that truly embrace tolerance.
So we should tolerate intolerance?  

They want a war, we'll give them a fucking war, and just like with every other aspect of thier lives, they will be the losers.

Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
They want a war, we'll give them a fucking war,
War? xD What are you going to do? Write mean words again? You're completely harmless! I can say whatever I want to you and you won't do anything more than call me a name or two. 

You're not a real man at all. You're a commonplace internet troll who is good to laugh at and nothing more.
Sidewalker's avatar
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Sidewalker's avatar
They want a war, we'll give them a fucking war,
War? xD What are you going to do? Write mean words again? You're completely harmless! I can say whatever I want to you and you won't do anything more than call me a name or two. 
LOL, it's amazing just how stupid you lowlifes are, I'm not talking about your inane blathering on line, I'm talking about the real world where you occupy the lowest rung of the societal ladder, out there where you guys want a culture war that like with everything else, you will be losers.

You're not a real man at all.
Maybe I'm not as manly as you, but then again, who is?

You're a commonplace internet troll who is good for a laugh and nothing more.
You're a commonplace white supremacist, desperate to be taken seriously outside the trailer park, and that's pathetic, even for a loser white supremacist. 

Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
So we should tolerate intolerance?  
Yes. The alternative is genocide. Tolerance and finding ways to assimilate to common ground isn't always the worst path.
Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
They want a war, we'll give them a fucking war,
War? xD What are you going to do? Write mean words again? You're completely harmless! I can say whatever I want to you and you won't do anything more than call me a name or two. 
LOL, it's amazing just how stupid you lowlifes are, I'm not talking about your inane blathering on line, I'm talking about the real world where you occupy the lowest rung of the societal ladder, out there where you guys want a culture war that like with everything else, you will be losers.
Sorry, but what war are you waging exactly? You're not in the least bit threatening. Your ranks are full of degenerates and weirdos. Barely anyone wants to culture you offer. You are all genetic mistakes that belong in a circus hahaha

You're not a real man at all.
Maybe I'm not as manly as you, but then again, who is?
So, now a woman isn't allowed to embrace some degree of masculinity? That sounds like gender roles which belong in the 1950s, something your kind rejects outright.

You're a walking contradiction xD

You're a commonplace internet troll who is good for a laugh and nothing more.
You're a commonplace white supremacist, desperate to be taken seriously outside the trailer park, and that's pathetic, even for a loser white supremacist. 
I live in a house. You live in mental illness.

ludofl3x's avatar
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ludofl3x's avatar
Honest question, do you ever wonder why you're so obsessed with this 'debate' or issue? You seem to have a real hard on for transgender and LGBT issues, man. The world is a big place with a lot of different kinds of people in it, and so many more important things to worry about, but you really do start a lot of topics on these themes. 
TWS1405_2's avatar
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while they go out, and disrespect women,
  • Fuck you.

Most impressively given intelligent rebuttal there. Way to quash the kids argument with such a profoundly factual retort to his assertion. You sure showed him. 
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
Nope, that isn’t what cisgender means, and it isn’thow the word is used.
Yes it is. The term "cisgender" is how LGBTQ individuals identify straight individuals regardless of how much they deny that name. 
A straight person means someone who likes or is attracted to the opposite sex.
The way in which you guys explain what cisgender means bends reality. I am not going to give into that. 

The way in which you guys explain cisgender, is "someone who identifies with the gender they were assigned at birth". 
First off, the idea that people are assigned gender at birth is idiotic. A doctors doesn't just choose a gender at random and assign you to that gender. The doctor, as well as any other person, looks at your genitals and based on how they look, recognized that they are either a boy or a girl. They even do this before birth. 

The doctor doesn't assign anything, he/she notices something. 

Second of all, if cisgender is a gender, and male and female is a gender, then does that mean that there is gender within gender? 
Your logic doesn't make sense. 

The rest of what you said was denial, which I guess is typical for a troll. 
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
Ideology affects culture. Culture affects society. 
A destructive ideology affects culture, and a destructive culture affects society. 

I live in society and don't want to live in a destructive society.

TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar
Honest question, do you ever wonder why you're so obsessed with this 'debate' or issue? You seem to have a real hard on for transgender and LGBT issues, man. The world is a big place with a lot of different kinds of people in it, and so many more important things to worry about, but you really do start a lot of topics on these themes. 
It’s an important issue that’s been affecting nearly all aspects of American life and culture with their subversive ideology intent on transforming reality with their mental illness/delusions. Just look at Canada FFS! People get fined for misgendering or perceivingly discriminating against someone in the alphabet soup based on thag individuals “feelings” and zero facts. American jurisprudence is one step away from that. In many cases it has already reached that point. Just look at the Christian baker who has to take his case to scotus, but the city still goes after the man every time another alphabet soup person or couple goes after him instead of just going to another baker who will capitulate to their demands. Even in Canada the same legal harassment has happened by a trans woman suing spa and wax places because they refused to wax his twig and berries, and he has sued a OBGYN for refusing to treat his “woman” needs when he doesn’t even have the plumbing for it. 

Even scotus here has legislated from the bench making up fictitious interpretations of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and Title 9 in order to give special rights to transgender identifying individuals where employment situations are concerned. 

Men are invading little girls and women’s private spaces, sports, clothing, makeup, fashion (to include lingerie), and moving to take over just about anything and everything else exclusively meant/designed for women! 

The mental Illness of trans is invading normal business with employees who identify with the mental illness are causing a ruckus over a perceived slight to their feelings.  Which leads them to attacking customers. Sort of like when a trans woman physically assaulted the female swimmer who has been speaking out against Lia Thomas, and chased her into a classroom and demanding money to let her out. 

Legit definitions of terms, like “woman/women” have been officially changed in the dictionary to accommodate the delusion of transgenderism. 

I mean I can go on and on and on how dangerous this fucked up mental illness is driving the obscenely absurd ideology is that has been and continues to affect the reality of the world we live in. 

And this shit didn’t happen when it was just LGBQ. No. It all started when mental illness took a nose dive off the cliff of insanity with gender ideology and queer theory. As soon as gay marriage was legitimized, the nut cases came out of the woodwork like cockroaches seeking to infest every corner of humanity in order to destroy reality. And it should scare everyone. Which is precisely why we need to talk about it, address it, debate it and put a stop to this nonsense before it’s too late (eg - pedophilia  being  accepted, which is getting closer).
dustryder's avatar
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dustryder's avatar
So let me get this straight.

The LGBTQ+ community refers to people who are strait, as cisgender. This is a brand-new term, not entirely agreed upon by all people. 
My question is why.  Why does the LGBTQ+ community expect us to give in to all of their labels, definitions, and perceptions of reality, while they go out, and disrespect women, and people who don't want to be called cisgender.
I don't think this is correct. Let me get a couple of points out:

1. Fundamentally you probably shouldn't be painting a large group of people with the same brush, because a large group of people is unlikely to agree on any one issue. 

2. The term cisgender does not seem to be synonymous with the term straight and it doesn't seem like you would use them in the same context. For example, a cisgender could either be gay, straight or bisexual. Cisgender is the opposite of transgender, in which you too could have a gay, straight or bisexual transgender person.

3. From 1 and 2, I don't think the LGBTQ+ in general insists on labelling straight people as cisgender, and I would challenge you for objective evidence of this.

4. The term is nearly 30 years old and exists in most? major dictionaries that I quickly googled online.

Their logic is, if a transgender woman, doesn't want to be called a man, we should respect that, but if a strait person doesn't want to be called cisgender, then that is a form of homophobia, or transphobia. 
It probably depends on your motivations for not wanting to be called cisgender really. From my perspective it'd be equally as silly as being straight and not wanting to be called straight. The reality is that it's an objective descriptive term that seems to have been accepted into the English language. In which case where does your objection lie such that you reject such realities?

TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar
Others are right on the misuse of cisgender. 

You should have used this synonym:

Cishet” means someone is both cisgender and heterosexual. It could also mean both cisgender and heteroromantic. In other words, a cishet person identifies as the gender they were assigned at birth, and they're attracted to people of the opposite gender.

oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar

  • We don't.
  • Denial is not going to change anything. You call anyone who doesn't agree with you perception of reality as homophobic, transphobic, and a Right-Wing Nazi that is trying to destroy the democracy. 
  • That is what the Republican Party has devolved into, for the most part.
  • Fuck you.  I'll match my respect for women against the entire history of straight men's respect for women.  Queer rights emerged from Feminisim and speaking very generally, Queer people are many times more respectful of women then straight men, generally.
The mistakes and sins of ancestors do not associate with the people today. No person in America today has had to suffer what minorities and women had to suffer before we fixed the mistakes.
  • Funny how only the straight white think they've fixed their mistakes of the past. You are unabashadly anti-Feminist so you are stuck in (at least) pre-1920's thinking.  I don't give credit you for fixing much of anything, frankly.
You can't find a good argument against us,
  • The burden of proof is on you to show that trans people are assaulting America and worthy of your programs of eradication.  Every argument you've presented on this site has been demonstrated to be a lie.  I don't need a good argument against a lie, I just point out that your argument is broken.
When the LGBTQ+ community is claiming that biological men should have the right to compete in women's sports that is infringing on the rights of women, that is disrespecting women, and is one of the most sexist modern pushes that I have heard of today in America.
  • That's not a right I recognize when the birth gender confers a significant compettive advantage.  I support the Biden Adiminstration's ban on broad discrimination in school sports while allowing local school adminstrators (not fat white GOP governors looking for a vote from the bigots) to make exceptions wherever unfair phsyical advantages or increased risk of injury might undermine competition.
  • As a self-declared anti-Feminist 16 year old boy, let's agree that  you have no standing or credibility representing women's self-respect or understanding the perils of sexism.  No women want little Tucker Carlson's mansplaining women's right for them.
Even just the claim that a man can become a woman is sexist, disrespectful to women, and just a straight up lie. 
  • But the majority of women don't agree with your bigotry and ignorance, do they?
Also, the claim that Queer rights simply emerged from Feminism is a lie as well.
I have never met a queer person who expects any straight to accept the term cisgender.
Bella3sp is one of these people. Not to call them out in a rude way, but these people do exist. 

Also, it is not hard to go on Tic Tock and see all of these LGBTQ+ activists claiming this as well. The information and data are there, but I am guessing you being you, you will just deny it as most do. 
  • The CIA  has advised Americans that TikTok is Chinese spyware. Loyal Americans should get rid of TikTok ASAP.
  • I generally don't accept the opinion of anonymous posters as sincere:  many poster are simply trying our arguments/ position.  I did flip throught Bella's debates and forum posts and couldn't find one mention of the word cisgender.
 You have met thousands of queer people individually? And in order for your argument to make since, you would have to of met these people personally and not just give them a quick "Hi!". 
  • Back before the internet, people used to meet socially to discuss polititcs.  I attended a couple of different gay rights groups with weekly attendences in the hundreds.  For decades, I spent two or three hours discussing gay issues with a constantly rotating group of 10-20 people.  Then, everybody retired to a local cafe where we'd debate poltics until they kicked us out.  
  • Coffee shops, bars, pride parades, AIDS volunteers, parties.....yeah, thousands easily.
But the reality is that people are using this logic to define their own reality's whether you like it or not. 
  • Everybody defines their own reality:  white boys do not get to control.
  • False.  Give me three specific examples of LGBTQ+ community  claiming that [our definitions are right and anyone who says otherwise are the crazy ones, because they are the ones who are not accepting reality for what it really is.]
"A lot of this pushback involves willfully ignoring a biological fact: that trans men, non-binary people and people of literally all genders can menstruate, and many do.
"When transgender model and activist Kenny Ethan Jones experienced his first periodhe faced both physical and psychological pain."

"I have lots to say about this, but I simply commented that some dudes do get periods. Because they do. That’s a fact."

  • It is a fact that some trans men menstruate.  White boys do not get to control.
    • Nobody is trying to alter your fragile reality- you can call men who mensturate trans or non-binary without doing any damage to your definition of men.
    • Not one of these examples puts any onus on people who think like you.  Notice that objectively, YOU are the one making demands on other to change, they are making no demands of you.  YOU are the one penetrating the rights and realties of strangers, those strangers have made no demands of you.

Are you coming out as mind-reader?  No.  Well, sorry to burst your bubble but there is only one reality that you can know the truth of and yes, your reality (quite obviously, in your case) is deeply rooted in your feelings.
My reality is reality. 
I don't like the reality of some situations I am put in.
I don't like the reality of our economy.
I don't like the reality of the U.S. future.
I don't like the reality of the struggle I am going to have to go through to climb the ladder of society.
  • Think of how tragically pathetic that is.  You are a white boy born in the wealthiest, freeest, most comfortble society in the history of mankind at its peak in terms of global influence, peace and power.   AS A STATEMENT of ABSOLUTE FACT:  you are sittting in the top 1% of comfort and privilege found across all human history.   Most humans would happily give up an arm or a leg to live a life as nice as you have it.   NOBODY in history has had to struggle less than you.  And yet,  you can't feel your privilege because you don't feel dominent.  All Republicans are first and formost heirarchists: they measure thier success by how many throats are under their knee.    Think of how for thousands of years, trans people couldn't express their non-conformity without risking rapid imprisonment and death.  Now we finally create a society where they can tell the truth and the old white paradigm wants to exterminate every reality that conflicts with their own or else they will trash and burn down American prosperity..

From what I have learned from debating you especially is that you don't understand you own community.
  • Right.  You insist that a 56 year old gay man can't possibly know about the gay community than a 16 year straight boy.  You can't even hear your arrogance, can you?
from someone who won't even attempt to try to understand other points of view like religion or conservatism,
  • False.  I was raised in a Roman Catholic, very conservative community founded by Spiro Agnew.    Trust me when I say what you conservatism today bears no resemblance to the Americans conservatism of twenty or thirty years ago.  Republicans have become Fascists very much in the fashion of 1930's Germany- autocrats hunting for scapegoats to exterminate.
You have no justification for threatening me with war or "eradication"
  • I have not threatened anyone in any way. I don't think you understand that we didn't start this culture war. 
We didn't give porn to 3rd graders.
  • Nobody does.
We didn't show kids illegal drag stripper. performances.
  • Rudy Giuliani, anybody?  Drag performances used to be a staple of prime tv,
We didn't try to chemically castrate kids with the same drugs we give to pedophiles.
  • Nobody does
We didn't try to normalize pedophiles by calling them MAPs.
  • That's good Psychiatric Science.  Donald Trump, for example, is not a pedophile but he has been famously open about his attraction to minors.
We didn't try to ruin women's opportunity's by letting men compete in their sports. 
  • I don't think that was the intent of the trans teen athletes and I think you are kind of evil if you thinks that was their intent.
We didn't try to sexualize kids at a young age. 
  • Objectively and as a matter of history, Conservatives have ALWAYS fucked way more kids than Liberals.  Read your bible.  Read the history of  US Legislation.  Feminism, again, was the primary force in  the US for updating protections from child sex abuse and Conservatives consistently resisted such updates.   In the '70s, Walter Mondale led the charge to create a national standard for criminalizing pedophilia and  child sex abuse over considerable Conservative objections.  
    • It is NOT a coincidence that child sex abuse prosecution dropped to almost zero during the Trump administration- those are Trump's best donors and in the case of Jeff Epstein- his next door neighbor and underage MIami night club wing man.